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April 06, 1939 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1939-04-06

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Women's Lack
Of Objectivity
HitBy Reporter
Detroit Free Press Book
Editor Specifies Reason
For Press Prejudice
Lack of objectivity in reporting
stories is responsible for the fact that
few women reporters are hired on
metropolitan newspapers, according
to Helen Bowers, book editor of the
Detroit Free Press, who spoke here
yesterday afternoon under the aus-
pices of the journalism department.
Although women have made consid-
erable inroads in the fields of society
reporting, home economics, columns
and advice to the lovelorn, the num-
ber of women working directly under
the city editor is small, she said. The
"daring" woman reporter braving
numerous dangers and "scooping the
town" is pretty much of a Hollywood
-myth, she explained.
The prejudice against feminine
journalists broke down after the
World War, Miss Bowers stated and
since then women have held posi-
tions ranging from publisher down.
Just bow far a woman gets in this
field is still largely a matter of indi-
vidual ability, she concluded, citing
Eleanor Roosevelt and Dorothy
Thomhpson as examples of women who
have made a name for themselves.
Foreign Center
Remains Opel
Organization To Sponsor
Spring Vacation Program
The International Center will be
open from 8:30 a.m. to 10 p.m. every
day during Spring Vacation for both
foreign and American students re-
maining in Ann .Arbor, according to
Howard Holland, Grad., assistant
director of the Center.
Highlights of the Center's vacation
program are two trips, one to Jack-
son and Battle Creek and another t
Adrian. The first trip, leaving Ann
Arbor at 8 a.m. Tuesday, will include
a tour of Jackson Prison, food fac-
tories at Battle Creek and the Kellogg
Sanitarium. The second trip, leaving
at 12 noon Thursday, April 14, is a
tour through the Starr Common-
wealth for Boys, a modern school for
delinquents. Those interested in eith-
er trip should register at the office
of the International Center.
Other events on the Center's vaca-
tion calendar are an intramural night,
Saturday at the Intramural Building;
an informal social hour at 7 p.m. Sun-
Sunday; basketball game at 2 p.m.
Wednesday between the Chinese team
and a mixed foreign and American
team ending the Center's cage season;
a hike up the Huron River April 14,
with the usual recreation program
at 8 p.m. the same day; and a radio
concert featuring the New York Phil-
harmonic Orchestra at 2 p.m. Satur-
day, April 15, an the Center lounge.

University Symphony Orchestra Will Present Fourth Concert Tonight

Democratic Alliance Needed
To Stop Hitler, DeWeerd Says
Every democratic nation in the will have complete authority to deter-
world now realizes that to preserve I mine to whom we shall sell goods of


world security it is necessary to stop
Hitler's rule by force, Prof. H. A. De-
Weerd, of Dennison College, declared;
here yesterday at a Rotary Club meet-
"These last two weeks of March,
1939, have been the most eventful in
the history of the world since the
World War," he said.
The triumphant march bf the Nazi
government into Czechoslovakia, Ru-
mania, and Memel during those weeks
has changed the whole pattern of
modern history, he pointed out.
"Today France and Great Britain
realize that they must halt Hitler.
Until last week none of them thought
it worthwhile to take the risk of fight-
ing the powerful German army and
England is holding conferences now
with the diplomats of Poland, Profes-
sor DeWeerd continued, and is at-
tempting to form an anti-Germany
pact that will include Russia.
But the problem of forming an alli-
ance that will insure Russian support
would be difficult, he said. with Rus-
sia compelled to march across the
plains of Poland, before she will be
able to use her troops in a war against
"The government of Poland realizes
this fact, and the last thing they
want is to have an army from the
Soviet marching across their nation,
stirring unrest among the already
large Polish peasantry."
Hitler may have made a fatal mis-
take when he took non-German
peoples into the Reich by his last coup,
Professor De Weerd statedt
He pointed to the Polish corridor
and the Ukraine as the focal points
where Hitler will probably strike next.
He attacked the efforts by United
States congressmen to revise our neu-
trality policy so that the President
Steere Goes To Puerto RIco
Dr. William C. Steere, associate
professor of botany and research asso-
ciation in the University herbarium,
will go to Puerto Rico next fall as an
exchange professor.

