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January 18, 1938 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1938-01-18

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TTTFII -DAy, JAN. 18, 1919




AC (



Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of
StuzdW ~Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
rights of republication of all other matter herein also
sEcrnedsat the PosttOffice at Ann Arbor, Michigan as
second ;lass mail matter.
Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier,
$4.00; by mail, $4.50.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1937-38
College Publishers Reresenjta . ve
Board of Editors
CI'T'Y EDITOR---................WILLIAM. C. SPALLER
8PO tTS EDITOR ....................IRVIN LISAGOR
Busin ess Department
CREDTT MANAGER ....................DON WILSHER

The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of the Daily
stiff and represent the views of the writers
Made Easy. .
RE YOU TROUBLED by the theme
'bugaboo?' Are you having difficulty
with your term papers, themes, or any other
writing problem? If so, why not consult us? Our
work is specializing in the writing of term papers,
themes, theses, etc.
"We write on any subject. All we need to
know is the name of the course, the subject of the
theme, the desired grade, and a tentative reading
list, if you have one. We can make delivery
within a week or less but prefer at least two
weeks' time. Don't worry any longer about your
writing projects; write us immediately.
"Average assignments do not exceed five or
ten dollars, but new and unusual subjects may
ost from fifteen to twenty dollars or more. All
work is sent C.O.D. Write us your needs and get
our prices.
Address: Box-
R --O , Michigan."
At last the true spirit *f the liberal education
has pervaded this campus! Academic freedom of
a new sort is here! No longer do you have to shy
away from courses that require a thesis or an
occasional paper, no longer will you be forced to
spend an otherwise perfect, Friday or Saturday
evening at the typewriter, when you could be hav-
ing just loads of fun at the League or Union-
o0Frank Scott-Fitzgerald, O flaming youth, O
nad. glad twenties, we have not forgotten your
credo, we have not deserted your ranks!
When we found this form letter at our fra-
ternity house and discovered that other houses
had also been extended the very same privilege
we were not only given over to the spontaneous
overflow of panegyric recorded above, but it set
us to thinking, too. There are other "bugaboos"
besides the theme "bugaboo' mentioned in our
letter. How about the outside reading "ogre?"
How often we've longed for a set of concise notes
that would save us from having to plow through
a lot of dull books. And there's the lecture
motes 'troll." Why should he exist if we could get
someone to sit on one of those hard seats for us
(someone that would probably take better notes
than we should, anyway)?
But aren't these all half-way measures? We
see no reason for doing a thing like this in one
3ourse when the scheme is applicable to what.
might be called the whole academic nuisance, not
just the theme "bugaboo," the outside reading
notes "ogre" or the lecture notes "troll." We're
going to send a letter, just as soon as we can
get someone to write it for us, to bring this genius
from R ......O......right here to Ann Arbor.
We must hurry though for we want him to sit
for our identification picture and register for us
in the courses that he'll be attending in our be-
half next semester. And "we" are going to take
economics and a lot of courses with theses, too!
Robert Weeks.


