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February 26, 1938 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1938-02-26

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.Y E2, 1938


. ._ ,,:

A 'sembly Ball
(o nrnittee List




Ti ket Sale For Breakfast
JIter Dance Will Begin
wt League Next Week
T-e list of committee members for
the ;ssembly Ball to be hild March 11
in he League Ballroom was an-
noa.:ced yesterday by Barbara Epp-
stei '39, assistant charman.
E een Icheldinger, '38SM, an-
nou ced that her .omniittee will meet
.at 1 p.m. today in the Undergraduat
Oft e. This committee include
Gla ys Engel, '40; Jane Campbell, '39
and Lenore Johnson, '39.
'I ce decorations committee is com-
posi of Vera Miller, '39; Janet Clark.
'40; Ann Besemer, '40; Hazel Halpin,
'40; Mary Schweickhard, '40; Sara
Mo)thee, '39; Madeline Meyers, '39;
Bet y Myers, '40; Margaret Gose, '40;
anc Betty Clement, '41. Marie McEl-
roy '39, is chairman.
Name Patrons Committee
.jie patrons committee, headed by
Elm beth French, '39, consists of Vir-
gin i Hart, '38; Helen Westie, '40;
Jar t Sibley, '41; Florence Michlinski,
'39; Lorraine Montler, '39; Wilma
Ccl e, '40 and Twila Traber, '38SM.
I Tatricia Matthews, '41; Mary Cul-
ber son, '40 and Ellen Redner, '40, are
on he program committee, of which
Jai Dunbar, '40, is chairman.
Committees To Meet
'1he ticket committee, headed by
Myra Short, '39, will meet at 1 p.m.
-tod ay in the Undergraduate Office.,It
in ~.des Mary Frances ,Reek, '40;
Ele nor Feldman, '39; Roberta Guer-
ich '40; Roslyn Fellman, '40; Zenovia
Sk 'atko, '40; Pearl Icheldinger, '38-
SM Judith Frank, '40; Tony Aalbers-
ber :, '40; Dorothy Nichols, '40 and
Ed..h Golden, '40.
_1 .e publicity committee of which
El i Cuthibert, '39, is chairman, will
me.t at 4 p.m. Monday in the Under-
gr uate Office. The committee is
co lposed of Frances Burgess, '39A,
pc :ers; . Barbara Lovell, '38; Jean
Ha vie, '39; Bettie Howard, '39; Ruth
Pci ck, '40 and Violetta Engel, '39.
Lists Not Complete
P few additional women who hand-
ed n their eligibility slips too late
for° approval by the Dean's Office
wil be added to this list lter, Miss
Et stein said.
E ekets for the breakfast imme-
d aly after the ball will be sold by
Mc. Clarke in Miss Goodlander's of-
fic at the League next week.
I ae orchestra will, be announced
Su Jay, Norma Curtis, '39, general
ch rman of the Ball, stated.
ances T onioht
FLlpha Epsilon Phi is giving a
Kit:lies' Party, complete with cos-
tur les and games instead of dancing.
Ice ;ream cones and soda pop, will be
ser ed as refreshments. Dr. Bernard
He er and Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Both-
man will attend as chaperons.
1 a informal radio dance is planned
by Alpha Omega. Mr. and Mrs. Ben
St berg and Dr. and Mrs. George
Fir ?man will chaperon.
J aother informal radio dance, hon-
ori fg the officers who are to be in-
sta ed in the afternoon, is being giv-
en iy Alpha Kappa Psi. Mr. and Mrs.
L: °y Bardon and Mr. and Mrs. Sam-
uel Fielden will chaperon. The new
off xers are Kingsley Kelly, '39BAd
pr ident; John M. Hart, '38, vice-
prc ident; Wenzer Bosworth, '39, sec-
ret ry; Stanley Trubey, '38, treasur-
er; J. Corwin Troxel, '39BAd, Master
of Rituals.
bappa Sigma's Bowery Brawl will
be ,-haperoned by Mr. and Mrs. T. 0 .

