TUESDAY, SAN. -2 19-2S 0 THE MICHIGA ,N TAIt FArF F-AT TUESDAY, JAN. 25, 19Z8 PA(~E FIVE Knight 76Date By MARIANNE Foo . .. Blue Book Dance .. . the mixer . and numerous other spots were the scene of this week-end's revelries . . . Were you there? . .. but of course-everyone was . . . and wasn't it fun . . . It's not often so much happens Just oefore exams to cheer"your spirits and carry you through that "bound to come lull" ... But in spite of any coming worries ... every- Four Weddings Are Announced Over Week-End Phi kappa Psi Judd Spray Marries Mildred Hyde Of Ann Arbor 'A Frock Expressing Your Personality' Michigan Dames To Meet In League Bowling Meet's f, -, .. I one was in a gay mood . . and having a great time . . . Sorry we'll have Four marriages of former and to take the next two weeks "off the social merry- present University students were an- - go-round" ... but come J-Hop and Knights and nounced over the week-end. I Jane Christy, '37, daughter of Mr. Dates will be all asparkle ... ready to celebrate ... -and Mrs. J. H. Christy of Chicago and 1 " Whether you were in costume or not . . . Foo was Stuart E. Sheill, '37, son of Mr. and great sport for everyone that went . . . and if you Mrs. A. E. Sheill of Chicago, were veren't in costume yourself . . . You could certainly married in a ceremony held at 4:30 keep amused, just watching the other people . .. Irene p-m. Saturday. Mrs. Sheill is a mem- I atrad onRbo eetepiewnighro mg pio, .poesoa Saror nd ohnRubsom were the prize-winning Ie of Omega Upsilon, professional Feasers ,. resed n Rman arbof he up-to-heradio and speech sorority. Irene Gi- t..dressed in Ronan garb of the "up-to-the- lestie, '38, acted as maid of honor. minute" fashion ... Nothing missing . . . Jane Jewitt was dressed in middy The marriage of Mildred Elizabeth blouse and bright red ribbons . . . and was having loads of crazy fun with Hydei of Ann Arbor, daughter of Mr. Herb Gardner ... Saw Jane Nussbaum and Gene Cook . . . and Joe and and Mrs. John Hyde of Detroit, and Josephine College came to see and join the fun (Note: Dotty Glass and Irv Judd W. Spray, Jr., '39, was an- Matthews were it) ... nounced recently. Mr. Spray is theb * son of Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Spray of Everyone Went Foo . . . Detroit For five years Mrs. Spray has been' Mary Henderson was having a terrible time keeping her escort from employed by the University as secre- playing tricks on everyone else . . . Bob Torello was a perfect Groucho tarty to the Dean of Women. Mr.; Marx .. . and up to the very same stuff . . . Jean Smith and Ted Fraser Spray is affiliated with Phi Kappa, IPsi were there and we saw Charlotte Poock with Don Barnes . . .Dotty Barrett, Annette Stockwell, daughter of Mr. was wearing . . . or should we say swimming in . . . a suit of indeterminate and Mrs. Joseph S. Stockwoll, and lines . . . while Al Roth looked charming in a rust wool of a "bit above the John Quentin Waddell of Kankakee,, knee" length . . . Russ Strickland was wearing a shirt-waist model, fastened Ill., were married at 4 p.m. Saturday at the neck with a pilot's wheel . . . and Marcia Connell was wearing the in the Rose Kneale Room of Stevens latest in pin stripe suits . . . Hall. All Saints' Episcopal Church ins Lee Shinar looked most attractive in gold wool ... caught at the waist Detroit. Mr. Waddell is the son of: g f Robert J. Waddell of St. Clair. with a green suede belt . . . Nancy Dall and Goff Smith came in later Rot J. Waddell r. Both Mr. and Mrs. Waddell arc' in the evening with Nancy Saibert and Lou Bulkley . . . Betty :Baldwin graduates of the University where Mr. and Bud Crusen were there . . . and we saw them talking with Waddell is affiliated with Delta Upsi- . Bettie Scheule and Tom Harmon . . . A skeleton was walking lon. around . . . much to everyone's discomfort . . . But George Mr. and Mrs. Dorr Miller of De - Quimby carried himself well beneath his bony frame . . . for troit announce the marriage of Mrs. he won the prize for the best individual costume . . . Ginny * Miller's sister, Gertrude Avonne Si- * * Griffin added to the general mysterious appearance of this mancek to James Robert Brakeman,-s couple ... for she was heavily veiled beneath Egyptian garb...y. son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl W. Brake- Form al FashionS The two of them had people guessing for awhile . . . Annm Brennan and Bill Lenz were having great fun watching everyone . . . as mar.Brakema attendedHeidelberg+ were Edith Lynch and Bob Golden College and graduated from the r.