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March 24, 1939 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1939-03-24

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FR1D-Y, -MARrCH U, 1939

PM~E -FOUR ?RIDA'YrMAJ&?H ~4, 1039


The Editor Gets Told .. .

Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of
Student Pubiications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
bniversity year and Sumo r session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
rights of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier,
$4.00; by mail, $4.50.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Rcjresntaiv
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1938-39
Board of Editors
Managing Editor . . . . Robert D. Mitchell
Editorial Director . . . Albert P. Maylo
City Editor . . . . . Horace W. Gilmore
Associate Editor . . . . Robert I. Fitzhenry
Associate Editor . . . . S. R. lelinan
Associate Editor . . Robert 'Perman
Associate Editor . . . . . Earl ilman
Associate Editor . . William Elvin
Associate Editor . . . . . Joseph Freedman
Book Editor . . . . . Joseph Gies
Women's Editor . . . . Dorothea Staebler
Sports Editor. . - . . . Bud Benjamin
Business Department
Business Manager . . Philip W. Buchen
Credit Manager . . . . Leonard P. Siegelman
Advertising Manager . . . William L. Newnan
Women's Business Manager . . Helen Jean Dean
Women's Service Manager . . . Marian A. Baxter
The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of the Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
Student Senate
And The Uiversity. .
C RITICISM of the Student Senate's
action in opposing the candidacy of
Harry G. Kipke for one of the regent's posts
should serve to focus attention on an underlying
problem, which has been little appreciated by
students thus far.
That problem is the need and place of such
an organization as the Senate in the University.
In theory the Senate should be the representa-
' tive organization of the student. body. Elected
by proportional representation, the Senate should
reflect as adequately as any representative body
can, the different and conflicting interests and
opinions of the student body. While it would
have no power. to put its resolutions into effect,
it should, nevertheless, occupy the position of a
legislative organ of the students. It should ideally
concern itself with all the problems which affect
students directly and indirectly, and through
processes very similar to those occuring in our
real law-making bodies, it should come to crys-
tallize into some definite and concrete proposals
the attitudes and aspirations of students. Ulti-
mately, it should be recognized by. the University
as the truly representative organization of the
students, and it is not too idealistic to hope that
some day its actions will be seriously considered
on matters of educational policy, student life and
living conditions.
Actually the Senate has had a difficult time
surviving in the face of widesprad student
apathy. This has been reflected in the great
number of absences of many or its members who
have failed to realize the obligation which they
contracted when they ran for office. It was and
is an obligation the more to be observed in the
light of the fact that the only way the student
senate can achieve its ultimate destiny as an
integral part of a democratic educational system
is through the active cooperation of all its mem-
bers. It is essential, therefore, that prospective
candidates for the Senate in the coming elec-
tions of March 31 appreciate the responsibility
they undertake when they run for election, a
responsibility that bears heavily upon the whole
question of the right of students to ask a voice
in running the University.
-Albert Mayo

Radi Vs~ Te Press
Many debates, both in journalistic circles and
out, are waged on the subject of radio versus
newspapers. Many observers feel that broad-
casting of news bulletins undermines the circu-
lation as well as the influence of the press. Others
assert that the Drinted word will remain the
major public stand-by, even among regular
radio listeners.
An interesting light is thrown on the question
by comparative. figures just compiled by the cir-
culation department of this newspaper. A new
Pope was elected in 1922, another in 1939. News
of both elections came in mid-morning. In 1922,
there was no trans-Atlantic radio coverage; this
year, broadcasts described the event in great de-
tail. Yet the 1922 papal election sold only 1000
additional copies, while this year the extra sale
was estimated at from 4000 to 5000 copies.
Analysis of this seemina paradox shonldiij n

