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September 29, 1937 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1937-09-29

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The Weather
Mostly cloudy today and to-
morrow; not much change in

Y. .L


:43 a t t HO

Philanthropy Vs.
Social Improvement .
Loves Adolph ... ?




Large Crowd'
Hears Daduk
Tell Personal
Spanish Story
Asks Audience To Combat
Forces Of Reaction And
Fascism At Home
Calls Neutrality Act
A Loyalist Handicap
Seven hundred persons, a number
exceeding even the rashest predic-
tion, herded into the Union Ballroom
last night to hear the graphic saga
of Spains "two-day" Civil War re-
lated by Steve Daduk, fiery com-
mander of 3,000 Americans fighting
for the Loyalists.
"The Spanish Civil War lasted two
days,'~'the New York East Sider who
enlisted with the Loyalists in Feb-
ruary declared.
Seventy-two hours after civil strife
began, he said, Italian and German
planes began a fascistic intervention.
As he traced the history of the
"democratically-elected People's
Front," Daduk, fresh from the battle
field, linked the Loyalist cause with
the struggles of American progres-
Simultaneously he exhorted his
student audience to "exterminate in
this country the forces of fascism and
reaction, against which the Spanish
people have had todefend them-
selves." I
Daduk, who graduated from the
College of the City of New York only
a year ago, also criticized the U. S.
Food and medical supplies for
Americans fighting in Spain,
among whom are four former
Michigan students, will be pur-
chased with $100 collected and
pledged by the audience last
night. The Progressive Club
pledged $15 and the Rochdale
Student Cooperative $5 to aid the
Abraham Lincoln Brigade.
Neutrality Act as a denial to "sister
republic" Spain of the means of de-I
"Two members of today's Cabinet1
are Communists. The other 12 are
industrialists, intellectuals and un-
ionists. In the lines 230,000 out of
1,500,000 soldiers are Communists.
"But America's reactionary press,"
Daduk declared, "in order to create
fear and hatred in your minds,
brands the Spanish government and
people 'red' as they do to everything
that stands for progress."
He described the bombing of 4,200
women and children refugees a
Guernica by 120 German planes
equipped with liquid fire explosives,:
and praised the first detachment of
500 Americans who, in the face of1
the "most withering fire I have ever
seen, took five heavily fortified
"By December of 1936 Loyalist re-
sistence stiffened and Franco was
stopped. By February," Daduk said,<
"we changed from a defensive to an
offensive type of warfare."
"Remember that 45 per cent of the
Spanish people are illiterate," Daduk
stated. They lived in a feudal atmo-
sphere and in 14 months we have
had to train soldiers and technical
workers to resist Franco's force of
500,000, 78 per cent of whom are
Italian, most' of the others German,

foreign legionaires, Riffs -and a couple
of Spaniards."
Two years before the war Asturian
miners worked 84 hours a week for
75 cents, the speaker said. Other
equally bad conditions prevailed,the
The Popular Front of students,
workers and intellectuals was the
only answer to this condition, Daduk
said, insisting that the solution for
America is identical.
"Michigan has the most disgrace-I
ful record for thuggery in this coun-!
try," he declared to the support of
moderate applause. He called atten-
tion to the Memorial Day Chicago
demonstration at which 10 steel
strikers were killed, some of them
"shot in the back."
When a listener who interrupted
with, "What does that have to do
with Spain," Daduk warned that the
"ivory tower" students should take
progressive action in this country if.
he wishes to avoid civil strife in
Daily Tryouts Invited
To Report' This Week