Citizens of the United States must
study international affairs closely if
they are to become intelligent voters,
he warned.
"A few years ago it didn't take any
knowledge of the map of Europe to
vote. Today some of our most im-
portant national decisions depend on
the international situation."
(Continued from Page 4)
the morning, at the general offices of
the School of Music, 325 Maynard St.
All orders with remittances to cover
received prior to Friday, April 14,
5 p.m., will be selected in advance of
the public sale.
Physical Education, Women Stu-
cents: The outdoor season which
offers classes in tennis, golf, archery,
canoeing and camp-craft, will begin
on Monday, April 17. Anyone wish-
ing to enroll for one of these classes
should do so before spring vacation
in office 15, Barbour Gymnasium.
A Graduate Council Dance will be
held Saturday, April 8, in the ball-
room of the Rackham Building.
Dancing will be from 9-12 p.m. and
refreshments will be served. The
dance is especially for all graduate
students remaining on campus dur-
ing vacation.
The Graduate Outing Club is, in-
vited to attend the dance given by
the Graduate Council Saturday, April
8, 9-12 p,m. in the Ballroom of the
Rackham Building. The club has
planned an outing for students on
campus during vacation. The group
will meet at the Northwest door of
the Rackham Building, Thursday,
April 13, at 2:30 p.m. When they
return supper will be served in the
club room. Faculty members and
all graduate students are welcome.


The University of Michigan Symphony Orchestra,, composed of 92 students, under the direction of Thor Johnson, will present the fourth in a,
series of free concerts 8:30 tonight in Hill Auditorium. Feature of the program will be Wagner's "Good Friday Spell" from his sacred music drama,

Dean Otto Heller
To Give Lecture
On Goethe Here
The meaning of Goethe in the
modern world will be discussed by Dr.
Otto Heller, Dean Emeritus of the
Graduate School of Washington Uni-
versity, St. Louis, in a lecture April
18, in the Rackham Amphitheatre
under the auspices of the German de-
partment, Prof. Henry W. Nordmeyer
of the department announced yester-
Dr. Heller, one time literary editor
of the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, and
former head of the German depart-
ment at Washington University, is
also going to lecture on "Ideals and
Ideas versus Facts and Figures in
Education" on the following after-
noon. In a recent letter to Professor
Nordmeyer, he designates himself as
"an implacable foe of educational
humbug and humdrum."
In thz; literas]y field, Dr. Teller has
always been a pioneer, Professor Nord-
meyer pointed out. He was one of the
first in this country to call attention
to Gerhlirt Hauptniann in his book,
"Studies in Modern German Litera-
ture," in 1905, when even in Germany
Hauptmann's reputation was not yet
solidly established. He was also one
of the first Americans to make an ex-
tensive study of Henrik Ibsen.
In his recent book, "Faust and
Faustus," Dr. Heller compared the
"Faust" of Goethe and "Dr. Faustus"
o . Marlowe, attempting to prove
(octhc's in deb tediess. According to
Profe' !:.Nordmeyer, lie 1 as also
cedi e(n a Iw num er of textbooks,
wli l" te cin German alnd modern
+,?if~jt ~1 l'=r41Cs. not0 lpentioni
niiiit~roT; o~ er worksj.
Dr. leller has been in Ann Arbor
but once bifore this lecture appear-
= nce, in 1920, when he attended the
inatu guratUon of President Burton as
a delegate from Washington Universi-
"Sable Cicada," the only Chinese
mimade moving picture ever to be ac-
corded American release, will be
shown here Friday apd Saturday,
May 5 and 6, by the Chinese Students
The story of Cicada, or chirping
cricket, a Chinese maiden, is a classic
known as the Romance of the Three
Kingdoms, covering a period of Chi-
nese history abolt 200 A.D. Tickets
may be obtained this week and after
vacation at the League and the Union.
Profits from the production will be
sent to the American Bureau for
Medical Aid to China in New York.

