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January 25, 1938 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1938-01-25

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TUESDAY, SAN. -2 19-2S





Knight 76Date
Foo . .. Blue Book Dance .. . the mixer . and numerous other spots
were the scene of this week-end's revelries . . . Were you there? . .. but
of course-everyone was . . . and wasn't it fun . . . It's not often so much
happens Just oefore exams to cheer"your spirits and carry you through
that "bound to come lull" ... But in spite of any coming worries ... every-

Four Weddings
Are Announced
Over Week-End
Phi kappa Psi Judd Spray
Marries Mildred Hyde
Of Ann Arbor

'A Frock Expressing Your Personality' Michigan Dames
To Meet In League

Bowling Meet's

f, -,


one was in a gay mood . . and having a great time . . . Sorry we'll have Four marriages of former and
to take the next two weeks "off the social merry- present University students were an-
- go-round" ... but come J-Hop and Knights and nounced over the week-end. I
Jane Christy, '37, daughter of Mr.
Dates will be all asparkle ... ready to celebrate ... -and Mrs. J. H. Christy of Chicago and
1 " Whether you were in costume or not . . . Foo was Stuart E. Sheill, '37, son of Mr. and
great sport for everyone that went . . . and if you Mrs. A. E. Sheill of Chicago, were
veren't in costume yourself . . . You could certainly married in a ceremony held at 4:30
keep amused, just watching the other people . .. Irene p-m. Saturday. Mrs. Sheill is a mem- I atrad onRbo eetepiewnighro mg pio, .poesoa
Saror nd ohnRubsom were the prize-winning Ie of Omega Upsilon, professional
Feasers ,. resed n Rman arbof he up-to-heradio and speech sorority. Irene Gi-
t..dressed in Ronan garb of the "up-to-the- lestie, '38, acted as maid of honor.
minute" fashion ... Nothing missing . . . Jane Jewitt was dressed in middy The marriage of Mildred Elizabeth
blouse and bright red ribbons . . . and was having loads of crazy fun with Hydei of Ann Arbor, daughter of Mr.
Herb Gardner ... Saw Jane Nussbaum and Gene Cook . . . and Joe and and Mrs. John Hyde of Detroit, and
Josephine College came to see and join the fun (Note: Dotty Glass and Irv Judd W. Spray, Jr., '39, was an-
Matthews were it) ... nounced recently. Mr. Spray is theb
* son of Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Spray of
Everyone Went Foo . . . Detroit
For five years Mrs. Spray has been'
Mary Henderson was having a terrible time keeping her escort from employed by the University as secre-
playing tricks on everyone else . . . Bob Torello was a perfect Groucho tarty to the Dean of Women. Mr.;
Marx .. . and up to the very same stuff . . . Jean Smith and Ted Fraser Spray is affiliated with Phi Kappa,
were there and we saw Charlotte Poock with Don Barnes . . .Dotty Barrett, Annette Stockwell, daughter of Mr.
was wearing . . . or should we say swimming in . . . a suit of indeterminate and Mrs. Joseph S. Stockwoll, and
lines . . . while Al Roth looked charming in a rust wool of a "bit above the John Quentin Waddell of Kankakee,,
knee" length . . . Russ Strickland was wearing a shirt-waist model, fastened Ill., were married at 4 p.m. Saturday
at the neck with a pilot's wheel . . . and Marcia Connell was wearing the in the Rose Kneale Room of Stevens
latest in pin stripe suits . . . Hall. All Saints' Episcopal Church ins
Lee Shinar looked most attractive in gold wool ... caught at the waist Detroit. Mr. Waddell is the son of:
g f Robert J. Waddell of St. Clair.
with a green suede belt . . . Nancy Dall and Goff Smith came in later Rot J. Waddell r.
Both Mr. and Mrs. Waddell arc'
in the evening with Nancy Saibert and Lou Bulkley . . . Betty :Baldwin graduates of the University where Mr.
and Bud Crusen were there . . . and we saw them talking with Waddell is affiliated with Delta Upsi- .
Bettie Scheule and Tom Harmon . . . A skeleton was walking lon.
around . . . much to everyone's discomfort . . . But George Mr. and Mrs. Dorr Miller of De -
Quimby carried himself well beneath his bony frame . . . for troit announce the marriage of Mrs.
he won the prize for the best individual costume . . . Ginny * Miller's sister, Gertrude Avonne Si- * *
Griffin added to the general mysterious appearance of this mancek to James Robert Brakeman,-s
couple ... for she was heavily veiled beneath Egyptian garb...y. son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl W. Brake- Form al FashionS
The two of them had people guessing for awhile . . . Annm
Brennan and Bill Lenz were having great fun watching everyone . . . as mar.Brakema attendedHeidelberg+
were Edith Lynch and Bob Golden College and graduated from the r.__
The Spanish influence was not amiss either . . . $arbara Talcott and University. Mr. Brakeman receivedsB