Harmon For Kipke . .
To the Editor:
When I left grade school and started high
school, I understood that the United States of
America was a land of free speech, free opinion,
and free voting. After reading the article in The
Daily on the action of the Student Senate con-
cerning Harry G. Kipke on his candidacy for
Regency, I am beginning to wonder as to the
validity of the phrase, "America, the land of the
free and the home of the brave." I have always
been told that in America one is allowed to have
his or her opinion. I have mine and from the
number of people I have talked to, it appears that
I am not alone in my beliefs. Perhaps I am
speaking out of turn by saying that the Student
Senate of the University of Michigan has no
business in going on record that they are speak-
ing the opinions of the student body of Michi-
gan. I will match them man for man with a
student who is in favor of Harry G. Kipke for
I would like to know where the Senate gets
their code of sportsmanship. One of the lowest
acts that a person can do is beat a man down
without giving him a chance, and this is exactly
what they are trying to do to Kip. I am willing
to bet that not m re than three members of the
Senate know Harry Kipke personally. I never
played football under him but I do know him as
a man and in my opinion he stands ace high. If
any of the members of the Senate had been
around at any of the times that Harry Kipke
talked of Michigan, they surely would hide their
faces in shame now. I dare the Senate or any
other organization of men in the State of Michi-
gan to produce a man who thinks more of the
University of Michigan than does Harry Kipke.
Mr. Perlman, '39, has so kindly announced that
he will give Kip a chance to change their minds
as soon as possible. Well, isn't that just dandy,
after they have all talked the subject. over and
set themselves to reject whatever Kip says. I
will still lay even money that. there will be a
good number of the Senators who will feel so
small that they will be able to crawl through a
keyhole when Kip finishes talking to them.
The main point of the opposition is that Harry
Kipke has not qualified himself for the office of
Regent. What are the qualifications for a Regent?
Can any of the Rege1ts now in office produce
a record better than Harry Kipke's? He has done
so much for this University, both during his col-
lege days and as an official of the University,
that I won't use the paper to tell of them because
they are all so well known. Many point out that
Kipke was fired out of here and that he will use
his regency to get back at the University. This
statement is so false that it almost makes me
laugh. First of all, since when is the Board of
Regents ruled by one man? Secondly, you are
speaking of a grown man who thinks more of his
University than anyone alive, not a child who
has just taken a terrific beating from a big boy
and swears revenge. Harry Kipke is a man with
a backbone made of solid steel, not rubber, and
if I know him, and I think that I do, he is a man
who possesses the courage to carry out his con-
I think that you should know that this is my
opinion and is not prompted by any member of
a political party. I do not claim to be a literary
writer of great renown, but I hope that this a-
tempt to express my opinion of the opinion of
others has been clearly placed before you. I like
Harry Kipke and I hold great respect for men of
his caliber. If the affairs of the University of
Michigan are placed in the hands of aman like
Harry Kipke, here is one little boy that will not
stay up nights worrying about the University.
-Tom Harmon
More Kipke
The resolution adopted by the Student.Senate,
representing the undergraduates of the Univer-
sity of Michigan, asking the voters to cast their
ballots against Harry G. Kipe, one of the two
Republican candidates for University Regent in
the April election, may have been "indiscreet,"
as Mr. Kipke hinted, but it certainly was not
"thoughtless," as he charged. It may well be in-
discreet for students of the University, many of
them under voting age, and some of them from
homes outside the State, to take part in a cam-

paign to decide the composition of the govern-
ing body. That is for the governing body to say.
But if the resolution was thoughtless, it was so
in the fact that it failed to consider one grave
point against Mr. Kipke's candidacy.
That point is that he owes his nomination to
an alliance between the Republican boss of Wayne
County and a representative of a manufacturing
company who is a close friend of Mr. Kipke. The
fact raises the question whether Mr. Kipke, if
elected, would represent the people of Michigan,
or the Republican boss and the representative
of the motor corporation, to whom he is politi-
cally indebted. What is their interest in the Uni-.
versity? That is the question which worries the
University's friends.
-W. K. Kelsey in The Detroit News
War And Peace
To the Editor:
With war threatening the world, it is unfor-
tunate that the peace movement. or at least the
organizations which supposedly desire and work
for international peace, should operate dividedly
and independently. But it is tragic that one such
group should, with calm deliberation, disrupt the
meeting of another. The disruption of the Mon-
day meeting of the Michigan Anti-War Commit-
be concluded, nevertheless, that radio is enlarg-
ing the audience interested in news developments,
°4:1i f. 51} 11 .'t tt f . miC{.tt R A - -- - inav ce

