TUESDAY, OCT. 12, 1937
- - ~ - - _ _ _ _ _.------_ __--
Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
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Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier,
$4.00; by mail, $4.50.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1937-38
College Publishers Representative
Board of Editors
William Spaller Robert Weeks Irvin Lisagor
Helen Douglas
NIGHT EDITORS:Harold Garn, Joseph Gies, Earl R.
Gilman, Horace Gilmore, S. R. Kleiman, Edward Mag-
dol, Albert Mayo, Robert Mitchell, Robert Perlman
and Roy Sizemore.
SPORTS DEPARTMENT: Irvin Lisagor, chairman; Betsy
Anderson, Art Baldauf, Bud Benjamin, Stewart Fitch,
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Betty Bonisteel, Ellen Cuthvert, Ruth Frank, Jane B.
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Barbara Paterson, Jenny Petersen, Harriet Pomeroy,
Maran Smith, Dorothea Staebler and Virginia Voor-
Business Department
CREDIT MANAGER ....................DON WILSHER
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shall Sampson, Publications and Classified Advertis-
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and Circulation Manager.
The Pitt .
Panther .. .
S OMETHING is rotten in Pitts-
Reverting to its time-worn Mlonism the Uni-
versity of Pittsburgh recently brought about
tJ e resignation of the editor of the Pitt News,
who quit because of censorship.
Robert Saffron, student writer who got out of
step with the established tune, it seems, when
he flayed the late Andrew Mellon for bequeath-
ing his fortune to an educational trust, thus
avoiding income tax requirements.
"I don't think Rubens and Titians will be
greatly appreciated by coal miners who live
an animal existence on $3.00 a day," Saffron
wrote in his column, demonstrating that he
had not yet learned that at the University of
Pittsburgh one is much better off if he keeps his
tongue in his cheek.
Long on the black-list of the American As-
sociation of University Professors, Pitt has pur-
sued its stubborn path, complacently oblivious
to institutions of academic freedom, intellectual
honesty or personal liberty.
Omnipotent ringmaster of this cloistered cir-
cus is Chancellor John G. Bowman, highest
paid college executive in the country, who cracks
his whip for a paltry $31,500 annual stipend.
When Chancellor Bowman was brought to
Pitt in 1921, Der Fuehrer's academic suppression
was anticipated by 12 years. Liberalism on the
Pitt campus became a capital offense while non-
conforming professors faced a firing squad of
trustees as ruthless as a Russian army purge.
The quintet of years from 1930 to 1935 witnessed
a particularly bloodthirsty Bowman drive. Lib-
eral forces were gaining throughout the country
and Chancellor Bowman had to fight hard.
When the smoke cleared, however, he was still
king of the hill., Twenty-five faculty members
had been fired while fifty-nine resigned the
struggle voluntarily.
When the dismissal of the liberal leader Dr.
Ralph E. Turner in 1935 attracted sufficient pub-
licity to warrant.a state investigation there was
held out some hope for a reversal of red-baiting
activities, particularly when Governor Earle
threatened to withdraw the $1,200,000 annual
state subsidy, but little came of it and today
Pittsburgh financiers are busy attempting to
raise an amount sufficient to permit the Univer-
sity to snub state funds and manifest its destiny
as the country's leading polluter of the academic
We should think Columnist Saffron would be
glad to quit the Pitt campus and return to the
United States.
Aid For
The Needy.
A BILL WHICH the tireless Sen-
ator Wagner of New York is re-
ported to be preparing for the next session of
Congress will be directed toward the vitiation of
an evil which has affected so large a part of
x r >.. ... . __. ,i , . - - i.- -. 4 4 n A 4- - + +
twice as high as among families with incomes
of more than $1,000.
Th mAmerican Medical Association took a not
very resolute stand at its last convention along
the something-ought-to-be-done-about-it line,
which, in view of that body's traditional con-
servatism, is encouraging, but it remains proble-
matical whether real action can be anticipated
from that quarter. In all probability, and as
Senator Wagner seems to believe, public health
must be handled as a problem of the government
and not as one of the oganized medical pro-
fession. At any rate, the Association's attitude
indicates that it will only be moved to activity
by the fear of its old bogey, governmental super-
vision, a bogey which the government itself has
long respecte'd.
