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May 25, 1938 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1938-05-25

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Henry Busse And





1938 Senior Ba.

,, _

June 17 Dance
Tickets To Be
On Sale Today
AttendaneWo Be Limited
To 350 Senior Couples
For Dance At The Union
Henry Busse and his orchestra,
from the Chez Paree in Chicago, have
been contracted to play for the 1938
Senior Ball June 17 in the "Union
Ballroom, Neil Levenson, '38,. general
chairman, stated yesterday.
Tickets for the ball 'have been
priced at $3.50 and will be sold only
to seniors, with the sale limited' to
350 couples. They will be on sale
from 2:30 p.m. to 5 p.m. today, to-
Mo row and Friday in the Union.
Featured At 1934 J-1 op
Busse and his band have played
at campus functions twice in recent
years. He was featured with Hal
Kemp as one of the two orchestras
for the 1934 J-Hop. Twd years pre-
viously, he furnished the music for
the Frosh Frolic, which was given by
the same class. Busse has just com-
pleted a two year engagement at the
Chez Paree, nightspot oi Chicago's
Near North Side, where he broad-
casted nightly over National Broad-
casting hook-ups.
Central Committee Named
The central committee for Senior
Ball consists 6f Levenson, Margaret
Meyers, '38, and Richard Wangelin,
'38E, co-chairmen of the music com-
mittee and Mary Johnson, '38, and
Marjorie Coe, '38, who head the pa-
trons committee. Frederick., W.
Smith, '38E, and Wilbur Alderman,
'3,heads of the ticket comnmittee
and George Sprau, '38A, and Edward
Slezak, '38Ed, who will plan the dec-
orations, are also on the committee.
others are Joseph Birkenstock, '38E,
floor committee chairman, and Sam
Krugliak, '38, in charge of publicity.

Blouses Give Variety


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Will Establish
New Service
In Orientation
Panhellenic Will Conduct
New Information Booth
For Freshmen Women
Panhellenic will introduce a new
factor into Orientation Week next fall
with its Panhellenic information
booth in the lobby of the League,
Stephanie Parfet, '39, president of the
association announced recently.
The information booth will be for
the benefit of the new women stu-
dents. The booth will open on Sep-
tember 20 and remain open from 9
a.m. to noon and from. 1 p.m. to 5 p.m.
up to and including the following
Monday, September 26. Assistant
rushing chairmen from all the soror-
ities on campus will attend the booth,
offering any aid possible to these
students. Women desiring to be
rushed by the various sororities must
pay a fee of 50 cents; otherwise they
will not be rushed, Miss Parfet said.
The rushing chairmen from the
houses wi'l each receive' a list of
women to be rushed.
The women will receive the inter-
sorority booklet at the time they
register. This booklet will include a
message from Dean Alice C. Lloyd, an
explanatory article on Panhellenic
Association and its rushing rules, and
some general information on the sor-
ority houses. There will be a list of
the girls in each house, a picture of
the house and of the pin. The book-
let will take the place of the fresh-
man booklet distributed last year.
The fee which the women must pay
is used for the printing of the inter-
sorority booklet and also the scholar-
ship which the association offers. Miss
Parfet said.

J.G.P. Meeting
Held Yesterday
Project For Next Spring
Outlined By Chairman
A mass meeting of sophomore wom-
en -for the 1939 Junior Girls Play was
held yesterday at which Dorothy
Shipman, '40, general chairman, gave
the women an outline of the project
to be given next spring.
Miss Shipman emphasized in par-
ticular the need for script, mention-
ing that it has been several years
since a woman in the junior class
has written the play presented. Any
ideas may be submitted in a general
summary form or as a sample scene.
The script may be given to Miss Ship-
man or mailed to her in care of the
League this summer. The central
committee has in mind, for the 1939
Junior Girls Play, a musical comedy
with a simple plot. Decision as to
whether men will be included in the
cast will be made later, Miss Shipman
Menibers of the central committee
spoke at the meeting, giving a survey
of the work their groups will under-
take. Those women who petitioned
and who signed up for a committee
Will automatically be placed on the
one she listed first. Women will be
allowed to work on only one commit-
Women who wish to work on a com-
mittee and were not able to sign up

Pack Theatre
As Play Opens
The curtain of "Liliom" rose last
night on an audience packed with
prominent campus people, among
them Mrs. Alexander Ruthven. Mrs.
Ruthven, dressed in red moire silk,,
was, seated in the center section of
seats, midway back.
Dean Alice Lloyd, Iin black satin
trimmed with velvet was seated just
ahead of Dean Jeannette Perry who
wore black silk with fringed sleeves.
Dean Beryl Bacher was dressed in'
wine lace.
Miss Ethel McCormick and Miss
Marie Hartwig, dressed in navy blue
and black silk respectively, had seats
on the aisle toward the back. Prof.
and Mrs. Arthur Aiton, Mrs. Aiton in
a fine red print, were talking in the
lobby during ,the first intermission.
A print formal with a short blue
jacket was worn by Mrs. John Worley
who, with. Prof. Worley was seated
near the front. Mrs. Charles Koella
was in black silk.

