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February 25, 1938 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1938-02-25

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In Last Period To

Defeat Varsity Sextet 4-3

- ...

Cagers Figure
On Third Place
Embark Today For Iowa;
Meet IllinoisMonday
Title talk has virtually subsided at
the Field House basketball court, but
the Varsity is still figuring on a show
place in the Big Ten standings.
Northwestern and Purdue have too
great a lead to reasonably overcome,
but the fourth place Wolverines are
hoping to beat out Minnesota, present
occupants 'of third place.
The Gophers have won six and lost
three; the Varsity's tally is five won
and four lost. Both teams have three
more games to play.
Leave For Iowa
The Wolverines depart at 5:20 p.m.
today for a double invasion of the
West. They journey to Iowa City for
a game with the unpredictable Hawk-
eyes tomorrow night and meet Illinois
Monday night at Champaign.
Iowa's crratic five whipped the
Varsity in their last encounter 38 to
30, lostntodChicago 38 to 35 last Sat-
urday, and then bounced back Mon-
day to beat Northwestern's leading
Wildcats 26 to 25. Which is the
acme of something or other.
Illinois, 'beaten by the Wolverines
in their first encounter here, Jan. 8,
have shown little since the loss of
Capt. Louie Boudreau by ineligibility,
although Pick Dehner's accuracy
makes them ever dangerous.
Recovery Permanent
Michigan came out of their month's
recession with a resounding 58 to 29
victory over Wisconsin Monday night,
but there's still a question as to the
permanency of the new found pros-
If the Varsity's back line can con-
tinue to hit from outside, thus reliev-.
ing the inside congestion, their bat-.
tle will be half won. Capt. John
Townsend can do amazing things
with that apple, given a little free-
dom in the back court.
'The Stag
Li ne-
to the
His Swing Band
and Friday
15c and 25c to 9
25c and 40c thereafter
25c to 9, 40c thereafter
The Armory

i, _ . . . y



.ounter Three /IVichigan Tank Squad Favored Alpha Delt, Sigma Nu Get
Cage Play-Off Positions'
Goals In Eight Over Iowa In First Home Meet Apha Delia Phi and Sigma Nu be-
A/I " A ~ came the first teams to reach the

_ _ By IRVIN
Roasted Gopher .. .
T HERE was a noticeable lack of gal-
lantry among the Minnesota and
Michigan hockey players in their
rough and tumble embroglio last
night, but the large Coliseum crowd
relished every minute of it. Though
John Mariucci, Gopher defenseman,
got a jocular roasting from the fans,
which along with a few indelicate
jolts, made for a stunning evening,
he can still smirk pridefully. He's
one of the best skaters we've seen
here, and can handle a stick adroitly.
But Mariucci, like Jack Demp-
sey, is afflicted with a high tenor
voice and may find it embarrass-
ing if he insists upon makingI
complaints to his hosts. After a3
platonic caress by Smack Allen's
stick, he skated up to Coach Low-
rey and tremoloed: "Better tell
him to stop it after the whistle's-
blown." His voice made it sound
like the husky Gopher was going
soft on us and asking Lowrey to
castigate the carrot-top for care-
less conduct on the ice. Tsk, tsk,
Athletic Director Fielding H. Yost,
sitting in the players' section beside
the press box, became so enthused
when John Fabello slashed home his
goal that he almost pounded Mill
Marsh insensate. Marsh is arranging
now to have his seat changed ... Too
bad Bob Simpson can't skate well ...
Once he snared a stray puck and had
a clear path down the ice, but dared
not take the chance.. .
* ' *
A Milkshake Did It .. .
In 1935 Ohio State brought a se-
pia youth named Jesse Owens to
Yost Field House for a dual track en-
gagement with Willis Ward and his
Michigan teammates. Long after'
that meet, the skylighted cave echoed
with the accolade of a crowd which
had witnessed one of Charley Hoyt's
greatest cinder aggregations. Michi-
gan won 63 to 32, but the Ward-
Owens spectacle survives the score.
It was Willis' last Field House