tee by the combined shock troops of the Ameri-
can Student Union and the Young Communist
League was a bitter example of this tactic.
Unfortunately for the campus the action of
the American Student Union and the Young
Communist League at this meeting was obscured
in The Daily report. The Daily story gives the
completely false impression that a large group of
students came down to help plan a strike against
war and became incensed when they were mal-
treated by the Michigan Anti-War Committee.
What happened is this: The Michigan Anti-
War Committee had called a meeting of its mem-
bers and supporters to plan an April 20th demon-
stration. Though uninvited, these "maltreated"
individuals were made welcome. They did not
come to plan an anti-war strike; they came to
capture it. Every possible American StudentI
Union and Young Communist League supporter
was brought for the purpose of taking the meet-
ing over. This was no spontaneous uprising.
Members of the American Student Union and
YoungCommunist League worked all Monday
afternoon telephoning people (and we can furn-
ish the names of those doing the phoning) in a
desperate attempt to move in on the meeting of
the Anti-War Committee. Some persons thus
invited had no idea of what they were coming
to; others came for the fun that had been pro-
It must have been strange indeed for the
American Student Union-Young Communist
League coalition to find that, not being members
of the Anti-War Committee, they had no vote. Do
non-members ordinarily have the right to vote
and take over an organization? Even in the
"democratic" American Student Union, on
members with membership cards are permitted
to vote; casual visitors are not allowed to formu-
late policy. As for the democratic nature of the
meeting, there certainly can be no complaint.
ASUers and YCLers were repeatedly given the
floor until the time when they left, after they
found capturing the meeting a little beyond their
Their tactics alone are evidence of their inten-
tions. They had already arranged for a hall in
which to meet after they walked out. They had
already picked Ellman Service to chair the meet-
ing. They immediately adopted the American
Student Union program upon convening their
meeting. Do these tactics suggest a "spontaneousI
The Michigan Anti-War Committee intends to
hold a campus-wide strike against war on April
20th, despite attempted disruption. The Commit-j
tee intends to run this strike on the basis of a
program designed to keep America out of war,
to let the people vote on whether they shall go
to war, to oppose the super-armament program,1
to sto the army's mobilization-day plans, and,
to unite the peoples of the world in a common<
struggle against all imperialistic war-makers.
To those who oppose war, we extend an invitation1
and an appeal to join with us in this dramatic
struggle to help keep America out of war. We
especially invite them to participate in the April
20th Strike-Against-War. We invite them to at-t
tend a meeting Thursday, March 30th at 8 p.m.
in Lane Hall at which Fay Bennett of the Youth
Committee Against War will speak.
--William Muehl,
For the Michigan Anti-War Committee
A Reply;
In reply to Mr. Muehl's letter, and as one who
walked out of the Anti-War Committee's meeting
Monday night, I should like to make the follow-
ing remarks:
The D.O.B. notice in' Saturday's Daily an-,
nouncing the meeting, read, "Anti-War Strike.
This year the national students' strike against
war will be held on April 20. Plans for the demon-
stration on the University of Michigan campus
are under way, sponsored by the local Anti-War
Committee and other campus organizations. Fo.
those interested there will be a meeting on Mon-
day, March 20, at 7:30 p.m. at Lane Hall to dis-
cuss the program, details, financial arrange-
ments and speakers, of whom John dos Passos
(sic) and Senator "Tyc have been contacted
I submit that the meaning of the above notice
appears clearly to be that anyone interested in
the peace strike could participate in the work
of the meeting. I was pleased upon arriving at

Lane Hall (without a single hand-grenade or
tommy gun in my pants pocket) to find a good-
sized gathering. A professor was sitting next to
me, and another behind me; neither of them,'I
think, are members of the A.S.U. or Y.C.L.
When the meeting began most of us present
were surprised to learn that instead of an open
meeting, as we had expected, it was a closed
meeting of the Anti-War Committee. As soon as
this was made clear, however, we adjourned
peacefully enough to an upstairs room not, inci-
dentally, hired in advance, leaving the meeting
in the possession of the dozen or so Anti-War
I don't know about the desperate phoning to
pack the meeting. I didn't phone anyone and no
one phoned me, but anyone interested in packing
the meeting, could have done so with a maximum
of 15 phone calls.
The meeting we held upstairs was absolutely
open to everyone interested, was run 'democrat-
ically by parliamentary procedure, and was at-
tended by very many persons who are members
of neither the A.S.U. nor Y.C.L.
And this brings me to the only point in Mr.
Muehl's letter worth a comment, namely, the
typical propagandistic device, as effective as it is
insidious, of pinning the Red label on the oppos*
tion. Col. McCormick does this to the New Deal
every day in the Chicago Tribune, Hearst has
done it for decades to all liberals. There are other

