TUESDAY, OCT. 12, 1937
Kipke Uses Fred Janke At Tackle
r 1
Outstanding -
~ ~
No Apologies Needed. . .I
morning's sport column has been
reserved for apologis, for the "if's
and and's" of Saturday's grid wash-
out, for the second guess that smelled
of disgustin goptimism. The idea
never appealed to skeptics, nor to
the discerning souls who perceived in
each futile battle defects that glared
like a black eye. Thus the apologetic
piece was scrapped when this citadel
was foisted on its present sentinel.
Defeat accrued as usual Satur-
day, and still no apologies are
forthcoming here, mainly because
Michigan needs no apologies for
its performance against the Wild-
cats. Of course, they still pay
off on the final score, as Fielding
H. Yost used to observe when the
Wolverines won in the prosperous
era after spending most of the
time in the gloom of their own
goal. But Michigan made even
the tall man rise, in a moment of
forgetfulness, to shout them on-
ward Saturday.*'
Fred Trosko and Hercules Renda
found huge gaps in the Wildcat for-
ward wall, and either the Michigan
line had decided to move out or else
Northwestern had better hie to the
storm cellars because its line, to state
it accurately if a bit inelegantly,
stank. Even Tex Stanton walked up-
right through the center of the line
for a couple of creditable gains.
The most revelating feature of
lichigan's play was the apparent
awakening of its big linemen. These
huskies, who until now displayed an
Alphonse-Gaston complex when on
the charge, forget their decorum and
really rattled a few Wildcat molars.
They were led, as everyone now
knows, by big bruising Don Siegel,
who spent the hour,'harrassing Lynn
Waldorf's backs. We can't think of
any better word now than we did in
the heat of our press-box story; he
was ubiquitous. Of course, from
what Ted Husing is reported to have
said about him, the rangy Royal Oak
tackle played a one-man game. But
the eloquent Mr. Husing is given to
superlatives which, know no bounds.
Joe Savilla and Bill Smith, at
tie right tackle, were physically
expressive, too. As were Ralph
Heikkinen and John Brennan.
And the Wildcat reverses didn't
sweep Dan Smick and John
Nicholson like a vacuum cleaner,
either. And that's what disturbs
Could a team possibly improve
in one week to such an extent?
Against State the Wolverine
line resembled a Swiss cheese
at times, the holes were that ob-
vious. Against Northwestern, it
ran roughshod. There was a
palpable difference between the
Spartan and Wildcat lines, but
whether it was of sufficient lati-
tude to permit a frustrated wall
(in the State battle) to go sud-
denly berserk (in the Wildcat)
game) we do not choose to an-
swer. Frankly, we don't know.
Air Holes ! ! !
Michigan's loss was due to its atro-
cious aerial defense. And it's no
secret that Minnesota will pass when
they reach the Stadium next Satur-
day. If they don't their scouts have
been grossly negligible and ineffi-
cient, if not totally blind. Northwes-
tern threw 13 passes, completed
eight, to gain 128 yards as compared
to 106 negotiated by rushing. Heap,
Jefferson and Ryan took turns in
denting our secondary with sharp
Michigan State threw 17 passes,
completed eight for 189 yards against
Michigan. If that isn't adequate
proof of the Varsity's inability to
check an airplane attack, then the
depression was a dream.
Another significant item is Michi-
gan's floozy pass offense. Sixteen for-
wards were attempted against North-
western, only four completed. Four
were intercepted. Often, it appeared
to us, Elmer Gedeon was past N.U.'s
secondary, but no one could hit him
with a pass. Several were overthrown.
But a pass defense CAN be
erected. A pass offense CAN be
developed. Saturday Minnesota
comes to town, not the cocksure
outfit that threatened to clean
house over the nation this season.
The Gophers feel the push of
precedence; their predecessors
cut fancy didoes in the national
grid scene, and reporters, taking
the cue, foresaw naught but an
encore for Bernie Bierman's boys.
As a result the Gophers have
tightened up, realizing that even
a momentary lapse might cause
their props to fall. Evidently, the
props are giving way. They are
bewildered by disillusionment.
