Gran Names
Honor Guards
For Graduation
Seniors In Various Schools
To Lead Honor Section
At Coininencement
Seniors who have been selected' to
serve as Guards of Honor and Color
Bearers in the Commencement pro-
cession were announced yesterday by
Prof. Lewis M. Gram of the engineer-
jug College, chief marshall of the
The guards, appointed by the pres-
idents of their respective classes, will
escort the honor section, composed of
the faculties of the various schools
and colleges, Regents and other Uni-
versity officials and recipients of hon-
orary degrees, in the march from
campus to Ferry Field.
There will be a drill meeting of the
honor guards at 4 p.m. tomorrow in
Waterman Gymnasium, according to
Dr. George A. May of the physical
education department, who will be
in immediate charge of Commence-
ment Day.
A list of those who have been se-
'lected to serve as guards from the
various schools and colleges follows:
Literary College
Literary college, udLundahl. and
C. Stark Ritchie, color bearers; honor
guards. Wilbur Alderman, James Bar-
co, Joseph Bartley, Robert Bradley,
Donald Brewer, Howard Campbell,
Robert Campbell, William Centner,
Samuel Charin, John Clark, Hiram
Collins, James Colombo, Frank Cool-
idge, Robert Cooper, Fred Cushing,.
Herman Fishman, Roy Frazier, Ar-
nold Friedman, Herbert GibbsDean
Glidden. Edward Greenald, Andros
Gulde, William Guthrie, Robert Har-
The list continues with: Walter
Haskell, John Hinckley, Louis Hoff-
man, Robert 'Howell, 'Ernest Jones,
Paul Kane, John Kollig, Melvin Kra-
mer, Samuel Krugliak, Frank Lapick
William Loose, Thomas McCann,
John icFate, Fred Martin,. Irving
Mathews, Joseph Mattes, Lee Moore.
George Quick, 'Hugh Rader, Russell
Reed, Joseph Rinaldi, Fred Schwarze,
Israel Silverman, Robert Simpson,
William Spaller, John Speicher, Harry
Steinberg, Norman Steinberg, Bruce
Telfer, Robert Stuart, John Thom,
Edward Thompson, Jack Walker,
Robert Weeks, Donald Wilsher, and
John Winder.
Education School
Honor guards from tne education
school will be Ronald Isbell, Edwin
Knudson, Olin Murdick, Hanley Sta-
ley, Arthur Valpey, and Arthur Wie-
ner. Engineering college honor guards
will be Donnan Basler, Carl Clement,
James Ecl house, David Eisendrath,
Clifton Elliot, Jere Farrah, Kenneth
Graf, Alfred Karpinski, Jack Kasley,
Neil Levenson, Charles Roach, Robert
Rowland, Frederick Smith, Sydney
Steinborn, Henry Wallace, Richard
Alex Kohner, George Sprau, J.
Stewart Van Keuren and Sydney
Wake have been selected from the
College of Architecture, while Martin
fiery, James Cameron, Robert Cum-
mings, Itoweard High, Daniel Gluck,
Roleric owell, Roger Howell, Jack
Jacoby, Edward Marshall and John:
Richardson will represent the Medical
Law school guards will be Keith
Bondurant, Robert Curran, Robert
Feldman, James Fitharris,. Robert
Hennoch, Bertram Lebes. Edward
Ransom and Gerald Stoetzer. La-
Verne Gutscher and Francis Taft will
represent the College of Pharmacy
and Edward Marceau and Samuel
Stulberg, the dental school.
du ltEd ticatioi
Meet Attracts
200 W onrel
(C>ntnued from Page 1)
cation of Youth" disclaimed the be-
lief that youth is uninterested in re-
ligion, He pointed out that the in-
creasinig number of churches and the
decreasing proportions between young
and older people seem t make this
"There is a tremendous and tragic
opposition to education for democracy
today in our schools and colleges,"
Mowat G. Fraser of the School of
Education said in the final talk of the
Organizations opposing the kind of
discussions on important controversial
questions and on the ideal of equal
cpportunity are the 'patriotic'' and
veteran's organizations, including
notably the American Legion and the
D.A.R., Nazi org'anizations through-
out the country and the Ku Klux
Klan, be continued.