Marshall mith were keeping in the true Spanish spirit . '. even to the 1his degree from Michigan State Col- Spring Styles Bring
shawl and a bit of Spanish dance . . . Pattie Haislip and Bill Miller found lege. Colors, Tropical Print,
the music great (with that added J-Hop touch-two orchestras and all)... -1_ lowing Materials
Hope Hartwig and Harriet Shackleton were dressed in elfin costumes and + " _
were having much fun at the expense of Doug Farmer who was trying tojlifll r PeLitiOnS This season you can be just as dar-'
be elfin-like in his costume . . . _ T ing or as "sweet, simple and girlish"
TmoIe This w eek as you desire so long as you achieve
Th.en C a The Poo. . .ian individual glamour of your own
in that new formal.
But Foo wasn't quite the only spot Friday night . . . Poo On Foo went Campus Vote Will (Choose Probably the principle factor in
through.. . and so we breezed in, just to see what was going on ... Char- Lea choosing it is to find something that
lotte Bauchat and Chuck Frost were there to see the Poo dance get under- gle Vice-Presidenogseems to have been created especial-
way . .. and we saw Jane Scott there with Rueben Frost ... Jack Thompson ly for you--or to use that trite ex-
Petitioning for 11 major positions pression, "a frock that expresses your
and Larry Crawford were in the stag line . . . and we saw Betty Clement in the League is now in progress and personality.
there with Lewis Slater . . . Ruth Sevensma ,and Tommy Aye were there will continue through Friday; peti- The "Will 0' The Wisp,
enjoying it muchly . . . 'til Ruth was paged, for an important telephone tions will be available in the Under-
call . . . and felt herself in a rather conspicuous spot for such publicity. graduate Offices of the League. Maybe you're the one who can wear
The Blue Book dance was loads of fun . . . and every table was fairly The offices open for petitioning are the aWill ' the Wisp" we saw fea-
littered with blue papers . . . Whether there were many "A" books or not, president, three vice-presidents, sec- The also rcll this their "waltz frock"
I haven't quite discovered . . . but they were few and far between . . . Mostret treasurer and cirmen t dedicated "to the girl who dances
of them . . . the professor failed to mark before he returned-. . . but they may social, theatre-arts, merit system, divinely." A basque top with puffed
come in, very readily, next week . . . when we turn our thoughts to' such publicity, and orientation committees. sleeves and round collar, all of im-
things . . . People seemed to be enjoying one last night of fun and frolic, nounced at the beginning of next se- ported lace fitted smoothly to a little
before they settled down to work . . . and the whole League promoted just mester, according to AngeleneMals- below the waist where the full skirt
that atmosphere . . . With new decorations in the zewski, '38, head of Judiciary Council. of white marganza flares out in grace-
lobby of the ballroom . . . the wlwle place brightened The Council will select two petitions ful folds.
...We saw Betty Thompson there with Dave Under- from women in each of the four More on the sophisticated side is a
down . . . and Phyl Gallagher and Jack Kleene were schools and colleges on campus fori shining rayon satin gown with 'wa-
!t \Adms<the offices of the three vice-presi- terfall pleats." A cluster of roses is
having a bit of a truckin session . . . Carol Adamsdents, and a campus vote will choose used in a unique way in the front as
and Bill Speicer were some df the others celebrating three women from among those sub- Ie green stems of the flowers form
the last week-end of the semester . . . Alberta Wood mitting the petitions. the halter neckline. There is also a
was there with Jim Hynes and we saw Helen Ralston little bolero jacket for it which makes
there with Jack Washburn . .. Marg Williams and ;the dress into one of those all-oc-
Bill Parfet were whipping about to the tune of Charlie MOEHLMAN IN WASHINGTON casion affairs.
we saw Midge Ayers Prof. Arthur B. Moehlman of the "Ganzas" To Be Popular
Zwick and his music . . . and a Mi School of Education is in Washington, With spring not so far off many of
talking with Miss McCormick at intermission D.C. this week attending meetings of the new formals are of "ganza" ma-
The hockey game was super too . . . in spite of a bit of roughness.. . We the President's Advisory Committee terial: organza,- marganza and
saw Jea Bell King among the spectators . . .also Stan Kelly ... and Pat on Education. This committee was springanza. Of the latter we saw an-
Tackels was there with Dick McGrath. appointed by President Roosevelt to I other waltz frock with beautiful