In the meantime, there are some 45,000,000
Americans without proper medical care, who
have little interest in whether help comes from
Congress or the A.M.A., but for whom the
problem transcends the academic questions in-
volved in the attitude of either body.
The following contribution is written by
Creighton Coleman, a former roommate of Dis-
raeli, now residing in Washington.
* * * *
ROOSEVELT certainly hit the nail on the head
in his Chicago speech, although some are
saying that he only did this to turn the attention
from Justice Black, or that he has been wantirg
emergency powers again for some time and this
was a good chance to get them. Still it seems
that he certainly did voice prevalent opinion.
The real question, though, is, just how much of
the leadership in any aggressive action against
Japan, and Italy should the U.S. take?
If we invoke the nine-power pact then we
would undoubtedly find ourselves right out in
front and carrying the burden of the movement;
if on the other hand we act "in support of the
League" we will be simply a part of one big
family. And it does look right now as if we
would act with the League, both from the recent
pronouncements from Hull and the State de-
partment and also from the fact that the
League received the text of the Chicago speech
(Roosevelt's) even before our State department
did, i. e., six hours before it was delivered in Chi-
Then, too, very incidental of course, if we do
act through the League, we will not lose as much
of the Japanese trade as we otherwise would,
United States being both the largest seller to
and biggest buyer from Japan.
This will undoubtedly hit a tremendous blow
at the cotton South though, but the way sug-
gested to take care of that being to buy the
necessary cotton to hold over until a better mar-
ket could be found. Even though it might cost
the treasury about $500,000,000 of the gold in the
Kentucky hills, it would be a mighty cheap war.
* * * *
Well at least three things have been accomp-
lished by the Black affair. (1.) "Senatorial cour-
tesy" as a policy for voting on the Supreme
Court appointees from the world's greatest club
was. placed on its last legs. (2.) Future Court
nominees will undergo the closest of the scrutiny
in the Senate and (3.) Roosevelt will be mighty
careful of his next few appointments.
Watch Dr. Frank, ex-Wisconsin educator, as a
Republican hope in 1940. He is really going to
Watch Europe on this China-Japan affair; they
hold keys to the situation beyond most people's
imagination. They are about ready to admit
that the Orient is more important to them
than they had thought. The realization may re-
sult in peace or it may result in war.
* * * .
News letters say that there will not be an
extra session, but the newspapers have it that
there will be. Take your pick, we still favor there
being one in the middle of November.
* * * *
Have you forgotten Hoover? The New Deal
hasn't or else they are most forgetful, as they
have hired back, Merriam, Ogburn, W. C. Mit-
chel, and others, having them continue the same
studies started by Hoover when he was in office,
remember "Recent Economic Changes," "Social
Trends," etc.?
Roosevelt and Hoover had many of the same
ideas only their methods of carrying them out
were antithetical. Hoover wished the government
to lead, and help the individual in every way
possible, the individual having the liberty and
freedom to choose. Roosevelt wishes to have
the government choose what it thinks best and
force the individual to follow what the govern-
ment declares is good for them.
The President has talked about the budget be-
fore. But who knows, he might mean it this
S * * *
You undoubtedly noticed that the President
signed, the slated for a veto, Sugar Bill. And it
all goes to prove an old adage, "Blood is thicker
than water." Son Jimmy turned lobbiest for the
bill. Guess sugar doesn't all come from cane or,
sugar beets.
* * * *
What a nebulous thing the law is. Down on
the Kansas Nebraska line one afternoon an old
Kansas justice and his son Jim were working
in the field. Right across the line in Nebraska
was another young fellow husking corn. It
By Heywood Broun
Oberlin College has dedicated a memorial
to the first American co-eds. Just a century
ago four pioneer girls sat down in the same
classes with'the men folk to receive instruction.
I wonder whether any eye-witness wrote an ac-
count of the historic occasion. If not I recom-
mend the theme to some enterprising author
whose imagination might recreate the scene.