Ja obson, of Detroit, Mr. and Mrs.
Jo n Miller, of Detroit, and Mr. and
Mi. Fred Morns, of Ann Arbor. As
its name suggests the party is strict-
ly informal.
V.liversity Students
Will Be Wed Soon
:Ar. and Mrs. Louis Solomon of
Pe itiac announce the engagement of
t .ir daughter, Irene Roselyn, to
Si( ney Orkin, '35, son of Mr. and
M . Heyman Orkin of Grand Rapids.
liss Solomon attended the Univer-
sit Mr. Orkin is affiliated with Phi
K opa Phi and Phi Beta Kappa,
ho borary societies. He is now a sta-
s T ician for the State government in
T.., sing. The wedding will take place
A il .3.
1I ta Tau Delta Holding
Conference In Detroiti
)elta Tau Delta is holding a North-
ci Division Conference this week-
er-tin Detroit, Jack Walker, '39BAd,
p .sident announced.
t smoker was held yesterday in the
l ess Club in the Fisher Building
: the guests were entertained by

Spring Styles Swing
4 -}
y j
Soft weols and crepes in pastels
and navy are early forecasts for
spring. Draped shoulders and swing
skirts arc more popular than ever
this year and deep V-necklines are
becoming. This model in navy is
very flattering to the slender. miss-
WA.A. To Hol
pe4ifnn, 4Y O(.

Scholars Of '41
To Be Honored
SBy Sororities,
Luncheon Is To Be Annual
Affair Designed To Raise
Scholastic Standards
Panhellenic Association will hold its
first luncheon honoring freshman
women with high scholastic standings,
at 12:30 p.m. today at the League.
The guest list will be composed of one
freshman woman from each sorority
with the highest grades in her class,
according to Patricia Haff, '40, in
charge of the affair.
Prof. Bennett Weaver, of the Eng-
lish department will address the
group. Hostesses for the affair are the
members of the executive council ofj
Panhellenic Association, which is
composed of Harriet Shackleton, '38,
president; Betty Fauver, '38, treas-
urer; Carolyn Beltramini, '38, secre-
tary; Frances Everard, '38, rushing j
.ecretary; Mrs. A. E. White and Mrs.
G. E. Mills. Frances Kahrs, '40, is
assisting Miss Haff in arrangements
for the luncheon.
Honor Roll Of Guests
Guests will assemble first in the}
Mary Barton Henderson Room of the
League, but the luncheon will be held
in a private dining room. An honor
roll of the guests attending will be
made and will be kept on permanent
file in the League Library.
Those who will attend are: Lonna
Parker, of Alpha Chi Omega; Marian
Conde, of Alpha Delta Pi; Marcia
Wilks, of Alpha Epsilon Phi; Margaret

Editor To, Re Ei'terain-ed'

Gay skirts and sweaters, sports rick, Mary Jo Hardwood and Dick
jackets, and saddle shoes typified Adams seemed engrossed in some
{sThe Pay-Off, where males, suffering fascinating discussion in front of the
from unwonted attention, sported gay band stand. Between dances we
boutonnieres of delicate radishes and noticed Mary Gretchen Connine and
iburdened their escorts with those ar- Lindy Albrecht stroll out for a drink
ticles of perfect grooming, tooth- of water.
brushes and safety razors. In the dance floor mob we ran into
Present Tad Lynch and Paul Keller, Mary
AmongThoseresMargaret Campbell and Bob Archer,
Two of those bedecked and abusive Annabel Van Winkle and Jack Geld-
indivicluals were Frank Dannemiller er, Harriet Sharkey and John Mor-
and Ron Hayes whose respective ris, Francis Bourke and Dick Boyd,
escorts, Betty Gatward and Louse Betty Whitney and Bruce Telfer,
Tanner, seemed to be standing up Mary Johnson and Bud Donaldson,
well uider the strai. Doug Gregory, Pan Crandall and Bill Lord, and
also with a flower in his lapel, danced Roberta Melin with Sleepy Herman.,
by with Marie Sawyer in the true
MRS. LUCY R. HAVKIN Gregory-Sawyer manner. Sue Stev-
* * cnson and Bill Hains, Jean McCon-
key1and Fred Sheer, and Sally Con-
I etaeryand Jack Mason seemed to be Z
r lii enjoying themselves.
Janet Allington was with Henrys-34
Adams and Mary Jane Mueller with v:r
Theta Sigma Phi, national honor- Jerry McCarthy. Both girls were Our
ary professional journalistic sorority committee members and seemed to be
will entertain Mrs. Lucy Rogersj enjoying the fruits of their labors.
Betty Thompson and Johnny Flick-
Hawkins, national officer, at a break- inger, Barbara Benedict and Ed Fel-
fast at 9:30 a.m. tomorrow in the: ----- --- -- -
Mrs. Hawkins is the editor of the! 'Oup O 1Vt
Matrix, official publication of the
sorority. She is at present organiz- Te-tomorrow
ing a joint Ann Arbor-Detroit alum- L f
nae chapter. National and chapter,
problems will also be discussed by IIU" _"1

Men Get Radish Boutonnieres
At Informal .Pay-Off Dance

appa Sigmna Plans
To Revive Bowery
Saloon At 9 T onight
Kappa Sigma plans to revive tIe
Bowery Saloon in all its glory tonig:t
when the "gents" of the house and
their 'skoits' attend its Bowery Br '1.
The Brawl starts promptly at 9 p.m.
and guests will be admitted only at or
giving the password to the doormar
All members attending the par y
must be dressed in proper Bov e y
fashion,remphasis being placed upon
loud shirts and ties that clash sui-
ably. Certain rules regarding beha'
for will be strictly enforced. The
motto of the ball is: furniture is nrt
for throwing. We reserve the right :o
'throw you.

