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January 11, 1938 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1938-01-11

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TUESDAY, JAN. 11, 1938

FOUR TUESDAY, 3AN. 11, 1938


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Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of
Stude4 Publications.
P.rnshed every morning except Mondy during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
"se for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or 'not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
rights of republication of all other matter herein also
rEn isred at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as
second ulass mal matter.,
Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier,
$40; by mal, $4.5.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1937-38
NationalAdvertisingService, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
Board of Editors
Business Department
CREDIT MANAGER ....................DON WILSHER
The editorials published in The Michigan
Daly are written by members of the Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
fmFraternities .. .
great deal has been said about the
gradual dissolution of fraternity spirit through-
out the country. It has been saidtha the coop-
eration between the fraternity and the school has
become strained and is approaching the breaking
point. The pathetic thing is that what has been
said and what will be said if nothing is done
to correct this dilemma, is based upon sound and
logical reasoning. In reviewing the fraternity
situation in many of our eastern schools, one has
only to study the conditions at Harvard, Dart-
mouth, or Yale. With surprising rapidity the
schools have been clamping down on the frater-
nities so that the houses have been forced to close
either voluntarily or involuntarily, leaving the de-
jeted students with but one alternative, and that
has been to organize clubs, which are in reality
very similar to fraternities as they had existed
for many years previous to this shake-up.'
At Dartmouth, where fraternities have been
suffering from lack of cooperation from the
schobl for many years, there has been a gradual
renaissance of fraternities as valuable, potent
contributing agencies in the social life' of the
college: The ground has been broken in the
building of new attitudes among the undergrad-
V.tes, a new philosophy of the potentialities of
fraternities in their own lives, and there is a
totally new realization of the idea that frater-
nities. can be essential factors in the educational
scheme of the liberal college.
Why this sudden departure from the old schoo
of rugged individualism upon the part of each
fraternity? Three years ago the function of fra-
ternities at Dartmouth was trifling, but now,
through the drive by the undergraduate inter-
fraternity council, a new feeling has arisen be-
tween the school and the fraternities.
There should be no opposition between the
college and the fraternity, if both define clearly
and together what their mutual relations and
functions are. Yet, here at the University of
Michigan, there has been an undercurrent of an-
tagonizing talk about how absolutely the fra-
terity and the college are fighting one another,
with neither giving ground to the other. Pos-
sibly the situation is not as critical as it has been
at Dartmouth College, but certainly when state-
ments have been made to the effect that the
only service a fraternity performs here at Mich-
igan is that of stabilizing the deplorable housing
conditions, something should be done.
The problem of revitalizing fraternity life at

Michigan seems to resolve itself into two basic
issues: (a) the relations between the fraternities
and the University; and (b) undergraduate re-
sponsibility and activities. These principles are
similar to those dealt with at Dartmouth, and
should necessarily be the same here, if we are
to deal with this problem successfully.
Let us first consider the problem of fraternity
relations with the University. The initial task,
we believe, is first of all, to attack vigorously
and realistically a present condition and not
waste time trying to solve any hypothetical ques-
tions of what might be if things were different.
There is no necessity to explain away the ap-
parent failure of fraternities, but to strive for
better function within them. If the fraternities
really become a vital force in undergraduate life
in school, the University will be the first to ask
how they may be strengthened even more, and
to inquire whether there is any easily removable
obstacle to their becoming even more vital.
Obviously it is the University's business to de-