'Peace On Earth'
Peace But Not New S.R.A.
Bolshevism Is To Take Over
Fascists' Goal ChurchWork
Hitler And Mussolini State Religious Understandin
Twin Policies At Climax Social Service Will Be
..To Duce's German Visit Association's Work
Europe To Become Morgan Appointed
Fascist, Duce Says As New Director
BERLIN, Sept 28.-(xP)-Peace, but Michigan will become the first
not at the price of bolshevism, Pre- state university in the country to
mirMsoiiadRihferr incorporate a religious program into
Hitler proclaimed today as their twin .
policiesse of
"> Il Duce and Der Fuehrer, in a cli- the newly formed Student Religious
max to the Italian leader's visit to Association as an instrument, Ken-
Germany, symbolically linked arms neth W. Morgan, director of The
Dental College in declarations that Fascism and,;Association, said yesterday.
Naziism are supreme and resolutely The Association, as the S.R.A. will
To Be Headed united against any threat. be called, will attempt to work out a
"Europe will become Fascist," program for religious expression, so-
" Mussolini shouted in German to 600,- cial activity and service whose'
By Dr.Buntin 000 rain-soaked Germans at a mass breadth and scope will reach the en-
meeting in the Olympic Stadium and tire campus, Mr Morgan said.
to the rest of the world by radio. Mr. Morgan; who was brought here
Other Departments Report He called Italy and Germany "the to take charge of the new and en-
greatest democracies" and bolshe- larged program, attended Ohio Wes-
New Staff Members And vism "the regime of slavery ,famine leyan from which he was graduated
Men On Year's Leave and blood." in 1929. He studied philosophy as a
Hitler, in a gesture that caused the graduate at Harvard University and
Dr. Russell Welford Bunting, act- crowd to cheer madly, took Mussolini received a degree from the Harvard
ing chairman of the executive com- (by the arm when they approached Divinity School in 1935.
mittee of the School of Dentistry the tribune and escorted him around After his graduation he spent a
since the death of Dr. Chalmers J. it to show his guest to the vast au- year in India living as a Hindu monk
Lyons in 1935, has been appointed dience in Calcutta and in the Himalaya
Dean of the school by the Board of Der Fuehrer spoke first, thanking mountain monastery of Rimakrishna
Regents, it was announced yesterday; Il Duce that Italy had not joined studying the religions of India. He
Several changes in the faculty of other powers in what he charged was was arrested by the English and na-
the University for this year were abuse of Germany after the World tive police as a communist because,
reported yesterday, with a number of War. Mr. Morgan said, they could not un-
departments announcing the ap- Hitler, saying the meeting "made 'derstand any other justification for
pointment of new members to their history," declared it was a "people's his complete abandonment of Wes-



Japs Temper Air Attacks
Before Foreign Reactions;
Soviet Vaunts Its Strength


staffs and the release of others on meeting" with the "honest desire to
leaves of absence, guarantee to our countries a peace
The school has been in charge of not resulting from cowardice, but re-
the executive committee since the sulting from a conscious safeguard-
resignation of Dr. Marcus L. Ward ing of our national, spiritual and per-
as dean Sept. 28, 1934. sonal as well as cultural objects and
Dr. Bunting, a native of Ann Ar- treasures."
bor, received his D.D.S. degree from Political circles interpreted Il
the University in 1902, and his D.D.Sc. Duce's remarks on Italian foreign
in 1908. He became a member of the volunteers as a reaffirmation of his'
faculty in 1904 as an assistant, and in determination to leave them in Spain
1907 was promoted to instrucor. until Generalissimo Francisco Franco
In 1910, he was made an assistant wins the Spanish war.
professor, and since 1914 he has Il Duce and Der Fuehrer went to,
served as a professor. From 1912 un- the stadium from a luncheon table
til 1914, Dr. Buntnig served as secre- talk .in the seclusion of Col. Gen.
tary of the dental faculty. Hermann Wilhelm Goering's sum-
Active in research on dental caries mer home where they were under-
in children, Dr. Bunting is president stood to have formulated a peace
of the International Association for plan.
Dental Research, a former president It was believed to have been found-
of the American Institute of Dental ed primarily on British collaboration
Teachers and the Michigan State and to be framed in a projected four-
Dental Society, and a Fellow of the power treaty which, later, would in-
American College of Dentists. elude France.
He is also a member of the Ameri-
can Dental Association, the American Soviet Clashes With Powers
Association for the Advancement of.
Science, Society for Experimental GENEVA, Sept. 28.-(IP)--Soviet,
Biology and Medicine, Sigma Xi, Phi Russia tonight clashed with France
Kappa Phi, Omicron Kappa Epsilon and Great Britain over delaying
Delta Sigma Delta and Acacia fra- League of Nations action on Spain's
ternity. 14-Month civil war.
COLLEGE OF ARCHITECTURE Russia's ire was arounsed by a
Two men have been added to the Franco-British request fcr postpone-;
staff of the ollege of Architecture this ment- while the two powers dicker
year. William S. Carlson will be an with Premier Mussolini for withdraw-i
instructor in architectural design, al of Italian Legions from war-torn
and George A. Dietrich will lecture Spain.
in decorative design. Instead of waiting, Soviet Foreign
Mr. Dietrich is on leave of absence Commissar' Maxim Litvinoff urged
(Continued on Page 3> ithat the Madrid-Valencia govern-
ment be granted "two planes for every
M uell - Br, one" the Insurgents' command and.
be given full access to war supplies
ShtaEm ploy-t He predicted such abandonment of
non-intervention would bring a quick
thout Fights end to the civil war.
W ithout Fights
PORT HURON, Sept. 28.-(P)- Blaze Victim 's
Shifts changed without disorder lateCid
today at the Mueller Brass Co. plant, ondition Good,
cmuhat tlla in far of ar ~ _I-_