Profs. Bennett, Weaver of the Eng-
lish department, William Halstead
and Louts M. Eich of the speech de-
partment, Wesley Maurer of the
journalism department and Jean Paul.
Slusser of the School of Architecture
will make up the program for today.
The general topic is "The Literature
and Art Series."
Child Afflicted With Sleeping Sickness,Sleeps For 59 Days'
Though her eyes were open when this picture was taken, 2-year-old Mary Ellen Reardon did not see
her doll 'or her mother, for she was asleep and had been for 59 days. Her long sleep has been diagnosed
as sleeping sickness which she contracted during an attack of measles. Her mother, shown here with her at
their Chicago home, says the child appears to recognize no one nor hear anything. Some improvement in
her condition has been noticed recently.
. Finances Halt
, & f
Iraq Diggigs
Of University
Lack of funds has stopped the dig-
gings -at Seleucia for this year and
perhaps next, Prof. Clark Hopkins,
Latin professort said yesterday. How-
ever they will be continued as soon as
the needed money is raised.
The concession to the'sight of Se-
leucia which is located in Iraq not
far south of Bagdad was first given
to the University of Michigan in 1928
when the excavation, under the di-
rection of Prof. Leroy Waterman of
the oriental languages, department
was done in the hope of finding the
ancient city of Opis.
Although Professor Hopkins does
not share the belief, it is thought by
some archeologists that the remains
of Opis are buried beneath part of
The greatest value in Seleucia lies
in its four clearly separated levels,
which make it possible to trace the
development in our knowledge of eas-
tern history.
Another interest in Seleucia is the
fact that the fusion which swept over
the western world and the ideas of art
of the Western Greeks and the eastern
Parthions with Christianity in the
Byzantine period is reflected in this
Eastern capital. There are traces of
this fusion in other spots but the
clear levels here make it easier to
trace its development.
Jap Poaching
Gerow To Give
Recital Tonight
Tenor Studied Fouir Years
Under Hackett Here
Maurice Gerow, tenor and senior in
the School of Music, will give his
graduation recital at 8:15 p.m. tonight
in the School of Music Auditorium.
Mr. Gerow who was heard in the con-
cert version of OCarmen" at the last
May Festival program, has studied
here under Prof. Arthur Hackett for
four years.
He will sing: Non Piu by Cimara;
Spirate Pur, Spirate, Luoghi Sereni
e Cari and Amor Mi Fa Cantare by,
Donaudy; Aubade "Le Roi D'Ys" by
Lalo; Claire de Lune. by Faure; A
Chloris and La Barcheta by Hahn;
Im Zitternden Mondlicht by Haile;'
Mir Traumte by Trunk; Trock'ne
Blumen and Fruhlingsglaube by Shu-
bert; Widmung by Schumann; A
Page's Road Song by Ivan Novello;
Seven Old Women Sit for Tea by
Leon Theodore Levy; The Stars by
A. Gretchaninoff and Spendthrift by
Ernest Charles.
Year-Old Petal
Develops Root,
La Rue Sh ows
Roots sprouted from petals which
had been kept alive for more thai a
year by Prof. Carl D. LaRue of the
botany department, After two years'
of concentration on the developments'
of flowers and immature embroys in
culture, Professor LaRue lately has
published his findings on the sub-
"We have known about the de-
velopment of roots, stems, and leaves,
for some time," said Professor LaRue,
"now we are finding out what flow-
ers will do in culture."
Cuttings of stems will generally
grow; root cuttings will grow in most
cases, and some leaves will grow
roots. A few of these leaves will even
form shoots and develop.
Professor LaRue showed a tray of
culture tubes from his lab and ex-
plained that in each of the tubes had
been placed agar-agar mixed with a
nutrient solution of sugar and min-
eral salts. The cuttings for the ex-
periment had been rid of' bacteria
and placed in the tubes, he said, where
their development was watched. After
some months, roots were seen on the
flowers of 26 species. Two of these
species not only formed buds but
grew on up into plants.
Asked if it would ever be possible
for cut flowers to berkeptdover long
periods of time, he repied, "It may
be possible, but the chance of using
it for commercial purposes is very
slim. The great difficulty would be
in sterilizing the plants before they
were put in culture."
