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February 27, 1938 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1938-02-27

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SUNDAY. FEB. ?, 1938

aTaHE M.ii V11 6.:fANy "j>Al..a

Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authity of the Board in Control of
Ftudee Publications.
Puished every morning except Mond y during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press Is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
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rights of republication of all other matter herein also
En',.red at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier,
$4.00; by mail, $4.50.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1937-38
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
Board of Editors
Business Department


* 1


The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of the Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
A Tribute
To Prof. Shepard.

A JUST TRIBUTE was paid to Prof.
John F. Shepard of the psychology
department Friday night by Ann Arbor Human-
ists at a banquet given in the Unitarian Church
If ever there has been on the Michigan campus
a professor who deserves to be followed by stu-
dents as an inspiration, a guide and a man, that
man is Professor Shepard. At the banquet in
his honor he was called by one speaker a "sci-
entific humanist." Though terms like these usual-
ly mean little in the abstract, with reference to
4 Professor Shepard "scientific humanist" signifies
a recognition of his manifold work as a scientist,
as an unflinching and outspoken fighter for civil
liberties, as a religious man in a truly broad
and active sense, as a progressive.
A man who has far transcended his field of
specialization, he serves as an example of the
enlightened scientist who has governed his whole
life with a set of real human values.
A complete list of his activities would be dif-
ficult to give, he has so many. Let these few
Acting as an engineer, he was, as administra-
tive secretary of the University buiding committee
at the time of President Burton's administration,
directly in charge of the plans and construction
of the Museum, the Natural Science, new Physics,
Engineering extension and other buildings erected
under a huge grant.
His work as a psychologist has earned him na-
tional recognition.
He has organized state chapters of the Amer
ican Federation of Teachers and Association of
University Professors.
He was on the Board of the old Student Chris-
tian Association, and has been instrumental in the
past in having such speakers as Kirby Page,
Norman Thomas and Sherwood Eddy, religious
men actively interested in reforms, brought to the
campus. He has been and is a bulwark of the
Unitarian Church and has held several national
offices in that church.
He is vice-chairman of the Ann Arbor chap-
ter of the League for Peace and Democracy
formed last week, and is the organizer of the
Committees for medical aid to Spain and China.
He was on the organizing committee which
started the Ann Arbor Cooperative Society, and
helped in enabling the Wolverine cooperative
restaurant in getting its present quarters.
He has generously contributed his time and
his money to students involved in difficulties
because of "radical activities." He has spoken
numberless times against war, against intolerance
and the smothering of significant ideals.
More concisely, he has done invaluable work
for the University, for the community, for the
struggle for liberty and light.
Albert Mayio,
,Joseph S. Ma es,
Joseph Freedman,
Earl Gilman.
Doff Yono Hats
To lhe Stork I)erby . . .
LAST NIGHT, four University teamus
swung into action on three fronts
in four sports in one of the most crowded sports
cards of the season -but interesting as these
were, none of them could possibly compare with
Canada's sport of sports, the Stork Derby.
Henry Armstrong, one of the greatest colored
fighters of all time. also literally swung into ac-
tion the other night, knocking Everett Rightmire
into oblivion as several thousand fans wildly ap-