China and expropriating her resources goodbye.
It has been indicated and prove that a plan
formulated by the United States and Britain more
than a year ago for a blockade of Japan by the
aforementioned powers' combined navies could
soon force Japan's attention home, away from her
neighbor's territories. In fact, the proposed boy-
cott would in a very short time bring the Japanese
to the point where they would have to con-
duct a defensive war, rather than an offensive
war on a weaker nation. For, Japan can not
support herself with her own agricultural and
mineral resources. She has to import. An em-
bargo, rigidly enforced, would soon starve her out.
Japan knows this-arid this must be what she
fears in the United States Navy's most recent
move. Certainly three more American cruisers in
the Far East wouldn't phase her emperor or army.
She has shown by her actions (seeming to believe
that actions speak louder than words) that she
does not fear the ships of any one nation. She
has bombed the boats of several powers and in
doing so has shown little partiality-she would
just as soon bomb an American ship as a British
or a Russian man-of-war.
Japan has shown that she does not waste much
tiie. The impetuous kingdom has not even
taken time out to declare war on China though
her army and navy have ravaged the Chinese
since early last summer. Therefore, it is going
to be interesting to see just what action Japan
will take on this American-British move which so
concerns her. Certainly, whatever her action is,
it will not be delicate. Japan has proved beyond
a doubt that she does not move in that manner.
Indeed, in regard to this threat of the western
nations, which is probably the easiest and sanest
way to bring Japan about with the least trouble
and least loss of life, and the possible deletion of
what appears to be a necessary war, Japan may
suicidally try to scare the powers away. Another
"Panay Incident" would be too tame here. Maybe
the Nippoese Navy will bomb the ne Singapore
docks and claim that the British used coolie
Earl R. Gilman.
A Willirg Corerspondent
To the Editor:
A correspondent in Sunday's Daily, discussing
the desirability of a campus literary publication,
says the students "don't want anything of the
snobbish Contemporary sort." This statement
seems to me to be an unjustified slight on a
group of students who gave a great deal of time
and sincere effort to the attempt to make a lit-
erary magazine a permanent fixture on our
It was unfortunately true that Contemporary
contained a disproportionate amount of material
by English majors and that much of this was by
graduate students. But this was through no
snobbishness of the editors-they emphasized
editorially that Contemporary welcomed con-
tributions by all students; they often published
articles that did not represent their own points
of view; they printed replies to controversial ar-
ticles; they were, if anything, at times a little too
lenient in accepting material of rather mediocre
quality in order to avoid the appearance of
being the organ of a clique of regular contribu-
tors. But Contemporary was never supported as
it should have been, by either contributors or
subscribers. It is difficult to see how any new'
literary magazine can be more successful without
adopting the popular magazine standard which
Old Subscriber also deplores.
One thing that should be investigated-and
about which I am uninformed-is whether Con-
temporary's subscriptions could have been in-
creased through more thorough salesmanship by
the circulation department and by more Daily
publicity. It is my impression that it has re-
ceived much fewer articles in the Daily than other
campus publications.
Old Subscriber seems to think that a literary
magazine should be a medium for controversy. I
agree that it should be one of its aspects, to the
extent that a quarterly can fill that function,
but it seems to me that the columns of a daily
paper form a much more flexible medium for
this type of material, since one does not have

to wait months to read a rejoinder. I doubt if the
mere shifting around of "The Forum" on the edi-
torial page has in any way affected the number
of contributions; just why the student urge to
burst into print has such marked variations
is a mystery, but, whatever the reason, this year
has been a rather dead one for letter-writing.
-Another Old Subscriber.
Wants SuppIement
To the Editor:
For some time there have been suggestions
about campus that the Daily ought to issue a lit-
erary supplement, and we, the undersigned Mich-
igan student writers, offer our support and con-
tributions to such a publication. Our names
should be regarded as representative, rather than
For a variety of reasons, the writer has been
cut off from those for whom he writes. Any
attempt to re-establish that connection, which
should be organic, has our complete support. In
this respect the Daily's venture would be of much
greater importance than the demise of Con-
We believe that the student body will enjoy a
literary section: it will be valuable to both its
readers and its contributors.
We urge the expression of student and faculty
opinions on this subject and pledge our help
in the organizational work.
(Signed) Norman Rosten

