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March 24, 1939 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1939-03-24

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m1miur. 1Vx aT ,CTI 4, 1939



FRtTh~Y, 1~IAIWfl 24, 1939 PM~t ~

AQUA COCKTAIL: The circus has
just about arrived . . . Add to
Wednesday's attractions the repre-
sentatives of Yale,. Harvard, Prince-
ton, Minnesota, Iowa, Franklin and
Marshall, Pennsylvania, Columbia,
and Rochester--among others . .
Bob Kiphuth of Yale brought in
seven swimmers, five more to arrive
today . . . Ohio is here in toto and
worrying about diver Earl Clarke who
incurred a leg injury in the after-
noon . . . A good sized crowd watched
the troupe go through the rounds yes-
terday afternoon and wondered where
Princeton's representatives were hid-
ing . . . Vande Weghe, Hough, Van
Oss, and Co. had worked out in the
early afternoon . .'. Add nonchalant
swimmers: Chaley Barker, who is
about as concerned as a man taking
a bath should be . . . Add not-non-
chalant swimmers: Walt Tomski who
is like a colt until activities com-
mence. . .
son has quite a cosmopolitan group.
representing the southwestern insti-
tution . . . Of his squad of 13, three
are from Buffalo, one from Chicago,
one from Florida, and two from De-
troit . . . Texas Capt. John "Hondu"
Crouch isn't swimming this year ...
He wanted another year of compe-
tition. . . Incidentally, Robertson has
little worries with freshman Flana-
gan and sophomore Kiefer around . .
. . Adolph didn't like that "flabby"
remark penned here . . . Sartorial
Note: Some of the southwesterners
favor cowboy boots but on the whole
they're just ordinary letter-wearers.
LISTENING IN: That 1500 meter
swim this morning is 65 lovely
laps plus about 15 yards ... Parlay:
Jim Welsh to beat Kiefer in the 1500
meter and Haynie to do likewise in
the quarter . . . If you're wondering
just how fast Princeton's Captain
Hough is, his time in the 100 yard
breast stroke lap of the medley relay
(flying start) at the Eastern Inter-
collegiates was 59.2 . . . Both Tex
Robertson and Stanley Brauniger of
Chicago claim credit for discovering
Kiefer, but you can't prove it by
Adolph . .. Michigan is being con-
ceded the title in practically every
quarter during the warm-ups but
watch out for surprises! .. . Just a
hunch ...
* figured out. I should agree with
him, for he's been following this beat
since November. But that would
leave The Dily without protection,
so I do not concur. The evidence,
Doctor F:
1500 Meters: First Kiefer (Texas)
or Welsh (Mich.), (3) Stonhope (O.),
(4) Cutler (Harvard), (5) Lowe (Ill.).
50-Yard Free Style: (1) Tomski
(Mich.), (2) Barker (Mich.), (3) Wolf
(USC), (4) Walter (Georgia), (5)
Armstrong (Dart.).
150-Yard Back Stroke: (1) Vande
Weghe (2) Beebe (Mich.), (3) Burns
(Yale), (4) Brandt (Minn.), (5) Grif-
fin (Kenyon).
220-Yard Free Style: (1) Kiefer,
(2) Haynie (Mich.). (3) Welsh
(Mich.), (4) Good (Yale), (5) Quayle
One Meter Dive: (1) Patnik (Ohio),
(2) Clarke (Ohio), (3) Benham
(Mich.), (4) Greenhood (Harvard),
(5) Feigel (Ind.).
Medley Relay: (1) Princeton, (2)
Ohio, (3) Yale, (4) Michigan, (5)
100-Yard Free Style: (1) Tomski