tell you that this latter contest might well have
a vital bearing on the continuation of the human
Today, four women, who earch bore nine
children in the ten years specified by the late
Chares Vance Millar, stood in the shadows about
the courtroom of Mr. Justice W. E. Middleton in
Osgoode Hall, Toronto, Ont., nervously survey-
ing the large crowd for a glimpse of somebody
carrying a crock of gold. In between glimpses,
they gave out statements to the press.
These four leading contestants were worried
because there are two other would-be winners
contesting their claims. It seems that the two,
who threaten to be also-rans, "had the bad taste
to have several of their offspring illegitimately,"
the Chicago Daily News reports. Of course, in
Germany or Italy, this would have called for a
bonus. But Canada still appears to be a bit self-
conscious in regard to this new sport.
Here is a chance for some enterprising, but
dying, millionaire to start this newcompetition
in the United States. When hockey was developed
in Canada, they said that it was too rough for
us. Just look at our hockey teams now, though.
Earl R. Gilman
The People's Peace
To the Editor:
There can be no doubt that the overwhelming
majority of the peoples of the world want peace,
but peace cannot be attained by retreating before
the onslaught of fascism. That policy, because
it strengthens the war-making forces of the
world, makes war inevitable.
The program of the so-called Michigan Anti-
War Committee, by repudiating collective secur-
ity, dovetails into the plans of the fascist ag-
gressor nations.
In their letter to the Daily that Committee
distorted the meaning of collective security.
Such a program does not involve the necessity
of going to war. Not a single soldier need
fire a rifle if the democratic peoples who are at
peace and who today want peace make the prog-
ress of war by fascists, war makers, impossible
through economic measures.
The committee's proposal for internationalism
of workers and young people means nothing if the
workers and young people and farmers and small
business people and every other human being de-
siring peace do nothing to check the aggressor
nations. If thcy doubt the true'strength of the
people, we need only point to the marvelous
victories the people have been winning in France,
to the strength of the American people who over-
whelmingly returned President Roosevelt to office
because he stood and continues in large measure
to stand for what they want. What is needed is a
fearless facing of the real situation in the world
today and a program of action in cooperation
with other peace forces-the peoples of France,
Britain, the Soviet Union, Czechoslovakia, Mex-
ico, and on and on in the list of nations-
to quarantine the aggressors.
I can agree with the opposition of the commit-
tee to increases in arms, against compulsory RO-
TC, to the Army control of the CCC and to the
CMTC and the infamous Sheppard-May mobili-
zation plan. I can agree that funds should be
appropriated to social improvements in the na-
tion. I am certain that every advocate of collec-
tive security as I have defined it will agree.
Collective security advocates would amend the
very unneutral Neutrality Act to allow the Chi-
nese and the Spanish peoples to receive economic
aid from us, as we have always done in the past,
and to deny to the Japanese and German and
Italian invaders the necessities of a war machine.
Together with the international boycott of fas-
cist goods and with the economic cooperation of
the forces for peace we can break the backs of the
principal war makers today-the fascist nations.
To superimpose upon such a plan of action the
inaction implied in the Oxford Oath and the
withdrawal of American troops from China now
while they serve as a moral stumbling block to
Japan, leaves the fascist alone in his own happy
hunting grounds, he knows that the forces of
peace are lying down and he goes on burning
up the world- until eventually he burns Amer-
ica. "If," as Heywood Broun puts it, "we bury
our heads in the sand, I have a very good idea

of the exact spot where we will be kicked."
If in their last stated point the Committee is
serious, then they have struck a devastating
contradiction. If they want peace then they sure-
ly canpot have it by increasing the power of the
war makers-the fascists. That is precisely what
would be done if today England makes a "funda-
mental readjustment" with Italy and Germany.
They will then presumably be satisfied.
But we are all familiar with the cruel in-
satiability of the fascist nations which have
marched on from one aggression to another, one
violation of agreement to another-in Ethiopia,
in Spain, in the Rhineland, in Austria, maybe
Czechoslovakia next. They will march on and
on with bigger and bigger war machines-unless
w make it economically impossible for them
to continue to grow as war makers.
Be an Of Eugene
Millions of Americans today pay tribute to a
great idea. The tribute is pecuniary. It is paid
at hni ing stations in every nook and corner of
48 more or less sovereign states.
The idea was that of Statesman Louis Bean
of Eugene. Ore., who in the legislature of that
commonwealth, introduced the first bill to levy
a tax on gasoline. Like most pioneers and pro-
phets, Mr. Bean did not at first succeed, buts
just 19 years ago the Oregon legislature enacted
the first gas-tax law.
In the days of the great uplift preceding the
great war Oregon was our foremost legislative
laboratory in which daring ideas were tired out.
But nothing that came out of those test tubes
equaled the gas tax in its effects upon Americap,