Jife einrlo iVe
Heywood Broun
Some of my liberal friends-and I am cultivat-
ing a pair for scientific purposes-assert that
American radicals are demanding a special im-
munity. The complaint runs that no progressive
can criticize even a minor point in any left-wing
p r o g r a m without being
smeared as a "Red baiter."
If that were true I think it
would be unfortunate and
wholly unfair. But I don't
think it is true. I am not
going to assert that every
radical leader in this country
welcomes criticism. But, for
that matter, who does? Col-
onel Roosevelt once said, and
with facetious intent, "Mr. Simeon Strunsky
writes so well and thinks so clearly that I never
can understand why he is not on my side."
It may be set down almost axiomatically that
the statement "I welcome criticism" is -always
uttered through clenched teeth by all persons of
whatever political position. Even Voltaire in his
famous free speech phrase did not go beyond
urging that there should be a toleration of dis-
senting opinion.
C;etting Down To Cases
At any rate, it seems to me that radicals in this
country are not saying, "A murrain on all who
differ from us by a hair's breadth." Or if any
radical has ever said that I am not the particular
radical. But it does seem to me (and the
last municipal election in New York Was a labora-
tory test) that it is no argument at all to say,
"This cause must ipso facto be wrong because
'the Reds' suppot it."
Judge Jeremiah Mahoney undertook to cam-
paign against Mayor La Guardia on the broad
general theory that it was not necessary for him
to discuss either the personality or the policies
of his opponent. He thought it would be suffi-
cient to assert that if labor groups and radicals
were in favor of La Guardia the Republican and
A.L.P. candidate must be wrong. The voters of
the city decided against Mahoney.
Some moderately rock-ribbed conservatives
cast ballot for Fiorello, saying in effect, "I don'tt
mind going along with the radicals or having
ahem go along with me, because this time they
happen to be right."
O Its Own Merits
A number of people have opposed the drive of.
the CIO for industrial unionism on the ground
that if the Communists favor this particular form
of organization all non-Marxists should be
against it. Of course, that's silly. The issue of1
industrial unionism was current in America long 1
before the word "Communist" was current. t
Indeed, I am asserting that each political andI
economic issue ought to be debated on its meritsY
and that no cause can be thrown out the window
merely because the debater happens to disliket
some of the people who support it. I am thinking1
of Benjamin Stolberg's apparent contention1
that it is impossible to dislike Homer Martin,1
of the Automobile Workers Union, unless that<
dislike stems from a party "line." I know a num-i
ber of people who find the task of disliking Homert
Martin at least two and one-half times as easy as<
falling off a log.
I ought to be candid enough to admit past
sins. Once I wrote a column in which I saidt
that I lived by a simple rule in regard to public
controversies. I asserted that I saved a lot of
home work and factual research by merely wait-t
ing until Bishop Manning declared himself and1
then taking the opposite side.
But I was only kidding. If we live long enough
I will eventually find the good Bishop on the right1
side of some question just through accident andl
the pressure of the law of averages.

Probably there is no country whose
international musical reputation rests
more largely upon the shoulders ofl
one man than does that of Finland.
Since the beginning of the century
when Jean Sibelius began to winj
world recognition with his intensely
nationalistic tone poems, as En Saga,
Karelia, and Finlandia, the Finnish
people have possessed a musical in-
dividuality and independence which
did not become political until 1917.
One of the remarkable things about
Sibelius has been the many-sidedness
of his musical personality. In his
song and symphonic poems, depicting
the primitive ruggedness of his land
and its people, or retelling some tale
from the Kalevala or the Kanteletar,E
the Finnish epic and lyric poems, the
composer has, both in spirit and ex-.
ternally, displayed his patriotic fire
without becoming banal or vainglor-
ious. In the symphonies, on the oth-
er hand, these broader national char-
acteristics are submerged in a pro-;
foundly personal mode of conception
and expression, one which is neither
violently modern nor studiedly ar-
chaic, and which is thoroughly
unique in the field of symphonic


Helsinki University Chorus

Upon presentation of the signed
card together with accurate infor-
mation with regard to the make,
type and license number of the car
to be used, a temporary permit will
be granted. It is especially im-
portant to designate the year of
the license plates which will be
on the car during the week-end of
Feb. 11.

TUESDAY, JAN. 18, 1938
VOL. XLVII. No. 83
Automobile Regulation: Permission
to drive for social purposes during
the week-end of the J-Hop from Fri-
day noon, Feb 11, until Monday morn-
ing, Feb. 14, at 8 a.m., may be obtain-
ed at Room 2, University Hall through
the following procedure:
1. Parent signature cards should be
secured at this office and sent
home for the written approval of
the parents.

