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January 18, 1938 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1938-01-18

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TUESDAY, JAN. 18,193"S



'Mayhem' Is Mild . .
ing his unwaxed mustache, came
into this office last week and foisted
upon us a letter anent the Michigan-
Minnesota hockey series, presaging
certain mayhem among the bitter
rivals. At the time, we thought he
was indulging his customary pipe
dream, but printed his letter in a bold
attempt to discredit him. Now comes
the account of, those Gophertown
matches from some of the boys them-
selves, and if they aren't kidding,
"mayhem" flatly understates the
ministrations visited upon them.

Wrestlers Blank State, 32-0, For Season's First Win

Three Matches adgrs
Won On FallsK
Four On Points
Cameron, ThomasMorgan Wisconsin (39) g
Pin Opponents; Danner Rooney, f ..................6
Winner By Default Powel.f.................4
J___n__s,..... . .... . .. .. .. .......2
Bell, c ..................... 1
Penn State Next Foe Frey, g .................... 2

Upset Cagers,_39-30




Varsity Given

Rinaldi Pockets Award
For Selling Lingerie

of Charm and Distinction can
easily be yours by our exclusive
filtered light process.

f tp XirsI L "I enU1
3 15 T
2 10 ! Loss Of Year
0 4
1 3
O 2 Rooney Nets Fifteen Points
To Lead Scoring; Jake
Held In Check

For instance, John Mariucci
and Smack Allen engaged in a
caressing tete-a-tete during the
second game. Allen would streak
down the ice, encounter Mari-!
ucci's stick at the Adam's apple,I
and then wag his finger warning-
ly and say, "Tsk, tsk, John. I shall
assuredly return your courtesy
next time you invade our end of
the ice." In a few minutes Mari-
ucci would ride into Michigan ter-
ritory and receive Smack's cheery
greeting-a playful push in the
gut with the butt end of a stick.
Bowing gracefully, the big Go-
pher defenseman, whose abilities
run to carrying the puck down
the icewhenever the urge to
bruise seized him, would in turn
advise Allen that such a pleas-
antry deserved a reward. And the
gregarious Mr. Allen would soon
be back amongst the receptive
hosts and in short order be hand-
ed his desserts-a cajoling whack
across his schnozz.
This exchange of deeply-felt im-
rTAR~nc entinnPd throu hount the 5

Sweeping every match, Coach Cliff1
Keen's wrestlers walked over Michi-
gan State last night at Yost Field
House to the tune of 32 to 0.
Starting the evening's victoris off,I
Co-captain John Speicher met Gor-
don Purdy of the Spartans and de-
feated the visitor by a score of 20 to 6.
From the time the match started1
until the end the Michigan veteran
had full control of his opponent.
After getting behind his rival in the
126 pound class, Paul Cameron of the
Wolverines spent his efforts trying to
pin Dale Ball of State. In the closing
seconds of the battle, Cameron was
rewarded and downed his man with a
bar and chancery hold.
No Trouble Here
Co-captain Earl Thomas ran
against little trouble in Ted Crowe, a
sophomore from State. In the first
minute of the fight Thomas garnered
three points on a near pin, and then
after four minutes took his man to
the mat and scored another pin.
In the most interesting match of I
the evening, Harold Nichols outscored
Clifford Freiberger of State, and was
declared winner by virtue of a one
point advantage. Although it was an
evenly matched fight Nichols in the

Davis, g

Total .................16

Michigan (30) g f tp
Townsend, f ...............1 2 4
Slavin, f ...................1 0 2,
Thomasf..................3 17
Rae, c-f ..................1 241
Smick,c .................. 0 1 11
Fishman, g...............2 2 6
Pink, g ..... ..............1 0 2
Beebe, g ...................2 0 4
-. - - I
Totals .................11 8 30
Half-time score: Wisconsin 21;
Michigan 14.
Personal fouls: Rooney 3, Powell 2.
Jones 2, Bell 3, Frey, Davis, Town- I
send, Thomas 3, Rae, Smick 4, Fish-
man 2, Pink, Beebe 2.
Free throws missed: Rooney 2,
Powell, Jones, Bell 3, Frey 2, Davis,
Rae 2, Smick, Pink, Beebe.


