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April 06, 1939 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1939-04-06

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Semni-Finals Of Women's Intramural Debate Series ill Be Held

! Today

Today's Victors
To Enter Finals
After Vacation
Susidized Iutercollegiate
Athletics Wil Be Subject
Of Debate I, Angell Hall]
Semi-finals in the women's intra-
mural debate series will be held at
4 p.m. today in Room 1025. Angell
Hall. Students and faculty mnem-
bers are invited to attend.
Josephine Kift, '40, and Margaret
McDermott, '4Ed, of Zeta Ta. Al-
pha, will debate the affirmative side
of the question, Resolved: that in-
tercollegiate athletics should be sub-
sidized." Mary Martha Taylor, '41,
and Jean Maxted, '41, of Martha
Cook, will uphold the negative side
of the proposition.
Anne Hawley, '40, co-chairman of
the contest, will act as chairman.
The winner of today's debate will
enter the finals against Zenovia Sko-
ratko, '40, and Dorcas Corrin, Grad.,
representing Alumnae House and Jor-
dan Hall. The final contest will be
held following Spring. Vacation.
League Points To Be Given t
Initial speeches will be limited to
seven minutes, and four minutes will
be allowed for each rebuttal. Since
this will be the fourth time which
the teams have debated the proposi-
tion, it is expected that substantial
arguments pro and con subsidization
will be presented.
League points will be given to each
debater who has taken part in the
contest, the winners being given the
greatest niumber. The debates are
sponsored by the Undergraduate
Council of the League for the pur-
pose of allowing women interested in
debating to obtain some practical
New Bonnets Are
QOfLuscious Colors,
Precarious Shapes
Either you like them or you simply
can't stand them-there's no middle
ground when it comes to Easter bon-
nets of the current season. If you're
short you adore the towering crowns,
if you're brunette you like the fan-
tastic shades they come in. If you're
neither you stick to neat little turbans
or conservative rollers.
Like the new shoes, hats are mostly
just top pieces held on by a strap
across the back. They tilt precarious-
ly over one eye and then tower high
above the brim, giving something of
the effect of the Leaning Tower of
Pisa. They're fun, though-one has
to admit that.
You can find them in all'shades of
lavender, in chartreuse, shades of
pink, in burnt straw, wine, yellow,
prints, even white. White is the most
amazing note of the season., After
years of using navy, black or wine
with smart spring suits, we find that
designers have finally braved the con-
ventionalities and suggest white for
use in accessories. It's particularly
good because so many suits have
touches of white in collar or pockets.
Another surprising trend in hats
which the smart shopper will do wellt
to keep in mind is that they don't
have to match other parts of the cos-
tume. Instead of hat, purse and glovest
of the same color, the hat stands alone
in many Easter outfits. Colors tooI
tartling to be worn in quantity may
befound only in the hat.-.
Whatever you choose, be it doll hat
or roller, church ought to be as much f
fun as a Western movie this Easter. I

Moping On The Mall
By Meanderin' Minnie
After bulling with Minnie's kin (Professor Maier's rats), those little
animals which are explaining why you and she go 'nutty,' we had to attend
to our social duties. By dint of much exploration we found that niost of
/ ~ the campus was preparing to go home for
Easter. That is, the one who didn't have four
bluebooks this week was getting ready. But there
were a few- courageous people who didn't let
bluebooks interfere, (maybe they plan their
Anyway, when Minnie meandered down to
the WAA building with us to get, some exercise,
we found Betty Meyers and Frances Hendrich
== were at the bowling alleys with the same pur-
pose in mind,.
Back at the League; to enjoy the atmos-
phere, we encountered Marcia Connell, and cohorts, in earnest discussion
with Mrs. Conger of the alumnae office. Even Minnie couldn't find out
what it was all about.
Betty Whitely was waiting for her publicity committee for the "Puddle
Jump" to gather. In fact, all the freshmen women have been busy as little
bees working on costumes and floor show to make the project the biggest
and bestest ever.
Minim Got Stubbrn .. .
And just to show she wasn't prejudiced, Minnie also visited the Union
Coffee Hour Tuesday. The publications.staffs were 'specially invited. Minnie
refuses to tell who was there.
Anyway, she just couldn't let the WAA installation pass without her
special atteQ'tion, so down she went . . . and there were a lot of other
people there too, believe it or not (quote). The new high mucky muck,
Harriet Sharkey, was looking overwhelmed by it all; but quite at home too.
(Wonder why no one calls her- Hattie?)
Frances Anderson, Mary Mae Scoville, Sally Conney, Florence Carl-
sum, Buffy White and Jeannette Stickels were helping celebrate the big
Bobbie Epstein, last year's baseball manager, was awarded a prize for
outstanding service to the WAA. Wasn't that nice? It was all wrapped up
and she had to open it and show it off so we got a peek
. . . it . . . an apple.
Also at the WAA, we saw Lou Carpenter and Aggie
Crow in a heated ping pong game in the ping pong tourna-
Helen Douglas, former women's editor, was in town
Wednesday, and Minnie saw the Daily women's staff
running away from all their work to have a gab fest with
Under pressure from James Halligan, Union publicity -
star, Minnie was finally forced to print the names of some of the people who
were there. Jane Jewitt: was complairAng about the cold-until someone kind-,
ly shut the window for her. Annabel Dredge, Don Treadwell and Jim Wells,
were commenting on how successful the Coffee Hours have been. (Yester-
day was the last one) Max Hodge was there too, but Minnie doesn't recog-
nize Parrot hounds! .
Everybody has been making plans this week . . . and not just to goc
home either. Crop and Saddle are planning their Horse Show for this
spring. Ellen St. John has been mightly worried over the decorations for
Michigras, which the WAA is planning-with the help of a few other
people. WAA is also planning Lantern Night. And Minnie has heard of
plans to broadcast the Newman Club dance.
Did Somebody Mention Gargoyleg .,
Back home again, we saw Betty Pusch modeling for-that! magazine.
(She thinks they call it the 'Gargoyle').
And speaking of the Garg (if we must speak of it)-(copied from a
recent movie-even Minnie runs out of ideas) the people who 'work' on it
must be fresh air hounds. We went down to their office-(you have to
go down to get to it)-and found them gaily sitting there with all the
windows open. Minnie left.