(Who is Chairman of J-Hop Committee)
ON FEBUARY 7, 1938, Wayne King will play for
the University of Illinois Interfraternity Ball
and on February 12, 1938 a fellow named Kemp,
Hal will lambast a little swing in Champaign for
the benefit of the Student-Alumni Registration
Have you got the Winona Beach Wallopers
signed up yet, Raabie? Hurry, or Ann Arbor High
will beat you to it.
WE HAVE evolved a solution. It isn't quite an
ethical solution because it flaunts the tenets
of all generations and flings to the wind the hide-
bound traditions of mankind. That's how big this
idea of ours is, And it's about war. We got it
The other night a travelling bull session whirled
into the Daily office and since it was early, the
talk had advanced only past politics and not as,
far as women. So the intermediate topic wa's
war. Someone suggested the process of selecting
a champion who would be well-conditioned con-
tinually by trainers so that when a little boundary
difficulty arose between nations, we just send the
champion out to meet the champion of the
other nation. If our champion won-at boxing,
scratch-as-scratch-can, biting or other of the
less messy forms of fighting-then we would
raise the coach's salary and greet the champion
as he came home from the fields with whoops
of glory and yells of admiring delight. If he lost,
we'd just fire the coach and the champion just
wouldn't come home, that's all.
But that wasn't quite satisfactory. First, be-
cause there wouldn't be enough chance for the
people who thrill to the bugle's blare to get out
and get their lick in. Everyone couldn't be a
champion and there'd be too many millions who
would still want to get out there with their toma-
hawk and-special eye gouging thumb attach-
THEN the second big consideration comes up
in the necessity of keeping the population
down to a sensible and controllable proportion.
If one man is going to do all the warring around,
the world will be cluttered up with people who
as you know make so darn much trouble. You
got to watch them carefully and just having a
champion would only knock them off one at a
So, we, knowing that in certain parts of the
country's farming areas the soil is reaching
the exhaustion stage and stands in sad need of
fertilizer, suggested our plan.
Why don't we just set aside one of these poorer
sections for periodic wars of our own? First, of
course, we could train little armies of men and
every six or seven year period fill them full of
hops especially grown in the poppy fields of
France and the Standard Oil Co.'s backyard
(Yangtze branch). When sufficiently full of hops
off go these happy fellows with the battle hymn
of democracy on their lips. They choose up sides
and with a special consignment of stuff just of'
the production line at DuPont's they go splatter-
splatter all over the landscape until there is just
enough left to make up a medium-sized American
Legion Post. They throw the mess into the shell
holes and pile the dirt in and soon the land is
rich and productive again.
But thinking it over, we considered the higher
grade of bona fide manufactured fertilizers, espe-
cially treated with all the chemical processes. So,
as an improvement onthe original plan, we sug-
gest that the national government just subsidize
some bigmunitions plant-they won't need them
if they use our plan-and turn it into a huge fer-
tilizer producer. The change wouldn't be so
great and then we could just march companies
of men right up to the factory and on into the
vats and machines without even bothering to
shoot them. Thus we save on guns and shells.
And to keep up with the times anyway, we could
select from each crop enough to make up a Lib-
erty League post and their job would be to pose

For swell news pictures and make up special red-
kicking squads after each consignment gets the
A report just flitted in that a prominent J-Hop
committee man is negotiating with three fra-
ternities for the use of their victrolas on Friday,
February 11th.
--Mr. Disraeli.
Syincopa ion
Certainly it would be pretty silly to say any-
thing more about Erskine Hawkins and Stepin
Fetchit; enough has been done in that direction
already. Although those little rascals may think
they've made the IFC blush, the fun will really
begin when the musician's union takes action for
that flagrant violation-breaking an engage-
ment on such short notice.
If Bernie Cummins fails to appear we're going
to begin believing that someone has put the ir-
removable sign of the Green River Curse on the
We're beginning to wonder these days just
exactly how much of the applause we hear over
the air today is genuine.
The other night at the conclusion of one of
the Adrian Rollini trio numbers from the Essex
House in New York, the audience went "complete-