Joe Rinaldi is on the ball again but
this time it isn't a football. Joe is
now the proud possessor of a brandI
new $50 Elgin watch awarded him by
a silk and lingerie company for win-
ning second place in its national sales
contest for novices.
The first place winner who beat
him out came from California, but,
according to Rinaldi, had an eight
weeks head start because the football
captain had to wait until after the
grid season while the westerner be-
gan on Oct. 1.

(Continued from Page 1)
Jones made it 31-21 on a quick fol-
low-up shot when Bell missed a free
Rooney, Jones and Powell took
charge of the remainder of the Wis-
consin scoring. Their shooting was
no longer as accurate as it had been
in the first half, but they pushed
into a 38-24 lead with but five min-
utes to play.
A field goal and free throw by Fish-
man and a field goal by Rae pulled
the Wolverines up to 38-29 and
Rooney scored a free throw and Rae
another in the final minute of the
The Michigan team was sadly de-



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Referee, Getchell, (St. Thomas), ficient in speed compared with the
npire, Kearns (De Paul). Badgers, but their advantage in
height gave them possession of the
ball on numerous re-bounds.
lockey Squad Coach Franklin C. Cappon shuf-
fled his line-up throughout the game
in an effort to find a scoring com-
To Meet Sarnia bination.
Townsend went out for brief rests
Sa N ht in both periods, and others were
shifted around repeatedly without


"'ress*.ons c** n suces
prsson umut 11vu,1vtu1Cclosing minutes was able to stay one;v ( success.
evening, according to our informer, sing minutes ws ableto a o
at least, until Smack mistook one of step ahead of his opponent, who was sd aes Prepare
atlat ni mc ito n frunner up in the national intercol- Bruised Players 1epr
Mariucci's subtle swipes across his runruIntentinlitro1 r
ear as a gesture too endearing for men legiate meet two years ago. For Coming Encounter Purdue Snaps Wildcat's
supposedly platonic in their relations, -And Here With Annual Foes Ten Streak
and returned in kind with an unmis- Harland Danner, the Wolverines' W tAn a eBig T VictoryS
takable right uppercut which ren- outstandingjunior, came out fast One of the strongest, if not the LAFAYETT, Ind., Jan. 17.-(/)-
dered Mr. Mariucci as cold as yester- and was taking Bill Mason to the strongest, amateur hockey teams in Purdue University's Boilermakers
day's mashed potatoes, as the song- mat when a rib injury forced the Ontario is next on the program forP
sters say, or at least as cold as the Spartan to default the match. . the Michigan sextet when it meets snapped Northwestern's Big Ten vic-
substance on which he sprawled-his Frank Morgan was able to take his e Sarnia Imperial Hockey Club of tory chain here tonight by turning
Northern chivalry completely chilled. foe in a manner similar to that of Sarnia Ipei Hked. back the Wildcats 37 to 26 in a hard-
Cameron and Thomas. Without Sarnia here this week-end.bakteWlcs37o26iahrd
Cameon ad Tomas Witoutfought basketball battle.
finding anything difficult about John Boasting one of the best simon- h defeat was Northwestern's first
Spike EnjoyedIt - -.- Kellogg of State, Morgan grabbed pure goalies in the business, and with nThe defet strtsf
three points on a near fall after a a team composed of experienced vet- in five Conference starts.
E rVEN THE Mnesota Daily de- minute of fighting and thern pinned erans the Imperials will give the
scribed the contest as a combin- Kellogg in the next minute. Michigan fans the type of hockey it
tion boxing match and hckey con- the -And Also Here doesn't take armor and tanks to play. ST ROH'S CAR L ING'S
kind of framcasiren rtshichthewbs' Changing his weight class since the The game will be one of the best of FRIARS ALE
ga r bou foracsin, fhind seone Indiana meet, Tim Hurd continued the season if former tilts with the
gather about for action ,find someone the Wolverine victory drive when he Sarnia club mean anything. At All Dealers
had forgotten the puck, and exclaime defeated Steve Slezak of the visitors Title Race Tied J. J. O'KANE, Dist. Dial 3500
in unison: "T'el with the puck, le in a point decision at 175 pounds. Al- Coach Eddie Lowrey and the sextet*srhg . tS h un in p te oa7 o .A_ _
rm the Norhern wrs with six loose though Slezak was behind Hurd at returned from Minnesota with honors
teethd nopartiality warshowni both the start of the match, the Michigan even as to future possession of the Big
uppers and lowers were jarred. Les man soon attained the vantage po- Ten hockey crown. Each team won
his e sition and tried for a pin the re- one game by the same score, 2-1.
Hillberg had an infection in his eye mainder of the contest. Practice was resumed last night
from a stray puck which caught him Fighting for the first time in the with the players none the worse for
off guard. Al Chadwick had a sus- heavyweight division, Sophomore Don their Minneapolis excursion except
picious 'shiner. Nichols, won his second match of the for minor bruises and sore appen-
Minneapolis papers scarcely season when he defeated Ale Steven- dages. Practice for the remainder
hesitated to suggest the possibil- son, a veteran of Michigan State. of the week will lay stress more on
ities of the matches when they de- With this decisive win under their the offense than the defense.
scribed the flashy Gibber as "me- belts the Wolverines will spend the The work of the second line in last
teoric Gib James, an obstreperous remainder of the week preparing for night's drill session was especially
youth who caused the Gophers a their match with Penn State this pleasing as Everett Doran, Al Chad-
peck of trouble last year." When Saturday night at Yost Field House. wick and Ed Chase hit the nets con-
we left Gib yesterday, he was per- tinually although they were working
ing through a dictionary, search- throughtw xpindyrn
;.n i-------------__+"two inexperienced yearling

