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February 25, 1938 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1938-02-25

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FV IDAY, FEB. ?5, 1938

*THE M TCTTT G AN DA T T V i.4.YU . .~. ~ .. 57£~A 4

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l ndependents

To Give

omen Approve
Tea Dance According To 1

. _ .

ongress And Mortar Board Payoff' Dance Three Dances
Assembly Are T Be Given Tonight At League To Be Tonightl
Two Sponsors
More than 300 couples are expected size and Miss Gatward stated that Sphinx, Triangles Plan
to attend the Mortar Board dance, Mortarboard hopes this will become
Afair To Be Held Mar. 6. "Payoff," which will be held from Ian annual affair. The proceeds will Informal Party At Club
; be used for some service project for
Charlie Zwick Will Play 9 p.m. to 1 a.m, today in the League the University. Though only three dances are
Ballroom, Betty Gatward, general Theme Is Informality I scheduled for tonight, they afford a
In The League ]ballroom
chairman of the dance stated. This Women are urged to wear sweaters) great deal of variety.
is to be a woman's date affair and 1 and skirts, Miss Gatward said. The The Martha Cook dance, a formal,
dnswore'ssergmnblty, ind- informality will be the keynotc. dance is to be even more informal will be chaperones by Miss Mary E.
Cd ress,-ndArwmen's grganizioua Tickets for the dance are still avail- than the regular Friday and Saturday Gleason and Miss Sara Rowe. A
Co igress, independent men's group, a(LaudncsMisGtrdtte
te: dance will be held from 4 to 6 able, Elizabeth Baxter, ticket chair- League dances. Miss Gatward stated buffet supper will be served at 11 'p.m.
p. . Thursday, March 6, in the tman, announced. They will be limited this dance will give the women an 01- and the music will be furnished by
League Ballroom. Lorraine Liev- to 350 couples and may be obtained portunity to pay back the men for Moe-Carter's orchestra. Decorations
roy w, '40, is general chairman of the from Mortar Board members, and at dance obligations. will be in a patriotic motif, featur-
aff cir. (the main desk in the League. They'--ing flags.
This is the first time a tea dance will be $1.50 per couple. If there are A Recession Dance, kin to the
has. ever been held in the regular any left they will be sold at the Carnations Will Be Sold hard-times party, is planned by Pi
session, Miss Lievrouw stated. In door.By Senior Society At Ball Lambda Phi. Dress is to be highlyI
Summer Sessions, however, after- Jimmy Raschel To Play informal, music will be furnished by
no-n dances have been held regularly. Jimmy Raschel and his negro band Carnations will be sold by Senior a radio, and Mr. and Mrs. Samuel
Ar admission charge of 15 cents will direct from Detroit have been sched- Society for the Assembly Ball to be Bothman and Dr. and Mrs. Philip
be made for men students, but wom- uled to play. "Lazybones" Dacon, the held March 11 in League Ballroom, Jay will act' as chaperons .
en will be admitted free. Charlie "'Stepin Fetchit' o the Air" will be according to Betty Ayres, '38, co- A Sphinx and Triangles dance, the
Zv ck's orchestra will play, featured with the orchestra. Roberta chairman of the committee in charge first of its kind, will be given tonight
'The dance will not be exclusively Melin, publicity chairman, stated the of the sale. at the Huron Hills Country Club. The
for independent men and women, but band is noted for its sweet as well Members of the senior women's 'Emusic will be furnished by the Col-
wi I be open to all students on cam- as swing music. honorary society will sell tickets for legiate Cavaliers, and the party,
pus. "If this dance is successful, we Program favors and cigarettes will the flowers in the League at the same which is informal, will be chaperoned
mray hold one twice a month," Miss be distributed at the door for the men. table with the dance tickets, but the by Prof. and Mrs. Karl Litzenberg
Lievrouw said. Decorations will be in the form of a sales will be separate, Miss Ayres and Prof. and Mrs. Arthur Van Du-
large Mortar Board pin placed behind said. ren.
ihe committee planing the affair the orchestra. This will be black out- On the night of the dance, a table
is composed of representatives from lined in gold. will be placed in the Undergraduate
th^ mnen's and women's dormitories,i Office of the League where the women PLEATED SKIRTS
th,, League House Representatives Floor Show at 11 p.m. Ofc fteLau hr h oe
an from each school and college in Special entertainment will be pro- who have purchased tickets may come Pleats are emphasized in the light-
and get carnations for their escorts, weight wool skirts being shown for
th,; University. Robert May, '39E, is vided by Marie Sawyer, music and MsAyesadsIn.Sm arstchd ow be
ballroom chairman, and Douglas Gre- Mis' Ayres said. sprmg. Some are stitched down be-
ass ting Miss Lievrouw. gory, '39. They will do two dance Nancy Kover, '38, is assisting Miss I low the hips and then flare out in
Tea and cakes will be served dur- outines, a waltz and a fox trot, and Ayres with the arrangements for the flattering fullness, and others begin
mi; the afternoon. Students may give their interpretation of the Little flower sale. at the waistline.
come stag, and hostesses will be pro- Apple. The floor show will take place
vic d by a central hostess commit- at 11 p.m.
tee. Any independent woman m-
teiested in acting as a hostess should The committee members assisting E
Miss Gatward include Miss Sawyer, REAL
co tact Miss Lievrouw. WMiss j Ar Ra T2-+ 4 f-

