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February 27, 1938 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1938-02-27

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UNbAY, FE . 277 1938 THE MVICHIG A N A I L Y


Than 175


Inceluded In

Cast Of Junior Girls


'Barbara TeallI
Edward Grace
To Play Leads Wiei oto
Mary Franes~ Browne, Swimming MW
V'ati ialli1aff, Rebecca Tuesday A t U
ihirsicy Are Included
sAn Intramural women's sv
Barbara Teall will play Helena in! meet will be held Tuesday,
the 1938 Junior Girls Play, "The Mul- at the Union swimming poo
berry Bush," it* was announced yes- Wolf, '40. president of the
terday by Roberta Chissus, general swimming club announced
chairman. The part of Stephana- Representatives from sororit
phorus VII will be played by Edward league house zones are invited
Grace, '39, and Mary Mary Frances Pete.
Browne will take the part of Phoebe, Events of the contest will
the queen mother. the following races: 25-yard f.
The women of the royal family will 25-Yard back crawl, 25-yarn
be Patricia Haff as Cassandra, Re- str'oke, and 25-yard side strok~
becca Burnley as Iphigenia, Marcia yard free style, 50-yard bac
Connell as Agaracreta, Marian Bax- 50-yard breast stroke and
ter as Antigone, Mary Alice McAn- free style relay will also bE
drews as Polxema and Katherine the everts. Diving contest
Steiner as Leucothia. Rath Menefee remedy, medley relay race
will play little Phoebe, the daughter features of the program.
of Cassandra. There will be no prelimin
Male Members Of Family Announced inQ for the events and no cc
The male members of the royal mray enter more than thre(
family incude William Canfield, '40, contests, Miss Wolf announce
as Hippoly tus, Casey Carter, '4OSM, aetGeekMrae r
as Andromades, James Talman, '39E, BaaneGri, MaranG
as Strepsides, John Winder, '38. as CharlbottaGrHffk, MaitanJ
Philostratus. George Cox, '39SM, as CorhrlottedHou,Eit
Dicaeopolis and James Neilson, '40ANraend, Virginia Mu
as Tlemahus.Evelyn Sager, Betty Shaffer









March 8
ol, Helen
d today.
ities, and
d to com-
free style,
rd- breast
e. A 50-
,k crawl
)e among
ts and a
will be
Mary tini2-
e of thel
er, Mymi a

Will Furnish Music For. Inde pendent Women's Dance

Tomorrow Is
Beginniing DayI
Of Ticket, Sale
Well Known Radio Band
To Bring Ruby Wright
And New Englaniders
fBarney Rapp and his New England-
ers have been secured to play for the
fourth annual Assembly Ball to be
given March 11 in the Lstague Ball-
room, it was announced yesterday by
Norma Curtis, '39, general chairman.


Il uiuproof
Lastex Panties
r-sa n



Trosh Frolic,' Enesco Concert List Chiairmeni
Head List Of Week's Activties For Tlea Dan
'Gret'iEst Literary Genius Wales, University of Abery'stwth. Con4)igres And Assenx

The role of Ferdinand Karl Zu Blitz
Hohenheim, husband of Cassandra,
will be taken by Henry Adams, '39.

Lg Chairman



Of J.GJ.