Still, there is a danger in that. No story writer
of any capacity whatsoever could fail to fetch up
with something which would be fodder for
Hollywood. Almost I can see in the neon light
some such title as "Angels Tread," and the whole
thing would be done in the spirit of moonlight
and honeysuckle. It would be prettified and
I doubt very much if that was the spirit of
the first co-eds. They must have felt strongly
some spirit of dedication and they may well
have had an inkling of the historical importance
of their expeditionary force.
* * .
They Were Not Urged
Certainly the original announcement in the
college catalogue did not constitute an invita-
tion to the prom. On the contrary, it was
coiched in forbidding language. "Young ladies
of good minds, unblemished morals, and respect-
able attainments, are received into this depart-
ment and placed under the superintendence
of a judicious lady whose duty it is to correct
their habits and mold the female character."
A course in lily gilding it would seem.
And the same announcement went on to stress
the fact that "Their rooms are entirely separate
from those of the other sex, and no calls or
visits in their respective apartments are at all
However, I am under the impression that this
custom is still preserved in American co-educa-
tional colleges. The important and epoch-mak-
ing factor in the Oberlin experiment was the
fact that while the first co-eds were domiciled
alone they studied in the same classes with the
young gentlemen. Again there ought to be
some record of the first recitation by one of the
newcomers in these strange surroundings.
If she stammered a little in her answer there
was good reason for nervousness, because in a
sense, the whole feminist movement hung upon
her answer. Would she meekly mutter "unpre-
pared," or in some other way fluff the oppor-
tunity, or would she in a cool, clear voice indicate
that a woman is as good as a man any day in
the week as long as she behaves herself?
* * * *
Right On The Dot
It is my guess that the young lady in question
was perfect. I sem to see the stern old profesor
of Latin turn toward her suddenly and say, "And
now Miss Janet Rudd, will you please tell us into
how many parts all Gaul is divided?"
For a split second destiny stood still, and no
one could predict that Gertrude Ederle would
swim the English Channel and Dorothy Thomp-
son write a column.
Miss Rudd gulped once and then in a still,
small voice she answered, "Three, Professor."
The stars sang in their courses. In various
trundle beds throughout the land girl babies
cooed, assured that women would eventually
vote and develop a punishing forehand. Miss
Rudd in triumph looked about at her male
competitors as much as to say, "Tie that."
And so last week a bobbed-haired junior in a
tailored dress stepped forward to unveil the
monument on which her great-grandmother's
name is inscribed. And if I seem to jest in the
heavy-handed way which is traditional among
men, it is not in a spirit of mockery, for it seems
to me that the emancipation of women is the
very cornerstone of freedom.
On The Le vel
If Michigan's first two games show anything,
it would seem that Michigan has now entered
a new era in her football history. Instead of
getting skunked, the team now just barely loses.
* * * *
But it is losing like a great team, and the
boys don't have to sneak through the depot
the way they had to after they came back
home last year.
Since the advent of "Hunks Anderson, each
lineman on the team looks like Horatius, and
the opponents are finding that going through
the Wolverine line is like going through Physics
45 without a lab manual.
* ** *
In fact, Michigan's only glaring weakness is an
inadequate pass defense, and this fault could
be easily fixed if the "M" backfield made a
closer study of the women on campus.
S* * *
Michigan women have an impenetrable
defense for stopping any kind of a pass that
is made at them.
* * * *
The Mosher-Jordan Judies can successfully
block every pass made with the lips by merely
asking for a cigarette at the psychological
Each sorority girl plans an offensive defense
Syphlis War
We salute the city of Chicago fori Publication in the Bulletin is con
its unprecedented assault upon the lWiversity. Copy received at the om
dreadful disease of syphilis and for sat 3:30; 11:00 a.m. onSaturday.
its sundering of the ancient taboos
that forbade the public mention of a (Continued from Page 2)
plague that takes thousands of lives first semester are due now in the
and causes untold suffering. Office of the Dean of Student.