__ The Spanish influence was not amiss either . . . $arbara Talcott and University. Mr. Brakeman receivedsB Marshall mith were keeping in the true Spanish spirit . '. even to the 1his degree from Michigan State Col- Spring Styles Bring shawl and a bit of Spanish dance . . . Pattie Haislip and Bill Miller found lege. Colors, Tropical Print, the music great (with that added J-Hop touch-two orchestras and all)... -1_ lowing Materials Hope Hartwig and Harriet Shackleton were dressed in elfin costumes and + " _ were having much fun at the expense of Doug Farmer who was trying tojlifll r PeLitiOnS This season you can be just as dar-' be elfin-like in his costume . . . _ T ing or as "sweet, simple and girlish" TmoIe This w eek as you desire so long as you achieve Th.en C a The Poo. . .ian individual glamour of your own in that new formal. But Foo wasn't quite the only spot Friday night . . . Poo On Foo went Campus Vote Will (Choose Probably the principle factor in through.. . and so we breezed in, just to see what was going on ... Char- Lea choosing it is to find something that lotte Bauchat and Chuck Frost were there to see the Poo dance get under- gle Vice-Presidenogseems to have been created especial- way . .. and we saw Jane Scott there with Rueben Frost ... Jack Thompson ly for you--or to use that trite ex- Petitioning for 11 major positions pression, "a frock that expresses your and Larry Crawford were in the stag line . . . and we saw Betty Clement in the League is now in progress and personality. there with Lewis Slater . . . Ruth Sevensma ,and Tommy Aye were there will continue through Friday; peti- The "Will 0' The Wisp, enjoying it muchly . . . 'til Ruth was paged, for an important telephone tions will be available in the Under- call . . . and felt herself in a rather conspicuous spot for such publicity. graduate Offices of the League. Maybe you're the one who can wear The Blue Book dance was loads of fun . . . and every table was fairly The offices open for petitioning are the aWill ' the Wisp" we saw fea- littered with blue papers . . . Whether there were many "A" books or not, president, three vice-presidents, sec- The also rcll this their "waltz frock" I haven't quite discovered . . . but they were few and far between . . . Mostret treasurer and cirmen t dedicated "to the girl who dances of them . . . the professor failed to mark before he returned-. . . but they may social, theatre-arts, merit system, divinely." A basque top with puffed come in, very readily, next week . . . when we turn our thoughts to' such publicity, and orientation committees. sleeves and round collar, all of im- things . . . People seemed to be enjoying one last night of fun and frolic, nounced at the beginning of next se- ported lace fitted smoothly to a little before they settled down to work . . . and the whole League promoted just mester, according to AngeleneMals- below the waist where the full skirt that atmosphere . . . With new decorations in the zewski, '38, head of Judiciary Council. of white marganza flares out in grace- lobby of the ballroom . . . the wlwle place brightened The Council will select two petitions ful folds. ...We saw Betty Thompson there with Dave Under- from women in each of the four More on the sophisticated side is a down . . . and Phyl Gallagher and Jack Kleene were schools and colleges on campus fori shining rayon satin gown with 'wa- !t \Adms f , .