Leon i'upecC..,39wil Play "busunjiTeOatrclAscato,.eet
fascist dictator. The ministers of a;tF l1 piys I (Of 1O'r Tfiine'Critics TeOt iclAsoitinpesns A E, SponSOring to)Af fair
Ttus include James Moll, '39, as ~1 I Thursday night, the great* Germa
Aiax, George Sprau, '38A as Cleon, ID ~ azi Caed] I o1 d ;ator, author and teacher, Thom-I The central committee for the ind-
Hiram Collins, '38, as Jason, JanetasMnwowlspaon"hpedt'tadnctobhldfm
Fullenwider as Myrtle, and Miss ~~~The climax of the coming week willa an h ilseko Tepedns e ac ob edfo
Fulenwderas yrte, nd issComing Victory for Democracy." 4 to 6 p.m. Thursday, March 3, in
Tel sHln.be in the minds of the freshmen at!1
Beeker, the ancient retainer of the least, their frs& class project, the! n grs n seml r ran-teLaueBlrowatnone
rovs I family, will be played by Robert "rs rlc"Ohretranet etra yLran ivow 0
"Frsh roic. Oherentrtinmntto 6 p.m. Thursday in the Leag esedybLorieivru,'0
Reinhart, Grad., and Grace Wilsona general chairman.
w~ill be Pomeroy, little Phoeb's nurse. includes an Oratorical Association Ballroom which will be something o
Other servants to the royal family lecture, Choral Union concert and a an innovation on campus. Hostesses The members of the committee are
include Anne Schaeffer, Jane Ann tea dance. will be provided for the stags, and Robert May, '40, Spec., Philip West-
RteMr alMayMcCrory, " r The Ann Arbor Independents are Charlie Zwick 's orchestra will play. brook, '40, Edward Wetter, '39, Marvin
Barbara Patterson, Margaret Cram, Lecture To Be On Persian Poets ;eider, '39, Edward Page, '39E, of
Margaret Thornhi'~l and Maxine giving their first faculty tea from The Research Seminary in IslamicCogesMisivou ofAs-
Blaess. 1 ~~~~~~~~3:30 to 5:30 p.m. today at the League. Art will present. another speaker at by uhCr,'8d fMse al
~antippe Is In Cast At 4:15 p.m. tomorrow a public le- 4:15 Friday .in the .Natural Science Hael Halpin, '40, of Jordan Hall;!
Ma oreMeka il ly!a- ture on "Trade Routes Between China Auditorium.. He. will be Prof. Eu-Mra omsn.'8 fMrh
Marjorie Merkerwill play Xan-and the West" will be given in Room stache de Lorey, and his topic, "Per- CookanBuildi n. 38ofMrh
tippe, Helena's secretary. The part of Co ulig
Orestes will be taken by Richard D, Alumni Memorial Hall. The talk, sin Poets, Inspiration to Persian JenBleKg,'0ofetyar
Humphries, '40, and his feminine wihi pnoe yteRs~c rit. bour Dormitory; Aa Rizzardi, '38,
counterpart is Nancy Stonington as Seminary in Islamic Art, will be given Friday nighLjpd the 1938 Frosh of Adelia Cheever House; Zenovia
LyadEenrM~ywl lyby Dr. Robert McDowell. 'Frolic! The dance will be held in~ krk, '0 fAuneHue
Orpea nd lle Rohbltt illbePolloki To Talk At Coffee Hour th Union Ballroom, Franki Ma- Muriel Hess, '40, of Helen Newberry
Aspasia. The role of E120P, the ROBERTA CHISSUS The Union Coffee Hour Tuesday f -! ters and his ochetra will play, and ,Residence; Elizabeth Wurster, 40, of
jalril etknbyJsp r- --- -- - ternoon will feature a discussion ledl the class of 144 wl be out en ma e, h n ro ndpnet;Bti
ham ,er '39 l beShortby JFrancesa -Sutherland, E leanorol ock byther9- the AnniA bor I de.enontsockttifh athe39po-hoSaturdaye Suth rland Elea orsSuprdthe w eekt M yersp he'39, ofe sthe3 ,League Le gue M use of
Aspasia's Girls include Mary Kath-i Swan, Margaret Tichenor, Charlene litical science deprtnent. o '*GeV-r with a; hockey game between Michi- Representatives; Mary Morrison, '39,
erine Adams, Dorothy Barrett, Helen Vallet and Faith Watkins. eietadPltc sACre.~gnandth'Utxvrsity of Toronto. f the Music School; Kastie C. Au-
Jean Dean, Barbara Heath, Dixie In the Inn Dancers group are Edith The discussion will be held in the ____
June Jackson, Marietta Killian. Jane Alcorn, Jean Bourg, Jane Brede small ballroom.
Lyonaz. Phyliss Miner, Jenny Petersen, Phyliss Carey, Roberta Chissus, Shir- I Tuesday evening comes the last of
Alys Pierce, Marian Smith, Virginia ley Ann Crittenden, Nancy Dall, Jan- this season's Choral Union Concerts. ad el 4 0G UE
Voorhees and Marjorie Williams. et Everest,. Marguerite Ganzhorn, Georges Enesco, violin virtuoso, is theI
Redt Shirts Ciao. us Includes Many Virginia Hoezle, Jean Holland, Ma- performer, and his appearance will
In te Rd Shrtschors ae Molyian Iddings, Virginia McCabe, Marie! be his first in Ann Arbor.I
Allnwn Vigina Bnsly, aryMcElroy, Virginia Osterman, Ste- I Michigan meets Ohio State at 4 p.m.1
Katherine Burns, Margaret Carrigan, phanie Parfet, Jean Reinfrank, Wednesday in a swimming meet at
Norma Curtis. Janet Davis, Barbara. (Continued on Page 8) the Intramural Building. psenJanHryalLbo-IA4:5pmThsdyiteN-
itz, Mildred MacArthur, Marguerite ALPHA OMICRON PI tural Science Building, a lecture titled
McQuillan, Helen McRae, Marcella ; Alpha Omicron Pi announces the i'Great Britain, Italy, and the Medi-
P ark , P eggyn M rtoPoro hyteed in E lizab eth al w rtR o' 1,saa ea"ofllNorg ve.ichs eaeN.arkYPggis P ro f.iab e h R os , H .No wCc ,rrYI ofPofth e . C ollegehe C o leofofy
re'ne Sa bo, Helen Schab, Tina -- -
Scotti, Jeanette Stickles.'
The,,Madrigal singers are Mary fresh l sthe list. Sprin ' ' t,
JenAdams, Alice Bassett, Lorene' ,fa
Brandt, Beulah Fenske, Harriet Ham- ,-.4
mett, Joan Lynch, Carmen McKell,
Margaret MrpyMajoieTae
Betty Van Dusen, Jeanne Vant, Bet-.
ty Walker, Mary Wheat and Mary-
Tfhe Secretaries r Hrie o
WesJJe, Jane Mougey andWesJr ed{.
Betty Spangler. The Guards choru '
include. Priscila Abbott, Virginia Al-
len, Jeannette Beck, Jean Bertram, N r i
ri 1~.

