TUESDAY, JAN, 11, 1375 T : ~MICHIGUAN fDAILY .. ...... ........ ------- ------ . . . . ....... .......... Knight 7' Date By MARIANNE It was rather quiet on the social front this week-end, as far as house dances were concerned . . . after all, the conscience has Just begun to trouble many of us ... with the haunting thought that exams are not far away , And then of course, there are those New Year's resolutions to be kept (at least for the first week-end, to settle down to some good solid studying) . But people were out doing things-in spite of it all-taking in the games and doing their dancing at the League and Union . .. And Sunday brought one of the best of the winter's snow storms ... so we can be expecting to see loads of people diverting their interests "out-of-door" way ..And then there's next week's snow train already scheduled to be off for the North, come early next Sunday morn . .. so we'd best be making our reservations and I'll be seeing you taking your tumbles as they come. But getting back to this week-end's revelries . . . Let's see who was going here and there . So to start with the League . . . Mary May Scoville and Dick Adler were early arrivals and stayers-on Gwen Lemon and George Wilson were there and we saw Marg Cram there with Ted Fraser .. . Elaine Jacobs and Brad Palmer were dancing to Charlie and his music all evening ... and we saw - Dotty Barrett there with Al Roth ... Dorie Bolton and Fletcher Platt were whipping around . ..and we saw Rosemary McArthur there with June Johnson . .. Steph Parfet and Bill Forcey came in rather late ... Betty Haas and Ben Bugbee were making several requests throughout the evening -.- What a game we witnessed Saturday night (in fact what games) ... but the taking of the first Big Ten team was really something to talk about, for such basketball we've never seen played . . . Don Applegate and Alice Reese were there to watch the crowds flow in. Hai To The Victors. . We saw Marge Williams, Bill Parfet, Jeanette Cranmer and Dave Under- down scurrying for a seat after they collected Dot Lavan and Bob Winters at the entrance ... Anabel Avery,. Clark Schell, Ann Brennan, Tom Mun- son, Ruth Dillman and John Richardson all were sitting together-cheering for all their worth. Scurrying over to the hockey game after the basketball victory ... we saw Joan Schoener and Ginny Bensley among the onlookers . . . Charlotte Poock, Bob Corwin, Bunny Arner and. Bill Borgmann were all there too-before goingl up to the League to dance .. . After the games . . . we whipped up to the League to see what was going on . . . Bettyt Young was there with Tom Kleene . . . Dori Marshner and Paul Keller were having great .fun . . and we saw them with Tad Lynch andl Dwight Adams during intermission ... At the Union this week-end we saw Mary Wickes and Ed Phillips . .. and Maggie Campbell was there with Bob Archer . .. Betty Baldwin and Bud' Crewson were talking with Cletus Hall and Larry Rinek. .. There was a bigG table of Phi Gam's there Friday . . . they demonstrated their really finet vocal ability. Sleigh-Bells Ring Again .:. The Gamma Phis had a sleigh ride Friday night that was great sport ... . Maxine Nelson and Roger Bradley were among the sportsters . . . and s Barbara Backus was there with Art HollarZ .. . After the party . . They all came backI .: to the house for a snack and a bit ofr Jordan's dance Friday was fun too . . . and here we saw Sally Secrest with Jack Newcomb and Margaret Shuptrine with Art SValpey . . Janet Davis, who was with Jim 1-ynes, Margaret Carr, who was with Frank Peacock and Hellen Nutting composed a littlef trio. Then at Mosher, we saw Fran Burgess with Walt Van Hoek, MargieI Myers with Jim O Brien, and Ruth Carr with Ralph Hall, all having much,g much fun.C L___________________- R utlveii Series (I~f Tom" Q T« p 12 For J.(; FVIA ' other intramural match will begin immediately and competition is open ! to everyone. 5 Beautiful Colors, Many Styles to choose from- $1.98 Values . $1.49 $3.50 Values . $2.49 Kesse l 9 NICKELS ARCADE I ^ 7 The Elizabeth 'Dillon I, f 11I s ude sV0 a ever spoke ! Pastel Pure Silk Shirts Ii 11 1. "IN 'SHE'S GOT EVERYTHING', my new RKO-Radio picture," says Ann Sothern, "there's a scene where the girl gets married on a jolting truck, and it turned out to be a knockout! ... But for me, as an actress ... P~(1~E'fCOMP~ANIONS fo 1,yolr Wtsit. I ailored of the softest Pure silk dye crepe in a sinple shirt design, and a "little girl" fashion that has a round Peter Pan collar, pleated yoke, and pearl buttons. WHITE PINK BLUE YELLOW .:Z 5 0 II' ... .. . , > " ........ .t ' .01 ...a ... ...: .. :. R"7M'Xw.,._.:.... _ ."! _ .: '... -'. ;. .tip..