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February 26, 1938 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1938-02-26

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T.....E M.........CH IG A.....N ......DA IL--Y----

SATTTUDAV tfl~. 26, tf~38

Country, Wide
Attention Giveii
'News Digest' Commens
IlPnII Campaig1; Gates
Gets Many Letters
Repercussions of the agitation for
cleaner Ann Arbor restaurants are
still koing felt by city and University
health off icls' as letters stream in
from all over the nation requesting
details of methods used in combating
urnsanitary conditions.
A recent issue, of News Digest, or-,
gan of the country's health officers,'
carried a condensation of Daily ar-I
ticles calling attention to unhealthy
prantices in Ann Arbor eating places
w.ith the result that Dr. Lloyd Gates,
ofj the public health debartment has
received requests for details of thel
original survey from as far away as'
Oregon on the W ttest coast and'
Washington, D. G., on the East. Pon-.
tiac was among several cities asking
for details of the campaign.
In an attempt° to see what gains
have been made, the University is at
.present conducting a survey similar
to the one on which 'the original l,
charges were based,, Dr.. Gates said.
At the same time research is being
undertaken to check the methods
used in such surveys and, to perfect
new methods of attacking sanitation
problems. Such research, according
to Dr. Gates, is among the very few5
assaults being made. upon the prob-)j
lema in .the United States.
The question, he-said, is a new one,
and one which has only recently
commanded scientific examination.
"The University is prinprily engaged
in testing; and weeding out other
methods and especially in developing 1
a. technique for measuring bacteriolo-
gical cleanliness of glasses and uteni-
sill. Without Ouch. technique attempts
to clean up ie staurantS are groping
in. the dark."
Although no. definite. results can be#
nioted until, the . bacteriologocal sur-!I
Vey which will probably require an=-
otlher month Uia been completed, it!
appears thatt there 'has- been' con-
siderable improvemnt since the is-
sewas r'aised last. fall; he said. At
4li evcrats restaurants ljave. been ac-
tive in _putting in 'the equipmeixf
fleoessary for sanitation. Moreover
the, hypercritical atitude of an~
aroused public has convinced" most
of the' proprietors that sanitation is
good business.f

MCfVi, tPaysUResp ects It) Wfr0fdr~itig

TcoflOmic Needs'
Are Most Vita l,
Stud ents Claim
Sociology Survey Reveals,
Seriouisness Of Monietary
Piroblems Has, Grown

' n V h f 4"