effort, and no one, including the
peering skeptics of the press, ex-
pected him to beat Owens in the
dash. Yet, the dusky Detroiter
outraged the judgment of the
scribes by finishing about six
inches in front of the Buckeye
to tie the Field House and world's
record at :06.2. To add conviction 1
to his superlative evening, he
broke his own mark in the 65- 1
yard high hurdles with an 8-flat t
performance. And he was less
than six inches behind Owens in '
the low hurdles, ever which Jesse
scissored in :07.'.. It was a mem-
orable exhibition. -
Art Cartsens, Daily Sports editor,
insisted his wager with Ward wrung
the high hurdle record out of him.
Cartsens bet Willis a milkshake he
couldn't break the existing mark.
In the dash that ancient evening,
Doc May had one of the toughest jobs
in his 30-year career as a starter.
In Ward, Owens and Sam Stoller,
then a . sophomore destined for big!
things, the doc had what the back,
room boys would gladly wager were
the three most brilliant sprinters in
the world.
Tomorrow night's Buckeye-Wol-
verine meet here presents no such
individual competition as the Ward-
Owens duel in '35, but the two
schools invariably present stirring
struggles. Michigan's Bill Watson,
Elmer Gedeon, Stan Kelly, Ralph
Schwarzkopf, Harold Davidson and
Jimmy Kingsley and Ohio State's
Harley Howells, Dave Albritton, Dick
Squire and Chuck Benner are cap-.
able enough in their particular events
to make it a real meet. It's the last
indoor track engagement at home
for the Varsity thinclads.
', * *
Dots and Dashes: Walt Stone, Var-
sity distance runner, who thought he
might be ineligible, was comforted
yesterday when the eligibility board
declared him available for compe-
tition . . . He will run in the two-mile
Saturday against Ohio State -

