Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of
studen* Publications.
Pubished every morning except Mondy during the
University year and Summer Session..
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
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E-ored at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as
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$4.00; by mail, $4.50.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1937-38
NationalAdvertisingService, Inc.
Collage Publishers Reresentative
Board of Editors
Business Department
The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of the Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
Great Britain's
Foreign Poliey. *
N SPITE of the overwhelming victory
which Mr. Chamberlain won in the
House of Commons Tuesday there have been un-
mistakable evidences of serious dissension in Eng-
land over the about-face in foreign policy which
the government has introduced. For the vote, as
a Member of Parliament pointed out, was to a
great extent a "triumph of Party discipline,"
raher than a reflection of the sentiment of the
English people. The Opposition group in Parlia-
ment has the support of a great section of the
press throughout the United Kingdom for the
first time on a major issue, with every indication
of strong popular feeling behind it.
When the present government went to the polls
in 1935, its electoral manifesto proclaimed that
the League of Nations was the key to British for-
eign policy. Mr. Chamberlain's frank repudiation
of the League in favor of an entente with Italy is
thus in direct violation of the people's mandate as
well as of the direction of British policy since the,
War, and the 330 Conservatives who voted for the
government on the question of Mr. Eden's resig-
nation and its implications, cannot be considered
to have expressed the opinion of the people.
Mr. Chamberlain has stated that he contem-.
plates no exchange of the friendship of France for
that of Italy, and that his sole object in extending
the olive branch to Mussolini is the establishment
of European peace on the basis of a four-power
understanding. The premise upon which such a
thesis is built is that the division of interests
in Europe is between Britain and France on the
one hand and Germany and Italy on the other.
Such a picture, however, is extremely inaccurate.
The whol 'history of the past five years demon-
strates the fallacy of the contention that the
"have-not" nations can be pacified by concessions
from the "have" nations.
No concession from Great Britain and France
can forestall the constant search for diplomatic
and military victories which is inherent in a dic-
tatorship maintained from the top and directly
supported only by a small ruling clique. Mr.
Chamberlain declares Wts policy to be one of
practical exigency, as opposed to the idealism of
Ms. Eden.
The real difference is simply that Mr. Chamber-
lain wishes to cooperate with Germany and Italy
for the maintenance of European peace, while Mr.
Eden wishes to cooperate with France, the U.S.-
S.R. and the small democracies. In simple words,
Mr. Chamberlain seems to insure peace by
strengthening the war-making governments,
while Mr. Eden wishes to strengthen the nations
interested in maintaining peace
The League of Nations did not die a natural
death-it was stabbed in the back by just such
politics as those of the present British prime min-
ister. The situation is desperate, it is true; it is
not, however, hopeless, if the people of Great
Britain can be aroused to the danger of their gov-
ernment's attitude, and, what is perhaps more
important, can make themselves heard.
Joseph Gies.
Proving That
Figures:Do Lie.. .
A TERRIBLE WRONG has to be right-
ed, and the Daily undertakes to do
the job.
This project of justice is in the nature of saving
a name. It is a name that has been bandied about
and taken in vain for many years,.grumbled at,
joked about, and misused to the point of seeing
country-a climate properly distorted by the reg-
ular trials of getting an education which accom-
pany it. Getting down to facts, statistics of the
United States Weather Bureau show that Ann Ar-
bor weather is the same weather as that of most
of the Lower Peninsula, Wisconsin, upper Illinois,
Indiana, and Ohio, and upper New York.
This north central weather belt, in which Ann
Arbor is located, has an average of about 30 to 40
inches of rain and snow a year, or less than is
found in any other section of the country except
the southwest and middle western desert and
plains regions.
But Ann Arbor's claim is not limited to the
fact that its weather is no worse than that of
any of the sections of the country around it. The
proof now moves to show that it is in one of the
most favored sections of its belt. Figures show
that the normal amount of precipitation in Ann
Arbor is 31.51 inches per year, compared with the
following: Detroit, 32.06; Grand Rapids, 33.77;
Marquette, 32.47; Chicago, 33.28; Pittsburgh,
36.35; Buffalo, 37.28; and New York City, 44.63.