It's easier to lose than they
Kipke and his boys are in a sweet
spot to cause a lot of chagrin and se-
dative purchasing among their foe
before curfew. But there are wrinkles
to be ironed .. .
Playing in the tackle spot op-
posite Don Seigel on Michigan's line
is sir foot three inch Roland Sa-
villa, Gallagher, West Virginia
sophomore, who has been using his
198 pounds to advantage against
Michigan foes this season. Savilla
was an outstanding member of last
year's frosh team.
Favored Teams
Win Speedhall
Matches At I-M
The official 1937-38 Intramural
ethletic season opened yesterday with
two speedball games in which the fa-
vored teams scored one-sided vic-
Chi Psi opened the defense of their
fraternity athletic championship with
a smashing 13-3 triumph over Phi
Kappa Tau. Led by Greenwald,
whose kicking was a feature of the
contest, they pulled away to an early
lead and at halftime were leading
their opponents 10-2.
The second half was a bit closer
but Greenwald, Rae, and McLean
each tallied once to more than offset
a lone count of Pinkerton's, and the
final whistle found them easily on the
long end of a 13-3 score. Greenwald,
with 8 points, was high scorer for the
game, while McLean counted 3 times
and Rae twice to complete the total.
The first half of the Lambda Chi
Alpha-Acacia game was extremely
close, with the Lambda Chis enjoying
a 3-1 advantage at halftime. How-
ever, when play was resumed, they
slowly but surely pulled away from
their less experienced opponents to
make the final score 10-5. Tyler and
Staley 'each tallied three points to
share scoring honors.
Plays On Second
Team As Varsity'
Meets 'Jay Vees'
Smick, Heikennen Nurse
Bad Knees Received In
Wildcat Contest
Fred Janke was back at his old
tackle post yesterday as Coach Harry
Kipke sent his Wolverine gridders
through a long workout at Ferry
The husky Jackson junior worked
out with the second stringers at the
left tackle slot in yesterday's practice,
and should he be moved up to the
first squad this week, it may necessi-
tate shifting Don Siegel from left to
right tackle when the Varsity meets
Minnesota on Saturday.
Kipke stated yesterday, however,
that the change was still uncertain,
and that he would reach a decision
First Team Coasts
The first stringers were not heav-
ily taxed in yesterday's practice ses-
sion, a dummy scrimmage against
the Jay Vees being in order. The
same eleven that started against
Northwestern went through offensivel
plays against the Junior Varsity
Only two injuries of importance re-
sulted from Saturday's fray. Dan
Smick and Ralph Heikkinen incurred
knee bumps, but they were not of a
serious nature. Both men will see
duty Saturday.
Passing Stressed
The early part of yesterday's ses-
sion was spent in brushing up the
Wolverines' faulty passing attack.
Fred Trosko, Stark Ritchie, and Wal-
ly Hook were- on the throwing end,
with the ends and backfield men do-
ing the catching. Only a slight im-
provement was discernible, and this
phase of the team's offense will un-
doubtedly bear much watching this
Coaches Kipke and Wally Weber
spent the major part of the after-
noon supervising a scrimmage be-
tween the second and third string
eleven and the freshmen, while
Coaches Anderson and Oosterbaan
were in charge of the first team.
Barclay Plays Well
The second stringers found stiff
opposition in the Frosh, and it was
only after three punt exchanges./that
they were able to tally, Bill Barclay
plunging over for the score.
Bob Campbell, Norm Nickerson and
Wally Hook completed the second
team's backfield, but it was Barclay's
running that featured the workout.