(Mich.), (2) Quayle (Ohio), (3) Good
(Yale), (4) Wolf (USC) (5) Bark-
er, (Mich.).
20-Yard Breast Stroke: (1) Hough
(Princeton), (2) Higgins (Ohio), (3)
Callahan (Columbia), (4) McKee
(Ohio), (5) Haigh (Mich).
440-Yard Free Style: (1) Haynie,
(2) Kiefer, (3) Welsh, (4) Stanhope,
(5) Cutler.
Three Meter Dive: (1) Patnik, (2)
Clarke (3) Greenhod, (4) Benham,
(5) Brink (Texas).
Free-Style Relay: (1) Michigan,
(2) Ohio, (3) Yale, (4) Northwestern,
(5) F&M.1
All of which makes the final stand-
ings read:
Michigan ..............60


Colle"giate Swimming

Meet Starts


F41i Threat in Spvint-q

Johnny Good, captain of the Yale
swimming team, who is one of the
favorites in the National Collegi-
ates 100 yard free-style race. Good
won this race at the recent Eastern
Intercollegiates in the fast time of
,Schedule Of Event
10 a.m.-1500 Meter Free Style

Fancy diving, one
board) preliminaries.
2:30 p.m. -50-Yard

meter (low
Free Style

Exhibiion of 30 minutes of
qualifying divers (low board).
50-yd. free style semi-finals.
150-yd. back stroke time trials.
220-yd. free style time trials.
320-yd. medley relay time trials.
8 p.m. 50-Yard Free Style Finals.
150-yd. back stroke finals.
220-yd. free style finals.
One meter (low board) diving
300-yd. medley relay finals.
2:30 p.m.-100-yd free style time
200-yd. breast stroke time trials.
440-yd. free style time trials.
Three meter (high board) fancy
diving preliminaries.
400-yd. relay time trials. p
8 p.m.-100-yd. free style finals.
200-yd. breast stroke finals.
440-yd. free style finals.
Three meter (high board) fancy
diving finals.
400-yd relay finals.
Freshman Thinclads
Suffer First Defeat
The Michigan freshman track
team, participating in three dual
postal track meets simultaneously,
tasted defeat for the first time this,
season when they emerged on the
short end of the scores in their en-
counters with the Iowa and Indiana
frosh squads.
However, the Wolverine yearlings
retained some measure of satisfaction
from the fact that they defeated the
Purdue thinclads by the score of 60
to 44.. The results of the losses read:
Iowa 51, Michigan 48; and Indiana
53, Michigan 51.
Three Michigan trackmen turned
in performances that topped those
of any of their respective opponents.
Bill Coffman's :51.6 was unexcelled by
any of the quarter-milers; Charlie
Decker's 12-feet, 6-inches led the
pole-vaulters; while Larry Gluck, a
lad who is beginning to display real
form in the broad jump, leaped 21-
feet, 111/-inches to lead the field in
that event.
Texas ...................21
Yale ....................19
Harvard ................ 8
Northwestern .............4
USC .................... 3
Columbia ................ 3
Georgia ................. 2
Minnesota ...............2
Dartmouth ..............1
Indiana ................1
Kenyon .................1 y