Lansing and Alpena beat Ann Arbor, having 31.43
and 30.17 respectively.
Besides this, Ann Arbor has normally more
sunny days and fewer actual days of rain than
most cities around it. Specific figures show that
in 1931, for example, it rained or snowed here
only 109 days out of the year, while in Detroit
it rained 123 days, in Grand Rapids, 112, in Lan-
sing, 140, in Saginaw, 141, and in Alpena, 148.
That same year Ann Arbor had 136 clear days,
compared with 111 for Detroit, 83 for Grand
Rapids, 99 for Lansing, and 104 for Alpena. These
figures run in about the same relationship for
other years.
The case for the client rests. Next time there
is a half-fog with ice, slush, and puddles over
the side-walk, Ann Arbor should be left out in
condemnations of the weather.
Robert Mitchell.
Typbgraphical Men Strike
To the Editor:
There is a strike in progress at the Ann Arbor
Press Company. The men on strike are members
of the International Typographical Union and
include only the workers in the composing room.
The men assert that they have been forced to
work consistently hours beyond the Union maxi-
mum, that they frequently have been forced to
work on Sundays, and on occasion to work to the
extreme of 80 to 90 and even 94 hours a week.
The men also charge that the management of
the Ann Arbor Press initiated the organization of
an illegal company union, entered into contract
with it, and then violated that contract by declar-
ing a six per cent decrease in wages without any
allowance of collective bargaining.
Conditions in the plant were said to be extreme-
ly unsanitary. Michigan State law requires that
fumes from molten metal be vented properly; this
requirement has not been met by the Ann Arbor
Press according to these reports.
The Wagner Act guarantees the right d collec-
tive bargaining to employees in industries affect-
ing interstate commerce. In addition, the Mich-
igan "Union Label Law" provides that all state
printing must be done in shops which maintain
the International Typographical Union stand-
ards. The Ann Arbor Press comes within the
jurisdiction of both these laws. According to re-
ports such as those already indicated in this let-
ter, the Ann Arbor Press has violated both these
We suggest that the University discontinue
patronage of the Ann Arbor Press until such time
as it is proven that proper and legal labor stand-
ards are met.
In view of reports of labor injustice in other
departments, as well as in the composing room,
we suggest also that a thorough investigation
should. be made of all departments of the Ann
Arbor Press.
H. P. Marley William T. Scott
Will Canter Charles T. Buck
Harvey Swados John F. Shepard
Howard C. Busching Emily F. Morgan
Howard R. Chapman Martin B. Dworkis
Earl Phelps Sawyer Clarence Iresi,
Leroy Waterman Arthur Miller
H. J. McFarlan Tom Downs.
Heywood Broun
You can't have isolation without cooperation.
And so I am for international cooperation.
Most of the arguments 4or a complete divorce
between America and the rest of the world have
been based upon the assumption that any single
country could set out the
dance, Qr the entire program,
if that happened to be its will
and pleasure.
Current history proves the
fallacious nature of any such
belief. China would just love
isolation. But obviously it
hasn't got it. Other nations
have decided to veto China's
desire to be left alone. I feel
certain that Czechoslovakia would be tickled to
death to become a hermit nation. But Hitler
has just announced a policy of self-determina-
tion for Nazis, and so the idea is out.
It may be argued that we are not quite in the
defenseless position of China and that our geo-
graphical situation is less precarious than that
of the Czechs. It will be said that oceans inter-
vene between us and our European and Far East-
ern neighbors. But those seas are less wide
than they were generations ago, and even in our
case we cannot choose isolation unless the rest
of the world gives assent. It takes more than
a single resolution to make a hermit in the case
of the individual or the nation.
The Cloud In The Sky
If I am asked whether I seriously anticipate the
landing of a Japanese army upon our shores in
vwenty years I would reply "no." And the same
answer would go for a German army or an Italian
Nevertheless, I think the worst possible counsel
given recently in Congress has been that of Ham
Fish, who thought it would be well for the United
States to go to sleep for twenty years and let the
rest of the world destroy itself. If the rest of the
world destroys itself I have a notion that Man-
hattan, Bridgeport and Sioux City will feel the
reverberations. This is not an era in which any
people can afford to turn in for a long slumber
with no greater protection than a "Don't disturb"
sign hung upon the door. The cleaner is only
too likely to knock.