Kahn, Sizemore
And Quick Win
Board Positions
More Than 1,400 Students
Cast Ballots In Annual
All-Camus.s Elections
(Continued from Page 1)
Loon, '39E, by 115 to 66. The bus-
inmess administration, forestry, phar-
macy, music and education schools
combined to elect one representative,
Jack Rothacher, '39F&C, who won
over Gilbert Phares, '39, BAd., by 70
to 63.
James Rae. '40, swept into the posi-
tion on the Board in Control of Ath-
letics by 426 votes to 109 of Charles
Pink, '40.
Accompanying the election were the
uglier features of politics. Several
candidates are threatening to protest
the election, and charges have been
made that fraternities stuffed the
ballot boxes with the blanks that were
used when the regular printed bal-
lots 'gave out early in the voting
period. Charges of electioneering at
the polls and double-voting have also
been made. This friction has been
described as -one naturally accom-
panying th tremendous interest
the election aroused this year.
Last year Hugh Rader, '38, polled
j the highest number of votes for Men's
Council, with 118, . as compared
to the 713 votes received by George
Quick this year for the Board in Con-
trol of Publications. As usual voting
was heaviest in the literary school,
which polled 756 of the total number
of votes.
U.S. Cold To Plea
For Interventioni
. (Contied fro'. Page .)
nouncement concerning the "develop-
ment. The nearest approachto com-
ment was thoroughly 'non-commitil.
Central European Tension Grows
PRAHA, May 24.--(P)-The differ-
ences between Czechoslovakia's Ger-
mran minority -and the govern met'
seemed greater than everntobight,
24 hours after Sudeten Geran lead
er Konrad Henlein' had his first meet-
ing with Premier Milan Hodza
Reports circulating in government
quarters " said Reichsfuehrer Hitler
was sending more troops into north-
eastern Austria opposite the most vul-'
nerable section of Czechoslovakia's
These reports said that yesterday's
withdrawal of German troops from
the border took place only in Saxony
and that they fell back only about 20
The situation within Czechoslovakia
continued quiet, but authorities were
taking special precautionary measures
against possible disorders at Eger
growing out of the funeral tomorrow
of two victims of last Saturday's
Henlein, it was learned, -asked
Hodza that Czechoslovak troops be
withdrawn from Sudeten German
border regions as a preliminary to
serious negotiations. He received a
curt refusal from Hodza.
Pacifist Sees U.S. Safe From War
But Needs Peace For Prosperity
Will Have Depressions As
Long As Other Nations
Fight, Oniderdonk Says
The United States will not get into
war whether we follow an isolationist
or a collective security policy, Dr.
Francis S. Onderdonk, noted humani-
tarian and pacifist said in an inter-
view with The Daily yesterday. We
will continue to have depressions here,
he said, as long as war goes on in
other parts of the world.
International law has been flaunt-
ed, he explained, and beca,4sel-of that
the conditions of unrest have led our
militarists to demand more arma-
ments; and this leads to more taxes,
starting a vicious cycle. The only so-
lution, Dr. Onderdonk said, is col-
lective security.
"Besides," he added, "any person
of Christian ideals, or humanitarian
ideals, must be concerned with the
slaughter now going on in Europe
and Asia." y
The former University instructor,
Sink Apoited
To State Body
Gov. Murphy Also Names
Ford Anld Weissert
President Charles A. Sink of the
music school was reappointed to an-
other six-year term as member of
the State Historical Commission,
Governor Murphy announced yester-
With President Sink, whose term
will expire in 1934, were appointed
Dr. R. Clyde Ford of Michigan State
College and Charles A. Weissert, Kal-
-imnazoo newspaper man.
The commission directs the activ-
ities of an 'office force and editor
both of whom are constantly engaged
in gathering material dealing with.
the history of the state. In addition
to meeting several times a year for
this purpose, -the commission pub-
:fishes a ,quarterly magazine, "The
Michigan Historical Magazine." .
who was converted to his present ideas
of peace and ife by Tolstoy's works,
complained o the surprising indif-
ference of University students and
campus organizations; here to peace
To carry on further peace agita-
tion, Dr. Onderdonk is planning a
trailer somewhat 'milar to the "Ca-
thedral Trailer" Bishop Hopson.