Todvy. more than at any time in thie
k vA t Iwo year's, the seriousness of
>conioinic pr'oblems is a cause of great
-oncern to a large percentage of stu-
'r Tents, according to a survey of stu-
I : '°' , 4: . :N:::' ':s;."",' .tit$ : ? i ; :ents in Sociology 54 which has been
4 ~ ~Made eacha semester for the past two
..{{. years
SEach student in the coursewa
....~ '~:~'r iked to list in the order of im-
x w~ rtanIe the five most serious prob-
'r '.em of the day. The results obtained
were then comparcd with the results.
S.. ..--)~ f previoussurvey-..
Economic difficulties received 40.1
I : ,., " >4 '".:per cent of the first choices, as com-
On h', o(IiciI round of calls in Washinagton following his~ arrival in the capital to report to the President L pared with 34.3 per cent in the fall of
on Philipuinne affairs, Paul V. M~Nutt (left), high corn isrsioner to the Philippines, stopped in to see Secretary 1 936. The problem of war~, a matter
of War Iarry Woodring' (right). Wlien questioned about rresickential aspirations he said, "I am not a candi- of concern to only 2.2 per cent of the
dateforany polticl ofice" 'students in the spring of 1937, head-
lined the votes of 16.4 per cent in the
survey taken last week.
!aia Racial Strife Important
SpAiro eli hin ma o g ap Racial and religious strife were
AL listed by 8.9 per cent as a most signifi-
IIT e o dInA tr n m B TI T Ncn problem, as compared with 5.4
LETINper cent in the fall of 1936.
Under the general heading of the
New is trIli w n Is Fart.! accor dinlg to Prof. Vleber D. Curtis, (contlined fromn Page 4) economics, the sociology students list-
i director of the University observe- j~--~ ed unemployment, security, distribu-I
y Speetrloheliograpl / i An( tories, "a combination spectrohelio:th iscussion on "Putting Persons! tion of wealth and the labor problem
MoinPicture Mahn graph and motion picture machine, Before- Profit." as matters most worthy Qf immediate
I 11'Ifi _____ac___ enabled us for the first time to ob- Wesleyan Guild Meeting at 6 p.m. consideration. The recession prompt-
BNOMNA COR twin continuous reccords of the changes Tee wl e tre dsuso ed 14.9 per cent of them to list first
ByNOMA A SHORgoing on in solar prominences." groups as follows : "Peace" led by) the problem of unemployment, as
The significant contributions to' This instrumenat, hc rfso Dr. Blakeman; "Adventure in Reli- compared with 5.7 per cent in the
science of the "spectroheliokinema-,whcPrfso Curtis says is only slightly longer than gion~ led by Dr. Bra shares; andI spring of 1937 and 11.5 per cent in
tograph" and the new tower telescope its name, is a spectroheliograp1h to ;*-Christian Social Action" led by the fall of 1936.
for solar work, both located at the which the necessary intricate mech- I Kenneth Leisenring, Grad, Fellow- , Security, named by 9.6 per 'cent of
lUn iversit y's L ake Angelus observatory aniF.,is for taking motion pictures of ship hour and supper following the{ the students in the fall of 1936 as
were spotlighted recently by the death ceclostial objects were added. mneeting. All Methodist students and the most significant problem, received
of Francis Charles McMath, one of the The new 50-foot tower tclescope, f heir friends are cordially invited toI only 4.4 per cenit of the votes in the
donors of the observatory, onr Feb. 13. L'coulalceted in 136, as designied en: attend both of these inectings. present survey. Labor strife was men-
"The spe ctrohehokualiema togn I ph,"# !recly by Robert R.. McMath, sone ofIj tioned by 19.4 per cent as the most
the late donaor, ' Saint Andrew's Episcopal ChBurch:. important issue facing the Unitedy
I# + ~"With the completion of this new Services of worship Sunday are: 8r StateS today. Only 5.4 per cent con-
sw tH~x 1 .yTearn' s Iand powerful solar tower," Professor a-m. Holy . Communion, 9:30 a.m.I sidered this a most serious matter inI
,os C ols Curtis pointed out," the University Church School, 11 a.m. Kindtergar- the fall of 1936.
1Snwo par wtith other plants ten, 11 a.m. Morning Prayer and sera'- Crime Less :Noticeable
in the study of the sun. maon by The Rev. Henry Lewis. Criine claimed the attention of onrly,
Because of thedeati suffered at 'Mi.any of the solar phenomena, - eet -7.4 per cent of this semnester~'s voters,
IIarris lhail:' Dr. A. . Wood of the-
the hands of Ohio State, Michigan's when projected on the motion pic- _________________
swimming team will not be featured tume screen, slaow .activities of which Sociology Department will speark to ____________.--____________
in Life Magazine, David Zeitlin, 40, the resear ch scieist. had previously the Student Guild Sunday nighlt, His
local representative, revealed yester- been sure, but now for the first time topic will be "The Ef'fect of the Ec-
daysee I kingplae bforehiseye asonomic Conflict on. the Family." Dr.
A complete set of picture of the nat- frcquently as he wishes. Wood will be the concluding speaker tD n y G o
atbrs had been taken and Life was "Thanks to the work of the Me- oleseisdangwtth rb
waiting to see whether Michigan beat Math-Hulbert Observatory, th~e stu- lm of Capital and Labor. Nest week
Ohio State before going ahead, hej dent can view in three to, five minute our Lenten Program begins, during
said. A slight possibility that the pie-tuns, motions and. changes that would which time-'e we will have several H aIK i
turs wll e sedanyay emins reuir mny our ofobervtio ,clergymen speakers. The meeting
how re w i tl e c ed.yw y em in, rqur t eema y h usc fo bserva in Sunday 'night is at seven o'clock. Re-'
hoevrZetln ecard.thouh heteesop.freshments will b~e served. All ,
Episcopal students and their friends' o "5 y DO
are cordially invited.
'Trinity Lutherain Church ern-orer of
1 1 Williams St. and Fifth Ave. Servwices
Sunday morning at 10,30 am. Ser-.!
mont by the Pastor, Elev. 11. 0. Yoder',w
oni "Right Thinking and Right Con-

