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February 26, 1938 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1938-02-26

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26, 192

wntj i,6 " ' ac ' 'QrJ1,, 4 T ' & 5^M'* A,. ar
Edited and managed by students of the University of
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Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1937-38
National Advertising Service, Inc.
- ollegePblisers efresesatie
Board o f Editors
Business -Department
The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of the Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
H ER FUEHRER leads a goose-stepping
Europe around by the nose these days
while he barks the plays almost at will. And
every play apparently nets a gain for the German
people in Adolf's little game. This is both sig-
nificant and tragic. Significant because out of
the present hurly-burly and European diplomatic
entanglements the Nazis see a new strong-arm
Germany emerging the undisputed winner, with
Italy, France and England riding in the back
seat. Tragic because the Nazis' stunning list
of victories has given them a bloated sense of
power which apparently only a war will punc-
ture-but too late.
Italy, compared to Germany, is a first rate
Second-rater. The Nazis know this. Italy has
neither the resources, the population nor the
prospects that Germany boasts. In fact the ter-
ritorial expansion of Italy seems in its last stages
with only the Balearics and concessions in Spain
remaining on Il Duce's shopping list, assuming
of course that Mussolini does not wish to raise the
fur of a leading power by taking Malta or Tunis.
Germany, on the other hand, is just embarking on
a program of extensive expansion which restricts
its buccaneering to strictly minor powers. Italy
has a population of forty-one million with little
prospect of increasing. Germany has a popula-.
tion of sixty-six and one half million with pros-
pects of at least another 10 million from Austria
and German Czechoslovakians. But Germany's
supremacy over Italy does not extend to France
and England.
Diplomatically, it is true, the Nazis have far
outmaneuvered the democracies. France today
appears a sorry prospect as she follows in the
path of Great Britain like a wolf on the scent
and Great Britain herself changes policies faster
than the papers can print them. England, it is
said, will always muddle through. England might
well get through muddling and follow a con-

sistent policy before the fascists think they
are working with a blank check.
The world, and the fascists in particular, are
disposed to underestimate the unity, the resource-
fulness and the strength of a democracy, because
the infirmities of such a government are in the
show window, on the front page and in the
minds of everyone. Not so, of course, with fas-
cism, where censorship and concentration camps
are constant helps toward "rightful thinking."
Added to their self-criticism and the advertis-
ing of their weaknesses, however, the democracies
display a natural antipathy for war and a seeming
lethargy in acting decisively. The question now is
whether the fascists will mistake this- love of
peace for weakness and virtually force a war by
stretching their privileges to outrageous lengths.
Democracies at war, they would do well to re-
member, can match any government point for
point. Indeed, democracies are incomparable
for cruelty, for enthusiasm and for cooperation,
resourcefulness and daring.
Robert I. Fitzhenry.
Paul McNutt
Js Ridin H lh
Fpractically within the shadows of the
White House, Paul V. McNutt deftly tossed his
hat into the presidential ring last Wednesday and
President Roosevelt apparently deftly tossed the
hat right ot1t again when he and the general staff
of administration big-wigs, virtually to a man,
pleaded "prior engagements" to the McNutt din-
ner party. The whole incident was regrettable.
Both the Administration and the Hoosier sages
played a poor hand, a hand that may throw a