Alpha Epsilon Phi defeated Zone I
yesterday in the semi-finals of the
Class B division of the women's bas-
ketball tournament by a score of 12 to

new semester.

Donald Siegel Is

Lee Siff, '40, Ruth Jacobson, '40, Newman Ch-ii Hlead
Alma Simon, '40, Phyllis Diamond,
'38, Ruth Frank, '38, Madeline Kauf-
man. '40. Helene Rumizen, '40, and Donald Siegel, '39E, was elected
Miriam Szold, '40, played for Alpha president of the Newman Club at the
Epsilon Phi. Mary Lou Oswald, Ella initial meeting of the club which took
Mountain, '38, Geraldine Krueger, place at 4 p.m. Sunday in the Audi-
'41Ed, Jane Scott, Helen Wolf, and torium of St. Mary's Student Chapel.
Mary Mikulich, '41, made up Zone The other officers elected are Beat-
la's team. rice Devine, '38L, first vice-president;
Alpha Epsilon Phi will play Zone Helen Brady, '40, second vice-presi-
IV in the finals of the Class B division dent; ,Betty Strickroot, '38, recording
of the tournament, and Helen New- secretary; Norbert Winn, '39F&C, co-
berry Residence will meet Jordan Hall responding secretary; and Hugh Mal-
in the finals of the Class A division. lick, '38BAd, treasurer.
Mr. Giovanni Giovannini of the
naidlr d t thebf

D Ir. Mowat Fraser TO Talk t
:. OI INew Education Plans V
Range From Dr. Mowat G. Fraser of the School
of Education will speak informally on:
"New Plans for American Higher Edu-
To D em urenes cation" tomorrow noon at the Gradu-
ate Luncheon to be held in the Rus-
sian Tea Room of the League. This
broidered with exotic pailette flow- will be the last luncheon to be held
ers. until the first of the second semester.
Bold extravagant tropical prints Prof. Willard C. Olson of the School
never tail to catch the eye. One of of Education spoke on "Education for
taffetized crepe which rustles crisply' Social Responsibility" at the meeting
will surely bring admiring glances. held last Wednesday.
Another taffeta print is going to__
prove a favorite because of its demure
bolero trimmed with narrow bands of EDMONSON IN SOUTH HAVEN
pleating. The dress becomes a daring Dean James B. Edmonson of the
"empire" style by simply removing the School of Education will address the
little jacket. members of the School Board of
If you are hunting for s9mething ISouth Haven, today. The topic of his
of striking beauty, but still demand a address will be the responsibilities of
becoming style, there is onf, dress the school board to the school.
which would certainly prove to be the-
solution. A peasant blouse of white,
marganza is grafted onto an enor-
mous dancing skirt of red lace over
white. Sounds a little fantastic but
we assure you it is not.j
Scroll work which brings thoughts
of the Wallie Simpson. trousseau is
still seen in many of the new dresses.
It can be used in a variety of ways,
and when in a vividly contrasted col-
or, it adds interest to every gown. On
a dress of Schiaparelli's "shocking
pink" was a version of the scroll work
in a blue design with a blue chiffon,
kerchief at the throat.
The Gibson Girl shirtwaist tops of
billowy chiffon or voile have beenI
hinted at in spring fashion issues of
Paris designers. The skirts are made
full to go with the' voluminous