tern garb and habits and his volun-
tary privations.
Upon his return from India he
served as acting director of the Na-
tional Council of Religion in Higher
The new organization will be dis-
tinct from the office of the Counselor
in Religious Education and will have
for one of its motivating purposes
the promotion of better mutual un-
derstanding and appreciation among
all the religious traditions represent-
ed on the campus.
The Association will not be a con-
tinuation of the old Student Chris-
tian Association but will include the
Protestant, Asiatic, Catholic and
Jewish faiths and will be financed
as part of the University budget.
In its capacity as a broad and pro-
gressive organization, The Associa-
tion, Mr. Morgan said, will cooperate
in promoting the Spring Parley, the
annual three-day session of discus-
sions by students and faculty men on
important topics of the day, and the
(Continued on Page 3)
Pledging Date
For Sororities
To Be Sunday
Pledging will take place at 3 p.m.
Sunday, Oct. 17 instead of 6 p.m.
Saturday, Oct. 16, according to Har-
riet Shackleton, '38, president of
Panhellenic Association. Silence
period will extend until pledging.
This change was made because of
homecoming week-end and the
Minnesota football game which will
be played that day in Ann Arbor.
This is tue second change in the
date of pledging.
Miss Shackleton stressed that up-
perclassmen whose pledges to various
groups had expired, making them
eligible for re-rushing, were to be
considered rushees. These people
may talk to any independent, wheth-
er or not she is eligible for rushing,
but not to the members of sororities
except during the times of the
scheduled rushing parties.
Another warning was issued by
Miss Shackleton to the various
houses about breaking rushing rules.
She explained that the penalties will
be strictly enforced by the Executive
Lift Coast Teamster
Ban On Waterfront
teamster,s blockade of the San Fran-
cisco waterfront, called in an A. F.
of L.-C.I.O. jurisdictional dispute,
was lifted tonight, officials of the
San Francisco chapter, International
rr- - -1 T-;-- A LI ref -PAi-'-

No Names Are Mentioned
In Warnings Of Nation's
No Move Expected
MOSCOW, Sept. 28.-(P)-Russia's
government-inspired press warned to-
night of the Soviet's might in war
but foreign observers predicted there
would be no warlike moves that might
aggravate tense relations with Japan
in the Far East.I
The Red Army's mouthpiece, Red
Star, even threatened that Russia
would fight an enemy in its own ter-
Neither the Red Star nor other
newspapers, however, mentioned any
names and the warnings were tem-
pered with disavowals of any inten-
tion of the Soviet Union to go to
war unless war is "forced on it."
Shanghai reports said foreign mili-
tary observers in North China esti-
mated Japan to be mobilizing 600,000
troops for a possible clash with Rus-
"If war is forced on us," said the
army journal, "this war will be
fought not on Soviet territory but
on the territory of those who first
dare to raise their sword against us."'
There was no announcement of the
reported departure of Dimitri V. Bo-
gomoloff, Russian ambassador to
China, supposedly on his way here
from Nanking on a vital mission af-
fecting the Soviet's position in the
Sino-Japanese war.
Foreign observers, including in-
formed Japanese, said they doubted
that Russia would make any belliger-
ent moves in the Far East. They ex-
pressed the view that Moscov would
prefer to see the Japanese army so
weakened by stubborn Chilese re-
sistance that Japan would refrain
from any provocation.
Auto Ban Rule
Rigidly Applied,
Dean Maintains
Careful Check Of All Cars
Is Scheduled By Office;
Storage Clause Cited
The Dean of Students' Office today
warned all students to register' their
cars immediately, serving notice that
regulations governing the use of au-
tomobiles during the school year are
now being rigidly enforced.
Since driving permits have been is-
sued to those exempt from University
restrictions a careful check is being
made of all cars. Particular atten-
tion is cafled to rules dealing with
stored cars. Students must register
such cars at the Dean's office at once,
failure-to comply constituting a vio-
lation of the regulations.
Students receiving permission to
drive cars are cautioned against driv-
ing without University licenses. Such
action is similar to driving without
permission and the Dean's office an-
nounces will be disciplined accord-
ingly. Applicants whose requests have
been on file for over a week are
asked to call for tags without delay.
Exemption from driving regula-
tions is not automatic and those en-
titled to such exemption are remind-
ed that application must be made
without delay.
The following interpretation of the
regulations is offered by the Office of
the Dean. Violations will not be ex-
cused on the grounds of misunder-
standing: -
"No student in attendance at