He plans to have outfitted with a
library of propaganda for peace, and
a complete film library, to be made
up of six programs similar to the one
he showed at the University last week.
"I believe I could, if sufficient funds
were forthcoming, arouse sufficient
interest with a fleet of such trailers
to change the foreign policy of the
U.S.," the passionate pacifist said.
He described the tremendous ignor-
ance of the "man in the street" re-
garding world affairs, and sad edu-
cating the people is th' most impor-
tant part of his job. "The idea of get-
ting America into the League of Na-
tions is only a question of propa-
ganda," he stated.
Dr. Onderdonk has organrized a
Peace Committee here in Ann Arbor,
including Prof. J. F. Shepard, head
of the psychology department, treas-
urer of the committee, and Prof. Y
McCluskey of the education depart-
Mexican Unions Ask
Aid To Fight Rebels
(Continued from Page 1)
ment arm militia to reinforce regular
army troops already sent into San
Luis Potosi.
L Mexico's national arms factories,
it was said, can produce 100 rifles and
1,000,000 rounds of ammunition a day
but still are operating only part time.
Reliable sources said 'war' materials
on hand were adequate for at least six
months' operations.
Although well-informed quarters
doubted the insurrection would
spread, persons familiar with the
geography of San Luis Potosi and' ad-
joining states predicted Cedillo might
hold out some time by moving into
"wilder country
He already has established head-
quarters at Montbello, 'about eight
miles east of his capturedest'ate, La
Water cattle and game are abun-
dant in 'the region, it was said. With
the rainy season approaching, observ-
ers predicted Cedillo might prolong
his resistance for months.
Case System
Three-Year Day Course
Four-Year Evening Course
Member of the Association of American
Law Schools-
College Degree or Two Years of
College Work with Good Grades
Required for Entrance
transcriptof Record Must Be Furnished
Morning, Early Afternoon and
For further information address
233 Broadway, New York
Applicatios For'
Top Last Year's
Sunderland To A ddress
Kansas City Lawyers
Prof. Edson R. Sunderland of the
Law Schbol left for Kansas City yes-
terday to address members of the
Kansas) City bar on the new rules of
civil procedure for the United States
District Courts.
Professor Sunderland was a member
of the Supreme Court Advisory Com-
mittee which drafted the new rules.
Applications for registration by'
pirospective students for the school
Year 1938-39 are already ahead of
those received by June 1 of last year
according to" Ira. M. Smith, Registrar
.of the University.
Mr. Smith, who has recently re-#
turned from a parley of registrars
held in New Orleans, La., said that
this was a general tendency for all
universities. High school enrollments
are also gaining he added, but the
eleMentary schools have undergone
a slight decrease which will probably
affect the colleges' and universities'-
attendance in eight or ten years. i
,- At All Dealers Y
J.J. O'KANE, Dist. Dial 3500
F~or iros 'fo C
Nipponese Fisingj
A rb
SEATTLE, May 24.-(P)-American
fishermen in the Bristol Bay area of
Alaska telegraphed Seattle for guns
and ammunition today because "Ber-
ing Sea is covered with Japanese
fishing boats and nets." - -
George Shields, of thePacific-Coast
Codfishing Co. in Seattle, received
the following message from his bras
ther, Capt. J. E. Shields, of the cod-
fish vessel Sophie Christensen:
"We have the God-given instinct;
to shoot straight. Please ship down
high-power rifles and plenty of am-
munition. Bering Sea covered by Ja-
panese fishing boats and nets north
of Black Hills. No cutters around"
The Black Hills area is midwayv be-I
tween Unimak Pass and Bristol Bay
on the north side of the Alaska Pen-
Pieiiisy lvaii ia Speed
Laws HitBy Henr
WILLIAMSPORT, Pa., May 24.-(/P)
-Thomas Henry, Detroit, national
president of the American Automo-
bile Association, today assailed Penn-
sylvania's stringent speed regulations.
"The practice of suspending a driv-
er's license for exceeding the 50-mile
speed limit might be all right for the
hilly country of Pennsylvania." he
said at the annual convention of the
Pennsylvania Motor Federation, "but
Pepnsylvania should not try to dic-
tate to the nation."
Tonlato Plunt Shortage
In State Is Announced
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More smokers every day
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It's because Chesterfields are
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