Chicago's campaign began last English 35, Section I, will meet in
summer when health authorities Room 25 Angell Hall hereafter.
mailed a questionnaire to half a mil- F. W. Peterson.
lion citizens reading as follows: "Ini___
strict confidence and at no expense Phillips Scholarships: The exami-
to you, would you like to be given, hations for these scholarships, which
by your own physician, a blood test
for syphilis?" are open to all freshmen in the Col-A
Although there had been a lot of lege of Literature, Science and the
Arts, will be held on Tuesday, October
foolish talk that most people would 12, at '4:00 p.m. in 2016 Angell Hall.
never voluntarily undergo such a.Cadidatewilbedofou
test, the response to the questionnaire Cnitseof atil or fouamied ofLaou
was an overwhelming, thunderous unit of Gatn k. frusom n
chorus of "Yes." Those ting " and two of Greek. Freshmen who
chors o "Ys." hos voingwish to participate should register
were in the proportion of 1 to 30, and with Pofesr Bae 2024 Agerl
many of those voting "No" did so be-H or r.o p Blake, 2024 Angell
caue tey ad eentesedor ecaseHall, or Dr. Copley, 2026 Angell Hall.
cause they had been tested, or because
they were certain they were free of
the disease, or because they were al- Institute of the Aeronautical Sci-
ready under treatment for it. ences. It is necessary that all mem-
The next step in the campaign is bers of the Institute fill out member-
to distribute 450,000 blood test cou- ship forms. These forms must be
pons, authorizing the family doctor to sent to the parent organization, thus
take a blood sample without charge entitling the members to a year's
and send it to the Board of Health subscription to the Institute journal.
for examination. The patient's name These forms will be placed on the bul-
is known only to the doctor. Already letin board in the Aeronautical Engi-
19,621 active cases have been brought neering department or may be ob-
to light. tained from the officers of the organi-
Similar experiments on a much zation. Members are urged to fill out
smaller scale have resulted in discov- the blanks as soon as possible in order
ering a surprise incidence of the dis- to obtain the forthcoming issues of
ease; in one part of the South, it de- the journal.
veloped that four of every 10 Negroesj
examined were syphilitic. Surgeon- A.A.U.W. Membership: Women in-
General Parran has estimated that, terested in joining the American As-
in the general population, one of sociation of University Women are
every 10 is syphilitic, urged to call the memberhsip chair-
If this is so-and Chicago's find- ;men, Mrs. William G. Dow of the
ings will throw authoritative light Major Group (Dial 7187) or Miss
upon its accuracy-a nation-wide war Hannah Lennon of the Junior Group
on the disease must be fought. (Dial 7794).
It should be emphasized that a-
huge proportion of syphilitics areAo
wholly innocent sufferers, inheriting Academic Notices
the disease from their parents or Psychology 31 Make-Up Examina-
otherwise contracting it as they might tion will be held Wednesday, Oct. 20,
contract measles or whooping cough. at 7:30 p.m. in Room 3126 N.S.
Further, many who have it are quite
unaware of it and will not know the 'Geology 11 and 12, Make-Up Ex-
truth until they are examined, or un- aminations. Make-up examinations
til the disease makes such shocking in Geology 11 and Geology 12 will be
headway that it becomes obvious, held on FridaynOct. 15, from 3 to 5
Syphilis is one of the few diseases in 2054 N.S. for those students who
for which a specific exists. When missed the final in June. At no other
caught in time, it yields readily to time will these examinations be givenr.
treatment, though the treatment
must be persistently adhered to, Make-Up Examinations in History:
often over a long period. The make-up examinations in all
So the first thing to do is to find history courses will be given at 9 a.m.,
out who has the disease and then to Oct. 23, in 25 Angell Hall. Students
make available the means for treat- presenting themselves for this ex-
ment. The cost of the campaign will amination must bring with them ex-
be great and much of it will necessar- amination must bring with them a
ily have to be borne from public written statement from their instruct
funds, but the gains-and we speak tion permitting them to take a make-
in terms of economic gains as well as up.
in terms of human happiness-will be
infinitely greater. We are now spend- Social Psychology make-up for
ing many millions to support syph- summer school and last semester So-
ilitics in their last stages; how much ciology 147 will be held on Saturday,
more sensible to use the preventive Oct. 16, at 9 a.m., Room 115 Haven
means at our disposal! Hall.