Jfe em itoMe
H-eywood Broun
Scripture offers small support to those who
would close their eyes and thank God that the
rest of the world is well lost. I have just been
reading the brief and eloquent account of the
greatest isolationist of all, who lived many years
before Borah or Nevlle
Chamberlain. The story can.
be found,-' the ninth and
tenth verses of the fourth
chapter of the Book of Gen-
esis. And itrms--
"And the Lord said unto
) Cain, Where is Abel, thy
brother? And he said, I know
not. Am I my brother's
"And He said, What hast thou done? The
voice of thy brother's blood crieth unto me from
the ground." .
Itseems to me that Cain's heresy was the crisis
of his crime. Other men in Israel were violent
and killed in anger those near and dear to them.
But it was Cain who first voiced and set the phi-
losophy of isolation and rugged individualism.
And it is recorded that God said, "Now art
thou cursed from the earth which hath opened
her mouth to receive thy brother's blood from thy
How, then, will it fare with those who say, "It's
none of our business"? And will there be praise
in the long eternity of posterity for those states-
men and leaders who take delight in declaring,
"Nobody can touch us for years and years. What
do we care about the rest of mankind."
* :* * *
The Mark Of Cain
I think that upon the brow of such there, will
be placed a mark, the circle of complete indiffer-
ence, which should make them known to their
fellows. The blood of our brothers does cry out
from the ground. It cries out from Spain end
China and from the concentration camps of Nazi
Germany. Will it be well for us to wash our
hands and say with the cynicism of Cain, "Am
I my brother's keeper?"
Until this clinging and continuous heresy can
be eradicated from the earth there will not be
peace. It is the solace of the smug in all the
nations of the world. It affects both domestic
economy and international relations. The con-
temptuous cry of Cain has been coined over and
over again in a thousand current expressions:-
"Let them worry, "What's it to me?" "Ishka
bibble," "Let George do it," and "I've got to think
about myself."
There are scabs and finks among nations as
well as among individuals. The theory that each
man is sufficient unto himself is the core of
industrial conflict, just as the theory of com-
plete nationalism has been the cornerstone of
war. Peace through cooperation is a difficult
task, but it is not an idle and~ antastic dream.
Men who call themselves realists stabbed It to
death. Neville Chamberlain cannot be questined
as to accuracy when he says that the League of
Nations is impotent. And Hiram Johnson is cor-
rect when he makes the same assertion.
* * * *
But I wonder whether these two men are just
the persons who should take pride in putting over
the point. It is a little as if Cassius and Brutus
should join in a report declaring, "Caesar is not
fit to function because he's dead as a doornail."
The League of Nations was not conceived under
the most auspicious circumstsnces. It was de-
ivered bunglingly by diplomats. And now it lies
bleeding like the body of Abel. And the earth
has opened her mouth to receive the blood. But
that red stream is articulate. The people of the
world must organize again. The toilers should
take the lead. Agreements with Fascists are
feeble things. Such arrangements are the in-
dorsement of war and not its negation. Tories
in all lands are fundamentally Fascist, and you
don't even need to scratch them to find that out.

What have we done? We cannot pass by on the
other side when the cry comes from blood broth-
ers. The peace and freedom of the world can
be preserved only by free men. And each of us
is his brother's keeper.
New York Philharmonic-Symphony, John Bar-
birolli cond., Rose Pauly soprano. All-Strauss
program of Don Juan, Till Eulenspiegel, Buerger
als Edelmann, two songs and the closing scene
from Salome. 3-5, CBS.
Choral Union Concert, Georges Enesco violin-
ist. Andante, Minuet, and Rondo by Mozart;
Sonata in G major of Lekeu; Kaddisch and Tzi-
gane of Ravel; selections by Pugnani, Seaa'-
latescu and Szymanowsky, 8:30 p.m., Hill Au-
Twilight Organ Recital, Porter Heaps guest
organist. Haendel's Fifth Organ Concerto;
a minor Prelude and Fugue, Choral Prelude of
Bach; numbers by Cowerby, Rousseau, Heaps,
Leach, and Dethier 4:15, Hill Atiditorium.
Cleveland Symphony, Artur odzinski con-
ductor. 9-10, NBC.
School of Music Graduation Recital, Helen
Titus pianist. 8:15, School of Music Auditorium.

