.. .
t - a
C7 Date
"Let's eat, drink and be merry for tomorrow . ." w ell, tomorrow is another
story. Never was a gayer week end had than the one just enjoyed with only
two weeks before the gloomy pall of exams.
The class of '41 went rustic in a big way Friday night and many a little
freshie was hopping hayseed, or social strawberrying. Dottie Cowan and Bob
Marx appeared in overalls to lend local color, and Janet Burns and Chuck
Coe who had just returned from Detroit were doing their share . . Tad
Lynch and Paul Keller were twoing it, and Jim Hammond 'and Mary Lou
Keen, the latter in from Bloomfield for the festivities, were very much pres-
ent. Others who were seen on the new mall were Rex Latham and Peggy
Campbell. The Ten Pretty Girls gve a convitving performance and proved
that the freshman class has something . .. Betty Kepler, Jane Grove, Anita
Carvalho, Maya Gruhzit, Dorothy Gilliam, Betty Brundette, June Roberts.
Margaret Gose, Eileen Bohnet and Evelyn Echeldinyer were the ten
Phyllis Kennedy, Bill Collette and Francis Griffan, and Art Brandt, who was
with Lorraine Haskins, seemed to be enjoying the antics of the comical
cow who missed his cue.
But ever onward! And on and on into the night we did go, what with
umpteen and eleven dances on the calendar. At the Theta Xi formal out
Washtenaw way Bob Shipps and Janet Sibley danced by,
the way dancing should be done to our way of thinking(
... Noreen Crotty dnd J. T. Lamb were also doinb a neat '
jobs\of stomping. Edna Peterson and George Pipper were
gayly chatting as we stopped'at the door.
Dancing At The Beta House . .
Hilarity reigned at the Bet, House and Martha Daily
and Bart Meyers and Marin Dailey with Bill Loose were
all in.on it. Bud Bulde was holding sway with the micro-
phone in one hand, singing "The Old Apple Tree" while
Jean Bell and Bob Straub, Janet Crawford, and Jake Beers
stood by entranced with his efforts . . . And what would
a Beta party be without a parade, this time more gay
than ever because of their latest acquisition, the Interfra- *
ternity Sing loving cup. Y
Alpha Chi Omegas were too, too elegant with their
dinner dance at the Barton Hills Country Club. Peggy Pulte and Bob Good.
year, Ralph Heikkinen and Delores Villany were ohing and ahing over
the romantic scenes around the mand Jack Bulkeley and Phil Bauer, Mary
Jane Kronnef who was with Bill Du Charme from Detroit . . . Mary Baldwin;
and Perr'y Nelson were all unanimous in praise of it all.
Dave Peet and Terry Gillroy, Jack MacLeod and Patsy Matthews, Bill
Hope and Charlotte Schreiber were sighted at the Lambda Chi house where
everyone was definitely in an dancing mood. Doris Brown and Bob Gates
Art Gaio and Blanch Anderson . . . Eddie' Androik and Alice Bassett ...
Frankie Schneirow who was with Roy Gerardi all looked as if this thing they
call school life was a round of fun and frolic and not study and stew ...
Walt Baumeister and Betty Hatch . . . Larry Hyslop and Julia Lopker .. .
seemed to be of the same opinion.
Phi Kappa Tau also made merry this weekend . .. Walter Scholes and
Madge Collins... Paul Pinkerton and Kay Roberts were there..,. as was also
Doc Everson and Veionica Blakeslee.
Over at the Phi Kap's, Ed Phillips and Mary Wickes were enjoying
themselves . . . but definitely, what with a lot of their old cronies around .. .
Margaret Campbell and Bob Archer ... Grete Holst and John McLean
Mariy Eneman and Frank Lapick ... Lowell Moss and Anne Hall.
Helen Newberry Dances Too. . .
Many a Knight and Date were seen around and abot at the Helen
Newberry Dance. Rowena Lacoste . . . Irving Copilowish . . Helen Jane
Barr arid Bennett Wheelock. .Jean Grant and Randy Reynolds ... danced
by in the kaleidoscope of color that
;reeted our eye. Louise. Spencer and
i ack Thompson ... were having a simply
"onderful time with a "wish you were
here" nod. This time it was the Psi
Upsilon boys who were doing the honors
Mary Randolph and 'Elmer Harsh-
barger... were having fun\,... and San
Ladd with Stephanie Parfet were trying
to speak to Mrs. Poppleton, the esteemed
- house mother, who was completely sur-
rounded by a circle of genial alums
Mary Ellen Wheeler in one of those
fetching printed dresses strolled by on the arm of Herb Clark ... They passed
out of sight just as Dottie Boyer and Bud Whitely . . . shouted greetings.
But we couldn't linger ...
A clcver blue and white color scheme, which even included the orchestra
members in their attire, was used in the decorations at the Alpha Delta Pi
party where "Mac" MacArthur and Bob Elliott . .. the one and only ...
were enjoying the elaborate decorations. Dee Skinner and Don Basler . .
Edna Kandelin and Ray Lahti . .. Rita Wellman and "Pop" Phelps drifted by
talking about "that terrible exam."
Washtenaw Country Club was the scene of a joint dance by Delta Tau
Delta and Delta Upsilon and a jolly good time was being had by all what
with Mary Henderson and Al Dubs. . . Jane Mougey and Jim Hollinshead ...
