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January 18, 1938 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1938-01-18

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Knight cf~ ate
tTWAS1SOME FUN, this week-end we've all been thinking ... and now it's
back to the old grind, but not without some pleasant memories of a
great time . Iterfraternity was a top rater in the party calendar for
the year ... and o' course the snow train was a great success .. At this
very moment Michigan has a queen . . . in spite of the policies of the
University . . . and a Snow Queen at that . .. Marian Gommesen was given
reign over the frivolities at Cadillac Sunday . . . the band was even out to
meet the train . .. and the mayor was prepared to royally entertain .. Such
Hospitality Cadillac showed everybody-they practically gave the whole of
their fair city .. . for the asking . .
But getting back to the Union Friday night, and the scene of the party
. . There were many, many people dancing to Bernie Cummins and his
music .. Among some of the "early birds" who came to get their dancing in
before the crowds arrived . .. were Ginny Eaglesfield and John Strayer -..
Nancy Saibert and Lou Bulkeley . . . Patty Matthews and Jack MacLeod
were there and we saw Myrra Short there with Max Shirley . . Marjorie
Mackintosh and Malcolm Daniels monopolized one corner of the floor to
dance-away from the crowds ...
THE DELT'S CAME from their dinner party in a body. Jane Mougey was
with Jim Hollinshead, Barb Gibson with Chuck Hedges and Doris
Atkinson . . . Ginny Bell and Bob Miller were talking with Libby Powers and
Jo Osburn as we came in and we saw Betty Mandle
there with Jack Chapman . . . The Phi Sigs had
a pre-ball party at the house, and here we saw
Betty Thompson with Harold Adler, Mary Jo Har-
wood with Jim Fromm, Charlotte Schreiber with La
Verne Burns and Mary Wickes with Ed Phillipts
. Punk Marten and Jack Thompson were at theI
Theta Chi dinner before the dance.. . and here we
also saw Vivian McLain with Bob Culbertson andl
Ruth Sevensma was there with Tommy Aye.. . The1
dinner was a bit on the unique side, and gifts were
presented-consisting of huge loaves of bread and -
a jar of peanut butter, which went to Betty Clement and Lewis Slater .-.
Shirley Hepler was officiating over a jug of milk and helping her was Jimmy
Fredericl, the brother of Awful John, who is famous for blowing pepper in
innocent girls' eyes. Caroline Gallmeyer was John's guest . .. Jimmy James
and Frank Furry were munching on their loaf of bread . . . and we saw Mary
Bell there with Jack Wilcox, J-Hap ticket chairman ...
A T THE PHI DELTA PHI HOUSE Saturday night we saw numerous
people . . Jane Ingalls, who came down from Northwestern, was theI
guest of Dick Hinks and we saw Mim Robert-
son there with Chuck Moon . . . Murill Hassard,
Ty Carlisle, Kay Larned and Bob Corwin were
having dinner with Marjorie Downey and Art
Batton, before going to the League to dance . .
We also saw Marion Cannon with Bob Steward,
Midge Ayers with Tom Clarke and Barb Back-
us with Art Hollar at the League -.
r r The snow train was off to an early start
Sunday morn and from then on-well, no more
needs be said .. Mary Lavan and Reed Alex-
ander had the ski trails well under control'
early in the day and John KQllig was a great;
enthusiast for the snow banks .. or helping
others out of them . . Carli Voight and Dick
Fox got off to a racing start on the toboggan
slide . . . and Dotty Barrett was having more than a struggle keeping two
feet under control, when she put on her skis ...

Assembly Ball

Color For Wintry Da Producon Prof. I. Y McCluskey .. New Alumnae Club
s . . To ,xve Speech Todlay Holds First Meeting