Mrs. Hawkins, who plans to teach a 1 ijidgtt IiuLinaepenjtin
vocational course for senior women in Division Will Entertain
Journalism at Northwestern Univer-
sity next fall. The Ann Arbor Independent divi-

.J. -,/6iiiVJ1 1 ua. idlack, of Alpha Omicron Pi; Su- Among the alumnae from AnnAr- sion of the League House group will
zann Hopkins, of Alpha Phi! Rose- bor who plan to attend the break- give a closed faculty and guest tea
FOr C lief Posts I maryLehman, of Alpha Xi Delta; fast are Mrs. Morley, Miss Virginia Ifrom 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. tomorrow in
Marian Wight, of Alpha Gamma Schumaker, Mrs. Emily S. Grimes, Ithe Ethel Fountain Hussey Room of
Delta;. Ellen St. John of Chi Omega; '31, Marion Holden, '37, and Mrs. the League, Elizabeth Notley, '39,
Dates Are March 7 To 14;yAnn Wills, of Delta Delta Delta. Donald Shillings. president, announced yesterday.
DrTo Be Annual Affair
nerviewing Of Women Others are: Edna Kearney, of Delta iBernice Cohen, '39, and Suzanne
To Be Followin Week I Gamma; Virginia Lee Hardy, of Gam-n F reordn, '38, are to be the co-chair-
ma Phi Beta; Jeanne Davis, of Kappa ormer Member Of men of introduction. The invitation
Alpha'Theta; Margaret Woodruff, of* chairman is Mary Frances Reek, '40,
Petitioning for executive positions Apha Dheta; Marr W f, of and Virginia Almendinger, '38, is the
in te Wmens Aheltc psitonsKappa Delta; Eleanor Sevison, of Jly P o u to cara sMr FacsRe,'0
in the Women's Atheltic Association Kappa Kappa Gamma; Janet Fisher, chairman of arrangements.
KapaI t.'rs In N.Y.rPlly In the receiving line will be Miss
will be held from March 7 to March of Pi Beta Phi; Thelma Mitchell, of S _rs In N.Y P Jnethe rryeiss Nte El isa
14 at Barbour Gymnasium and the i Phi Sigma Sigma; Ann Vedder, of Jeanette Perry, Miss Notley, Eliza-
W.A.A. Building, it was announced Collegiate Sorosis, and Jane Sapp, of Martha Ellen Scott, '32, who was bth Hall, '41, vice-president of the
by Mary Johnson, '38, president. iZeta Tau Alpha. an active member of Play Production Reek, secretary.
The offices of president, vice-presi-(I is hoped thatVis luncheon will and who appeared in numerous plays Mrs.*G. B. Brigham, Mrs. Robert
dent, secretary, treasurer, American secome an annual affair, not only to 1 while on campus, has recently scored A. Kenyon, Mrs. George McConkey,
Federation of College Women repr-as freshman grades but to raise a hit in the current Broadway pro- Mrs. George Notley, Mrs. C. M. Davis
sentative, point recorder, intramural wole, scholarship standards as a duction of Thornton Wilder's "Our Mrs. Charles Stocking, Bernadine
manager and publicity manager may w according to Miss Shackleton. jTown." Potter, '38, and Merida Hobart, '38.
be petitioned for. All women are Miss Scott is playing a role of will pour.
eligible to petition and the only re- Women's Rifle major importance in the Jed Harris This will be the first in a series Yy.
ciuiremrent is that those who desire I mn feGoup production of the play and has been of teas to be sponsored by the League
the presidency must now be juniors. Holds Telegraphic Meet accaimed by various New York critics House group. The next tea is to be
Interviewing for these positions as one of the outstanding promises given March 6 by Zone I, according
will be held the following week and The Women's Rifle Club competed among young actresses. to Miss Notley.
specific times will be announced lat- in another Telegraphic Meet which While on campus, she played in The purpose of the tea will be to
er. All applicants will be interviewed, ended Feb. 19. various Play Production presentations. acquaint the women students with
by the senior members of the present 'The University of Maryland was She then went with the Globe The- embers of the faculty. About 60
W.A.A. board and Miss Marie Hart- first with a score of 493 and the Uni- atre Company and appeared with members are expected and informal-
wig and Miss Laurie Campbell. versity of Illinois and Kansas State them for two years at the Chicago Ex- ity will be the keynote of the affair.
The president of W.A.A. is auto- College came in second and third re- i:osition, before leaving for New York--
matically made chairman of Lantern spectively, with the scores of 490 and where she was engaged in radio work
Night and of the W.A.A. orientation 486. Michigan had the lowest score until her recent appearance on the
project. The vice-president is social in the meet. stage
chairman of the organization and is,
the chairman of the spring project.
The A.F.C.W. representative has
to write for the "Sportlight," the
magazine of that organization. The0I
Intramural manager works with the "
house athletic managers and has "
charge of all the intro-house tourna- - tfo ~
ments. The point recorder keeps aco
record of points and makes the prop-
er awards. /
hl. e foundation. ( cL* )!
- -
Li East University and Oakland. Dial 3779.
Dr. Bernard Heller, Director.
A t $5 0 3:30 P.M. Auvkah meeting.
All Two-Piece Knits 0 ")- 0 5:00 P.M. Independent supper.
-y,8:00 P.M. Forum. The speaker will be Prof.
Values to $1 2.95 H. J. McFarlan. His topic is "An Engineer
Groups of Looks Ahead."
Dinner and Evening 0 409 South Division Street.
Dresses Sunday morning services at 10:30 a.m.Sun-
Sizes 1l to 46 day school at 11:45 a.m.
St 6Free public reading rooms at 206 East Lib-
All KNIT Dresses 32 Waitenaw
Values to $29.75 ( Rev. W. P. Lemon, D.D., Minister.
Vlues - $9Elizabeth Leinbach, Assistant
Groups of K STOCKINGS E. W. Doty, Organist and Choir Director
C p Ap - s10:4A.M. How Can We Know the Good?
Crepes - Alpacas - Tricots Sermon by the minister. Student choir.
One Group of 5:30 P.M. Westpminister Guild supper and
A new budget priced stocking that rmeeting. At 6:30, discussion groups on
Evening and Dinner wic Principles of Christian Living - In Inter-
preting Events of Today; In getting Along
DR ESSES Wwil be a real credit to you in a With People; In Men and Women Rela-
Values to $35.00 tions, and In Business and Professions will
Sizes 1 1 to 46 fashion sense yet will cut down be continued. A fifth group will discuss
basic principles of Christianity.
hosiery bills. It's a chiffon that
looks so sheer you'd call it "sheer CHURCH
ALL LEFT-OVER Stalker -Hall - Student Headquarters.
, if .' ,State Street between Washington and
UTILITY COATS extravagance"i you n now Huron.
Values to $29.75 Palmer Christian, Music
Sizes 12to187h r . d s the the more 9:45 A.M. Student Class at Stalker Hall.
at10:40 A.M. Worship service at the Michigan
L U S expensive'Artcraft Stockings, it's Theatre. Dr. C. W. Brashare's subject is
a }. y °6:00 P.M. Wesleyan Guild. Discussion
izn __(ti n-- !a :t kit fto 1 it. Very dull and very smart. ~," ,paa oihrrRnlrcm o n