3. Out of town cars used for the week-
end must not be brought into Ann
Arbor before 12 o'clock noon on
Friday, Feb. 11, and must be taken
out before 8 a.m. on Monday, Feb.
The foregoing wil not apply to those
students who possess regular driving
permits. The above permission will
automatically be granted to this

Cecil Gray, the English critic, at group.
once the astutest and fairest of Si- Office of the Dean of Students
belius enthusiasts, has likened the
composer to three heroes of the Ka- First Mortgage Loans. The Univer
levala-Wainamoinen, the great har- sity has a limited amount of funds
per; Ilmarinen, a cunning artificer to loan on modern well-located Ann
and smith; and Lemminkainen, a Arbor residential property. Interest
kind of northern Don Juan. "In the at current rates. Apply Investment
symphonies it is the great harper, Office, Room 100, South Wing,
the inspired singer of his race, who University Hall.
speaks; in many works, such as The i
Nightride and Sunrise, we find only Graduate School: All graduate stu-
the skillful and accomplished crafts- dents who expect to complete the re-
man following timidly and without quirements for a degree at the close
originality of outlook in the steps of of the present semester should call
Wagner, Strauss, Grieg, Tschaikow- at the office of the Graduate School,
sky, and even Brahms; finally there 1006 Angell Hall, to check their re-
is the composer of Valse Triste, the cords and to secure the proper blank
Romance and many similar works of'to be used in making application for
popular and frequently even vulgar; the diploma. This application should
character. Probably no composer of be filed not later than the end of
such high distinction has ever writ- January.
ten such a large quantity of thorough- :Registration forms for the second
ly bad works; it has been given to semester are available in the office.
very few indeed to have won both Graduate students are urged to fill
the esteem of the few and the ap- out the forms in advance and to se-
probation of the many. And it is cure the necessary signatures. Reg-
probably this disconcerting ambiguity istration must be completed in Water-
of aspect, this Janus-like faculty of man Gymnasium, February 10, 11 and
facing both ways, that is primarily 12. The late registration fee will be
responsible for the attitude of non- charged beginning M tonday, February
committal reserve whicht musical 14.
criticism has hitherto maintained to- New students, or students trans-
ward Sibelius." ferring, should at an early date ask
There have been, however, com- the Secretary of their School or Col-
posers of merit other than Sibelius in lege to prepare and send to the office
Finland, although none who have at- of the Graduate School an official
tained any like degree of universal transcript of their undergraduate re-
popularity. The history of Finnish cords. New students are advised to

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all neicbrs of the
University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President
until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.

music went into
early in the 19th
the Russian yoke
ish on the shoul
pressed but stubb
pie. Two Germa
nard Crusell an
settled in Finlan
ing their own
talents with the f
of their adopted 1
ber of national
which awoke a n(
ism in the peop
the composers th
of Finnish music.
These German-
succeeded by true
Kollan and Wege

day through Thursday in the lobby of
Angell Hall during the week of Jan.
16, or may be paid to any member of
the finance committee before Jan.
20. These dues must be paid before
a graduate's name can appear in the
graduation announcement that is
published by the class.
Sophomores: Pay class dues Jan.
19, 20, 21 in the lobby of Angell Halil
from 9:00 to 3:00.
Rules Regarding the Sale of J-Hop
1. Tickets will be priced at $5.50
2. All tickets will be sold from the
ticket desk at the Union.
3. Ticket sale opens Thursday,
Jan. 19, at 1:00 p.m. and will continue
each day between the hours of 1:00
and 5:30 except Saturday when the
hours will be from 9:00 to 11:30 a.m.
No tickets will be sold on Sunday.
4. No blocks of tickets will be sold'
to any organization.
5. The sale will be restricted to
juniors until Monday, Jan. 24.
6. General sale opens Monday, Jan.
24 and will be restricted to members
of the student body and faculty of
the University. Only 1300 tickets will
be sold.
7. Bring identification cards to pur-
chase tickets.
8. Tickets resold for more than the
original purchase price will be void
and will not be accepted at the door.
9. The numbers of lost tickets should
be reported at once to the Ticket
Chairman ,Jack Wilcox. These num-
bers will be published in the Daily
Official Bulletin and the tickets will
not be accepted at the door.

