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January 11, 1938 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1938-01-11

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TUESDAY, JAN, 11, 1375


.. ...... ........ ------- ------ . . . . ....... ..........

Knight 7' Date
It was rather quiet on the social front this week-end, as far as house
dances were concerned . . . after all, the conscience has Just begun to trouble
many of us ... with the haunting thought that exams are not far away ,
And then of course, there are those New Year's resolutions to be kept (at
least for the first week-end, to settle down to some good solid studying) .
But people were out doing things-in spite of it all-taking in the games
and doing their dancing at the League and Union . .. And Sunday brought
one of the best of the winter's snow storms ... so we can be expecting to
see loads of people diverting their interests "out-of-door" way ..And then
there's next week's snow train already scheduled to be off for the North,
come early next Sunday morn . .. so we'd best be making our reservations
and I'll be seeing you taking your tumbles as they come.
But getting back to this week-end's revelries . . . Let's see who was going
here and there . So to start with the League . . . Mary May Scoville and
Dick Adler were early arrivals and stayers-on
Gwen Lemon and George Wilson were there and
we saw Marg Cram there with Ted Fraser .. .
Elaine Jacobs and Brad Palmer were dancing
to Charlie and his music all evening ... and we saw
- Dotty Barrett there with Al Roth ... Dorie Bolton
and Fletcher Platt were whipping around . ..and
we saw Rosemary McArthur there with June
Johnson . .. Steph Parfet and Bill Forcey came
in rather late ... Betty Haas and Ben Bugbee were
making several requests throughout the evening -.-
What a game we witnessed Saturday night (in fact what games) ... but
the taking of the first Big Ten team was really something to talk about,
for such basketball we've never seen played . . . Don Applegate and Alice
Reese were there to watch the crowds flow in.
Hai To The Victors. .
We saw Marge Williams, Bill Parfet, Jeanette Cranmer and Dave Under-
down scurrying for a seat after they collected Dot Lavan and Bob Winters
at the entrance ... Anabel Avery,. Clark Schell, Ann Brennan, Tom Mun-
son, Ruth Dillman and John Richardson all
were sitting together-cheering for all their
Scurrying over to the hockey game after
the basketball victory ... we saw Joan Schoener
and Ginny Bensley among the onlookers . . .
Charlotte Poock, Bob Corwin, Bunny Arner and.
Bill Borgmann were all there too-before goingl
up to the League to dance .. .
After the games . . . we whipped up to the
League to see what was going on . . . Bettyt
Young was there with Tom Kleene . . . Dori
Marshner and Paul Keller were having great
.fun . . and we saw them with Tad Lynch andl
Dwight Adams during intermission ...
At the Union this week-end we saw Mary Wickes and Ed Phillips . .. and
Maggie Campbell was there with Bob Archer . .. Betty Baldwin and Bud'
Crewson were talking with Cletus Hall and Larry Rinek. .. There was a bigG
table of Phi Gam's there Friday . . . they demonstrated their really finet
vocal ability.
Sleigh-Bells Ring Again .:.
The Gamma Phis had a sleigh ride Friday night that was great sport ... .
Maxine Nelson and Roger Bradley were among the sportsters . . . and
s Barbara Backus was there with Art HollarZ
.. . After the party . . They all came backI
.: to the house for a snack and a bit ofr
Jordan's dance Friday was fun too . . .
and here we saw Sally Secrest with Jack
Newcomb and Margaret Shuptrine with Art
SValpey . . Janet Davis, who was with Jim
1-ynes, Margaret Carr, who was with Frank
Peacock and Hellen Nutting composed a littlef
trio. Then at Mosher, we saw Fran Burgess with Walt Van Hoek, MargieI
Myers with Jim O Brien, and Ruth Carr with Ralph Hall, all having much,g
much fun.C