Jjfeemr Iloo Me
H-eywood Broun
I get blamed for everything. Before going to
the Hague rally in Jersey City I decided that it
might be a good idea to take a friend along in
case there was any trouble about the visas on
our passports.
Crossing the border into Hitlerberg was less
difficult than I had anticipated, because the mon-
ster turnout promised by the
Mayor's press agents did not
materialize. I think it would
be quite safe to take two
gzrains of salt before ac-
cepting the statement of the
New York Sun that 75,000
people crowded into the ar-
mory to listen to Jersey's
little Caesar. The hall was
filled, but fifteen thousand
would be a fair estimate as to'its capacity, and
there were perhaps a couple of thousand people
milling around outside watching the roman
candles and the rockets which were being set
off in front of the hospital. Anything over 18,-
000 you could stick in your right eye.
As for enthusiasm, one man's tumult is an-
other's tepid applause. I have seen many more-
vociferous cheering sections. Johnny Gavegan,
the Surrogate, acted as demonstration director,
but at times the assembled cohorts were a little
slow in picking up their cues.
Excuse It, Please
Dorothy Parker, for reasons unknown to me,
was seated in the front row of the American Le-
gion delegation just behind the press section.
She told me that the legionnaire to her left was
very affable and that they carried out quite a
pleasant conversation about the climate of Cali-
fornia. "The only difficulty," Mrs. Parker re-
ported, "was that whenever Mayor Hague paused
my friend would say, 'Please pardon me,' cup his
hands, shout 'Hooray!' and then resume at the
point where he had been interrupted."
They passed out the Mayor's remarks only a
few minutes before he came on, and my friend
and fellow traveler found a passage on the fourth
page which annoyed him.
"When the big stuffed shirt gets to this," he
2onfided, "I'm going to boo."
I looked at him severely and said, "If you've
any booing to do pleasetake it away from me
and go over' to the other side of the hall. I'm
here as a working newspaper man, and never
let it be said that partisanship has reared its ugly
head and ruffled my complete neutrality."
My friend went away, but presently he was
back again, and right in the middle of a Hague
periodic sentence he cut through the orator's
cadence with "Nuts!" in clear and carrying tones.
Lese Majestie In Jersey City
Never in my experience has a single word
created such a sensation. The mood of Hague's
henchmen was not so much anger as one of hor-
ror. Everybody waited, fully expecting that
lightning would come through the ceiling and
strike the offender dead or that she bears would
amble down the aisle and eat him up.
Apparently it was the first time in all Hague's
life that anybody had ever said anything to him
but "Yes."
"Who interrupted?" roared Fran Hague, but
after waiting a moment for somebody to bring
him the miscreant's head on a platter he went
on with his oration. But something was missing.
At least three cylinders. In his confusion the
boss referred to Roger Baldwin as "a slack
dodger," and some of his sentences neither
scanned nor made any particular sense.
I was very sorry, but I was also indignant, be-
cause I was the fellow the nearest cop selected to
tap on the shoulder and warn, 'None of that.
now." The next time I go to Jersey City, I will
pick a strong, silent man as my bodyguard.