its modern chapter apply for admission on advance of.
century, soon after+ registration.
succeeded the Swed- C. S. Yoakum
Iders of a long-op-
ornly resistant peo- Summer Work: Registration for
n-born artists, Ber- I camp counseling and other types of
d Frederick Pacius, summer work will be held Tuesday,
d and, by combin- Jan. 18 through Friday, Jan. 21. Of-
classically-grounded fice hours: 9:00-12:00 and 2:00 to
'olksongs and poetry 4:00.
and, created a num- University Bureau of Appoint-
songs and hymns ments and Occupational Infor-
ew spirit of patriot- mation.
le and earned for 201 MAson Hall.
he title of "fathers

Academic Notices
Mathemati s 120 ILife Insurance
Accounting. This course was an-
nounced as not to be given in 1937-38
It wil be offered the second semester
by Dr. T. N. E. Greville, and will meet
Wednesday and Friday at 1 o'clock
in 3010 A.H., and Tuesday from 2 to
4 o'clock in 3201 A.H.
Political Science Department.
Changes in courses for second semest-
er. Political Science 2, section 6
(Professor Pollock will besgiven at
eleven Tues. .Thurs and Sat. instead
of at ten. Political Science 52, section
4, will be given at ten, TuThs,
by Professor Pollock, instead of at
one, MWF, by Professor Calderwood.
Political Science 68 will be given at
one, MWF (2203 A.H.) by Professor
Calderwood instead of at nine, Tu
ThS, by Professor Hayden. Political
Science 154, Governments and Poli-
tics of the Far East, will not be given.
Howard B. Calderivood
Chinese Civilization and Japanese
Literature. Courses (O.L. 186), Chi-
nese Civilization, TuThS, 11, 9022 A.
H.., Dr. Chang; and (O.L. 194), Jap-
anese Literature, MWF, 10, 2029 A.R.,
Mr. Yamagiwa, will be offered the
second semester, but are not included
in the catalogue. Courses in Chinese
and Japanese language are also of-
fered. Pamphlets, including descrip-
tions of these courses, are available
in Room 4 U.H. and further infor-
mation may be received from Profes-
sor Waterman, 2021 A.H. or Professor
Hall, 11 A.H.
Biological Chemistry 123: All stu-
dents who intend to take this course
next semester are requested to meet
in Room 319 West Medical Building
at 4:45 p.m. on Wednesday, Jan. 19.
Psychology 103: All persons plan-
ning to elect Psychology 103, Practice
in Individual Testing, next semester
must have permission from Dr. Mey-
er. Appointments may be made with
Miss Weaver, Roomn 2125 N.S. The
hours for the course are not as an-
nounced in the catalog but are to be
History 12: Students now in His-
tory 11 will be allowed to continue in
the same sections in History 12 during
the second semester, if they wish to do
so. An opportunity will be given in
the quiz sections before the close of
the semester to make a reservation.
Students are urged not to reserve a
place in their first-semester section
unless they have reason to believe
that they will register in that section
in the Gymnasium during registration

-born pioneers were
Finns such as Karl
lius (teacher of Si-I

Candidates for the Degree of M.A.
in Political Science. The following
have successfully completed the lan-
guage requqirement:
Reece B. Bothwell '
William Cargo1
Chien-Kuo Hsia