Sixth Stvraight
Crow Is Goal
Of Wolverines
(II. h Stte Ratted Second
1VlaeyIij 1amfetlri g (lal'kr
the completion of a full gainor. The
Ohio sophomore was rushed to the
hospital but X-rays revealed nothing
worse than a bruise. He will dive to-
Two records seem predestined to
fall in the two day meet while three
others hang precariously near the
brink of erasure. Vande Weghe should
erase his own year old 150-yard back
stroke of 1:34.2 and the Tiger med-
ley team of Vande Weghe, Dick Hough
and Ned Parke can better their time
of 2:54.7.
Others May Fall
Walt Tomski, who has traveled 50
yards in 22.9, might better Ed Kirar's
and Charles Flachman's time of 23
flat; Hough has done better than
Jack Kasley's mark of 2:22.5 set in
1936 and the Michigan relay team is
capable of knocking some' time off
their own mark of 3:32.2 set in 1937.
The entrance of Quayle into the 220
still leaves Kiefer and Michigan's
Tom Haynie and Jimmy Welsh as
the favored trio with the Buckeye
sprinter, Yale's Johnny Good, Har-
vard's Eastern Intercollegiate cham-
pion, Bill Curwin and Parke making
things tough.
In the 440, Stanhope, Eric Cutler,
Harvard's Eastern king, and Capt.
Bob Lowe of Illinois all join the Kief-
er, Welsh, Haynie triumverate.
The 100-yard free style will be an-
other toss-up with Tomski as slight
favorite. The Big Ten champion who
has swum 52.1, the fastest time of
the year and the fifth fastest in col-
legiate history, faces competition
from Quayle, his one-time conquerer,
Paul Wolf, U.S.C. Olympian, Jack
Miller of F&M and Good.
Field Is Outclassed
Hough may experience some trouble
with Olympic swimmer Johnny Hig-
gins of Ohio but the two will leave
a fast but outclassed breast stroke
field far behind. Justin Callahan of
Columbia, third last year behind
Hough and Higgins, Ohio's Alex Mc-
Kee, back in shape after a siege of
the mumps, Mike Soika of Texas, Ed
Gesner of Yale and Johnny Haigh,
Michigan's fourth placehwinner last
year, round out the competitors.
Al Patnik of Ohio, undefeated in
two years, isn't going to turn over a
new leaf here. Russ Greenhood of
Harvard, undefeated in the East this
year, and Michigan's Hal Benham
should pusi the injured Clark.
Michigan s free style relay team of
Tomski, Barker, Ed Hutchens and
Haynie should take the free style with
Ohio pushing it.
The meet will open today at 10 a.m.
with the 1500 meters. There will be
preliminaries this and tomorrow af-
ternoon and finals in five events to-
night and tomorrow night at 8 p.m.
Fountain Pens
302 S. State St.

Fisher Seeks To
Staff Of Barr
Three weeks of intensive work in
the batting cages have convinced
Coach Ray Fisher that Jack Barry,
Russ Dobson, and Danny Smick are
his best bets for pitching duty. Now
one of Fisher's main duties is to pick
out his prospective second-stringers
from an assorted lot of candidates.
The first few days of outdoor prac-
tice should in part tell what can be
expected of the aforementioned trio.
With Dobson and Smick doubtful
quantities at best, there is more than
a possibility, that there will be room
for newcomers to step in and play
leading roles.
Finnish Nation
Making Plaits
NEW YORK, March 23.-()-The
Finns, notable in America as long
distance runners and folk who come
up with a fistful of folding money
when the war debt installments come
due, are preparing for the 1940
Olympiad. They promise it will be
free from politics and propaganda, a
direct return to the sports for sports
sake principle.
Uhro Toivola, director of the press
bureau of Finland's Ministry of
Foreign Affairs, is here and when he
says every Finn will have a direct
interest in the games he is not jok-
ing. The government has granted
rights to make Olympic ties, boots,
and sweaters to Finnish firms. Every-
one in Finland is buying the articles
and two per cent of the profits goes
to the Olympic fund.
"We have appropriated $6,000,000
for the games," Toivola said. "The
government of Finland gave two-
thirds of it.
"I want to point out that this
doesn't seem a great deal contrasted
with the budgets for the Los Angeles
and Berlin games. But I must empha-
size the Finnish committee and the
Finnish people want to come as close
as possible to the old Olympic idea
of sports for sports sake."
The Finns aren't planning a mam-
moth stadium. It will have a capacity
of 63,000. The other Stadia for swim-
ming, rowing, riding and the other
minor Olympic sports also will be
smaller than usual.
Attention swimming fans! Mr.
Harry Tillotson has announced
that tickets for Friday night's fin-
als are still available and may be
had throughout the day. Tickets
for the preliminaries held Friday
and Saturday afternoon are also
still available, and may be had at
the Administration Building.