the University from and after
the beginning of the first semes-
ter of the University year 1927-
28 shall operate any motor ve-
hicle. In exceptional and extra-
ordinary cases in the discretion
(Continued on Page 3)
800 Vacant Rooms
Available In Town
Anxiety over a rumored shortage
of roAms was finaly dielv necta_-

U..S. To Support
ILeague Protest
Of Jap Air Raid
WASHINGTON, Sept. 28.-(!)-
The United States made it clear to-
'day that it supported the League of
Nations in its condemnation of Japan
for the aerial bombings of Chinese
This government's attitude was
set forth in unmistakable terms by
Secretary Hull. He issued a public
statement repeating his earlier de-
nunciation of such Japanese military
operations as "unwarranted and con-
trary to principles of law and hu-
The secretary of State's pronounce-i
ment appeared after he had studied1
the official text of the resolution of
condemnation adopted by the Advis-
ory Committee and the Assembly of
the League.
"The American government, as has
been set forth to the Japanese Gov-
ernment repeatedly and especially in
this government's note of September
22, holds the view that any general
bombing of an extensive area where-
in there resides a large populace en-
gaged in peaceful pursuits is unwar-
ranted and contrary to principles of
law and of humanity," Secretary Hull
Black's Return
Rekindles Klan
Many Predict He Will Say
Little, While Reporters
Wait For HisLanding
WASHINGTON, Sept. 28.--(P)_
Associate Justice Hugo L. Black
comes home tomorrow after a Eu-
ropean vacation to face a tempest
of controversy over his alleged mem-
bership in the Ku Klux Klan.
He is scheduled to land at Nor-
folk, Va., where a host of reporters
will be waiting to see if he has any
statement to make on the Ilan
There are many who predict that
the justice simply will return to
Washington, take his place upon the
Court when its fall term convenes
next Monday, and say nothing.
The situation is complicated by the
fact that President Roosevelt will be
at the other end of the continent.
Some have suggested, however, that
he and Black may get into telephonic,
communication before the Court
Senator Smathers (Dem., N. J.) is-
sued a statement today saying that,
at the time Black was nominated to
the Court, there was a "plot" among
some senators to delay the confirma-
tion of any court nominee for at
least two years.
Union To Have
Football Ticket
IResale Bureaui
A football ticket bureau, which
will take all but student football
tickets from alumni and others who
desire to dispose of them and sell
them at face value, will be main-
tained again every Saturday during
the coming football season in the
lobby of the Union, it was an-
nounced yesterday.
There will be no charge for this

service, wfiich will be conducted by
the Union Executive Council, ac-
cording to James Hollinshed, '39,
who is in charge of the bureau.
However, it was stressed that no
student tickets will be taken by the
bureau, because these tickets are
non-transferrable and cannot be
This is the fourth year that the
service has been maintained, and to
date the bureau has had no trouble
in disposing of tickets, even on the
du11estf nothS.11 atirdavs