On The Level

A new style in women's scarfs has come roar-
ing up out of Texas. They are called "Deaf and
Dumb" scarfs because the wearer's initials are
spelled out with silhouettes of hands-deaf and
dumb fashion. These scarfs would be most ap-
propriate here at Michigan except for the fact
that some of the girls aren't deaf.
One of the better-known History profs
gave out a warning to his class yesterday,
"Exams are nearly here, so when boning for
this exam remember to dig deep in order to
prevent the grave mistakes that so often
Another professor (emeritus) on campus says
he has so many different degrees that he some-
times feels like a thermometer.
Biggest anti-climax of the year: Jack Over-
ton threw in his hand during a bridge game at the
Theta Chi House Friday night. His hand had no
face cards in it and the boys up there have
a ruling that they never have to play such hands..
Jack's partner, Bob Barber, then laid his hand
down. It contained 13 hearts-and he couldn't
bid it!


belius), whose music was national- G. Kerby Jennings-
istic in subject and inspiration, al- Eugene Shelley
though influenced by the German ro- I
mantic school in regard to technique. Choral Union Members: Members
The thoroughly nationalistic school of of the Choral Union whose records
composition began with Robert Ka- are clear and who call in person,
janus (1856-1933), whose music an- will be given pass tickets for the
ticipates Sibelius in its unmistak- the hours of 9 and 12, and 1 and 4,
able racial characteristics, and who on Tuesday, Jan. 18. After 4 o'clock
was one of the first to introduce the no tickets will be given out.
Finish nationalistic quality into
instrumental music. Graduating Seniors: L.S.&A.:
Soon after Kajanus came Sibelius, Senior dues will be collected Mon-
and a host of contemporaries most of
whom are represented on the pro-
gram of the Helsinki Chorus: Haapa-
lainenJarnefeltMelar Merikan- y Vy Copation
to, Palmgren, and Madetoja. Of these '
the best known are Armas Jarnefelt. By TOM McCANN
popular in America principally for Bernie Cummins came to town Fri-
his Praeludium, and Selim Palmgren, day night. We said "came," not
who was from 1924-1926 professor of "went." But the small wonder is
composition at the Eastman School that he turned out just as we thought
of Music in Rochester. Martti Tur- he would, medium bad.
unen, (b. 1902), conductor of the Hel- I
sinki Chorus, has also composed both There really isn't much to be said
instrumental and vocal music and about the Cummins band, simply be-
acted as music critic and editor. cause it had no outstanding features.
I~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~T d i '~IQAfiinfH ---A41-


Our Navy

Worries Japan.

. .

menseems to have just committed a
rather serious faux pas-as far as the empire of
the Rising Sun, Japan, is concerned. Doemi (the
Japanese news agency) has expressed concern
over Great Britain's Singapore naval maneuvers,
particularly the intended American participation

1___ne ree sectiont, re brass, and the 1 'q_4-U1t 'U1 '
harhythm were purely run-of-the-mill Choral Union Concert: The Hel-
l ti utemps Makes We did, however, work up enough en-
r th sinks Chorus ,made up of 60 singers
Sew Cabinet r thusiasm onceduring the evening to from the university of Helsinki, con-
ask one of the young ladies in the ducted by Martti Turunen, will give
'continued from Page 1) two-girl trio (and what kind of a the seventh concert in the Choral
- - - riodo ou alltha?~wo te tnorUnion Series, Tuesday night at 8:30,
ers of the two previous People's Front man was. Before falling plumb in Hill Auditorium. This organiza-
governments. asleep, we heard a name that sounded tion is under the sponsorship of Jan
Chautemps planned a government reasonably similar to Blakely or Sibelius, and the honorary patron-
with four People's Front parties; So- . Buckley or Buggley or something like age of Serge Koussevitsky Eugene
cialists, with 156 votes; his own Rad- Ithat. eofer K sevtk;Een
ical Socialists, with 111; and Joseph ., * Ormandy, Artur Rodzinski, Walter
Damrosch, and other distinguishned
Paul-Boncour's Socialist Republican Bernie himself sang with utter American musicians.
Union, with 26 and the Independent abandon, sometimes through the
Left group, with 24. That would give oublic address system, and the rest ofi __


Arthur Miller
11. M. Purdy


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