On The Level

By WILLIAM J. LICIITENWANGER Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all menrbers of the
University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President
Ruth Slencz.synshuntil 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.
One of the newest of America's pi- (Continued from Page 2) the flora of the Cumberland Plateau
anistics prodigies appeared in Hill _ and Cumberland Mts. in Kentucky
Auditorium for the first time last reading knowledge during the current Arabis in Central North America.
night, displaying some remarkable academic year, 1937-1938, are inform- Eugene Atkinson: Review of some
talents. With only a trace of initial ed that examinations will be offered recent monographs.
nervousness, chubby, seriously-smil- in Room 108, Romance Language Reports on the recnt botanical
ing little Ruth Slenczynski went in- Building, from 2 to 5, on Saturday meetings at Indianapolis by members
tently about playing a program of im- afternoons, January 22, May 21, and of the Journal Club.
posing seriousness and trenchant de- August 13. It will be necessary to
mands: Bach's Fantasie and Fugue register at the office of the Depart- Mathematics Club will meet tonight
in A minor, Busoni's transcription of ment of Romance Languages (112Mat 8 phm.. in Room 3201 Angell Hall
the Bach D minor organ Toccata R.L.) at least one week in advance. Dr. R. M. Thrall will speak on "Tri-
(with, contrary to the advance an- Lists of books recommended by the linear Forms and Birational Trans-
nouncement, its attendant Fugue), variousdepartments are obtainable at formations."
the Beethoven Sonata in E flat Op.t____
31, No. 3 (whose four movements are hIt s desirable that candidates for The Romance Club will meet today
Allegro; Scherzo, Allegretto Vivace; the doctorate prepare to satisfy this at :10 p.m. in Room 108 R.L.
Menuetto, Moderato Grazioso; Presto requirement at the earliest possible The program will be as follows:
con Fuoco, rather than the six-move- date. A brief statement of the nature j Professor Thieme: Two Recent
ment form . indicated in Miss Slen of the requirement, which will be i Bibliographies and their significance.
czynski's program announcement) found helpful, may be obtained at the Mr. Koella: Julien Green, roman-
the EtudesSymponiques of Schu- office of . the Department, and fur- cier visionnaire.
mann, and a Chopin group of Noc- ther inquiries may be addressed to
turn, Valse and Ballade. Mr. L. F. Dow 100 R. L., Saturdays The Play Reading Section of the
at 10:00 and by appointment). FclyWmnsCu ilme o
As to the proper viewpoint from This announcement applies only to Faculty Women's Club will meet to-
which to judge the playing of a 12- candidates in the following depart- day at 2:15 p.m. in the Mary Heague.
year-old young lady who can, from ments: Ancient and Modern Langu- n Room of the Michigan League.
memory and punctiliously, execute ages and Literatures, 'History. Econ- MG
such a program, we are somewhat at omics, Sociology, Political Science, tonight in the Grand eRa m of
a loss. Obviously she is not to be Philosophy, Education, Speech, Jour- th Lg e Wn Rapids Room of
considered as a novelty, as a mere nalism. the League. Rev. W. P. Lemon will
child of precocious abilities. Not only m speak on Browning's "The Ring and
were her renditions admirably ac- Business Administration Courses, the Book."
curate from a technical standpoint. The following courses which are not The Instrumental Group of the Mu-
but they were developed and ex- listed in the Business A ministra- sic Sctrion of the Faculty Women's
pounded with careful musicianship. tion catalog are to be offered the sec- C wil me Tesday Ja. en's
Indications of the composers were Club will meet Tuesda



faithfully observed, and interpreta-
tive amplification was present as well.
On the other hand, the performance
can from no standpoint be called the
work of a genius,' even of a child ge-
nius. The interpretative individual-|;
ity which comes with artistic ma- '
turity, whether precocious or no, and
which is necessary for genius, was
lacking. The young player's tech-
nical facility was immense; her tone,
while sharp and often forced from;

ona semester.
"Business Administration 172. Life
Insurance. Consideration will be given
to the economic and social signifi-
cance of life insurance, together with
a study of the structure, management
and investments of life insurance1
companies. Cases will be used ex-
tensively with special attention to theC
optional methods of settlement, single
premium contracts and various forms1
of annuities, trust agreements, per--
sonal rograms tfne k irhca r-

i vgi au, si cK purchase agree-
trying to secure a volume which an ments and other forms of business in-
immature physique could not supply, surance, and taxation in relation to
was still pleasing and possessed of estate conservation. The course aims
some variety; her aplomb was both to prepare the student to make intel-
reassuring and becoming. ligent use of life insurance in his per-
In an adult artist these virtues j sonal and business affairs. Mr. Irwin.
would not be enough. In 12-year-old Three hours credit. T.TS. at 11.
Ruth, however, they both indicate a "Business Administration 192. Real
present capacity truly astounding and Estate Problems. This course deals
prodigious, one mature and artistic in with urban real estate values and the
a purely mechanical sense, and as vell problems which arise ineconnection
give promise of a genuine artistry of with fluctuations in values. It con-
the first rank which can in the future siders some of the forces which af-
be established upon this present foun- fect value and price, such as city
dation. growth, depreciation and obsoles-
cence, costs of construction, space re-
quirements, and real incomes. The
techniques of valuation will be an-
alyzed and a number of appraisal re-
ports prepared. Special attention will
By ROBERT PERLMAN be given to problems of valuation in
connection with real estate financing.
The 'nderw rld'Prerequisite: Course 191 or equiva-
lent. Assistant Professor atcliff.
Paul Muni's "I Am A Fugitive from Three hours credit. T.T.S. at 8.
" ~ ; . 7....-- _ --- "Tff-aLilr+hcrn in7n1~