Alterations Free

l~iiv NUL ti. IA.A L 1j.5AYJ. (Continued from Page ) 400-yard relays against Illinois re- semi-final round of
cently.'A' basketball playoffs.'
Wo}verines Lead Visitors Wolverine mermen in the breast- Despite the apparent similar Psi Upsilon, while Alpt
Bonr stroke and 100-yard free-style races. strength of both teams, Michigan will
By Two Point Margin Bob Reed, reputed Hawkeye sprinter, rule as favorites to give a winning meets Chi nsi for the
is reported as a powerful splasher performance in its home pool for the remaining two p
When Trouble Starts who has the speed to push Michigan benefit of its local folowers. round of four.
(Continued from Page 1) Captain Ed Kirar to the limit. In the Will Vary Lineup Sigma Nu establishe
-breast-stroke, Bob Allen of Iowa will Cillhan ineup of the favorites for the
and without interference, drilled the be a tough foe for Cach Mann's up Coach Mann will vary his Michi- out a strong Kappa Nu
puck through Goalie James . and coming sophomore breast-strok- gan lineup somewhat tonight in an while Alpha Delta Phi
Michigan: Allen rode across the er, Johnny Haigh. attempt to try his men invarious upset in eking out a
blue line, shoved the puck over to The outcome of the diving event races in anticipation of the battle over Phi Delta Theta.
Gib, who swept around Gopher de- appears to be as hard to prophesy as with Ohio State which will take place
fenses and relayed it back to Smack, any of the other events. The Iowans next Wednesday afternoon, March 2
who pivoted and rifed it in. :44. will be banking on a veteran spring in the I-M pool.
Michigan: Smack skated past cen- board artist, Arnie Christen, blond Bill Farnsworth, Ed Kirar and
ter ice, flipped a pass to Fabello, com- ace who has seen a lot of service off Walt Tomski will divide sprint duties
pletely clear of Gopher defensemen, the boards and who is a tested and with Tom Haynie, Ed Hutchens, and
who whipped it past Petrich again. proved performer. David Holmes, slated for action in
5:56. Staley And Ferstenfeld the longer free-style events.
Minnesota: In a melee around the Christen will have as his Michigan 1
net, Randall slipped the puck to Ho- opponents senior Hanley Staley, first at -
kanson, who shoved it past James. place winner at Michigan State, and STROH'S CARLING'S BOB COLl
7:20. Adolph Ferstenfeld, diminutive per- 'B BC L
Minnesota: A few minutes later, former who took thirds at Yale and FRIAR'S ALE RADIO S
Randall again set up a score by shoot- Minnesota. The divers will compete At All DealArsa rAlDh n
perturbed by Michigan's defense, Iowa turned in a pair of fast times J J. O'KANE, Dist. Dial 3500 in Slater's B
blasted it across the sprawling Spike. while winning both the medley and _ __
7:35. ---
Minnesota: The Randall-Wallace
duo repeated this time, as the latter oyt leri M eeT
drilled in the winning score. 15:08.. N EW S TY LE S F IR ST A T W
One Period Too ManyBuckeyeSquad
Michigan (3) Pos. Minnesota (4) Ohioans To Attempt Upset Esquire Styled,
E. James .........G... ......Petrich Over Varsity Tonight
Smith .... ........D....... .... Kroll
Simpson ... ,..... D.......Bredesen By ROY HEATH H and-Talored
Allen .. . . ...... C........ Randall In their second and final home ap-
James.......W.......Hokanson pearance of the indoor season the
Fabello .-. ........W.......W..allace Wolverine track team ties into Ohio Suits by W ild's
Michigan spares: Cooke, Chase, State Saturday night on the Field
Hillberg, Chadwick. House cinders.
Minnesota spares: Anderson, Rhein- Seasoned by two Big Ten tilts n $60.00 to $7 .0
berger, St. Vincent, Mariucci, Savage, which they broke even, dosing to In-$5
Officials: Paddy Farrell, Windsor; diana and trimming Illinois, the
Ray Reynolds, Chatham. Bucks present the Rubicon which the Executed4n our own 'workrooms,
First Period Hoytmen must cross before they will under the supervision o
Scoring: (1) Cooke (unassisted) be conidered a seasoned outfit and u AX K. AUPeri E
7:01. Conference contenders. MAX K. AUPPERLE
Penalty: Allen (tripping) 19:21. Without a doubt Michigan's bit-
Second Period terest rival on the cinder paths, OUR FIFTIETH YEAR OF
Scoring: (2) Mariucci (unassisted) strong in practically every event,
1:18. especially potent in the middle dis- MAKING CUSTOM-TAILORED
Penalties: Smith (tripping) 1:03; tances, Ohio State yearly points for CLOTHES IN ANN ARBOR
Kroll (tripping) 5:29. the Hoytmen, will be goaded and 1888- 1938
Third Period primed to what may prove a winning
Scoring: (3) Allen (James) :44; (4) fury Saturday night.
Fabello (Allen) 5:56; (5) Hokan- Albritton Conceded Win
son (Randall) 7:20; (6) Wallace Extremely large on the Buckeye_ _ _ _
7:35: (7) Wallace (Randall) roster loom the names of Howells,
15:08. Squire and Albritton. Albritton,{A
Penalties: Bredesen, Allen, (high Olympic veteran and co-holder of
stick) 14:38. the world record in the high jump it
Saves 6 feet 101/2 inches, is conceded a vic-
Michigan ... ...,,.6-11-5-22 tory in that event despite the 6 foot
Minnesota .........8-12-4-24 4 inch capabilities of Michigan's Wes Y A
Mn LeaveIt is at Howells in the quarter and
Squire in the half that the Wolver- State Street on the Campus
ines will launch their strenousCs
For Ohio State thrusts. A win by Michiganer ov_
6 eiherwould mean the meet for'
Michigan. Should Howells teamed ___ ____
M eetSaturday with Squire or Knight in the quarter
leave Michian quarter milers Hayes
and Faulkner with only a third the
Coach Cliff Keen and company chances for Hoyt victory would ma-
will leave this afternoon for Colum- terially decrease.
bus, Ohio where they will encounter Trouble For Squire
the Ohio State Buckeyes in -their Squire, while a seasoned performer
third Big Ten match of the current in the 880, will more than have his
season. So far this year the Wol- hands full with Buchanan and Jes-
verines have an even average in their ter of Michigan. Here too a victory by
Conference meets, losing to Indiana Squires and a second by his capable
in their opening contest and follow- sophomore teammate . Cooperrider
ing up with a decisive win over North- would prove disasterous to Michigan
western. hopes.
Those making the trip are: Co- Albritton wilt leave his high jump AYE
captains John Speicher and Earl strong hold to tackle Gedeon and
Thomas, Jim Laing, Jim Mericka, Kelley in the hurdles where he is
Harold Nichols, Harland Danner, given nothing better than an outside)! For Friday - Saturday - Sunda
Dick Tasch, Don Nichols and Tim chance. Concerning Bill Watson and
Hird. his shot there is no doubt.
Leading the Buckeye delegation
will be Peltier who will come up All football candidates not in
against Coach Keen's outstanding an exercise program, but wishing
junior when he meets Harland Dan to exercise may secure locker per-
ner in the155 pound class, mits from me. All football can- Sw eet C ream Buth
Along with Peltier the Ohio squad didates please bring in your spring Swej eamBut
will have the strongest part of their dlaspgasy
team in the 135 and 145 pound class programs.
classes. In these two divisions either W."IJ.Weber.
co-captain Thomas or Mericka will
face Tuckey at 135 pounds, while 1 doF

Harold Nichols will represent the FRI and SAT. ONLYW
Wolverines in the latter division. CHOICE OF THE HOUSE
The upper weight classes, which
were Coach Keen's weak spots in pre-
vious meets, have been strengthened O eroa_5
with sophomore Don Nichols, who is
undefeated so far this season, work-
ing at 175 pounds while Tim Hird will Cream ed Cottage Ch
face Downes' 'n the heavyweight Ajdi sonVaust $5
division. Values to $55
MEN9PREFERp t 8 2 p ts
PAY MORE FOR ME *s Every one is a high priced coat. Try Our New
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Any $18.50 SU IT

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- I;.

The Outstanding Novelist of the Day,
who will lecture on
"The Coming Victory of Democracy"
THURSDAY, MARCH 3rd - - - 8:15 p.m.



,.I I

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