Chicago shows the way.
Will St. Louis follow? R.O.T.C. Monday and Tuesday sec-
-St. Louis Post Dispatch. tions in M.S. 3 will not meet on Oct.
I11 and 12. These sections will as-
semble-in the auditorium of Natural
RA D IO Science Building at 7:20 p.m. Thurs-
day, Oct. 14.
' . . ..,. .
structive notice toan members of the
nft at tme Aasitaut to the Preaido
try out today. First regular meet-
ing tomorrow night at 7:15 p.m.
Field Hockey, Women Students:
Any women students wishing to play
in the hockey games onThursday
are asked to attend the try-outs on
Tuesday, Oct. 12 at 415 p.m.
Lutheran Bible Discussion Group
p will meet in the League tonight at
7:30 p.m. Notice the bulletin board
for room assignment.
Christian Science Organization at
the University of Michigan holds its
services every Tuesday evening at
8:15 p.m. in the Chapel of the Michi-
gan League Building.' Students, al-
umni, and faculty of the University
are cordially invited to attend.
Coming Events
Tour to Ford Factory: Foreign
students who wish to go on the trip
to the Ford Factory on Thursday,
Oct. 14, are reminded that they must
make reservations in Room 9, Univer-
sity Hall, by Wednesday noon. Ameri-
can students interested are also in-
vited to sign up. The bus will leave
Angell Hall at one o'clock; round trip
fare, $1.10.
Oratorical Association Lecture
Course: . The complete program for
the 1937-38 Lecture Course is as fol-
Nov. 2: Ted Shawn and His Men
Dancers, "0, Libertad!"
Nov. 18: H. V. Kaltenborn, "News
of the Day."
Dec. 1: Julien Bryan, "Japan and
Manchukuo." Motion Pictures.
Dec. 8: Dr. Victor Heiser, "More
of an American Doctor's Odyssey."
Jan. 13: Capt. John Craig, "Adven-
tures of a Thrill Cameraman." Mo-
tion Pictures.
Feb. 24: Salvador De Madariaga,
"World Peace."
March 15: Wendell Chapman, "Wild
Animals of the Rockies." Motion Pic-
Season tickets are $3.50, $3.00 and
$2.75 and may be purchased at the
Hill Auditorium box-office. The box-
office hours are from 10 to 12 and 2
to 4 p.m. daily. Patrons are urged to
secure their tickets immediately.
Single admission tickets for the
Ted Shawn and his Ensemble of men
dancers program will not go on sale
until Oct. 25.
Mathematics Journal Club: Will
meet Thursday, Oct. 14, at 3 p.m, in
Room 3201 Angell Hall.
Women's Athletic Managers Meet-
ing: League houses are asked to send
a representative to the Athletic Man-
agers meeting to be held at the Wom-
en's Athletic Building on Wednesday,
Oct. 13 at 4:15 p.m.
Mechanical Engineers: First meet-
ing of A.S.M.E. Wednesday, October
13, at 7:30 in the Michigan Union.
Dean H. C. Anderson will speak, and
the aims of the Society will be ex-
plained All mechanical students are
welcome-likewise the faculty!
Cider and doughnuts will be served
to all attending -let's have a big
League Social Committee: There
will be a meeting of all members on
Thursday, Oct. 14, at 4 p.m. at the
Women's League. Last year's mem-
bers do not need to re-petition and
attendance is compulsory.
Interfraternity _Council: The first
regular meeting of the Council will
be held tomorrow Wednesday, Oct. 13
at 7:15 in the Council Room Michigan
Union. All house presidents are
urged to be present.
Polonia Literary Circle will hold its
first meeting of this year, Thursday,
October 14, at 7:30 in the League.
The room will be posted on the bulle-
tin board. All students of Polish ex-
traction are urged to attend. Plans
for future meetings will be discussed.
fore Tuesday night.
Seminar In Physical Chemistry
(Cr. 21) will meet Wednesday, Oct.