uo()sinof~ns D !:: y.J° lo I cautre Prof. Howard McClusky of the _____
School of Education will be the speak- Thirty women attended the first
For Petitioning I Im pressuinism er at a Graduate Luncheon which will meeting for organization of an Ann
be held tomorrow noon in the Rus- Arbor Mortarboard Alumnae Asso-
By MARIAN SMITH sian Tea Room of the League. The ciation which held as an informal tea,
Requests For tiCommittee ,'.j.By ni o MRsINSIcTsH wll
Reuitestspesirisic ettwelsubject of the talk will be "Educa- Saturday at the Alpha Phi house,
Posts To Begin Today Iuioirsis'ss ltion for Social Responsibility. Miss Marie Hartwig, acting chair-
form the background for the presen- Prof. Preston James of the geog- man of the executive committee, an-
[nterviewing Thursda tation of Norman Rosten's, "This aPhy.destnmespok eo y
Proud Pilgrimage" to be prsetd aphy department spoke informally nucd
Peitonngfocm-P Pr" T presented by on Brazil at the meeting last Wed- The group will use this year as an
Petitioning for committee chair- Play Production, Thursday, Friesd ay.experimental year, Miss Hartwig said,
manships and memberships on com- { and Saturday.n y-.._
mittees for the Assembly Ball, which! Oren Parker, Grad, who is in
will be given March 11 in the League charge of staging the production said-
Ballroom, is to be carried on all day that the setting has been designed in
today and tomorrow in the Under- relation to the type of play and the
graduate Office of the League. poetic form in which it is written.
The positions open for petitioning Realism has been replaced by im- C HsioNi-nC_ H orNr-tRt1tere1EuR
are those of assistant chairman, fi- {1pressionism, in order that there would{
nance, tickets, music, publicity, dec- be no distraction from the content
orations, patrons and program chair- and mood of the play.
men and memberships on the seven Lighting Simplifies Staging
committees. The play is composed of 14 scenes,
Independents Eligible E which have necessitated the use of an
"Every non-affiliated woman who ;established form, over which num-
wishes to hold a chairmanship or be Colorful suede vests are appear- erous lighting effects are moved for
a committee member must petition ing these snappy winter days over various scenes. By this means, Park- !
either today or tomorrow," Norma swcaters or gay plaid shirts. They er said, staging was simplifiedI
are comfortably light, yet give ex- and there was no break in the sue-
ball, announced yesterday. "Petition tra warmth. Various tailored styles cession of scenes.
blanks will be available all day long, give the trim well-groomed appear- Light wl t f te
both days, in the Undergraduate Of- anc so necessary for a campus cos- major problems, for-there will be a
fice of the League." tume. Ascots and triangular scarves constant blending of lights which can
Interviews Fr om 3 To 5 P.M. in contrasting colorsare often used be achieved only through "feeling"
Interviewing will be held from 3 to to accentuate the ensemble. the changes rather than distinct cues.
5 p.m. Thursday and Friday in the( rtesque Effect Presented__ _
Council Room of the League. Only Grteqe fec Peene
Cose wom wantin chirma Distortion has been used to avoid y
ships need to be interviewed. Miss realism. Parker stated and the color-
Curtis said. She added that the of- ing has been keyed in with the set-
ficers of Assembly Organization and1 ting, presenting a grotesqu effect.
she would compose the interviewing and /, Parker declared that the designing .
committee. of the sets had been more difficult
"This committee is to decide what than the execution or building and
- ! )y~~'lU ~ tat many changes were made beforeY k
women will be best suited for the ta aycagswr aebfr
various chairmanships," Miss Curtis that final model was made. A Shake-
said, "and hopes to announce their Mr. and Mrs. Walter C. Laitner of spearean treatmnt as fisttried,
names Tuesday, Jan. 25." Detroit announce the engagement of with the use of classical forms, butf
the solution was found in a design ofj
~ their daughter. Jean Sarah, '36. to abstract forms.
a y * Donald A. Williams, son of Mr. and ------ -
ya" (e *Mrs. R. R. Williams of Detroit.
1 Meet r iis W e IThe news of the engagement was Results Of Bowl Ing I
j1_revealed at a tea held Satumrdayr Jan. AourneyAreG veG cat by D O B B S
The program committee of the 15 at the Laitner home. Small rings
1938 Junior Girls Play will meet at 4 of pink flowers with the names, Jean The first rounds of both the in-
p.m. today at the League, according and Donald, on them told of the en- i ou the Flared off the face, with a gay feather accent. Asart
to Jane Holden, chairman of the com- gagement. dividual bowling tourna nent and the
mittee. A meeting of the publicity Miss Laitner is affiliated with Kap- major school staff team tournament young hat with a dash of the Chinese. Fine fur felt or
committee will be held at 4 p.m. pa Alpha Theta. She was president were completed last week, it was an-. leghorn, in spring and resort colors. DOBBS accurate
Thursday. The rooms will be an of the Michigan chapter during her nounced by Miss Ruth Helsel. facuity .headsizes. $75
nounced on the bulletin board. senior year. The bride-elect was also adviser for bowling.
It is important that all members a member of the 'Ensian staff and a The winners of the individual
attend because the remaining health member of the cast of the 1935 Junior' tourney are Blanche Anderson, '40Ed,
recheck slips will be given out. All Girls Play. Mr. Williams graduated Beatrice Hopkins, '39Ed, Dorothy
women who have completed their from Phillips .Exter Academy and Maul, '39, Frances McGann, '40, El-
health rechecks or have their special from Dartmouth College, where he eanor Peschke, '39, Elsie Waier, Grad
permission slips should hand them to was affiliated with Chi Phi frater- and Doris Yoder, '38. Miss Maul
the committee chairmen immediately.. nity. 4 came in first with a score of 182.


_ - I



and Dick Powell did-47 times 1."THE TITLE OF THE SONG"says Dick
Powell, "certainly tells what I did in filming
my new Warner Bros. picture, 'Hollywood
Hotel'. Yet during all this work, Luckies never
once bothered my throat. This is also true...

> s? : N
1 f,.
' '; O

RRff :.


2. "REHEARSING FOR 'Your Iollywood 3.,"THAT AUCTIONEER on our program
Parade', my new radio program. Luckies are reminds me that, among tobacco experts,
the gentlest cigarette on my throat." Luckieshave a 2 to 14ead over all other brands.
(Because the "Toasting" process takes out I think Luckies have a 2 to 1 lead also among
certain irritants found in all tobacco.) the actors and actresses here in Hollywood."

4. "SOLD AMERICAN", the auctioneer
chants, as the choice center-leaf tobacco goes
to Lucky Strike. Men who earn their living
from tobacco, know that )Lucky Strike buys
the finest grades. These men are the,...

C&4d YAephAd et'ikeej
Jai&td &
THIS IS THE TYPE OF SUIT gay young things will wear
under their coats to class now . . . without a coat in the
Spring . . . and possibly with a topcoat in the fall.
THE JACKET is trimly tailored of a grainy imported tweed,
brightly checked . . . the skirt of smooth black or navy

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