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March 24, 1939 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1939-03-24

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FRIDAY, MARCH 24, 1939

.... ..... .... - .- ........ . .....

Radio Expert
To Talk Today
In JobParley
Guidance Is Also Feature
Of Vocational Series;
Banquet Set For Tonight
(Continued tron Page 1)
to accept small wages during the first
years of his experience, he warned.
If *you don't enjoy meeting lots of
people, stay completely out of the
salesmanship business, Cossart ad-
vised. He pointed out that one great
weakness of many men in this pro-
fession is that they do not have a
sincere understanding of their cus-
tomers, and are not able to create
any new demand for the product
they are selling.
"There is no job so varied, so ever-
changing, so much a gamble, as
fashion buying," Josephine Sutton,
merchandising manager of. Himel-
hoch Brothers and Company, De-
troit, told a group of students yes-
terday in the League Ballroom.
Stressing the fact that good jobs
look for people to fill them, Miss Sut-.
ton explained that the largest salaries
are available in the publicity division
and merchandising managers posi-
Superintendent L. H. Lamb of the
Flint Schools said that the most im-
portant thing of all was to "act na-
tural and at ease" when being in-
terviewed. "Give the interviewer a
chance to find out your chatracter and
personality," he said. Several points
emphasized were: "don't talk too
much, mention. only pertinent facts,
do not bluff, and give the person in-
terviewing you credit for some com-
mon sense,"
State Shielded
From Disease
Mexican Plague Avoided
By Cooperative Plan
No longer will the state suffer the
outbreaks of certain contagious dis-
eases, Dr. Don W. Gudakunst, state
health commissioner, pointed out yes-
trday, as he explained a new co-
p.perative plan for protecting the
health of Michigan communities from
disease among imported Mexican beet
field workers.
In the past, a percentage of the'
10,00 Mexicans, imported for the
laborious back breaking work in the
beet fields, were afflicted with tuber-
culosis, syphilis or some type of con-
t ,gious disease. Only last summer,
Dr. Gudakunst recalled, the out-
break of Shiga dysentery in Shiawas-
see county was attributed to the Mexi-
The new plan calls for a medical
examination of all prospective Mexi-
cans who will be imported. None will
be allowed to leave Texas who have
any evidence of the aforementioned
The cost of this examination will
be borne by both the state health de-
partment and the four farmer. asso-
ciations which boast a membership
of 20,000. The state will pay its share
of the burden from the funds allotted
by the United States Public Health
"It is due to the excellent coopera-
tion received from thebeet growers'
associations that this step has bee
made possible." "It will do away with
the necessary expenditure of a con-
siderable amount of money for the
hospitalization of tuberculosis pa-
tients. The program will add greatly
to the health protection of the people
of Michigan"

Professors To Attend
Meeting Of Physicians
Dr. Howard B. Lewis, professor of
biological chemistry and Dr. Fred J.
Hodges, professor of roetgenology, will
attend the meeting of the American
College of Physicians March 27 and
28 in New Orleans.
Dr. Lewis will speak on the subject
"Vitamins in Theory and Practice"
March 27 and Dr. Hodges will, talk
on "Roentgen Procedures Useful in
Cardiac Diagnosis" March 28.
Dr. Lewis will also address the Tu-
lane chapter of Sigma Xi March 28
on the "Importance of Chemistry for
the Biologic Sciences."
Feature starts at 2, 3:57,'7:11, 9:23
ot of t
rolte RSI ean
the a gl
'fI~ i g gy E

Thespins Burn Midnight Oil
For Two Gentlemen Of Verona'
Replete Preparations Made through his paces like a major. As
F kthe group in the wings remarks, "He
For Shakespeare's Play; just knows his stuff, that's all." Jurist
Opens Here Wednesday gives his lines the quiet, powerful