the home of Mrs. Christman, 1613
Shadford Road.
Graduate Luncheon for Chemical
and Metallurgical Engineers will be
held this noon in Room 3201 E. Eng.
Bldg. D'. Louis H. Newburgh of the
Department of Internal Medicine will
speak on "Modern Methods of Clinical
Investigation." An opportunity will
be provided later for those who are
interested to inspect the equipment
used at the hospital.
Chemical and Metallurgical ,En-
gineering Seminar. Mr. Ward L.
Paine will be the speaker at the sem-
inar for graduate students in Chemi-
cal and Metallurgical Engineering to-
day at 4 o'clock in Room 3201 E. Eng.
Bldg. His subject will be "The Cal-
bon-Oxygen Complex."
'Men's PhysicalEducation Club:
Meeting Tuesday, Jan. 11, 9 o'clock in
Reom 302 of the Union. Dr. T. Luther
Purdom will speak on employment
possibilities and Dean Edmonson will
also give a brief talk. All members
inculding coaches and instructors are
urged to attend.
Pi Tau Pi Sigma: A regular meet-
ing will be held tonight at 7:30 p.m.
in Room 301 of the Engineering Bldg.
Hiawatha Club; There will be a
meeting at 8:00 tonight in the Union.
Christian Science Organization:
8:15 p.m., League Chapel. Students,
alumni and faculty invited to attend
the services.
Assembly Meeting, tonight at 5 p.m.
in the Michigan League.

a Chain Gang, which was not shown a" the studentn as not previously
at the afternoon and evening per- taken work in these fields, .he should
formnances last Sunday of the Film consult with the instructor of the
Library series at the Lydia Mendel- course for permission to take it."
ssohn, was an excellent picture. (The.
owners of the film withdrew it from orcterts
the series and thereby brought upon i
themselves the unrestrained and Graduation Recital: Isabel Wray,
justified hisses of the local audience). harpist, of Evanston, Ill., will give a
"The Cat and the Canary," which recital in partial fulfillment of the


- - -

There are a lot of boys on campus trying to
start the ball rolling for the production of another
men's opera of sorts-men in skirts and wigs-
Here Renda as hero, Don Siegel as heroine, etc.
Suggested title: "Ballet Moose."
At a recent pseudo-Communist meeting a col-
lection was being taken to aid the Communists
of Spain, when a campus long-hair jumped to
his feet with, "Workers of the world, unite! You
have nothing to lose but your change."
Which leads on to the definition of Spanish
alignments given Monday by a campus poly sci
major: "A Leftist is one who reads only the left-
hand pages of an outside reading text. A Right-
ist is one who reads only the right-hand pages
and then reports on the whole book."
Headline in Ohio State Lantern: FENCING
classes. they couldn't get the point, eh?
A Law student sends in one about "a Hoosier
from the northern part of Michigan" and tells
that the people in Northern Michigan have given
shovels with rubber handles to WRA workers so
they couldn't lean on them.