Mrs. Roosevelt
Helps In Drive
Against Cancer
Field Army Backs Move
For Control Of Disease
With Radio Broadcasts
'A recent statement by Mrs. Frank-
lin Roosevelt,ahonorary chairma of
the Women's Field Army of the
American Society for the Control of
Cancer, has done much to help the
Society in its April membership
drive, Mrs. Cyrus C. Sturgis, publicity
chairman for Ann Arbor, has an-
Mrs. Roosevelt's statement follows:
"The Women's Field Army is doing
good work. against one of the most
.erious, diseases that threatens health
and life. Through meetings, radio.
programs, and conferences, the Army
teaches men and women the symp-
toms of cancer and the vital impor-
tance of early diagnosis and treat-
Careful Methods Planned
"The goal of the Army is an ex-
cellent one and its methods have
been carefully planned. Education is
a slow process but eventually the
Army hopes to save thousands of
lives through education. I share this
hope and urge each one to give thel
Army some measure of support."
Dr. Thomas Parran, Surgeon Gen-
eral of the United States Public,
Health Service, has stated: "The
fight against cancer is one of thej
most difficult and one of the most
important everrwaged against any
disease. The rallying cry is more
than a passing slogan. It is the cen-
tral theme for continuing the educa-
tional drive which the Women's Field
Army is undertaking.
Public Health Aspects Recognized
"The states are beginningsto recog-
nize the public health aspects of
cancer and several are making plans
for increased service in behalf of re-
search and treatment. New instances
of aid by private philanthropy have
been announced recently.
"All these developments are en-
couraging and should spur us on in
our efforts to defeat this great enemy
which ranks second among the
causes of death in our country. 'I
hope th Women's Field Army will
continue and expand its valuable edu-
cational program"

To Sin gWith1Band

Women Of Kent State Discuss

"Colleges have come a long way
from the day when young men's
manners were the exclusive concern
of the dean of men," blonde Jean
Ulmer, Homecoming Queen, and
brunette Marjory Dunfee, students
at Kent State University in Ohio, ex-
plained to several hundred attentive
listeners, when they personally con-
ducted a session condemning campus
date behavior, recently, according to
the April 1 issue of the Marquette
Mining Journal.
The male flirt is strictly bad news,
Miss Ulmer said; especially the kind
that "expects a girl to kiss him good
night when she's only spent two or
three hours with him."
At this point, Miss Ulmer shook
her head sadly; and turned to more
practical matters. Another endear-
ing type of man, she told the room-
ful of prospective dates, is the man
who fritters away two dollars in a
slot machine, and then condescends
"to throw a 10-cent hamburger our
way for a 'meal'." Miss Dunfee held
out for dates with more brains, say-
ing "they are important in the social
This unique method of teaching the
feminine view-point on manners to
young men is a device used of neces-



Bill Sawyer's orchestra will fea-
ture Virginia Lee as guest soloist
at Newman Club Forlmal, which
will be held Friday, April 21 at the
Union. Sawyer's orchestra is one of
the largest on campus, and is well-
known for its entertaining novel-
ties, and special arrangements.

The dormitory board, a division of
Assembly, elected the following of-
ficers at a meeting held at 5 p.m.
yesterday in the Kalamazoo Room
of the League.
Sally Manthei, '40, was elected
president; Ellen Redner was chosen
vice-president; Rosalyn Fellman is
secretary and treasurer, and Barbara
Johnson is program chairman. All
these women have been active in As-
sembly committees of various kinds.




Michigan Dames
Discuss Fashions
Spring fashions was the subject of
the program presented by the Mich-
igan Dames at the pre-Easter meet-
ing of the group held Tuesday in
the League.
A sketch, "The Do's and Dont's of
Dress" was presented by the Charm
Group, of which Mrs. Gardner Ack-
ley is chairman. The skit opened
with a bridge game in process, the
four women discussing spring ward-
robes finally giving up the game to
work out a "truth session" on clothes.
Featured in the program. was a dis-
play of basic wardrobe,. possible on
a moderate income, which would be
of practical use for a trip to either
of the world's fairs this summer. Em-
phasis was placed on having clothes
for all types of weather, and on ser-
viceable and comfortable shoes.

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Michigan Student Wins
Prize On Radio Hour
Mary McClure, '39, brought. home
the prize from this week's Number
Please radio hour Wednesday. The
only one of eight contestants who
could name the three songs which
she drew, Miss McClure won on the
first elimination.
New York and Broadway were the
subjects of this week's songs. Elise
Reeder, '39, accompanied Miss Mc-
Clure but was called out on her first
song, a World War number called
"Rose of Washington Square."
Potted plants whose leaves take on
an unhealthy tinge during winter as
a result of steam heat usually respond
to a dose of tea. Apply when water-
ing the plants.



of Al



Good .Food



615 East William Street

Monday, April 1, 8:30 a. m.n
All orders with rernit tances to cover
received prior to Friday, April 14, 1939;
5 P.M:, will be filled in advance.

We handle all details promptly,
rand guarantee delivery.

See SCHILLER'S Hats Fjrst!


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