(Continued irom Page 3)
are cordially invited to attend the
discussion on Government and Po-
litics As a Career, led by Professor
Pollock, on Tuesday, March 1, from
4:30-5:30 p.m,, in the small ballroom
of the Union.
Physics Colloquium: Professor 0.
S. Duffendack will speak on Spectro-
Chemical Analysis of Solutions at
the Physics Colloquium on Monday,
Feb. 28 at 4:15 in Room 1041 E.
Physics Bldg.
Botanical Seminar meets Wednes-
day, March 2, at 4:30, Room 1139,
N.S. Bldg. Paper by W. C. Steere,
"The Mosses of Arctic America."
Union Coffee Hour. Professor Pol-
la.ck of the Political Science Depart-
ment will lead a discussion on "Gov-
ernment and Politics as a Career,"
from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m., Tuesday,
March 1, in the small ballroom. of
the Union.
The Association Book Group will
meet at 4:00 p.m. Tuesday in Lane
Hall Library. Kenneth Morgan will
review Aldous Huxley's "Ends and
Interior Decorating Group of the
Faculty Women's Club will meet Wed-
nesday, March 2, at 2:45 p.m. n the
League. "The Role of .Wallpaper,
Paint and Draperies in the Home"
will be demonstrated by Mr. Herman
Frinkle, interior decorator.
The 'Play-Reading Section of the
Faculty Womens Club will meet on
'Tuesday, March 1, at 2:15 in the
Mary Henderson Room of the Michi-
gan League.
Michigan Dames: The Art Group
will meet Monday, Feb. 28, at 8 p.m.
at the League. The speaker will be
Radio And The NBC
f Continued from yesterday's Daily)

Mrs. Ross Bittinger on "Theatrical
Arts and Costumes."
Faculty Women's Club. Bibliophiles
and Bookshelf and Stage sections will
next meet on March 8.
Reconciliation Trip. The first of a
series of Reconciliation Trips spon-
sored by the Student Religious Asso-
ciation wil be held Wednesday, March
2, leaving Lane Hall at 1:30 p.m. for
a trip designed to further under-
standing of Ann Arbor. Students
wishing to take the trips are re-
quested to register at Lane Hall and
to attend a preliminary lecture by
Mrs. Brevoort of the Family Welfare
Bureau Tuesday at 7:15 p.m. before
the Concert.
Quarterdeck Meeting Tuesday Mar.
1, 7:30 p.m., at the Union. Mr. Carl
Essery, Admiralty Lawyer, will speak.
All those interested are cordially in-
Tryouts for French Play: Tryouts
for French Play Tuesday, Wednesday,
and Thursday this week from 3:00
to 5:00, Room 408, Romance Lan-
guage Building. Open to all students
The Men's Physical Education Club
will meet on Tuesday, March 1, at 9
p.m., in Room 304, Michigan Union.
There will be a short but very im-
portant business meeting at this time.
At the conclusion of the meeting Prof.
E. D. Mitchell will show sound pie-
tures of the last Olympic games.
Students, coaches and faculty mem-
bers are urged to attend. Refresh-
ments will be served.
Alpha Gamma Sigma will hold an
important business meeting Monday,
Feb. 28,, at 7:30 in the Michigan
League. Every member must be
Hiawatha Club: There will be a
meeting at 8 p.m. tomorrow in the
The Outdoor Club will meet next
Saturday nig4t, March 5, in the In-
tramural Building to swim and play
Badminton and will return to Lane
Hall for a radio dance and refresh-