was also not shown on the same pro- jrequiirements for the Bachelor of Congress: There will be a meeting
gram Sunday, we are informed, was Music degree tonight at 8:15 o'clock, of the Executive Council tonight at
rather good as murder mysteries go. at the School of Music Auditorium 7:30 p.m. in Room 306 of the Union.
(The Daily mistakenly announced on Maynard Street. The public is __.
that this would be shown because as invited to attend without admission C
a reporter your reviewer incorporat- charge. CornngEvents
ed the error in his story, and then as Organ Recital: Palmer Christian, The Psychological Jouwnal Club will
night editor let the mistake slip University organist, will give a recital meet on Wednesday, January 12, at
ough is fingers). In. . Hr W7:30 p.m. in Room 3126, Natural
By the way, two pictures wvere i ilAdtrum ensa f Science Building. Professor Henry
shown. "Tatteis" and "Underworld" ternoon, Jan. 12, at 4:15 o'clock. The F Adams will discuss "The Appeal
"Tatters" was filmed in London general public, with the exception of in Advertising." His talk will include
small children, is coi'dially invited to
around 1907 and tells the heart-rend- hattend. summaries and analyses of recent ex-
ing tale of how a Poor Waif repaid atend perimental work in this field.
a Rich Man, who had given him a y All those interested are cordially
coin, by exposing his own father as Lectures invited to attend.
the kidnapper of the Rich Man's son
and how the Rich Man then takes the University Lecture: Dr. Norman L. Cercle Francais Meeting Wednes-
Poor Waif into his home undoubtedly Bowen, Charles L. Hutchinson Dis- day at 8:00 o'clock in the Michigan
to treat him "as if he were his own tinguished Service Professor in the League. Free refreshments will be
son"-all done in that sickeningly University of Chicago, will give a served.
sentimental and philanthropic styleg public lecture on "Silicate equilibria -
that made strong men weep in their and their significance in rocks and Faculty Women's Club: On Jan. 12
beers at the end of the last century. inusrAdpru," Theatual at 3:15 p.m. in Lydia Mendelssohn
Coming at the same time as the en- Science Auditorium, Thursday, Jan, Theatre, the Faculty Women's Club
lightening Congressional report on 13. at 4:15 p.m. The public is cor will present Play Production in two
1937 incomes of more than $50,000, dially invited, one-act plays.
we just couldn't manage to squeeze -~~-~-----
out a tear for the Rich Man. .French Lecture: Mr. James O'Neill The Garden Section of the Faculty
From the educational-historic point will give the third lecture on the Women's Club will meet Wednesday,
of view, the picture illustrates that Cele Francds oam Jne Th January 19 instead of Wednesday,
period in movie-making when actors, at, e Libre," Wednesday, January 12, January 12.
entered and left rooms as if they were at 4:15 o'clock, room 103 Romance _
pulled in and jerked out by a fast Language Building. Tickets for the Michigan Dames: Bridge group
moving piano wire manipulated from series of lectures may be procured at meeting, 8 p.m., Wednesday, at the
the wings; when the characters threw Ithedoor. ' League. Room will be posted on the
their hands into the air and mechan- -~ ~-bulletin board.
ically fainted to give the impression Events Today Lf de
of grief and when they executed a University Broadcast: 3-330 p Luncheon for Graduate Students on
flying tackle on each other to demon-,Frsr n adUiiainS~ Wednesday, Jan. 12, at 12 o'clock in
sfe~ njaklo nechohrtodmn Forestry and Land Utilization Series, the Russian Tea Room of the Michi-
sUnderworld," produced in 1927 Topic: "Using Trees to Save Soil." gan League. Cafeteria service. Prof.
with Clive Brook, George Bancroft ;Leigh J. Young, Prof. of Silviculture. Preston E. James of the Geography
and Evelyn Brent, was in spots a fair- Department will speak informally on
ly realistic presentation of the world Botanical Journal Club. Tues., 7:30 "Dictatorship in Brazil."
of gangsters, molls and gats. The B p. Room 1139 Natural Science
acting was never brililant, nor was!Bldg. Sigma Xi: The first chapter meet-
the direction, nor was the story of Harmon Dunham: Relationships of ing of the year will be held mednes-
Bull Weed and his ultimate surrender -~--~ - day, January 12th, at 8:00 p.m., in
to the Law. There was no tracing of Clive Brook was his usual polished # Room 206, Burton Tower. Dr. Earl
Scauseand effect, no explanation of nothingness and Evelyn Brent sort Moore will give an illustrated lecture
why these men killed and stole-just; of slunk in and out and acted gen- on carillons, Mr.Wilmot Pratt will
a "thriller" with Bull bending half- cally alluring as they do in high demonstrate on the Baird Carillon,
dollars and his rival, Mulligan, going -and Professor Floyd Firestone will
through facial contortion that made George Bancroft was a happy-go- discuss the afoustics involved. CounT
i,_urndi mx,h hp a nis inv Ilucky gangster who took it on the Il ,1mo a. .n - m mmr m

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