plied and as a" result today finds himself com-
manding offhcer in charge of the Chanute Ground
School, at Rantoul, Il.-a promotion in reverse.
The administration apparently rebuked the as-
piring McNutt by demoting an innocent accom-
plice. Justice in reverse!
Secondly we had the amusing spectacle of
300 grandstand quarterbacks from Indiana head-
ed by their governor and a Democratic national
committeeman, journeying to Washington four
years prior to the next presidential election to an-
nounce their "favorite son" in a gigantic "polit-
ical coming-out party" totally without prece-
dent. The Roosevelt boycott made the scene
even more ludicrous. Because of the disappoint-
ing administration attendance the receiving line
lagged periodically. At such times, we are told,
Representative Ludlow and Larabee, of Indiana,
gathered a following and marched it past the
guest of honor. "Some observers," says the New
York Herald Tribune, "noted Mr. Ludlow in
line twice and Representative Larabee three
While the whole affair was ill-conceived and
poorly timed, the Johnson incident following the
outright snub, hardly redounded to the admin-
istration's credit.
Robert I. Fitzhenry.
Radio And The NBC
Since the NBC Symphony first went on the
ether last November one of the favorite ink-
spillers among the critics has been the question
as to whether the orchestra sounds better heard
over the air or in actual performance. True it is
that radio is as yet far from offering a perfect
transmission and reproduction of musical per-
formances; the amount of tonal distortion and in-
fidelity of course varies with the quality of indi-
vidual receiving sets, but in every case there is a
certain-loss of brilliance and clarity of tone and
of balance between the performing parts. Subtler
tonal beauties are obscured and, conversely,
roughnesses in performance are often smoothed
over. The farther extremes of the pitch com-
pass are either lost or distorted in reproduc-
tion, and are rarely present at the same time in
equal strength.
In an effort to rectify the latter defect, "mix-
ing"-which may be more or less suicidal-by a
technician in the control room has been resorted
to by broadcasters, and often results in an acous-
tical clarity and balance which from an artistic
standpoint is really unbalanced and undesirable.
In the same way the volume of tone produced is
at the mercy of the man in the control room.
Because radio is not capable of reproducing a
dynamic range as great as that of a large group
of performers, all fortissimos must be weakened
and pianissimos raised in strength, so that the
vivid and contrasting colors of the original per-
formance are reproduced in pastel shades. Finally,
by digesting all the musical parts and reissuing
thei from one common point, radio does away
with the element of space, which, though few,
people realize it, lends force and individuality to
the various parts of an ensemble disposed in the
ordinary way on a stage or in a room.
These details, however, artistically annoying
as they are, do not deny the excellence of present
broadcasting results in comparison with those
of not many years ago. Experimentation and im-
provement are continually raising the standards
and give promise of an ultimate achievement
of not much less than perfect reproduction of
musical performances. For a long time Leopold
Stokowski and his Philadelphia Orchestra were
leaders in the improvement of symphonic broad-
casting methods, but in the last year they have
been overshadowed by the publicity given the
NBC Symphony. As the latter organization is
radio's first full-fledged symphony orchestra,
with every detail planned with infinite care and
financial abandon from both the artistic and
echnical standpoints, and as its broadcasts are
presented for the radio rather than the studio
audience, it is not illogical to expect from the
NBC the finest symphonic broadcasts yet en-

Two weeks ago, after months of dutiful Satur-
day night tuning-in, we had the opportunity
of comparing the Symphony in actual perform-
ance with its radio effect when we were present
at two of its concerts under Toscanini. The first
of these was at Carnegie Uall for the benefit of
the Italian Relief Association and revealed a
typical Toscanini program-the First and Ninth
Symphonies of Beethoven. The other was the
succeeding Saturday night broadcast made up of
Brahms' Second Symphony, Weber's Euryanthe
Overture, the Wagner Siegfried Idyl, and Dukas'
The Sorcerer's Apprentice.
The Carnegie Hall concert marked the first
appearance of the Symphony outside the parent
studios of NBC, and has already taken its place
as one of the milestones in New York musical
history. The First Symphony was given a vivid
and transparent rendition by far the most hand-
some and well-proportioned we have ever heard.
But it was the Ninth-dynamic, impelling beyond
all we had imagined it capable of-which became
truly epic under the rhapsodic will of the mas-
ter. For us, the choral finale is usually so much
unwieldy impedimenta, ineffective and out of
place, to the three glorious movements which
precede it. Even the inspired might of Toscanini
and the excellent work of the Schola Cantorum
chorus and eminent soloists could not make the
movement musically convincing, but it was im-
bued with a dramatic fervor that swept all before
(This will be coritinued in tomorrow's Daily)
The National Radio Guild
The University of Florida's Radio Guild has
announced plans for the formation of a National
Radio Guild, an organization designed to stim-