Rapp brings his orchestra to Ann . st~yled by
Arbor after completing an engage-,' IK R
ment at the Gribson Hotel in Cin-HIK Y
cinnati, 0,. They broadcast there 'o
nightly over radio Station WLW and{fr
the Mutual network. I Beautiful'
Ruby Wright To Be Feature~ f ".
Featured with the orchestra are .:. tfu
Ruby Wright, known as "the sweet- ! vtou
heart of the air" and the New Eng- vtil
anders, a vocal harmony trio, Miss
Curtis said..0
Tickets for the dance, which are
priced at $3, will be sold from. 3 to 5
p.m. beginnining tomorrow in the Un- You're slim--saucy-and smart!
dergraduate Office of the League. Thel in the clinging perfection of this
sale, which will at first be limited action-free pantie. liunproof.
Ato unaffiliated women may be opened ightly boned to prevent rolling.
to sorority women during the latter' Self.-edged top and bottom for
part of the second week if there smiooth lines. Firmly controlling
are any tickets left unsold, Miss Cur-( to flatter your figure.-
tis announced.. . Also in snatching Foundation,
Carnations To Be Sold i Girdle and Bra at $2.00 'gp
Breakfast tickets,- which, will sellI
for : cents, and tickets for carna-
tions wl be available at the same
table with the dance tickets. Myrra
Short, '39, tickets chairman, an-
nounced. that cash only would be
actd. The publicity committee for the I o
dance will meet at .4 p.m,. tomorrow:
in the undergraduate office. of the 8 Nickels Arcade
gust, '39, of the College of Architec -__________
ture; Edward Egle, '39, of the College
of Engineering; and Graham. Bene- Read The Dlaily Classifieds
diet, '38, of the School of Forestry and __________ ______
Conservation. _ _ _ .-

lbc two way stretcl
girdle with vc ntilatcd
:; front pancl.

I i

. .b.. =: t S
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s :.?.
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J E)


Crisp styles in the neCw
Spring deep, rich, ,real
b/lue! TIhe sandal ized tic
for your tailored outfit,
the "draped, .sandal .., a
perfect ending for your
Ceegant dayime costume!

inte treila rdem
widirich 9vold or
silvan H nisIu. just
the right detorgo-

' t y


I ;.,

tive. touiefor ujooir

I l._


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