It Seems To Me
STAMFORD, Conn., March 22-
Oratorically the Senate of the United
States is not what it used to be. The
giants of silver tongue grow old and
die, and the re-
placement for the
most p a r t is
some man with
no more than a
silvermspoon in
his mouth. But
' sartorially the
upper house has
never made at
more elegant ap-
p ea ra n ce. In-
deed, one might say that the greatest
legislative body in the world has gone
from Bill Borah to Lucius Beebe in
two generations. Vandenberg, of
Michigan, recently won an award'
from a convention of tailors which
named him not only as the best-
dressed man in the Senate but as
among the most perfectly groomed
men in the entire nation.
Still, I should like to say as a lay-
man that Tydings is hot upon his
heels. The gentleman from Maryland
is always well turned out. According-
ly, it was a pretty sight the other day
to see these two leaders engaged in
friendly forensic rivalry. They spoke
for the same cause. Each, in his way,
grew passionate about economy, and
yet one sensed a duel between these
two representatives of the people.
*X* *
Man On Relief
It was a costume contest. There
was no clash in ideas. Both Vanden-
berg and Tydings have a common
feeling that the time has come for
the man upon relief to draw in his
belt. Unfortunately, neither the Michi-
gan Republican nor his Democratic
confrere from Maryland is in a posi-
tion to put this precept into prac-
tice. Naturally they both wear sus-
penders. A belt can never give as neat
and compact a trouser line
Senator Vandenberg wore a steel-
blue business suit with whiteshirt andi
a dark blue tie. But this rather severei
ensemble was relieved by a sky-blue
handkerchief peeping timidly from
his breast pocket. Tydings was in;
fawn, with shirt to match, and his
handkerchief was white, with a thin1
purple border.
Senator Tydings fears dictatorship
and says that the American govern-
ment must be given back to the
people. He employs a windmill ges-
ture when the fervor seizes him, and
the effect is rather alarming to the
spectator, since one fears he may dis-
lodge a button from his form-fitting
coat. Vandenberg is more discreet,
and even in his most fiery speeches
about the sufferings of those in the
higher brackets he never gets his hand
above his shoulder. He is conscious,
'that such a gesture might split a seam
in a costume so neatly shaped around
the waist.
Fights Baldness
Robert Taft, the new recruit from
Ohio, hardly classes withthe two lead-
ers as a stylist. Either would allow
him five or six strokes and a bisque.
And yet, in one sense, he is the most
painstaking- orator on the floor in
regard to his personal appearance.
Senator Taft is a leader who is mak-
ing a gallant although seemingly los-
ing, fight against increasing baldness.
In Yale he learned the bulldog spirit7
of "Never say die," and this insures
him at least a moral victory.
One cannot get the full effect of
the Taft coiffure unless he sits in the
front row of the Press Gallery. A
birdseye view is best. Mr. Taft has
trained five locks to travel at right
angles across the top of his massive
head. The pattern rather suggests the
canals of Mars as seen through a
powerful telescope. Or, to choosegan
example nearer home, the dome o

Taft is not unlike a blueprint of the
East River, the existing bridges and
those which are still the nebular
dreams of the engineers. It is an hero-
ic hirsute achievement, which must
have required months of training and
a great deal of loving-kindness. And,
even so, I doubt that the Taft bridge
will bear up under the heavy traffic
of statesmanlike ideas. Sooner or later
he will have to compromise on a sub-
any part of it was free to talk and
vote against it; the majority approved
the program. The program, however,
is definitely not final, as was made
clear at the meeting. Future meet-
ings, all of which will be conducted
on a democratic basis, as was this
on~e, may alter or, abolish it. It's a
program for the majority of the camp
pus, and if the campus doesn't like
it the campus can make a new one.
Which can scarcely be said by the
Anti-War Committee.
-Joseph Gies
Michigan Shang-Ri-Li
To the Editor :
A University Senior went hlome
over last weekend, and his mother
writes me as follows: "So much ex-
citement on the radio, and all of it
news to ******, almost as if the Uni-
versity had a censorship,.So much de-
tachment is beyond belief."
Wonder how many other Universi-
ty students have thus attained Nir-
xr ca_ "rr eiivi i -Inf.. f o s , a~