Planes Drop Bombs Only
On Military Centers In
New Raids On Chinese
Nanking, Shanghai
Raiders Driven Off
SHANGHAI, Sept. 28.-(P)--Jap-
anese air raiders made new forays
today on centers of Chinese resist-
ance but, apparently in response to
protests against mounting destruc-
tion and noncombatant deaths,
bombed only military targets.
The attacks, over a widespread
area of central and south China, were
aimed primarily against Chinese air
forces which a Japanese spokesman
declared already have been crippled.
A Japanese fleet bombed an air-
port five miles from the city of Wu-
hu, on the Yangtze river 30 miles
southwest of Nanking, China's cap-
ital. Wuhu itself, however, was not
In Nanking, also, thickly populat-
ed areas were avoided during a ten-
minute raid on a military airdrome.
J a p a n e s e bombing squadrons
struck three times in Canton, the
main port of south China, and twice
in Shanghai.
The raiders, however, concentrat-
ed on new Chinese anti-aircraft bat-
teries in the Chapei sector and on
gun emplacements in the industrial
Pootung district on the Shanghai
Neither the Shanghai nor the Nan-
king raids was effective. The capital's
aerial defense fleet met the Japanese
and drove them off. Although the
Shanghai anti-aircraft guns scored
no hits, they kept the Japanese too
high for accurate aim.
A Japanese naval spokesman said
that Chinese airdromes at Kwang-
teh, Hangchow, Changin, Kashing
and Tachiaochang, outside Nanking,
also were bombed.
More than half of China's war-
planes have been destroyed, he said,
and China is facing a shortage of
pilots and equipment.
Canton was raided twicelast night
and again today, in extension of the
Japanese navy's admitted campaign
against coastal cities.
A spokesman declared the bom-
bardments were necessary because
considerable amounts" of war ma-
terials are being imported to China
from foreign countries. He would not
name the countries he said are sup-
plying China.
Japanese claimed progress both on
the Shanghai front and in North
China where dispatches asserted that
an armored train extended Japanese
operations 50 miles south of captured
Paotingfu and 130 miles south of
Peiping on the railroad to Hankow.
12 Appointed
Cadet Officers
Of ROTC Unit
The appointment of 12 cadet offi-
cers was announced last night by
Lieutenant-Colonel Edwards, com-
mander of the University R.O.T.C.
battalion at a meeting of the senior
members of the reserve corps in the
Engineering Annex.
The Michigan battalion which is
headed by Colonel Goff Smith, '38,
Eng, and Lieut.-Col. John Cummis-
key, '38, whose appointments were
announced last spring, numbers
more than 500 men.
Cadet officers appointed include:
Leo Klar, '38E, Donald Basler, '38E,
and Gilbert Thares, '38E, promoted
to the rank of major; Kingsley Kelly
listed as adjutant-general; E. L.
Whetsel, '38, Ralph Ulmer, '38E, Wil-
liam Cobey, '38, Edward Snyder, '38E,
Alfred Ellick, '38E, Don Alexander,
'38E, Lewis Bulkley, '38, Michard
Sinn, '38E, promoted to captain.

KALAMAZOO, Sept. 28.-(A')-
Enrollment figures at Western State
Teachers' College were announced
today as 1942, a gain of 142 over the
high enrollment mark of a year ago.
It was expected that there would be
further enrollments.

somewna a aying ears or a recur-
rence of hand-to-hand fighting be-
tween CIO strikers and A.F.ofL. un-
.onists who routed a CIO picket line
this morning.
David Lundquist, plant superin-
tendent, and Carl E. Muir, presidentj
of the Mueller Federal Union, an
A.F.ofL. affiliate, said they had as-'
surance from Gov. Frank Murphy
of adequate protection against vio-
Muir said Police Chief Herman:
Nelson told him the CIO union had
promised not to picket the plant,
pending the outcome of efforts by!
Governor Murphy's representatives!
to compose the differences.
Howard Welch, CIO organizer, said
however, that there was no definite
promise, although he had acceded to
a request from the Governor to avoid
violence and had suggested the with-
drawal of pickets, at least temporar-
ily. He said he expected no disorder
at the 11 p.m. change of shifts, which
was marked by fighting last night.

Attendants Say
The condition of Mrs. Bernice We-
ber and her son Arthur, 11 years old,
who were critically burned Monday
night when flames swept their cot-
tage on Horseshoe Lake was reported
as being "good" by St. Joseph's Mercy
Hospital attaches last night.
The two received their injuries in
a blaze which brought the death of
three children and burned three
others. Origin of the flames was be-
lieved to have been sparks from a
fire which was started in the down-
stairs fireplace of the cottage early
Monday night.
The father of the children is Peter
Weber, a truck driver in Detroit. He
was located in St. Joseph, Mich.,
where he had taken a load of steel,
C~ 1 * ruV E ui


sphinx To Hold First Teamsters Union, A. F. of L. ailiate,
ax . .- Iannounced.

It Seems To Me'

'It Sems o Me

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