R utlveii Series
(I~f Tom" Q T« p 12

For J.(; FVIA <cr't i oa



70edding s

Uiversity TEnLtertin
Educator From Syria

I X JJ k% 1 0 . l" I The finance and tickets comnmittees
Dr. Bayard Dod' _, Fresident of the
F S em ester anof the 1938 Junior Girls Play Wi l1 American University of Beirut, Syria,
O both meet at 4 p.m. today in the will be the guest of the University to-
League it has been announced by morrow and Thursday.
6 4their chairmen. The rooms will be Dr. Dodge will speak to the Ann
4 'Faculty Members And ' posted on the bulletin board. The fi Arbor Rotary Club tomorrow noon,
Wives Will Be Special ' The engagements and marriage of nance committee is under the direc- and will be the guest of honor at an
four University graduates were re- Imon of Martha Tillman, and Madelinejinformal reception tomorrow night
LeSfS TQ10rrUW Gently made known. t!Krieghoff is chairman of the ticket
Announcement was recently made committee.
The blast Ruthven Tea until Marchof the engagement of Elizabeth Fur- It is important that every woman
will be held from 4 to 6 p.m. tomor- Beck, '36, of New York City, daughter I sipiatta vr oa
row, at the President's home. Four of Mrs. M. Rees Furbeck of Houghton, who wishes to participate in any part
faculty members and their wives have and Maitland Lanthrop Bishop, Jr., iof the play have her health rechecked
been specially invited to attend, ac- son of Mrs. Howard Wainwright of immediately, Roberta Chissus.gen-n
cording to Stephanie Parfet, chair- New York. era chairman warned
man of the teas. Miss Furbeck is affiliated with,
The faculty members and their Gamma Phi Beta. She attended
wives are Prof. Joseph Hayden, of the Beard's School, Orange, N.J. and
political science department and Mrs. Smith College. She is also a grad-
Hayden; Prof. Arthur D. Moore, of uate of Katherine Gibbs School, N.Y.WT
the electrical engineering department and the University. - c
and Mrs. Moore; Prof. Walter Gores, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Woodley f De- SP EC A L
of the School of Architecture and Mr. troit announce the engagements of
Donald B. Gooch of the School of theirdagtr Grace, '36, to Joseph
Architecture and Mrs. Gooch. Coultier. The announcement was
Student groups who will attend are made Saturday, Jan. 8 at a tea at the
Mosher-Jordan Halls, Kappa Kappa 1 League. Miss Woodley is affiliated
Kappa Gamma sorority, Theta Xi, with Chi Omega. She was a mem-
Triangles, Phi Delta Theta and Al- ber of the executive council of the
pha Kappa Lambda fraternities. League in 1936-37.
Those who have been invited to The engagements of Florence Rhea
pour are Mrs. Hayden, Mrs. Moore, Doerrer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Mrs. Gooch, Mrs. Ruth Smith, house- L. G. Doerrer of Ashland, O. and
mother of Kappa Kappa Gamma sor- Thomas K. Connellan, '34, son of Mrs.
ority, Mrs. Harry B. Mott, house- William Connellan of Detroit was
mother of Phi Delta Theta fraternity, announced recently.
Mary Helen Hurley, '38, president of Miss Doerrer attended Ashland
Kappa Kappa Gamma, Margaret My- College. Mr. Connellan is affiliated
ers, '38, president of Mosher-Jordan with Theta Delta Chi. He was man- :
Halls and Betty Gatward, '38, chair- aging editor of the Daily in 1933-34,
man of the social committee of the and a member of Sphinx and Michi-


Newly Formd

in Lerf ratt.ii-ty Ball
r-te -a te r!


GriroupTo Meet'ie ae
The ticket sale for the Interfrater-
ortarbardOrgan- ity Ball has been closed, Bud Lun-
rrd rgni~ztio I (ahl, '38, co-chairman of the dance,
To Be Started Saturday announced, but tickets sold for the
League will be honored at the Union.
The Ann Arbor alumnae chapter of This change was brought about be-
Mortarboard, national honorary so- cause of the fact that Stepin Fetchit
cicty for senior women, will hold its and Erskine Hawkins will not appear
initial meeting at 3 p.m. Saturday at as scheduled. The former broke a
the Alpha Phi house. it was an- contract with the Consolidated Radio
nounced by Miss Marie Hartwig, '29, Artists Co.
who was contacted by the National Lundahl said that attempts were
Mortarboard organization to direct made to secure another band for the
the formation here. League btut were unsuccessful.
All the alumnae of the Michigan
active chapter who live in Ann Ar-
bor have been contacted.hHowever,
all Mortarboard alumnae who live inj
town are invited to membership and
are asked to telephone any member
of the committee before Saturday.
Mrs. Nelly Clark, '10, telephone 23-
355, is the chairman of the committee
which has done the calling. Helping Teo
her are Mrs. Ward Peterson, '19, 22-
349, Mrs. Philip Schaupner, '34, 7586,
Dr. Maryanna Smalley, '25, 7013, Mrs.
Raymond St. John, '07, 4504, and Miss
Marian Williams, '17, 7821. r
Helen Starr Wns
First Rifle MatchI
Evenoffer such
Rifle club members finshed their
first intramural match yesterday.
Helen Starr had the highest score,
484, and Mary Richardson was see-sA
ond with 473.
Miss Olive Reed, '39, student man-
ager, announced that the club would L cisg nl
meet with the University of Wichita,
the University of Nebraska and
Gettysburg College during the ,week-
end of Jan. 15.
The range is open on Mondays and
Wednesdays from 3 to 5 p.m. and
from 4 to 6 p.m. on Tuesdays and
Thursdays. Those wishing to try out i
are invited to come to the W.A.B.
during this time, Miss Reed said. An->'
other intramural match will begin
immediately and competition is open !
to everyone.


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