vwantinaaal f as vaa ,'+Ufi Ud " ' M fl~I
It was the first time we had been
present at a Toscanini performance
and we have no reluctance in declar-
ing that we were compeltely carrie(
away-both while hanging by our
teeth from the highest rafter in Car.
negie and while sitting comfortably a
the Maestro's coat tails in Studio 8H
Unlike Stokowski, Toscanini does not
draw one to him by a magnetic, dom-
mating personality, but invigorates
by the sense of his vitality, suprem
concentration, and absolute control,
which become a part of the music
Some of his white heat of intensity
-which is mental and spiritual, not
physical-is imparted through radio
but not so much but that most of the
Symphony's success over the air must
depend on the technical excellenc
of performance and on the more con-
crete details of interpretation-tem-
po, phrasing, etc.
But it is in regard to the technica
aspects ,of performance that those
defects of transmission and reproduc-
tion mentioned earlier are apparent
and we found that there is a con-
siderable variation between the sound
of the Orchestra in the studio and
over the air. This variation, however
is in both directions, and neither cir-
cumstance can be said conclusively to
present the Orchestra at its best. The
performance in Carnegie Hall was the
most satisfactory the Symphony has
given from the standpoint of the en-
semble tone, because the spacious and
"live" auditorium lent a resonance
which is killed by the sound-proofed
studio, comparatively large and sup-
erbly equipped though it is. At both
places the tonal lustre of the group
was of course more brilliant and opal-
escent than it appears via radio. The
marvelous Toscanini nuances and
subtle shadings were much more in
evidence, and tremendous climaxes
entirely out of the range of radio re-
production were achieved~.
On the other hand, it was im-
mediately noticeablethat radio flat-
ters the' Orchestra as far as tonal
smdothness, precision, and the bal-
ance and blending of parts are con-
cerned. It is all the more significant
of Toscanini's greatness that he can
produce his magnificent effects with
a group so new and uneven in ability
as the NBC Symphony is at the pres-
ent time. That it can be placed first
among American orchestrasater the
"big three" of Boston, Philadelphia,
and New York is true, but this is due
to the unsurpassed merit of some of
its players rather than to the consis-
tent ability of the group as a whole.
Many of the first chair men are
leaders in their departments, but are
backed up by players of more average
qualifications. The strings compare
favorably in tone and virtuosity with
those superb sections in Boston and
Philadelphia, the first violins and
violas being especially outstanding;
but the woodwinds are no more than
good and the brasses less than that.
Considering, however, the great va-

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University.
Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President
until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.

I Congress: There will be a combined
e meeting of all Executive Committees
-; Monday night Feb. 28, in Room 306
d of the Union at 7:30 p.m. This in-
Lr eludes the Sports, Social, Activities,
- Publicity, Student Welfare and Ad-
t ministration Committees.
t "Education or Propaganda" will be
the title of an address to be given by
s Ralph McAllister, Director of the
e Chicago Adult Education Council,
Monday, 4:15 p.m. at the Michigan
. League. All interested in Adult Edu-
y cation are invited to meet Mr. Mc-
t Callister at Lane Hall, Sunday, 3:30
p.m. Sponsored by the Student Reli-
gious Association.
:e All ameimbers. of the publicity com-
mittee of the League must present
- their eligibility slips at the meeting
Wednesday if they have not already
L done so. The meeting will be held
at 5:00 in the undergraduate offices.
- League House Presidents will have
, a meeting at the League on Tuesday,
- March 1, at 4:30 p.m. Tea will be
d served.
, The hillel Oratory Contest will be
held on March 6 at 8 p.m. at the
o Hillel Foundation. The entering ora-
e tors must speak on a topic of general
e Jewish interest. Cash award and a
s trip to Chicago will be awarded the
first place winner. Entries may be
made and details secured at the
Foundation office, phone 3179.
Women's Badminton: A Doubles
Tournament between zones, dormi-
tories, sororities and league houses
will be played starting Wednesday,
March 2. Students interested should
sign in Office 15, Barbour Gymna-
sium by couples before that date. A
medical recheck for 1937-38 is es-
Matqh games will be played on
Friday Feb. 25 against a women's
team from the Badminton Club at
4:15 p m. in Barbour Gymnasium.
Spectators are cordially invited.
Open Badminton. Open badmin-
ton in Barbour Gymnasium, Monday,
Tuesday and Thursday evenings, from
7:30 to 9:00 until further notice.
Thursday evening is being substituted
for Friday evening.
How, Can We Prevent War. This
will be the topic for discussion at aa
Forum to be held at the next meet-
ing of the Progressive club, on Mon-
day, Feb. 28, at 7:30 p.m., at the;
Union,. Everyone is invited to attend.
Will members please bring their mem-
bership cards.
Ann Arbor Friends will hold their
regular meeting for worship Sunday
at 5 p.m. at the Michigan League. ItF
will be followed by an important
business meeting, and all members'
are urged to be present.f