"No! No! You look like you are in
drawing room. Walk like you are-
really in the forest. Motivate?"
Valentine B. Windt, director of Play
Production shouts, interrupting the
rehearsal scene.
He .sits on a chair with sceneryl
paraphernalia littering the floor
around him. Two script girls are
next to him pointing out minor er-
rors in the lines. On the stage stand
Ellen Rothblatt, Norman ,Oxhandler,
and Margaret Mink. Ellen and Mar-
garet wearthe replete Elizabethan
costumes to give them the feel of the,
regalia they will wear when the cur-
tain rises Wednesday on Shake-
speare's "Two Gentlemen of Verona."
And so the rhearsal goes. Do it
over and over until its right, and
Professor Windt is the man to say
when a line, a scene, a play is right."
Rehearsing night and day the ama-
teur actors round out the rough spots
in "Two Gentlemen of .Verona. In
the disarray of the laboratory the-
atre, with backdrops, incompleted
arches, raw lumber and canvas lit-,
tering the theatre, they work each
night until girls' curfew time. Then
the boys go through their paces, us-
ually until midnight or later.
Occasionally Thor Johnson, direc-
tor of the Little Symphony, inter-
rupts the rehearsal to have his pi-
anist run through some of the scores
for timing. The Little Symphony
will complement the play with 14
numbers and two vocalizations.
Professor Windt is satisfied with
the scene and calls for Eddy Jurist,
Play Production veteran. Eddygoes

interpretation that was so successful
in "Petrified Forest." He completes
his scene first time through, and goes
out to the office for a cigarette.
In the office Nat Raskin and Sam
Sheplow, waiting for their call, argue
the merits of the play. Sam is en-
thralled, with "the antique charm"
of the play. Nat is trying to get a
new interpretation of his lines. Mar-
garet Soensken quietly smokes a cig-
In the room next to the office James
Doll, imported from Detroit espe-
cially for this play, and Robert Mel-
lenkamp, Play Production's scenery
designer, are painting one of the
three huge back-drops that will make
up most of the scenery of the play.
Gradually the masterful verse of
the Bard of Avon is given blood and
flesh. Slowly, a script becomes a
play. Hundreds of costume articles
are, being completed. All of Play.
Production pitches in on the scenic
props. Meanwhile in a stone-walled
room in the carillon tower, mildly
reminiscent of a medieval castle,
ThOr Johnson works on the musical
scores for the play.
On Wednesday the results of this
prodigious effort will be revealed to
Ann Arbor in the most colorful spec-
tacle Play Production has done in
several years.
Prep Students
To eet Here

VOL. XLIX. No. 126
Note to Seniors, June Gaduates,
and Graduate Students: Please file
application for degrees or any spe-
cial certificates (i.e. Geolog Certifi-
cate, Journalism Certificate,;etc.) at
once if you expect to receive a de-1
gree or certificate at Commencement I
in June. We cannot guarantee that
the University will confer a degree or
certificate at Commencement upon
any student who fails to file such,
application before the close "of busi-
ness on Wednesday, May 17. If ap-
plication is received later: than May
17, your degree or certificate may
not be awarded until next fall.
Candidates for degrees ar, certifi-
cates may fill out card at once at
office of the secretary or tecorder of
their own school or college'-students
enrolled in the College of Literature,
Science, and the Arts, College of
Architecture, School of Music, School
of Education, and School'of Fores-
try and Conservation, please note
that application blank may be ob-
tained and filed in the Registrar's Of-
fice, Room 4, University Hall). All
applications for the Teacher's Cer-
tificate should be made at the office
of the School of Education.
Please do not delay untu.1 the lastl

ASU Nominates Eight
For Senate Positions
American Student Union candi-
dates were nominated for the Stu-
dent Senate and a platform adopted
at an ASU executive meeting held
yesterday afternoon in the Michigan
Those chosen to run are Joseph
Gies, '39, Elman Service, '40, Harold
Osterwell, '41, Frank Johnson, Grad.,
Mcrris Lichtenstein, '39, Mary Cum-
'mins, '42, Jack Zubon, '39, and Hugo
Rechard, '39.
day, as more than 2.500 diplomas and
certificates must be lettered, signed,
and sealed and we skiall be greatly
helpe'd in this work by the early filing
of applications and the resulting
longer period for preparation.
The filing of these applications
does not involve the payment of any
fee whatsoever.
Shirley W. Smith.
Subcommittee on Discipline: At a.
meeting held on Wednesday, March
8, 1939, Mr. Edward Macal, '39 Lit.,
was found guilty of conduct violating
the University regulations relating to
the distribution of printed matter,
and Mr. Howard F. Johnson, '39 Lit.,
was found guilty of violating the
(Continueed on Page 4)
Alumnus Buys Magazine
Elmer P. Grierson, '14, iormer busi-
ness manager of The Daily, recently
bought out the American Boy maga-
zine, it was announced yesterday