But, having said all this, I would not, if I had
a vote, support the bill for a vast naval increase.
I am ready to admit that some of the most ardent
pacifists are less than fair when they maintain
that such an armament is lanned by those who
want to wage excessive war upon Japan imme-
diately. Japan is only one factor in the picture.
We must face the fact that the Fascist Interna-
tional is powerful in the world today and that it is
An Incomplete Analogy
Undoubtedly the imperialistic designs of the
Kaiser were vastly exaggerated before we drifted
into the great war. I do not think the Fascist
cream of world empire has been overplayed. I
think it is real and actual. But before we fight
and even before we build let us sit down and talk.
The odds against a successful termination of any
peace or disarmament conference are long. And
yet that is the way to bet. Mankind will assuredly
profit more by winning a long shot wager on peace
.than by playing any odds-on choice for war.
And I would indict the pacifists, for all their
sincerity, because they have been so articulate in
announcing that the conflict is just around the
corner. I doubt that very much good will come
out of some of the strange quinellas of the mo-
ment, and I have no intention of backing the
eurious alliance of Oswald Garrison Villard, Boake1
Carter and Father Coughlin.
Of course, peace is in danger. And it can be
protected only by an extension and prolongation
of discussion. If we bury our heads in the sand
and say, "None of this means anything to us," I
have a very good idea of the exact spot where
we will be kicked.
Indeed, the question is even larger than the
preservation of America. The preservation of
mankind is at stake.
vors the transferring of war funds to socially
useful projects (American Youth Act, public
housing, education, etc.)
3. The Michigan Anti-War Committee ap-
peals to workers and young people to refuse
in the present Far Eastern crisis to ship war
materials to Japan or to support Japanese
4. The Michigan Anti-War Committee ex-
presses its refusal to support our government
in a war against Japan as an appeal to Jap-
anese youth to refuse to support the military
machine of Japan. The Committee favors
the repeal of the Oriental Exclusion Act.
5. The Michigan Anti-War Committee fa-
vors the freedom of colonial peoples. It de-
mands the withdrawal of American troops
from China. It demands the freedom of China
from all imperialism, Japanese, European, or
American, as well as from exploitation by na-
tive agents of foreign imperialism.
6. The Michigan Anti-War Committee
contends that the basic economic divisions
and dislocations of world economy can not be
solved by a "collective security" maintenance
of the status quo, or by division of spoils but
by fundamental readjustments so that the
peoples of the world have free access to raw
materials and are able to carry on trade and
commerce freely, in their own interest.
All students on this campus concerned with
the fight against war and war preparations should
join us.
For the Committee:
By HARRIET WAITE Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President
The Romano Show until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.
Umberto Romano whose paintings, FRIDAY, FEB. 25, 1938 final examination. A supplementary
drawings and prints are now hanging VOL.I XLVIII. No. 103 final examination in this course will
in Alumni Memorial Hall is Teaching
Director at the Worcester Art Mu- Henry Russel Award: The Commit- be given Friday, Feb. 25 at 2:30 p.m.
seum and heads a summer school of tee on the Henry Russel Award re- in Room 19 A.H., for those students
art at Gloucester. His flair for quests the members of the various who failed to take the final examina-
modelling in paint with really ex- faculties to forward nominations for tion at the regular time.
quisite transitions between light and this distinction. Nomination blanks
dark and tints is the mainspring of have been sent to each of the heads Hygiene 210: Adult Health Edu-
delight to the observer of his work. I of the seyeral departments of instruc- cation, will not meet Saturday, Feb.