Winners At Horse
Show Announced
A musical drill performed by mem-
bers of Crop and Saddle, womens' rid-
ing club, opened the annual horse
show, which was held Saturday at the
Washtenaw County Fairgrounds.
The potato race was won by Yvonne
Westrate, '41, and musical stalls by
Lois Gillen, '41. Virginia Brooks,
Christine Sadler and Patricia Trosper
took first, second and third places
respectively in the horsemanship
class. Herbert Pederson, '41M, won
the mens' horsemanship class. Arthur
Warner, '39E, was second and Allen
Andrews, '39E, third.
Virgina Barrows, '40, took first
place in the women's horsemanship
class. Second and third places were
taken by Miss Gillen and Betty Hood,
'40. Miss Barrows also won the horse-
manship class, with Miss Hood second
and Pederson third.

Dean Alice C. Lloyd
To Give Talk Today
At Nurses' Ban qu
Dean Alice C. Lloyd will be the gut
speaker at the annual formal banqi
which will be given at 6:30 p.m. tod
in the League Ballroom for the facu
and the members of the junior a
senior classes of the School of Nu
Other,speakers will be Miss Mari
Durell, Director of the School of Nu:
ing; Roberta de Vries, general cha
man of the banquet; Mae Edna Do3
toastmaster; Bernadine DielmE
president of the senior class; Chi
lene Mathis, president of the jun
class; and Aurora Pikkanen, presidE
of the Student Council.
Read The Daily Classifie

Crisp, tailored blouses such as
this, in white or soft pastel shades,
will do much to vary a sumrnerC
Initiation Will Be Today
For 'Phi Epsilon Kappa
Formal initiation of Phi Epsilon
Kappa, national honorary physical
education fraternity, will be held at
8:30 p.m. today in the Michigan
Union, and will be in conjunction with
the Detroit Alumni, Chapter, it was
announced by Joseph Cole, '39Ed,
president of the fraternity.
- The initiation will be preceded by
an informal dinner at 7 p.m., to which
all members are invited, Cole said.


may call tie chairman of the com-
mittee. The chairmen are as follows:
Joanne Westerman, make-up; Har-
riet Sharkey, properties; Jeanne Tib-
bets, finance; Zelda Davis, tickets;
Maxine Nelson, dancing; Enora Fer-
riss, ushers; Jane Nussbaum, cos-
tumes; Katherine MacIvor, publicity.

613 East Williams Street

4 Doors off State

See HELEN POLHEMUS about your
Hat for Memorial Day
Pastel and White Felts - Taffetas galore -
Cartwheels, polk bonnets, tricky caps
cut out and veiled, (ideal for dancing)

'' _ _



and the world.

. .

. .. . _

Fraternities and sororities an-
nounce recent pledgings and election
of officers for the coming year.
Alumnae House
Alumnae House recently elected the
following officers: Beatrice Hopkins,
'39Ed, president; Anne Schaeffer,
'40SM, vice-president; Marian Getoor,
'39SM, secretary; and Betty-Lou Wit-
ters,''4lEd&A, treasurer.
Alpha Delta Pi
Alpha Delta Pi held its Senior Sup-
per Monday night. A short program
after the suppr included toasts, the
presentation of an award to the girl
who had been the most active on
c~mpus, a will and a prophesy.
Alpha Epsilon Iota
Alpha Epsilon Iota, medical soroy
ity, recently elected the following of-
-ficers: Doris Whitney, '39M presi-
dent; Winona Barrows, vice-presi-
dent; Eleanor Smith, '41M, record-
ing secretary; Beverly Moul, '40M,
corresponding secretary; Sylvia B-
bis, '39M, treasurer; 'Virginia Lane,
'40M, rushing chairman; Helen
Thompson, '41M, assistant rushing
chairman; Ruth Moyer, '41M, archi-
vist, and Margaret Bentley, '41M,
Alpha Xi Delta
Alpha' Xi Delta announces the
pledging of Frances M. Haskins, '41,
of Flint.
Collegiate Sorosis
Collegiate Sorosis announces the
installation of two new officers for
next year. They are Ann Brennan,
'40, treasurer and Marietta Killian,
'39A, stewardess.
Delta Theta Phi
Members of Delta Theta Phi recent-
ly initiated into the legal organiza-
tion, The Barristers, are James W.
Stoudt, '39L, John C. Griffin, '39L,
and Jolin Currie, '39,.
Kappa Delta Rho
Kappa Delta Rho announces the
election of the following officers: Earl
Fields, president; William Perry, vice-
president; Walter Moline, treasurer;
Robert Edwards, rushing chairman
and Robert Huey, social chairman.
Initiates And Officers
Announced By Atlhenti
Athena, honorary speech sorority
for women, initiated seven members
recently. The new members are
Jane Campbell. '9; Selma Chibnik,
'40; Harriette DeWeese, '39; Helen
Goldberg, '40; R'ath Pollock, '40. Mary
Frances Reek, '40 and Betty Stein-
hart, '40.
The officers for the coming year,
elected at the meeting, are Faith
Watkins, '39. president; Florence Mc-
Clinsby, '39, vice-president,
I ---


from crease resistant . . . fast dye .
Stock and washable.
1. Blossom yellow one piece dress with gored skirt panels
.. tucked shoulders . . .small Swedish silver buttons down
entire front . . 14.95
2. Tailored frock in navy, linen blue, or raspberry with stitched
white collar and cuffs . . . attractive white leather belt. 14.95
3. Raspberry and white printed frock, one piece, render match-
ing peplum length jacket . . . 16.95
Matching open crown cartwheel"...3.95
Matching bag trimmed with braid . . .:1.95

Caps, Gowns and Hoods



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