Fred Olds, who suffered a leg in-
jury in the Michigan State game, at-
tended the practice on crutches and
is a doubtful participant on Satur-
To HelpStrengthen Line
Sophomores Pole Vaulter Hun Clears 12Feet
And 11 Bucks In Bet With Friends
By ROY HEATH currency. "Two," said one, "I'll take
Dave Hunn, whom track fans re- four of your dough, Hunn," said an-
call as Michigan's wholly unpredict- other. "Taken, taken," said Hunn,
able polevaulter and holder of the "Hey, Sefton, one'll getcha five you
Michigan record of 13 feet 7% inches can't do it before 2 o'clock." "Taken,"
for that event, wound up his career said Hunn, from force of habit.
with the Pacific Coast-Big Ten meet At 1:45 p.m. early arrivals at Yost
in Los Angeles last summer. Field House were treated to the sight
-- Since that time, according to his of Hunn clad in drawers and track
own statement, he has shattered shoes, weak from the exertion of
every training rule on the books and spading up the Field House pit, tak
some which aren't. So it was that 'firm grip on the bamboo, hoist his
as Mr. Hunn sat munching a cracker scant attire a notch or two-and mis
splashing in his luncheon soup with 9 feet by practically 9 feet.
an expression on his face suggesting The onlooking brotherhood counted
a hangover, one of the fraternity the profits mentally. "I ain't got s
brothers expressed the view that much," mused Hunn. "I think mayb
Dave was a "has-been" in the truest I should just hoist her to 12 fee
y sense of the word. and try it before I am so frizpled ou
"He could not do 9 feet on an that I faint." The bar was put at 1
? elevator," said Hunn's fellow Greek. feet. The ex-varsity ace drew a dee
x :; , ">.s AHunn fixed his maligner as best he breath and reeled down the run
.t5. could with his bleary eyes, now sad way. Laughter changed to groans a
Son of Andy Smith who starred with wounded pride. "I could do may- with a mighty heave Hunn crosse
here in 1909, Bill Smith, sophomore be 12 feet right now and I am a guy the bar and lit face down in thi
tackle star has been bearing out who will back my talent with a shekle saw dust. "Maybe I overlooked some
the faith held in him by Coach or two. Do I hear any takers?" thing in this polevaulting racket,
Kipke by his sterling line play in There was a frisking of pockets for said Hunn, strolling from the field.
the two games with Michigan State
and Northwestern. Smith weighs
203, and stands 6-2.
U. S. Pat. No. 2,082,106
Coaches Seek . YELL -BOLE
New way of burning tobacco
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For B' Team$25 Caed with honey. At dealers' now.
Coaches Ray Courtright and CliffUI
Keen were still on the look-out for
more material for their Junior Varsity
football squad as they worked their
men on Minnesota plays yesterday in
ascrimmage againstthe Varsity. BETTER VALUES AT W A G N E R'S
In losing a hard fought 7-6 battle -_
to the Michigan State "B" team last
Saturday, used only 13 men with
eight of the players doing full time 60
minute duty. With the next game,TS
against Detroit Tech, two weeks
away, the coaches are hoping for in-
creased reserved strength by that
time. bABAtRuDeNE
Several boys distinguished them- G B R I E
selves in Saturday's losing battle. In TOPCOATS- Three marvelous feature coats, all
DaveGates and Jack Kinsey, Michi- exclusive with us: The Kenwood CLIMATEER
gan uncovered two outstanding soph- coats $40 - The WEATHERALL Utility Coat
omore backfield prospects. The form- $0-TeImotdM N WES$2
er, a made-over guard, was the lead- $40 - The Imported MAN TWEEDS $42.
ing ground-gainer on the field, and REVERSIBLES - New shpments in reversibles
completed several passes for long priced from $19.50 to $29.50, including genuine
gains. He should improve when he Camel Hair.
becomes more acclimated to his new GABARDINES - Weatherproof Cravenetted Gab-
Mel Kramer, senior tackle, was ardines with an extra lining over the shoulders,
Michigan's outstanding lineman. Jack a fine value at $11.75.
Weiner, at the other tackle post,
Herm Ulevitch and Jerry Belsky at
'guards, and Tom Hutton, center, also
drew praise for their work Saturday.
EVANSTON, Otc. 11.-(P)-North-
western University's first strings,
showing the battering they received
in downing Michigan 7 to 0, took
only a slight warm-up drill before
being excused from practice today.
Reserves were given a workout on
blocking and tackling, which Coach
Waldorf said was not good, enough
against the Wolverines.