This being the case. Romano does tion in the University and to the 26.
best with subject matter that is defi- deans or administrative heads of the
nitely three-dimensional, the human various units. The Chairman of thexhibit s
body, fabric which lends itself to fold Committee will be glad to supply ad-
and among flowers those which have ditional blanks on request. An exhibition of paintings, draw-
definitely curved petals and leaves. The attention of the various facul- ings and drypoints by Umberto Ro-
His figure paintings are dealt with ties is called to the statements on mano is offered by the Ann Arbor
in a rather impersonal manner. His the blanks concerning the nature of Art Association in the South gallery
gentle coloring and modelling in the the Award and the qualifications of Alumni Memorial Hall, and an
case of his young women models which will guide the Committee in exhibition of etchings by John Tay-
bring into the canvas much charm the selection of the recipient. It is for Arms in the North Gallery, Feb.
and quality. desirable that consideration be given 14 through March 2. Open 2 to 5 pam.
In two ponderous masculine por- to all eligible faculty members who daily including Sundays, admission
trayals we suspect the artist intended have rendered conspicuous service to free to members and to students.
ttrasesus the anessofrttinethe University and that full informa-
o stress the inertness of certain pre- tion be provided concerning all can- Exhibition,. College of Architecture:
sumably animate objects but the didates nominated. A showing of the Margaret Watson
treatment is very abstract for the It is requested that nominations, Parker collection of Pewabic pottery,
purpose and yet the design quality accompanied by supporting material, the work of Mary Chase Stratton, is
insufficient to impress the observer be submitted to the Chairman of the now on display in the central cases
from the point of view of decorative Committee, H. B. Lewis, 317 West on the ground floor of the Architec-
plastic form. Medical Building, by March 15. ture Building.
In his drawings, Romano combines
with his sculptural quality an in- L.S.&A. Juniors now eligible for! Exhibition, College of Architecture:
cisiveness of line which greatly Concentration should get Admission Big Ten Art Exhibition, consisting
strengthens them, and in his dry to Concentration blanks at Room 4 of representative student work in
points he plays still another game, U.H., have properly signed by the drawing an& painting, architectural
that of real characterization of his adviser, and return the white slip design and sculpture, murals, cera-
models, and very skillfully and clever- before March 5. mics, and applied design from the
ly too. These models run the gamut Robert L. Williams. following universities: Chicago, In-
of infancy to age, which is still more diana, Northwestern, Purdue, Illi-
to the artist's credit. Etchings of Participants in Extra Curricular nois, Iowa, Minnesota, Ohio State,
landscapes are also nicely handled Activities are reminded that certifi- Wisconsin, Michigan. Open daily ex-
cates of eligibility received from theWicnnMhga.Oedilex
and a drawing of an apple tree is cept Sunday, Feb. 23 through March
most intrigung. 8,ieothedDean of Studes mus8 9 to 5. The public is cordially in-
be submitted to the managers or std
But one goes back to his large oil' chairmen of activities in which they vited.
paintings of young women, one a wish to participate on or before
nude, and one study of two youths, March 1.Lectures
girl and boy, for the outstanding
charm of blended, shaded color which
is Romano's particular contribution.
It ik a pleasing show and we in-I
tend to watch the progress of this
young American (born 1905) painter
for his strengths are worth while and
his weaknesses are merely lacks which
time may make good.
Managers and Chairmen of Extra
Curricular Activities are reminded
that they must file with the Chair-
man of the Committee on Student
Affairs the names of all those who1
have presented Certificates of El-
igibility and a signed agreement to
exclude all others from participation.
Blanks for this purpose may be se-
cured in the Office of the Dean of
Before some 4,000 scr
fans of all varieties,
dyed in the wool icki
members of Cab Callow
club, Tommy Dorsey a
superlative swing mus
the very foundation u
House 'Tuesday night
whose acclaim often ve
Time and again these
let themselves go intov
zies when that horn to
Pee Wee Irwin, floatedL
rophone with his trum
Johnny Mince, the cla
of the Clambake Seven
frequent prizewinning s
provisation. But the
in' in the seats" began
hotter trombone passag
the venerable Bud Fr
up to the mike to give
Freeman tenor chorus
some cases would be tv
the same number, ace
audience's demands.
Probably not emulat
Goodman band in fre
on the faster tunes, th
proved itself vastly su
sweeter numbers. Back
superb vocal efforts of
Wright and Jack Le
mention Tommy's i.
trombone concoctions,;
and YOU'RE A S
proved to be entirely n
in swing.