(Continued from Page 2)
aforesaid regulations and also of in-
subordination, wherefore it is ordered
(1) that Mr. Macal be placed on pro-
bation for the remainder of the cur-
rent academic year, and (2) that Mr.
Johnson be placed on probation for
the remainder of the current aca-
demic year and that his degree be
wihheld until the close of the 1939
Summer Session.
Aeronautical Engineering Students:
There will be available in the De-
partment of Aeronautical Engineer-
ing two Frank P. Sheehan Scholar-
ships and probably three assistant-
ships for the year 1939-40. These
scholarships and assistantships are
in general restricted to upperclass-
men and graduate students and the
selection is made very largely on the
basis of scholastic standing.
Applications for these positions
will be received up to April 1, 1939.
Students wishing to make applica-
tion should address them to Pro-
fessor E. A. Stalker, B-47 East En-
gineering Building, and should give a
brief statement of their qualifica-
tions and experience in regard to
both their scholastic work and any
outside experience that they may
have had. A statement should also
be made giving their plans for fur-
ther study in Aeronautical Engineer-
Applications may be made for both
the scholarships and the assistant-
The Ann Arbor Brangh of Ameri-
can Association of University Women
announces that it is receiving appli-
cations for the AAUW May Preston
Slosson $500 gift fellowship for grad-
uate study at the University of Mich-
igan in the year 1939-1940. Appli-
cations for this fellowship which is
available to any woman graduate
student should be made before April
1, through the Graduate Office of the
The Bureau of Appointments has
received notice of the following Civil
Service Examinations. Last date for'
filing applications is given in each
'United States Civil Service:
Aerolist, $3,800, April 17.
Associate Health Education Spe-
cialist, $3,200, April 17.
Assistant Health Education Spe-
cialist, $2,600, April 20.
Junior Multigraph Operator, $1,-
440, March 27.
Marine Engineer, $3,800, Dec. 31.
Naval Architect, $3,800, Dec. 31.
Associate Naval Architect, $3,200,
jDec. 31.
Assistant Naval Architect, $2,600,
Dec. 31.
Chief of Occupational Information
and Guidance Service, $5,600, April 3.
Specialist, Occupational Informa-
tion, $4,600, April 3.
Specialist, Consultation and Field
Service, $4,600, April 3.
Specialist in Occupations for Girls
and Women, $3,800, April 3.
Pharmacologist, $3,800, March 27.
Associate Pharmacologist, $3,200,
March 27.
Assistant Pharmacologist, $2,600,
March 27.
Associate Aeronautical Inspector,
$3,500, March 20.
Assistant Aeronautical Inspector,
$3,200, March 20.
Principal Consultant in Child La-
bor, $5,600, April 10.
Senior Consultant in Child Labor,
$4,600, April 10.
$ Consultant il Child Labor, $3800,
April 10.