fecWm o ) We
H-eywood-Brou n
Many sincere men and women in all the coun-
tries of the world are committed to the belief
that no price is too high for peace. They may
be right. But surely the nation which seeks to
purchase peace at a crushing figure has a right
to demand that it should receive the genuine
article as the result of the
And so I say that "peace"
which is procured by agree-
ing to bend the knee to the
Fascism of Hitler, Mussolini
and Japan's Son of Heaven
s not -worth the sacrifices
which have been made. In-
deed the article handed over
the counter to the abject
buyer is not truly peace. Fascism is a form of
war. It is a conflict which -exacts cruelties as
great as those to be witnessed on any battlefield.
Indeed, prisoners of war fare considerably better
than the men and women in the Nazi concen-
tration camps.
Fascism is the triumph of death over life, and
England has hardly saved itself from horrors by
granting to the Duce and the Fuehrer the right
to confirm or veto a member of the British Cab-
The Isolation Of England
And yet no criticism of Chamberlain's surrender
comes with good grace from any American com-
mentator. After all, the generous paperhanger
did permit Neville to keep his sword, and I suppose
that every true-born Englishman will be allowed
to retain two mules to cultivate his own garden as
long as he renders,unto Hitler the things which
are his.
These are the fruits of isolation. But it is
hardly seemly for American publicists who insist
that America is located on a special planet to be
severe about the decision of the British Cabinet
to let the rest of the world go to hell without even
a "Trut! 'rut!"
I have read opinions both at home and abroad
in which it was said that Chamberlain has saved
the peace of Europe. But this peace of which they
speak is a kind of hunting license to the Nazi
chief to pursue his persecutions and to bear down
upon such races as he dislikes and upon such
working groups as he despises. It is a pogrom
peace, which means' that it is no peace at all.
It has been said that Czechoslovakia will come
aext. It is an even more important problem to in-
quire just how soon Great Britain is to be taken
over as a Nazi province. Already Lord Halifax,
the friend of the Fuehrer, moves into the seats
of the mighty.
Creeping Closer To Us
Nor is it well to say that this is no concern
of ours. Here in our land the forces of Fascism
are alive and rampant, and they take courage
from the success of the sweep of Nazi power across
the map of the world. I hear it said that we
should turn our back and make our own world
include merely the North and South American
continents. But this is said by those who cheer-
fully ignore the fact that the Fascist poison has
already been injected into the veins of many of
our neighbors.
The answer to this thrust against us is not
armed conflict. Indeed, Hitler has come to his
ascendency without fighting a single pitched
battle. He has profited by the folly of the iso-
lationists at home and abroad. He has been able
to pick his plums one at a time. Nor is this
little man touched with genius, evil or otherwise.
He has swept along because of the utter useless-
ness of inertia. Even a meager corporal can hack
his way through a brown paper bag.
There is such a thing as moral ascendency even
in a weltering world. There must be leadership,
There must be a league of those who want true
peace and not the sow and torturing death of
Fascism. Roosevelt should speak again as he did
in Chicago. Men and women who want peace

must seek and find their brothers and sisters
in other nations. Two nations can make a war.
Only an organized world can win peace.
Fresh and earthy as the soil Vermont's nur-
seryman Governor likes to work in in his Lincoln
Day advice to the Republican Party. The outlook
for his party may be brighter than Governor
Aiken indicated in his speech to the NationalI
Republican Club in New York. But to thousands
of Republicans and scores of independents this
voice from Vermont carries a basically more hope-
ful appeal than any that has been raised in recent
Governor Aiken hits the mark both in feeling
and philosophy. In feeing he would, turn his
party back to Lincoln. He objects to the banker-
broker-lawyer majority on the national Program
Committee. He wants party leaders to win, the
people's trust. by knowing the people as Lincoln
did. He declares it would do no good for the Re-
publicans to have fifty-cent LincolnDay dinners
if "the fifty-cent feeling is not in the hearts of
the Republicans participating."
As to philosophy, Vermont's Governor says that
to preserve states rights he has had to fight both
public utilities and the Federal Government. As
a nurseryman Governor Aiken knows that hem-
locks can grow into giant trees or be kept trimmed
in a hedge. As a political leader he insists that
there is a difference between federal leadership
and federal domination. He would resist domina-
tion, but he recognizes that leadership need not
grow into domination.
This man of the soil is no doctrinaire, he makes
essential distinctions. He thinks there can be so-
cial reform and federal leadership without col-