The Clambake Se
Tommy on trombone,
on tenor sax, Johnny N
net, Pee Wee Irwin on
Howard Smith on pian
ultimate on the nove
and POSIN'. But Tu
seemed that no mat
Dorsey band offered,i
by the greatest expres
faction. Thanks to the
recall Feb. 22, 1938 a;
thing more than9mer
Louis Armstrong in
obviously his last-boo
eral subject, "Swing,"
ly enough that "Me
born together." Ignor
strong's contention, it
nied that certainly s
musical nature was
Field House Tuesdayr
Road To 1
The President is r
studying a plan whe
lion dollars would bes
highways in order to
The total amount a
housing for five years
eral Housing Act is
one-sixteenth of the
LIuJl l Summer Work: Jewish girls, 19'
years old or over, who live in the
AMetorpolitan Area of New York City
ALNN and are interested inĀ° assistant camp
reaming swing counseling, are asked to call at the
ranging from University Bureau of Appointments.
ies to charter -It is essential that the girls be in the
h Metropolitan Area for personal in-
ay's jitterbg Iterviews during Spring Vacation. Po-
nd a crew of sitions are open in almost all activi-
icians rocked ties, swimming, nature lore, pioneer-
)f Yost Field ing, canoeing, and arts and crafts.
in a concert University Bureau of Appoint-
rged on pan- ments and Occupational Infor-
mation. 201. Mason Hall.
swing addicts
veritable fren- Following the pract4ee of many
otin' madman, years a series of talks and discus-
up to the mic- sions designed to acquaint students
npet, or when of the College of Literature, Science,
rinet virtuoso and the Arts, and others interested
i, rang up his with the preparation necessary for
famples of im- admission to the various professional
real "swing- schools of the University has again
with Tommy's ben arranged. This series of talks
ges, and when will be given as follows:
eeman slanted March 3, Law, Dean H. M. Bates,
those typical 1025 Angell Hall.
ses, which in March 8, Dentistry, Dean R, W.
wo or three in Bunting, 206 Dentistry Building.
ording to the March 10, Pharmacy, Professor H.
B. Lewis, 313 W. Medical Building.
ing the Benny March 15, Library Science, Dr. W.
edom of style W. Bishop, 110 Library.
e Dorsey band March 17, Medicine, Dean A. C.
.perior on the Furstenberg, 1025 Angell Hall.
ed up by the March 22, Business Administration,
both Edythe Dean C. E. Griffin, 1025 Angell Hall.
onard, not to March 24, Music, Professor E. V.
ncomparable Moore, 1210 Angell Hall.
such tunes as March 30, Engineering, Dean H. C.
THING I DO Anderson, 225 W. Engineering Build-
ew experiences March 31, Education, Dean J, B.
Edmonson, University High School
yen, starring Aprilb5, Nursing, Miss Marian Du-
Bud Freeman rell, Lobby of Couzens Hall.
Mince on clan- April 7, Forestry, Dean S. T. Dana,
n trumpet and 2045 Natural Science Building.
io, reached the April 21, Architecture, Dean W. I.
ties, PECKIN' Bennett, 207 Architecture Building.
esday night it April 26, Graduate Studies, Dean
ter what the C. S. Yoakum, 1020 Angell Hall. j
it was greeted All of these talks will be given at
ssion of satis- 4:15 p.m. on the dates scheduled.
WAA, we can
Ls being some- Students who handed in manu-
rely someone's scripts in the Freshman Contest are
asked to call for them in the Hop-
his first-and wood Room on Wednesday, Thurs-
)k on the gen- day, or Friday afternoon of this week.
stated modest- R. W. Cowden.
and jazz was
ring Mr. Arm-
cannot be de- Notices
omething of a Make-up Examinations in History:
born in Yost The make-up final examinations ir
night. all courses will be given at 3 p.m.
Friday, March 4, in Room C, Haver
Slums Students who have missed mor
than one final examination in his-
reported to be tory should call at the History De-
reby eight bil- partment Office before Friday, Feb.
spent on super- 25; to make arrangements to avoid a
lick the reces- conflict.