Chicago May Swing 1940 Election


WASHINGTON, April 5.-(AP)-Ex-
pectations that Illinois might be a
pivotal state in next year's presiden-
tial race were heightened by results
of the Chicago mayoral contest.
Re-election of the Democratic may-
or Edward J. Kelly caused no surprise,
but the showing made by his Re-
publican opponent, Dwight H. Green,
brought new Republican assertions
that last November's groundswell in
their favor was still in motion.
A Republican victory would have
been a dramatic prelude for 1940.
Chicago has had but half a dozen Re-
publican administrations in its his-
tory. None but the most optimistic
party leaders had expected Green's
election yet the fact caught attention
that he received the largest vote ever
recorded for a Republican mayoral
candidate and nearly trebeled his
primary showing.
The Democratic organization de-
livered r]'(sults, however, making Kelly
the first Chicagoan to be accorded a
full decade of service as mayor. His

re-election means that the powerful
Cook County Democratic machinery
wil be available in 1940 to do battle
with down-state Illinois Republican
Offstage, at least, the Green vote
in Chicago afforded Democratic par-
ty harmony advocates fresh material
for their arguments. Illinois Demo-
crats have avoided any direct partici-
pation in, the party clash over 1940
tickets or policies, although Sen.
Scott W. Lucas, veteran of two house
terms, was elected as a Roosevelt
Democrat in 1938.,
Lucas' selection as spokesman for
a new middle western farm bloc in
the Senate, formed in connection
with the struggle over farm policy
making, had already attracted atten-
tion. It is an honor rarely ,accorded
Senate freshmen. Against the back-
ground of the Chicago mayoral re-
sults, some observers see the possible
development -of an Illinois favorite
son movement for Lucas in 1941 as a
checkmate to the drift to Vice-Presi-

dent Garner among some anti-Roose-
velt Democrats.l
An Illinois favorite son, whether
Lucas or some other, would afford at
least a parking place for the state's
58 Democratic National Convention
votes until the situation as to actual
1940 intentions, both of President
Roosevelt and Vice-President Garner,
is clarified.
The middle west is likely to rally
sufficient Democratic favorite son
strength in various.states in 1940 to
give that area, scene of the heaviest
Democratic party losses in 1938, at
least a veto position on candidates.
It affords a possible direct challenge
to the. Garner movement among
southern Democrats At war with the
Roosevelt administration.
Some Democratic national leaders
say privately that the state may be
the dominant'factor not only in shap-
ing the party ticket, but in the out-
come of the presidential election it-
self. Mayo; Kelly's re-election un-
questionably gives him an increasing-
ly important place in the narty


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G eoliigis Is Leave
lo7day ("fit en Pay
Trip rilitroutg East
Leaving on its fifth annual Spring
Vacation field trip through eastern
United States, Dr. Irving O. Scott's
class in Advanced Physiography pulls
out of Ann Arbor this afteicnoon in
four University station wagons.
Extinding as far cast as the Appal-
achian mountains and as far southi
as Tennessee, the ,roup's itinerary
will cover approximately 2,000 miles.
The purpose of the trip is io observe
as many distinct types bf topography
as possible.
The first day the group will view
glaciated country and old lake beds.
With Williamsport as its objective the
class will cross the Allegheny plateau
and travel through the Finger Lake
country in New York. The next few
days will take the group through the
"ridge and valley" topography and
the coastal plains.
On the way from Washington to
the Luray caverns in Virginia they
will take the Sky Line drive, 2,500
feet up in the Blue Ridge mountains.
The class will also transverse' the
Big Smokies in Tennessee and arrive
in Monticello on April 14. From here
the group will travel north through
the Blue Grass country and arrive
home by way of Ohio, once more ob-
serving glacial topography.
In ten days the twenty-three mem-
bers of the class will have crossed at
least twice the seven greatI physical
provinces of eastern United States.
Hopwood Winner's
Play To e Gi'en
The University High School's Junior
Class has chosen for its annual class
play, "The Bean and the Cod" by
Wallace A. Bacon of the English de-
partment. The play will be given at
8:15 p.m. April 21 and 22 at the

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