The Coffee Bill
This article is concerned with the
Federal Arts Bill, which has recently
been introduced in both houses of
Congress. This is the bill--originally
known as the Coffee Bill-which aims
to set up a permanent Bureau of
Fine Arts as part of the Federal
For 20 years, Theatre Arts has
sponsored the idea of a bureau or
ministry of Fine Arts, on the theory
stated in the preamble to this Bill,
namely: "It is the obligation of the
Government to recognize that culture
as represented in the arts is a social
necessity consistent . with democracy
and also to recognize that such cul-
ture must be encouraged and de-
veloped in the interest of the geheral
welfare." But this Bill is the direct
negation of its own preamble.
It is not consistent with a high
standard in the arts, nor is it demo-!
cratic, nor financially practical. It is,
in fact, in its essence, so antagonistic
to its own avowed principles that it
is doubtful whether any amendment
can remedy its defects. 1
The Bill, as it was first introduced
into Congress in August by Repre-
sentative Coffee, was frankly intend-
ed to secure the permanence of the
existing Federal Arts Projects. All
the "functions, powers and duties" of
the WPA arts projects were to be
"assigned and transferred" to the
Bureau of Fine Arts, and all artists
employed before the cuts of last June
were to continue in such employment,
in the new ministry. Drafted by
WPA supporters and workers, the Bill,
aimed also to center the control of the,
Bureau in the hands of the organiza-
tions which have grown up within
the WPA and to develop through
them in the future "the education
and instruction of the public in the
knowledge and appreciation of art"i
and "undertake the teaching, train-
ing, development and encourage-
ment of persons as artists."
The original bill has been amended
by a committee representing 25 im-
portant art unions, but mainly along
the lines of organizational control,
not in the matter of standards or de-
mocracy. It was reintroduced in both,
houses of Congress on Jan. 21. The
revised bill states that all persons
"presently employed" upon Federal
art projects "who are competent to
carry out the objectives of this Act"
shall continue in employment in the
new Bureau, and adds that "The Bu-
reau shall employ as many more ar-
tists as possible." At its face value,
this clause seems to limit the per-
sonnel recruited from the WPA to
"competent" artists. But when the
provisions for the appointment of the
judges of competence are analyzed,
it is seen that the amended bill is
no improvement on its predecessor.
The Commissioner of the Bureau,
the bill states, is to be appointed by
the President from "a panel of names
to be submitted to him by organiza-
tions representing the greatest num-
ber of artists employed in each of the
arts under the Bureau." The mem-
bers of the Bureau are to be appoint-
ed by the Commissioner, from a simi-
lar panel, and they, in turn, select.
regional committees chosen, again,
from a panel of names submitted by
the unions representing the majority
of the artists. These committees, ac-
cording to the ill, "shall have the
sole authority to determine all ques-
tions of eligibility, competence and
the assignment of artists to employ-
ment under the Bureau." In other
words, the existing relief arts pro-
jects are to be transferred bodily to
the new Bureau, and the committees,
selected from panels drawn up by the
workers themselves, are then to de-
termine the competence of the ar-

It is perhaps unnecessary to pointf
to other flaws in the bill's content,
such as the fact that all the admin-
istrative heads are to be appointed
for two years only (though they
may be reappointed) which would
make the whole Bureau a football
for partisan and organizational poli-
tics; that there is a complete lack of
normal safeguards in relation to ex-
penditure; that "the sky's the limit"
as far as appropriations go, and that
no effort has been made to judge the,
Such striking weaknesses hardly
need emphasis. They will be noted at
once by any Congressional budget
committee, and by anyone who reads
the bill. What is really serious is that
by forcing Congress to consider such
an unsound and impracticable bill
irreparable damage may be done to
the cause we all have at heart-the
ultimate establishment of a creative,
democratic Ministry of Fine Arts.
-From Theatre Arts Monthly.
A Czech Blast
Do all English-speaking people live
under British rule? Certainly not.

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
University. Copy received atthe office of the Assistant to the President
until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.