English department presaea atue
meeting which was attended by more
than 250 students. Prof. William A.
McLaughlin of the French depart-
ment is faculty adviser to the organ-
-- -

The Michigan Dames will hold a
general meeting at 8:15 today at the Is Completed
SLeague.The Art Group will be in
charge of the meeting.
Prof. Avard Fairbanks, of the fine; The second round of the individual
arts department, will talk on "The bowling tournament was completed
Fundamentals of Sculpturing." He last week, Miss Ruth Helsel, faculty
will use clay to demonstrate. I adviser of the tourney, announced
During the business meeting which Jeanette Speckles, '39, defeated
will precede the talk, plans for a Phyllis Keller, '40. Eleanor Peschke,
dance to be held Feb. 12, will be dis- 39, was victor over Jeanette Drake,
cuare of thedrama group will be 40, Frances McGann, '40, succumbed
to Doris Yoder, '38, and Marian Weiss,
After the talk, refreshments will '41Ed, won over Beatrice Hopkins,
be served to the entire group in the '39Ed
Russian Tea Room of the League. The faculty-majqr school tourna-
Mrs. R. F. Atkinson is in charge of ment is now in progress, Miss Helsel
the meeting. said, and part of round two and
round three will be played off this
Al ph Epslon [hi W ns eek.
Al pha Epsilon Phi Wins w. Anintramural tourname'nt, between
S Basketball Semi-Finals sororities, league houses and dormi-
tories will begin the first week of the

Fur Coats



E. L. Greenbaum

448 Spring Street

Dial 9625


Read Daily Classified Ads

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Terrace Garden
Dancing Studio
forms. Classical, social,
dancing. Ph. 9695.
2nd Floor
Wuerth Theatre Bldg.

Independents Mix It Up .r..
The mixer that was given in the League Sunday evening was a huge
success . . . and we hear, they will be having more of them soon . . . It was
one of those get-togethers, where everybody meets new people and has lots
of fun . . . Eating, dancing, bridge and most anything you would want
to do . . . was doing ... Marie and Peggy McCabe were enjoying it all
and we saw Phil Rosenblum and Bob Thorner talking to several people..
Les Abell and Martin Dworkis were at the ping pong tables .... and we saw
Bill and Jay Rockwell going here and there to the various amusements
. . . Merida Hobart and Ken Harding were some of the "mixers"
and we saw Stark Ritchie talking with Mel Kramer . . . Mary Morrison led
the song fest . . . and everyone joined in . . . A quartet, composed of Carolyn
Beltramini, Ann Schaeffer, Mary Morrison and Janet Park sang several

study the needs for federal aids foi', sweeping lines. A full flattering skirt
vocational education. is topped by a startling bolero em-


s.aoa '
iMiURARCE j +r5,j
" '

THE MICHIGAN UNION wishes to present
Bill Porter and his eleven piece band from
Michigan State for the final dance of the
school year, to be held Friday, January 28.
This band has been very popular on the Mich-
igan State Campus and we hope it will prove
to be as great a success at Michigan.
$1.00per couple Dancing 9 till 1

OA YIea,
9i~e~. U


A medium of exchange - a standard of value - a
claim on wealth. Currency - gold - personal
checks - drafts, all are money, and all are instruments
in the continuation of the complex system in which
we live.
Closely affiliated with this present day economic
necessity is the modern bank. It stands ready to give
I rvice to its<cutomners in every rvne of money trans-

You Can Really "Truck on Down"
In a Formal from Goodyear's .
THE "!BIG APPLE," the "Little Apple," the "Shag," won't
mean a thing, unless you're wearing a gown that will really show
off your good points as you swing and sway in the season's
favorite dances at the J-Hop.
SEDUCTIVE SHEERS . . . white crepes frosted with rhine-
stones . . . brilliant prints . .. lovely satins. Many of the gowns
have jackets, to give you double wear for extra house parties.
1695 to 2975
To Be On Display..
The three lovely gowns shown in Vogue's Feb. 1st
Americana issue. Two Marquiza gowns, one with
unique quitted sheering, the other with tiny felt
. - L. L.ilPw it uenurVtw. a ndIblck


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