ed students are invited.
First Baptist Church, 10:45 a.m.
Sunday. Rev. R. Edward Sayles,
minister will preach on the subject
"The Mystery of Jesus." The Church
School meets at 9:30 a.m., with Dr.
Logan as superintendent. The Junior
High meets in the church parlors at
4:30, and the Senior High at 6:30.
Roger Williams Guild, Baptist stu-
dents. Sunday Noon. .Mr. Chapman
will meet the class in the Guild
House. "How Improve Church Effi-
6:15 p.m. Students evening forum.
Prof. Leroy Waterman will give the
first of two addresses on "The Reli-
gious Inheritance of Jesus and-What
He Did With It." Questions and
discussion will be welcomed.
First Church of Christ, Scientist,
409 So. Division St.
Sunday morning service at 10:30.
Subject, "Christ Jesus."
Golden Text: II Cor. 4:5.
Sunday School at 11:45 after the
morning service.
First Congregational Church, cor-
ner of State and William.
10:45 a.m., Service of worship.
"Religion and Life Simplified" will
be the subject of Dr. Leonard A.
Parr's sermon.
6:00 p.m. The Student Fellowship
is especially fortunate in having Pro-
fessor Jean P. Slusser speak to the
group after the 6 o'clock supper. He
is well qualified to talk on his il-
lustrated subject, "A Half Hour with
American Painting," for not only is
Professor Slusser deeply acquainted
with his topic, but his delightful man-
ner of presentation and his friend-
ship with various artists ofkthe con-
temporary scence should make his
speech of unusual appeal,
First Presbyterian Church, 1432
Washtenaw Ave.
10:45 a.m., "How Can We Know
the Good?" is the subject of Dr.
W. P. Lemon's sermon at the Morn-
ing Worship Service. The student
choir directed by Prof. E. W. Doty
and the children's choir under the
leadership of Mrs. Fred Mors will
take part in the service. The musical
numbers will include: Organ Prelude,
"Liebster Jesu" by Bach; Anthem,
"Now The Powers of Heaven" by Ark-
hangelsky; solo, "Morning Hymn" by
5:30 p.m., Westminster Guild sup-
per and meeting. The discussion
groups on the Application of Chris-
tian Principles i n Interpreting
Events of Today; In Getting Along
With People; In Men and Women Re-
lations, and In Business and Pro-
fession will be continued. The fifth
group will also meet on Basic Prin-
ciples of Christianity.
First Methodist Church: Morning
worship service at 10:45 o'clock Dr.
C. W. Brashares will preach on "Gen-
uine Poverty." Thie service will be
held in the Michigan Theatre.
Stalker Hall: Student Class at 9:45
a.m. Prof. Bennett Weaver will lead
the discussion on "Putting Persons
Before Profit."
Wesleyan Guild Meeting at 6 p.m.
There will be three discussion
groups as follows: "Peace" led by
Dr. Blakeman; "Adventure in Reli-
gion" led by Dr. Brashares; and
"Christian Social Action" led by
Kenneth Leisenring, Grad. Fellow-
ship hour and supper following the
meeting. All Methodist students and
their friends are cordially invited to
attend both of these meetings.
Saint Andrew's Episcopal Church:
Services of worship Sunday are: 8
a.m. Holy Communion, 9:30 a.m.
Church School, 11 a.m. Kindergar-
ten, 11 a.m. Morning Prayer and ser-
mon by The Rev. Henry Lewis.
Harris Hall: Dr. A. E. Wood of the
Sociology Department will speak to
the Student Guild Sunday night. His

topic will be "The Effect of the Ec-
onomic Conflict on the Family," Dr.
Wood will be the concluding speaker
of the series dealing with the prob-
lems of Capital and Labor. Net week
our Lenten Program begins, during
which time we will have several
clergymen speakers. The meeting
Sunday night is at seven o'clock. Re-
freshments will be served. All
Episcopal students and their friends
are cordially invited.
Trinity Lutheran Church corner of
Williams St. and Fifth Ave. Services
Sunday morning at 10:30 a.m. Ser-
mon by the Pastor, Rev. H. O. Yoder,
on "Right Thinking and Right Con-
Lutheran Student Club will meet
Sunday at 5:30 p.m. in Zion Parish
Hall corner of Washington St. and
Fifth Ave. There will be an illustrat-
ed lecture on Alaska which will be
exceedingly interesting. Supper is at
6 p.m. as usual.
Unitarian Church, State and Huron
Streets, Sunday, Feb. 27.
11 a.m. Sunday Morning Forum.
Mr. Kermit Eby of the Chicago Fed-
eration of Teachers will speak on the

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