Entire Stock of FUR COATS
e list some of the values:
Mendoza Beaver
Twin Beaver
Northern and Premier
Hollander Hudson Seal
Silvertone and Mink Dyed
Black, Brown"and Gray
Siberian Squirrel
Black and Gray Persian
Genuine Mink Paws
/ small deposit reserves your
selection. No carrying charge.
Free storage and insurance.





{Missouri Synod)
Liberty at Third
Carl A. Brauer, Minister
9:30 A.M. Church School.
10:45 A.M. Morning Worship. Sermon, "Un-
profitable Discipleship."
6:00 P.M. Student club supper and social
hour followed by topic discussion on "What
Shall I Do With My Life." Pastor Brauer
will be the leader.'
Ash Wednesday, March 2-
7:30 P.M. Holy Communion. Topic, "The
Meaning of the Cross to Judas."
432 South Fourth Avenue, Dial 7840
Theodore Schmale, Pastor.
9:00 A.M. German Service. Rev. Roth of
Ypsilanti will speak.
10:30 A.M. English Service. Sermon by Dr.
Edward Blakeman,
East William Street at South Fifth Avenue
10:30 Church Worship.
Sermon: "Right Thinking and Right
5:30 Lutheran Student Club in Zion
Lutheran Parish Hall - Supper at 6:00,
Forum at 6:45.
Ash Wednesday Holy Communion Service at
7:30 on March 2.
Corner State and Huron Streets.
Rev. Harold P. Marley, Minister.
6:00 P.M. Twilight Service.
512 East Huron.
Rev. R. Edward Sayles


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