(Continued from Page 2)

Research Seminary in Islamic Art.
Events Today
University Broadcast: 9-9:15 a.m.
Joan and Jack at Michigan. f
9:15-9:30 p.m. Class in Radio
SSpeech. !
5:45-6 p.m. Public Health Series.
Topic: Watch your Posture. Dorothy
Beise, Instructor in Physical Edu-
cation for Women.t
8-9:30 p.m. Hockey Game. Univer-
sity of Michigan vs. University of
Minnesota. (Over WMBC).
The Freshman Kaund Table will
meet Saturday evening from 7:15 to
3:15 in Lane Hall Library. The dis-
cussion will be led by Emily Mor-
gan. Freshmen men and women are
The Outdoor Club wi meet at 1 :50
Saturday, Feb. 26 at Lane Hall in
order to take the 2:18 train to Ypsi-
lanti. The group will hike back
along the river road. Any student in-
terested is invited to go along.
Coming Events
Political Science Club: The next
meeting will be held on Tuesday
March 1, at 7:30 p.m. in the Michi-:
gan League.
A panel discussion on "Five Years
of Nazism" will be led by Messrs.
Pollock, Preuss, Heneman and Boern-'
er, and will be followed by a general
discussion of this topic.
German Table for Faculty Mem-
bers: The regular luncheon meting
will be held Monday at 12:10 p.m.
in the Founders' Room of the Mich-
igan Union. All faculty members in-
terested in speaking German are
cordially invited. There will be an
informal 10 minute talk on: "Oester-
reich und das Reich," by Professor
Benjamin Wheeler.7
Junior Research Club. The March
meeting will be held on Tuesday,
March 1, at 7:30 p.m., in Room 2083
Natural Science Building.
Mr. G. Hoyt Service will speak on
"High Gain Amplifiers for Physiolo-
gical Research" and Dr. Charles M.
Davis will talk on "Some Problems
in the Classification and Appraisal
of Submarginal Lands."
Luncheon for Graduate Students
on Wednesday. March 2 at 12 o'clock
in the Russian Tea Room of thea
Michigan League. Cafeteria service.
Professor Lawrence Preuss of the Po-
litical Science Department will speak,
informally on "The Present Status of
International Law."
Political Science Club: Members
are cordially invited to attend the
discussion on Government and Po-.r
litics As a Career, led by Professor
Pollack, on Tuesday, March 1, from
4:30-5:30 p.m. in the small ballroom
of the Union.
Physics Colloquium: Professor O.
S. Duffendack will speak on Spectro-
Chemical Analysis of Solutions at
the Physics Colloquium on Monday,9
Feb. 28 at 4:15 in Room 1041 E.
Physics Bldg.
"Education or Propaganda" will be
the title of an address to be given by
Ralph McAllister, Director of the
Chicago Adult Education Council,
Monday, 4:15 pm. at the Michigan
League. All interested in Adult Edu-
cation are invited to meet Mr. Mc-
Callister at Lane Hall, Sunday, 3:30
p.m. Sponsored by the Student Reli-
gious Association.
Union Coffee Hour: Professor Pol-'
lack of the Political Science De-
partIent will lead a discussion on
Government and Politics As a Career
on March 1, 4:30 p.m. in the small
ballroom of the Union.
Michigan Dames: The Art Group
will meet Monday, Feb. 28, at 8 pm.
at the League. The speaker will be
Mrs. Ross Bittinger on "Theatrical

Arts and Costumes."
Phi Eta Sigma will hold a dinner
at the Union on Sunday, Feb. 27, at
Col. Henry Miller will speak on
the American rearmament program.
Report recent changes of address
to Arthur Woods, 6674.
Alpha Gamma Sigma will hold an
important business meeting Monday,
Feb. 28, at 7:30 in the Michigan
League. Every member must be
The Ilillel Oratory Contest will be
~held on March 6 at 8 p.m. at the
Hillel Foundation. The entering ora-
tors must speak on a topic of general
Jewish interest. Cash award and a
trip to Chicago will be awarded the,
first place winner. Entries may be
made and details secured at the
Foundation office, phone 3779.