3 ,'
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ing for the meaning of -obstrep-
erous." Gib feels they shouldn't
sling mud in print.
Only the younger James boy,
Spike, left Minneapolis with hisj
illusio'ns intact. Spike met a beau-!
teous sophomore co-ed on the
Gopher campus, and the little
charmer gave him a rabbit's foot
with a ring attached to it before
the second game. For good luck,
the Wolverine goalie hung the
hare's hoof on the net of the
goal he defended. It worked ap-
parently. The gal told Spike not
to tell any of the Minnesota men
of her shifted allegiance.
Vic Heyliger, last year's hockey
captain, who was recently transferred
from the Chicago Black Hawks to the
minor league club in St. Paul, squired
the Wolverines around town during
their Twin City stay. Vic also acted
as a judge in the second game, af1d
if we remember the B.eaver rightly,
must have felt a regretful pang when
the fists started to fly. , Vic liked a
little fisticuffs on the side.

W restLng Mummarzes defensemen. However, Johnny Fabel-
to and Gib James found the going
118: John Speicher (M) defeated not much harder even though they
Gordon Purdy (MSC) 20-6. were up against the blue-line team of
126: Paul Cameron (M) pinned Bucko Smith and Bob Simpson.
;Dale Ball (~MSC) 8:07. Hillberg Still Out
135: Earl Thomas M) pinned Ted The defensemen on various occa-
Crowe (MSC) 4:22. sions, almost contradictory to" the
145 Haol Nihol k) dfeaedMichigan, method, took the puck'
145: Harold Nichols (M) defeated down the ice and both Smith and
Simpson found the goal mouth several
155: Harland Danner (M) default times.
over Bill Mason (MSC). Les Hillberg, who did not play in
165: Frank Morgan (M) pinned the second Minnesota game due to an
John Kellogg (MSC). l eye infection. was absent from last
175: Tim Hurd (M) defeated Steve night's workout. Bill Chase, who has
Slezak (MSC) 10-8. been out the major part of the sea-
Heavyweight: Don Nichols (M) de- son with an injury returned to take
feated Dale Stevenson (MSC) 6=3. over the tending duties of the other
_ _ _ _ _net. Spike James was again in the
' 4

. .-




Iowa 36, Indiana 32.
Minnesota 41, Illinois 29.
Pittsburgh 50, Carnegie Tech. 33.
Sewanee 32, Vanderbilt 28.
Taylor 43, Rose Poly 29.
Oklahoma 48, Iowa State 26.
Hope 47, Albion 41.



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