13, at 4:15 p.m. in Room 122 Chem-
istry Building. Mr. D. W. Stewart
will speak on, "Some applications of
chemical methods to the study of
natura land artificially produced
Chemical Engineers: The first
meeting of the American Institute of
Chemical Engineers will be held
Thursday, Oct. 14, at 7:30 p.m. in
Room 1042, East Engineering Bldg.
W. L. Badger, former professor of
chemical engineering here, will speak
ron his experiences in industry. A
special invitation is extended to fresh-
man chemical engineers, especially
those interested in finding out the re-
lationship between industry and the
chemical engineer. Refreshments will
be served.
Junior A.A.U.W. Dinner Meeting:
Prof .Chester .Sawsnn nf the Min-
Boake Carter. CBS ace commenta-
tor, tells of world affairs at 7:45 via
WJR . . . Cavalcade of America pre-
sents the life of William Penn, f am-
ous Quaker founder of Pennsylvania,
thru WJR and the CBS at 8 tonight
. . . Eddy Duchin takes his band on
&he air also at 8 by WJZ's lines-the
vocals by Stanley Worth and Patricia
Norman . . . Again it's the Cantor,
show at 8:30 p.m. Deanna Durbin,
Pinky Tomlin, Jimmy Wallington,{
iand the Music of Renard make up
the supporting cast-a WJR show
Andre Kostelanetz offers Dance on
a Dime from Johnny Green's "The
Night Club Suite" on the Chester-
field half hour at 9 via WABC. Deems
Taylor is the m.c., and Nino Martini
sings . . . Walter O'Keefe continues
to be mayor of Town Hall also at 9-
WWJ ... CBS's crime drama, "Gang
Busters," with Phillips Lord hits the
air at 10 by WABC . . . It's the Hit
Parade at 10, too-NBC's WWJ airs
this show . . . Benny Goodman; his
clarinet; the trio; the band-11:15
and CBS carries the jive ... Tommy
Dorsey takes to the network at mid-
night by the same station as Mr. B.!
G. . . CKLW carries Lombardo at
midnight . . . WJR continues to do
injustice to Bob Crosby and his Dixie-
land band of the modern era at 12 ...
Bits: Movie-land continues to cut
a swath in the ranks of radio-Jack
Benny and Harriet Hilliard are both
making pictures now. If this trek to
the Coast doesn't soon stop, radio will
move strictly out there, and New York
will be the place radio programs once
camne from ... Deanna Durbin, child
songstress on the Cantor show, asks
$25,000 for a week personal appear-
ance-publicity rears its ugly head.
Progressive Club
Congratulates FDR
Chemistry Lecture: Dr. Donald D.
Van Slyke of the Rockefeller Insti-
tute for Medical Research will speak
on "The Physiology of the Amino
Acids" in the Chemistry Amphi-
theatre at 4:15 p.m. on Tuesday, Oct.
12. The lecture is under the auspices
of the University and the American
Chemical Society. It is open to the
Events Of Today
Varsity Debaters, Attention! There
will be a meeting of all men interested
in varsity debate in Room 4020, An-
geli Hall, Tuesday, October 12, 4:00
Mathematics Club will meet Tues-
day evening, October 12, at 8 p.m., in
Room 3201 Angell Hall. Professor
L. C. Karpinksi will speak on "Descar-
tes and the Modern World." This
is a paper delivered at the Interna-
tional Congress of Philosophy in Paris
in August, 1937, at the Descartes Ter-
University of Michigan Glider Club.
The first meeting of the University of
Michigan Glider Club will be held at
7:30 p.m., Tuesday, Oct. 12, in Room
348, West Engineering Building. All
old members, and those who are in-
terested in gliding and soaring are
invited. Membership is open to any-
body in the University. No previoust
experience is required
All Freshman Engineers are invit-
ed to the annual Freshman Smoker
held by Sigma Rho Tan, Honorary
Engineering Speech Society, at the
Michigan Union, rooms 321-3, this
Tuesday evening, October 12, at 7:301
p.m. Prof. F. N. Menefee, formerly
natlional president, will be the prin-
cipal speaker. Refreshments will be