Soldier, Home
Again, Praises
jSpanish People
(Continued from Page 1)
taking 2683 seats compared to 187
taken by all other parties.j
"Thie new government won," Taylor
s(ad, "because it promised to give the
Spanish peasant a piece of earth he
could call his own."
Immediately after its election, the
Popualar Front Government began to
paut into effect its plan to distribute
land to peasants by buying farms from
rich londowners at the value set for
vax assessment.
The revolt of the landlords and
;heir follovers on Jluly 18, 1936, Tay-
or said, wa3s quickly put down by
,he Spanish people and within a week
fascist r'ebellion had been crushed
in ever'y town and city except Sara-
gossa. Then General Francisco Fran-
,o brought in his Moor's, and Mus-
solini and finally Hitler sent troops
and munitions to bomb Spain's cities
Ind to fight the Spani.h people,
whose army had deserted them. and
who were without arms and armnni-
tion. "Foreign troops shot the Span-}
iards like dogs, simply because they
:ad exercised their right as a free
oceople to elect a government that
.vouid help them out of their pov-
erty," Taylor declared.
while last semester 14.4 per cent; ex-
pressed concern over this problem.
Venereal diseases showed the greatest
( ain in achieving recognition as a
serious menace, for 5.9 per cent of
the students listed it first this se-
mester, as compared with only .6 per
-ent a year ago.
The problems of the family and
morals were considered most impor-
"ant by 7.4 per cent, showing little
~hange over results in previous years.
Mental dise .-e, which impressed 5.4
I per cent of students in the fall of 1936
as being a most important problem,
was listed lay only 1.4 per cent this
Byron J. Hlildinger, first ward al-
dermian, announced yesterdaiy he
would resign from the city council
early in March. Because of other
business he would not be able to con-
tinue his duties on the council.

111 i et. Attacks
Staid-UniAesitie s
I (Continued Iromy Page a1)
tatorial forms of government, dis-
graceful phenomena in a' supposedly
civilized world,. are encouraged and
tmade possible by regimented minds."
I"The valuable assets of civilization
can never be preserved by propaganda
or force, but only by throwing open
the books of society to the critical
examinatiolia of each generation of
youth," Dr. Ruthven declared.
"instead of r~idiculing and critic i-
ing students for daring to think out-
side of particular patterns," he con-
tinued, "instead of insulting teachers
lby passage of silly loyalty oaths, and
instead of starving schools to make
life more pleasant for an older gen-
eration, it would be better if the faul.-
finders would encourage teachers and
students with expressions of hope, pa-
tience and tolerance, and would :con-
sider it a privilege rather than a bur-
den to assist the schools in A~hat is,
after all, the most important responsi-
bility of society."
Europe May Pivot
On Fascist Plans
(Continued iroin I'age 1)
thing separating France from Russia
would weaken France greatly, and, if
France were invaded, Great Britain
would definitely step in on France's
side because of her many interests
Professor Slosson said 'that there
would be no immediate danger of in-
vasion by Russia if the four power
pact were accomplished.
"The Soviets would not go to war
now for three reasons," he explained.
"They are afraid of Japan and der-
many, they can not trust their army,
and they are under the second five
year plan, and the effective working
out of that prevents an invasion by

Russia at the present."

Phone 3205
Groceries - Beer - Wine
Ty's Service Market


42sMllr ve


:t must be noted, he said, that
Aicity is the most powerful weapon
have in prodding this slumbering
Aiectoisciousliess into action.

{ {


Fill Not Appear at

L~utherani Student Club will meset
Sunday at 5:30 p.m. in Zion Parish
Hall corner of Washing ton St. and
Fifth Ave. There will be an illustrat-
ed lecture on Alaska which will be
exceedingly interesting. Suipper is at
(a6 p.m. as usual,

The Michigan League
(as previously unannounced)


Uaritarian Church. state a ial huI ron
8treets, Sunday, Feb. 27.
11 a.m. Sunday Morning For'umn.
M .K r i Eb oft e C i aoeration of Teachers will speak on the
subject: "Education in the Contem-
porary Scene.".
6 p.m. Twilight S rvice. Dedication
of a Batique depict'ng Man Controll-
inmg his Destiny. Spceatccrs will be Mr,
George Dictrich ci't'. School of
Architecture, and. Rev. 11. P. Marley
7 p).m1. Coffee Hlour..
6 p.m. ' Liberal Studrents' Union
Dance. M~usic by the Cail)LI Conm-
manders Orchestra._____
Christian Sdenc

But come and dance to

Charley, Zwick


9 ti11 12

$1.00 Admission

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