MINNEAPOLIS, Oct. 11.-()-
Minnesota started preparations for
Michigan today by brief limbering up
exercises, a chalk talk and a moving
picture of the Indiana game during
which Coach Bernie Bierman pointed
out errors.
MADISON, Wis., Oct. 11.-(A)-
The University of Wisconsin's Car-
dinals, undefeated and unscored up-
on in three games thus far this sea-
son, were rewarded today by Coach
Harry Stuhldreher with only a light
signal drill. Scrimmages for Satur-
day's homecoming, with Iowa as the
foe, resumed tomorrow.
If you pay for the Best
Why not get it?
Tailored in Rochester
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$2450 to $4500
Llama Topcoats. . . $29.50
Tweed Topcoats. . . $24.50
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Custom Tailored Clothes
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CHAMPAIGN,, Oct. 11.-(A)-Illin-
ois, in )igh spirits as the result of
its scoreless tie with Notre Dame,
swung into practice for Indiana Sat-
urday, the Illini squad hearing a
warn'ing from Coach Bob Zuppke
that "Indiana will be tougher than
the Irish."
CHICAGO, Oct. 11.-()-Coach
Clark Shaughnessy put his Chicago
Maroons through a light signal drill
today, reporting his players escaped
serious injury in losing to Wisconsin.
The Maroons meet Princeton here
next Saturday.
IOWA CITY, Oct. 11.-(I)-Pre-
ceding the long practice session here
Monday night with a chalk talk in
which he pointed out errors in the
University of Iowa's football game
with Bradley Tech last Saturday,
- 0 * * ' 6'
610 Wolverine Bldg.
Ann Arbor Phone 8946
Th. Co. O
Minnesota Team Has Experts Changing
MindsAs Wolverine Game Approaches
Does Michigan have a chance
against Minnesota's Golden Gophers
this season? Two weeks ago any ex-
pert would have indignantly refused
to answer such a question on the
grounds that it was an insult to his
professional dignity. But now things
are different.
Early this fall the Gophers were
again ballyhood as the strongest
team in the country and an odds-of-
favorite to regain the mythical cham-
pionship of the nation. With Rudy
Gmitro and Andy Uram back to lead
the attack, the experts were practical-
ly unanimous in acclaiming them as
another powerhouse eleven.
Came the opening of the season
and a new day dawned. The Nebras-
ka Cornhuskers lost no time in re-
vealing to the world at large that
Minnesota could and would be beat-
en. Taking advantage of the breaks,
, li
they emerged from the conflict on
the long end of a 14 to 9 score.
Of course, Nebraska always has a
tough team and the Gophers could
attribute this loss to bad luck and a
slow start. They looked ahead to
their next game which was last Sat-
urday's affair with Indiana which
was the opening conference game for
both elevens.
While the Nebraska loss had not
been taken too seriously, the result of
the Indiana game was a distinct set-
back for Gopher prestige. Although
they did win 6 to 0, they were sup-
posed to commit nothing short of
manslaughter in this affair. Instead,
they came so close to losing that Ber-
nie Bierman will not forget those final
minutes for quite a while.
The big red team from Blooming-
ton fought the Golden Wave to a
near standstill, their line outcharging
the famed Minnesota forward wall
when the chips were down. To add
insult to near injury, they fought
their way to the nine yard line in the
final minutes of play and were only
stopped when they missed fire with
two desperate passes.
So far this season, Minnesota has
failed to show any kind of a passing
attack and although their running
game is still pretty good, it has fal-
len far short of expectations.
The why and wherefores of this
unexpected situation are still pretty
much a matter of conjecture. It is
puzzling to everyone including the
Minnesota coaching staff.
With the improved play of the
Wolverines of Michigan as an added
attraction then, a capacity crowd
ought to see a real battle at the Sta-
dium this Saturday.
At least there is this much to be
said. What two weeks ago seemed
si.WatwwekagsemdAC.like a hopeless case of mayhem with BI t
a decided flavor of corpus delecti, now
gives prospects of turning into an
old-fashioned, knockdown, drag-out TheHo e of Fie Taiorin
battle with anything within the realm e om
of possibility.
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