at 5:00 in the undergraduate offices.
Women's Badminton: A Doubles
Tournament between zones, dormi-
tories, sororities and league houses
will be played starting Wednesday,
March 2. Students interested should
sign in Office 15, Barbour Gymna-
sium by couples before that date. A
medical recheck for 1937-38 is es-
Match games will be played on
Friday, Feb. 25 against a women's
team from the Badminton Club at
4:15 p.m. in Barbour Gymnasium.
Spectators are cordially invited.
Professor Raphael Isaacs will speak
at the Hillel Foundation on Wednes-
day, Feb. 28 at 8 p.m. on "Jewish
Literature." All students are wel-
League House Presidents will have
fa meeting at the League on Tuesday,
March 1, at 4:30 p.m. Tea will be
Lutheran Student Choir will meet
Sunday at 4:00 p.m. in Zion Parish
Hall. Every member is urged to be
present and on time.
"How Can We Prevent War?" will
be the topic for discussion at the
next meeting of the Progressive Club,
to be held Monday, Feb. 28 at 7:30
p.m. at the Union. All interested are
invited to attend.
Congress: There will be a combined
meeting of all Executive Committees
Monday night Feb. 28, in Room 306
of the Union .at 7:30 p m. This in-
cludes the Sports, Social, Activities,
Publicity, Student Welfare and Ad-
ministration Committees.
Ann Arbor Friends will hold their
regular meeting for worship Sunday
at 5 p.m. at the Michigan League. It
will be followed by an important
business meeting, and all members
are urged to be present.
Disciples Guild (Church of Christ)
10:45 a.m., Morning Worship, Rev.
Fred Cowin, Minister.
12:00 noon, Students' Bible Class,
It L. Pickerill, leader.
5:30 p.m., Social Hour and Tea.
6:30 p.m., Rev. Fred Cowin will
presen his popular illustrated lec-
ture on "Literary Associations of the
English Lake District." All interest-
ed students are invited.
First Baptist Church, 10:45 a.m.
Sunday. Rev. R. Edward Sayles,
minister will preach on the subject
"The Mystery of Jesus." The Church
School meets at 9:30 a.m., with Dr.
Logan as superintendent. The Junior
High meets in the church parlors at
4:30, and the Senior High at 6:30.
Roger Williams Guild, :Baptist stu-
dents. Sunday Noon. Mr. Chapman
will meet the class in the Guild
House. "How Improve Church Effi-
6:15 p.m. Students evening forum.
Prof. Leroy Waterman will give the
first of two addresses on "The Reli-
gious Inheritance of Jesus and What
He Did With It." Questions and
discussion will be welcomed.
First Church ,of Christ, Scientist,
409 So. Division St.
Sunday morning service at 10:30.
Subject, "Christ Jesus."
Golden Text: II Cor. 4:5.
Sunday School at 11:45 after the
morning service.
First Congregational Church, cor-
ner of State and William.
10:45 a.m., Service of worship.
"Religion and Life Simplified" will
be the subject of Dr. Leonard A.
Parr's sermon.
6:00 p.m. The Student Fellowship
is especially fortunate in having Pro-
fessor Jean P. Slusser speak to the
group after the 6 o'clock supper. He

is well qualified to talk on his il-
lustrated subjct, "A Half Hour with
American Painting," for not only is
Professor Slusser deeply acquainted
with his topic, but his delightful man-
ner of presentation and his friend-
ship with various artists of the con-
temporary scence should make his
speech of unusual appeal.
First Presbyterian Church, 1432
Washtenaw Ave.
10:45 a.m., "How Can We Know
the Good?" is the subject of Dr.
W. P. Lemon's sermon at the Morn-
ing Worship Service. The student
choir directed by Prof. E. W. Doty
and the children's choir under the
leadership of Mrs. Fred Momns will
take part in the service. The musical
numbers will include : Organ Prelude,
"Liebster Jesu" by Bach; Anthem,
"Now The Powers of Heaven" by Ark-
hangelsky; solo, "Morning Hymn" by
' 5:30 p.m., Westminster Guild sup-
per and meeting. The discussion
groups on the Application of Chris-
tian Principles i n Interpreting
Events of Today; In Getting Along
With People; In Men and Women Re-
' lations, and In Business and Pro-
fession will be continued. The fifth
group will also meet on Basic Prin-
. ciples of Christianity.

Yet the pro-German lords suggest to
Czechoslovakia that she should give All Graduate Students are invited
up territory to satisfy the German to meet with the members of the
demand to unite all Germans. May Graduate Outing Club on Sunday,
the world forgive the lords' clique. Feb. 27. The group will meet at
They were prepared to sell the world Lane Hall at 2:30 and will go to the
to Hitler in order to protect England. Coliseum for skating. Those who do
One can appreciate that their plans not wish to skate will go for a hike.

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