y, Dobson, Smick
From the ranks of last year's re-
serves, John Heering and Ralph Bit-
tinger have the best chances. Heer-
iug is a senior southpaw with a world
of stuff, who has never quite lived up
to the bright future predicted for
him a few years ago. Using an un-
orthodox delivery, John is the fastest
pitcher on the squad. His one flaw
is lack of control, a weakness which
has relegated him to the bench in his
sophomore and junior years. For-
tunately Heering isn't the eccentric
type of lefty who flares up when a
wild streak comes on, and hence be-
comes wilder. His trouble is that the
streaks come on too often, a diffi-
culty which hard work should cor-
Bittinger falls in another category.
While Heering may develop into any-
thing from the ace of the staff to a
total washout, big Ralph will never
be a star, but almost certainly will be
of value. Although possessing a lim-
ited assortment of stuff, Ralph is an
intelligent workman and is one of
those rubber armed fellows who never
tires. He should make a good reliefC
The sophomores most likely to
come through are Les Veigel, Lyle
Bond and Mickey Stoddard. Veigel, a
rangy right-hander with more na-
tural ability than any man on the
squad, Dobson excepted, needs to
work on his control. Otherwise he's
ready for Big Ten ball. Bond has
one of those cocksure mound atti-
tudes which is one of the primary as-
sets of a pitcher. His fast ball is
good, as is his control, but he needs
to develop a change of pace.
Stoddard has an excellent curve
ball, but it is doubtful whether his
straight one is speedy enough to get
him by. Mickey's advantage is that
despite his sophomore standing, he's
played a lot of ball, more than most
of his team-mates. His experience
should make him valuable in a relief
Tiger Errors Gives
Cardinals 8-6 Win
IkKELAND, Fla., March 23.-()-
The Detroit Tigers could do nothing
right today and as a result they lost
another Grapefruit League baseball
game-this one to the St. Louis Card-
inals, of the National League, by an
8 to 6 score. In other spring defeats
Detroit has looked fairly good even
in defeat but even the most loyal
PsenL~al sunnorr oldfindimucih.

Phys Eds Also Take Title'
In Free Throw Event
Chi Phi won the I-M fraternity
free throw championship and the
Phys Ed team walked off with top ,
Independent honors in the two-day
tournament that was concluded yes-
terday with 500 students participat-
In the fraternity division the Chi
Phi shotsmen sank 186 out of a pos-
sible 250 baskets while Phi Delta
Theta in second place tallied 178
points. Sigma Chi was third with
177 buckets. Beta Theta Pi came in
fourth with a total of 173, one bas-
ket more than the fifth place Psi
Upsilon team scored.
In the Independent division the
Phys Eds topped the scoring with
189 points. The Wolverines, Sena-
tors, Badgers and Fletcher Hall fol-
lowed in that order.
Phi Delta Theta and the Has Beens
will defend their indoor track titles
next Tuesday when the I-M depart-
ment stages the annual Fraternity
and Independent meet at the Field
On the same day, the rifle shoot-
ing tourney will be held at the
ROTC Building. Each entry will be
charged 25 cents to cover the cost
of bullets.

PINEHURST, N.C., March 23.-P)
-With utter disregard of par, Byron
(Lord) Nelson of the wide open Tex-
as spaces walked off with $1,000 top
prize money today in the 72-hole
North and Sotlh Open Golf tourna-
The 27-year-old native Texan, who
makes his living teaching golf at
Reading, Pa., rattled off four consecu-
tive rounds of 71-68-70-71-280 on
the' par 72 layout.
Young Nelson, who did his turns
as caddy and railway clerk in Texas
before he started making a living
playing golf, was two strokes ahead
of tall Horton Smith of Oak Park,
Nelson's winnings here boosted him
into second place among the lead-
ing money winnerssof the winter
golf league, which has three more
tournaments to run.
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to cheer about after today.
In the field Detroit looked bad with
Hank Greenberg, Rudy York, Ervin
Fox and Benny McCoy committing
errors while the pitching turned in
by Alton Benton, John Tate, Lloyd
Dietz and Paul (Dizzy) Trout was
unimpressive, the quartet allowing 11
hits, three more than Detroit ob-
i Is







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05 to 40



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