Toward Europe,


(Editor's Note: Tiis is the first of
three arA icea reporting~ the observa-
tions of Prof. Preston Slosson on con-
ditions in Europe.)
President Roosevelt's sentiments to-
ward European affairs are unani-
mdusly applauded by the British,
Prof. Preston Slosson of the history
department, who is now traveling in
Europe, reports in a letter to mem-
bers of the history faculty.
England as a whole, however, seems
to wonder why the President is so
alarmed just now. There is a tend-
ency among the British, Professor
Slosson observes, to accept continental
crises calmly, and the press is less
"jumpy" than our own. This lack of
concern, he suggests, may result from
their becoming "so accustomed over
here to living on the flanks of a vol-
cano that they sleep soundly of nights
and go about their business as usual."
In Professor Slosson's opinion, how->
ever, the European situation is dan-
gerous. "The ambiguous intentions of
Mussolini in Italy," he writes, "seem
to me highly alarming, for if he stays,
in Spain, France is bound to do
something about it. Hitler wil! back'
Mussolini and the fat's in the fire."
Italy by itself would not be very
dangerous without Germany, Profes-
sor Slosson believes." There is a de-
lightful, though probably apochry-

phal, story going the rounds just
now," he relates, "that at Munich
Hitler said, 'Remember this, if we' go
to war Italy will be on our side,' and
that Chamberlain replied, 'Well, after
all, turn about is fair play; we had
to put up with having the Italians
on our side last time'."
In Aberystwyth, Wales, where he
taught for a week in the University
of Wales, Professor Slosson was sur-
prised to find a great many universi-
ty professors holding ultra-radical
views. The whole country of Wales is
radical,, he writes, and the Labor
Party hasa strong hold among the
miners of south Wales. The Welsh be-
lieve that Chamberlain is moved less
by love of peace in his "turn the other
cheek to the dictators" 'policy than
by dread and hatred of even the mild-
est forms of socialism, being unwill-
ing to risk a Fascist regime in any
part of Europe, including even Eng-
land, rather than yield anything to
the demands of 1bor.
Angell To Talk On Reich
Prof. Robert C. Angell, of the so-
ciolo~ department, who returned re-
cently from Germany after a visit of
several months, will talk on "Inside
Germany," at 7 p.m. Sunday at the
Westminster Guild meeting.

British Laud Roosevelt Attitude



2 - 4 - 7 - 9 - P.M.


2:42 - 4:40 -7:42 - 9:42
March of Time at 2:19 -4:17
7:19 - 9:19




Will Begin

Day Series


Show Nazi

Actions By Students
(Continued from Page 1)
other exchange student, who is now
a Party attache.
A Berlin dispatch in the New York
Herald-Tribune said that the Nazi
party will exercise "greater control".
over German. exchange students in
the. future. The Herald-Tribune also
announced that a member of New
York's German consulate had re-
signed at the behest of Federal au-
thorities after he had asked exchange
students in the U.S. to be "virtual
Sponsored by the Institute of In-
ternational Education, Prof. Camillo,
von Klenze left his post as "professor
of German-American cultural rela-
tions" at the University of Munich
and became visiting professor of Ger-
man at Stanford University. In an
interview in the campus daily, he de-
nounced American newspaper corres-
pondents, who reported Nazi perse-
cutions, as "nothing short of liars."

More than 200 high school students
from all parts of the State will visit
the University tomorrow in the first
of three "University Days" sponsored
by the Union.
The day will be featured by tours
of the University and conferences of
various departmental heads with the
visitors. Designed to enable the stu-
dents to plan a course of study in
college, the conference will include
the following faculty members: Dean
Henry C. Anderson of the College of
Engineering, Dean Henry M. Bates
of the law school, Dean Clare E. Grif-
fin of the business administration
school, Dean Albert C. Furstenberg
of the medical school, Dean Wells I.
Bennett of the architecture school
and numerous others.
The day's program will also be
highlighted by a series of tours of
the University. Points of interest to
be visited are the Union, the League
and the athletic plant. A special
organ concert will also be given in
Hill Auditorium by Palmer Christian.
In the afternoon a coffee hour and
tea dance will be given in the small
ballroom of the Union for the high
school students.

Starting TODAY!
A preview of
With e lovable stars
of Four Daughters"I






w A



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