Game Farm Foreman, $2,100,
March 31.
.Head Tuberculosis Hospital Nurse,
$2,400, March 31.
Junior Civil Engineer (Game Sur-
vey), $2,400, March 31.
Junior Civil Service Examiner, $1,-
800, March 31.
Junior Gas Engineer, $2,400, March
Junior Librarian (Book Informa-
tion), $1,800, March 31.
Junior Railroad Equipment Inspec-
tor, (Transit Commission), $2,100,
March 31.
Medical Consultant in Pneumonia
Control, $4,000, March 31.
Mine and Tunnel Inspector, $1,680,
March 31.
Psychiatric Social Worker, $1,800,
March 31.
Regents Translator, $2,400, March
Senior Civil Service Examiner, $3,-
120, March 31.
Social Hygiene Medical Consultant,
$4,000, March 31.
Social Service Worker, $1,800,
March 31.
Supervising or Head Nurse, $1,800,
March 31.
State Unwritten Examinations:
Director of Elementary Education,
$5,200, April 21.
Industrial Assistant for the Blind,
$1,800, April 21.
Institution Teacher (Related Vo-
cational Subject), $1,800, April 21.
New York County (Open only to
residents of New York County):
Interpreter, $3,500, April 21.
Assistant Communications Opera-
tor, $1,620, March 27.
University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Infor-
Academic Notices
Students, College of Literatue, Sci-
ence, and the Arts: Courses dropped
after Saturday, March 25, by students
other than freshmen will be recorded
E. , Freshmen (students, with less
than 24 hours of credit) may drop
courses without penalty through the
eighth week. Exception may be made
in extraordinary circumstances, such
as severe or long continued illness.
E. A. Walter, Asst. Dean.
Freshmen in the College of Litera-
ture, Science and the Arts may ob-
tain their five week progress reports
in the Academic Counselors' Office,
108 Mason Hall, from 8 to 12 a.m.
and 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. according to
the following schedule.
Surnames beginning M through Z,
Thursday, March 23.
Surnames beginning F through L,
Friday, March 24.
Surnames beginning A through E,
Saturday, March 25. 8-12.
History 12: Lecture Group I. Mid-
semester examination at 2 p.m.,
Monday, March 27. Mr. Weir's sec-
tions will meet in Room C, Haven;
all other sections in Natural Science
Botanical Photographic Exhibit:
An exhibit of photographs of botani-
cal subjects will be on display in the
West Exhibit Room of the Rackham
Because of interest in the photo-
graphs of botanical subjects the ex-
hibit will continue to be on display
daily except Sunday from 9 a.m. to
10 p.m.
Exhibition, College of Architecture:
The premiated drawings submitted
in the national competition for the
Wheaton College Art Center are be-
ing shown in the third floor Exhibi-
tion Room, College of Architecture.
Open daily,r9 to 5, except Sundays,
through April 4. The public is cor-
dially invited.

Exhibition of Modern Book Art:
Printing and Illustration, held under
the sponsorship of the Ann Arbor Art
Association. Rackham Building,
third floor Exhibition Room; daily
except Sunday, 8 a.m. to 10 p.m.; on
view through Saturday, April 1.
Exhibition of Paintings by David
Fredenthal and Helen May, shown
under the auspices of the Ann Arbor
Art Association. Alumni Mem orial
Hall, afternoons from 2 to 5, March
24 through April 7.
Lecture on "Cosmic Rays and New
Elementary Particles of Matter," Sat-
urday, March 25 at 8 p.m. in the
farge auditorium of the Rackham
Building, by Prof. Carl D. Anderson,
Physics Dept. of California Institute
of Technology, winner of Nobel Prize
in 1936 and various other awards for
his research work. The lecture is
arranged by the Society of Sigma Xi
and will be open to the public.
University Lectures: Professor Ken-
neth J. Conant, of Harvard Univer-
sity, will give illustrated lectures on

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University.
Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President until 3:30 P.M.;
11:00 A.M. on Saturday.

bor, $3,200,
bor, $2,600,.
April 10.

Consultant in Child La-
April 10.
Consultant in Child La-
April 10.
Public Health Nursing
$3,200, April 10.
Public Health Nursing,
$2,600, April 10.
Medical Officer, $3,200,

Michigan Civil Service:
Journalist I, $150 to $190 per
month, April 4. (Open to men only).
Journalist 11, $200 to $240 per
monthl, April, 4. (Open to men only).
Law Stenographer Clerk, $105 to
$125 per month, March 31.
Public Health Physician II, $250 to
$310 per month, April 1.
Venereal Disease Public Health,
Phlysician V, $400 to $500 per month,
April 1.
Occupational Therapist A2, $115 to
$135 per monthl, March 29.
Occupational Therapist A, $130 to
$150 per month, March 29.
Occupational Therapist Al, $140 to
$160 per month, March 29.
Occupational Therapist I, $150 to
$190 per month, March 29.
New York Civil Service:
Assistant Biochemist, $ 2,4 0 0,
March 31.
Assistant in Health and Physical
Education, $2,400, March 31.
Assistant Industrial Code Engineer,
$3,120, March 31.
Assistant Librarian (General Ref-
erence) $2,400, March 31.
Assistant Medical Bacteriologist,

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