Students must get a note fron
ppropriated for their instructor before Friday, Feb.
under the Fed- 25, and present this note at the time
$500,000,000 - of the final examination. No stu
lraiin a 'c ti- dent will be nermitted to take the
Professor A. R. Morris will give the
annual mid-year faculty lecture of
the English Journal Club on Feb. 25
at 4:15 p.m., in the League. The
faculty, members and guests are cor-
dially invited to attend. Professor
Paul Mueschke will. make an import-
ant announcement at the business
meeting at 4 p.m.; all members are
urged to be present.
Lectures: Professor Conrad H.
Moehlman, Ph.D. of the Colgate-
Rochester Seminary will present two
public lectures in -Natural Science
Auditorium: Thursday, Feb. 24, 4:15
p.m. upon "Has State Conquered
Church?" and Friday, Feb. 25,.4:15
p.m. upon "Is the United States
Public Lecture: "Trade Routes be-
tween China and the West" by Dr.
Robert McDowell. Sponsored by the
Research Seminary in Islamic Art.
Monday, Feb. 28, 4:15 p.m., in Room
D, Alumni Memorial Hall. Admission
University Lecture: Professor E. H.
Carr, of the College of Wales, Univer-
sity of Aberystwyth, will lecture on
"Great Britain, Italy, and the Medi-
terranean" on Thursday, March 3,
at 4:15 p.m., in the Natural Science
Auditorium, under- the auspices of
the Department of Political Science.
Events Today
Tryouts for the Sports Staff-of the
Daily report to me for the first meet-
ing of the staff this afternoon at 4:30
p.m. at the Student Publications
Irvin Lisagor, Sports Editor.
University Broadcast 3-3:30 p.m.
Interview: Ralgh Aigler, Prof. of LaW,
Ch. Board in Control of Athletics.
"Coaching Situation and Athletics at
Michigan" interviewed by Prof. Wal-
do Abbot.
University Broadcast 4:45-5 p.m.
University of Michigan Band, Wil-
liam D. Revelli, Director. (Over
R.O.T.C. Tailor will be here today
from 8:30 to 4:30 to take uniform
measurements. It is important that
all students to be measured report at
Headquarters between the hours stat-
Graduate Education Club Meeting:
University Elementary School Li-
To the Editor:
This week marks the organization of the Mich-
igan Anti-War Committee, a group which is un-
equivocably opposed to war and war preparations.
Of this group of students, many support the Ox-
ford Pledge. But acceptance of the Pledge is not
a requisite of membership; several members do
not subscribe to if. However, all members sup-
port the six-point program submitted below:
The Michigan Anti-War Committee, being an
organization of young people who are interested in
fighting against war and establishing real, lasting
peace, is vitally concerned with making the Uni-
versity of Michigan student body aware of the im-
portance of the war question and of the necessity
of positive action against war and war prepara-
Particularly at this time it is necessary to re-
vitalize the forces fighting against war inasmuch
as various elements who formerly opposed war
are favoring war "for the defense of democracy
i.gainst fascism" and collective security pacts,
which in reality mean support of war-prepara-
tions and ultimately war itself. Against collective
security and war as a way to achieve peace,-we
counterpoise the internationalism of workers and
young people in the struggle against war-making
The Michigan Anti-War Committee believes
that this point of view is implicit in the Oxford
Pledge, which reads: We refuse to support the
government of the United States in any war it
may undertake." The Oxford Pledge expresses
our opposition to collective' security, recognizing
th- at. nnlla f irp Q m., f- an-nc. i nn,. n. A n,, -
brary at 4:15. Gerald F. Bush, State
Parole Commissioner of Michigan,
will speak on "Penology and Parole
in Relation to Education." Refresh-
ments will be served. All Graduate
Students and Faculty are invited.
Junior Mathematical Club: Will
hold its first regular meeting of the
semester today at 4:15 p.m., in 3201
A.H. Mr. Charles L. Dolph will give
a short talk on "Attempts to Prove
the Impossible." Refreshments will
To all professional students in
public health: The Staff of the Divi-
sion of Hygiene and Public Health
will give an informal reception to all
students in public health, at the
Women's Athletic Bulding tonight
at 8:30 p.m. The students are all cor-
dially invited to attend.
I antis GL +uiltTM-'c ohnn 5,a h+ii