Birth Control Kappa Phi Reads
igazirge Snrveyl Clorals On Radio
The Voice Choir of Kappa Phi,
of these arguments, Pringle reminds Methodist sorority, gave a radio pro-
the reader, with the stipulation that gram of choral reading from 3 to 3-:Q
the children can be cared for ade- mterdaylovergsectionwR d
quately.I The following selections were read;
1 The Twenty - Third Psalm, Or.
Other Reasons Given (Sweetly Solemn Thought, The Beat.-
An additional reason advanced by tudes, Ecclesiastes and "The Secrets
the opponents, writes Pringle, was by John Mansfield. The progran
the fear that the nation's nnnlaition was sponsored by Dr. Louis Eicb, o



All members of the central repre- iss melon, iss k.axLer, andiary
sentative committee for the dance Johnson, entertainment chairman;
ml.:s hve her ligbiit slpsinbyBetty Whitney, chairman of patrons
mtst have their eligibility slips in by and patronesses; and Margaret Curry,
no 'n tomorrow. Slips can be placed in charge of favors.
ism I-no f- +1-charge iofA- aAors.


in boxes at the League desk and ati
th'? Union desk.I


This is the first time Mortar Board
has ever undertaken a project of this
Miss Wilma Demuth, interior dec-
orator with Marshal Field in Chicago
and an alumna of the University of
Michigan, will speak at a meeting of
the Michigan Alumnae Club at 3
p.m. today in the League.

Arbor Springs Water COMPLETELY satisfies a thirsty
person. It's clearness and purity enables it to be an impor-
tant part of any meal. Deliveries are made in bottles con-
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N e -- - ~~ -~~ - - -- - -
L New SLANT on

Alpha Sigma Phi
lpha Sigma Phi announces the
in; "iation of the following: Charles
W Aldridge, '40, Synder, N.Y., David
R. Dehhn, '40E, Elyria, Ohio, Frank J.
Fe ly, '40E, Westfield, N. J., George H.
G agwere, Jr., '40, Girard, Ohio, Wil-
liam B. Hall, '41E, Three Rivers,
Mi .h., Walter E. Hobert, Jr., '39E, Na-
pe ville, Ill. Ralph H. Schwarzkopf,
'4C Saginaw, George H. Sherman, '41,
De .roit; Everett R. Tribilcock, '39, Cal-
un et, Carl W. Uthoff, '39, Genoa, O.,
GE )rge S. Whitman, '41E, Bingham-
to:, N.Y.
Betsy Barbour
Betsy Barbour's formal Administra-
tio I Dinner was given yesterday.
The guests were Regent and Mrs.
Ju ius Beal, President and Mrs. Alex-
anler Ruthven, Dean and Mrs. Ed-
wad H. Kraus, Dean and Mrs. Jo-
sejdh- Bursley, Dean and Mrs. Clar-
en ;e Yoakum, Mr. and Mrs. Ira Smith,
M:,is Alice Lloyd, Miss Jeannette
Perry, Mr. and Mrs. Shirley Smith,
Pr f. and Mrs. Edward Adams, Prof.
an,'1 Mrs. Philip Bursley, Dr. and
M s. George Stanley, Mrs. Chester
Baines, Mrs. Harry Bacher, Mr. and
M).s. Harry B. Earhart, Mr. and Mrs.
Le:oy V. Cram, Mr. and Mrs. John A.
Jordan Hall
Jordan Hall held a tea dance from
4 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Wednesday. The
sophomores were in charge. The
mi;sic was furnished by a pianist and
trcmbone player.
:Miss Dorothy Beise is the new As-
sisfant Social Director for the dormi-
toiy. Miss Beise was formerly an
in, tructor in the Physical Educa-
tion Department.
Law Club
Mrs. William A. Robeson gave an
impromptu cello concert recently at
th+; Law Club. Mrs. Robeson is well-
known as a cellist under the stage
na me of Juliette Alvin.
Theta Xi
Theta Xi announces the pledging
of William Du Charme, '40.
Zeta Tau Alpha
Zeta Tau Alpha announces the
ph dging of Peggy MacDermott, '40,
of Calumet, Michigan, Barbara Scutt,
'41, of Syracuse, N. Y. and Caroline
Le ;ye, '41, of Canton, O.
c-pen house was held Wednesday
wi h Mrs. Belle Knight, house chap-
erc n, pouring. Ruth Koch, '39, was
in =.harge
tDry Hair Becomes
Silky Smooth. j
Manageao0e, Ra-f 4v ,
diont After Sham-
pooing With



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