Howard Parker and "Tommy" McLaughlin singing and laughing from the
very beginning . . . the gorgeous big busses took care of transportation
for the whole gang . . Dottie Boyer and Frank Steere did their share of
vocalizing .y..
Accia's Brotherhood Celebrates .. .
The Acacia brotherhood were also enjoying themselves Friday at their
annual Spring Formal ... Tommy Reed and Ella Stowe . . . Richard Conners
and Betty Lou Turner from out of town
Don Graham and Berta Knudson . . . Vernon,
Poest and Roberta Gnerich . .. were making
good use of the music .. . Frank McDonald and
Mary Fran Brown . . . the latter looking as
serene as ever danced by.
At the Alpha Phi formal Virginia Jackson
and Jim Briegel . . . Bunny Arner and Bill
Borgmann ... Janet Pike and Bud Smith ...
were watching the orchestra swing it.
Two or three members of the track team
did a good'job of bringing the Big Ten cham
pionship home and news about it came to certain gals first hand . . . and
in record breaking time Harvey Clark got back in time for the Theta spring
formal Friday night in time to doff his track suit and track training schedule.
The first thing he did was to yank out the first cigarette in . . . well, for
months anyway . . Doug Hayes also made the deadline for the formal and
escorted Punk Martin to the same dance. Not, to be outdone by his team-
mates, Jim Kingsley, after winning the pole vault event came home Satur-
day and took in a bit of the Psi Upsilon party.
According to all, the :ormal at Martha Cook Friday night was "Nautical
but nice." Dottie Harmon and Don Bronson ... Harriet Monahan and Bob
McLeod were emphatically having a nice time. Theresa Van Hof, general
chairman of the dance was standing with Dave Scott viewing the effect of
her work . . . Dorothy Novy and Russ Wilson . . . Janet Clark and Ross
Campbell . . . Irene Sartor and Johnny Rubsam . . . were watching the
orchestra "do their stuff". . . Marge Stebbins and Ed McKenzie were dancing
a bit too.
Sunday was a p-e-r-f-e-c-t day for a picnic and the Chi Psis decided
to have one. Neil McKay and Betty Ulrich . . . Perry Nelson and Mary
Baldwin . . . Brooks Buderus and Mary Anne Starr . . . were in on the fun.
Bob Isgrigg, Clem Barnes . . . Midge Everett
Gamma Phi Beta and Delta Gam-
ma teams will meet at 3:15 p.m.
Thursday in the Grand Rapids room
of the League for the final contest of
the women's intramural debate series.
Jean Tibbits, '40'and Barbara New-
ton, '41, of Gamma Phi Beta will up-
hold the affirmative, and Mary Rall,
'39 and Jane Krause, '41, of Delta
Gamma will uphold the negative side
of the question, "Resolved:- That the
Proposed United States Military
Preparedness Program Should Be
Judges Are Named
Judges for the debate will be Prof.
Gail Densmore of the speech depart-
ment, Prof. Carl Brandt of the Eng-
lish department, and Prof. Henry
Moser of the speech department. Hel-
3n Jean Dean, '39, will act as chair-
A tea will be given following the
iebate in honor of the following de-
aters: Elizabeth Alington, '40, Nor-
.na Blair, '41, Selma Chibnik, '40,
9hyllis Elder, '38Ed, Jane Elspass,
'40, Elizabeth Ann Emswiler, '40, Ma-
ion Fleming, '40, Ruth Jacobson, '40,
Betty Keenan, '38, Clara Lee Keller,
41, Suzanne Kerr, Ruth Kinsey, '40A,
Miss Krause, Marjorie Lehner, '39,
Edith Leveene, '41, Florence Light-
foot, ''38,\ 'jean Matheson, '41, Jean
Maxted, Nina McLellan, '40.
Will Honor Debaters
Elizabeth Mullin, '39, Miss New-
ton, Mary Pattie, '41, Kathryn Pow-
ell, Miss Ross, Helene Rumnizen, '40,
Elinor Sevison, '41, Betty Steinhart,
'40, Katheryn Steurnol, Jane Sturt-
ridge, Jean Tenofsky, '41, Miss Tib
bits, Mary Tilk, '39Ed, Margaret Trip-
let, '39Ed, Jean Van Raalte, '40, Faith
Watkins, '39 and Jane Zapp, '40, will
also be honored. Miss Lockwood, ad-
visor for the debates will pour.
Lantern Night, which was post-
pened yesterday because of the
rain, will be held at 7:15 p.m.,
Thursday, Norm'a Curtis, '39,
dhairman of the event, announced.
The same procedure gs planned
for last night will be followed.
Newly Elected Officers
To Preside At Meeting
The Michigan Dames will hold a
general meeting at 8:15 p.m. tomor-
row in the Grand Rapids Room of the
League. The newly elected officers
will preside at the meeting, and the
new chairmen of the Study Groups
will also be introduced.
The women who will head these ac-
tivities include Mrs. Harold West, in
charge of the art group, Mrs. Marvin
Bacon in charge of the bridge group,
Mrs. Loyal Ollman who will head the
child study group. Mrs. Gardner
Ackley,! who will direct the charm
group, Mrs. Whitten Brewer, chair-
men of the drama group.
Mrs. R. N. Weber will direct the
musical group, Mrs. Verdun Lichty, is
in charge of receipts, Mrs. Walter Ad-
rion, chairman of the employment
group, Mrs. Sidney Quigley, program
committee, Mrs. Charles Staubach,
chairman of the Flowers committee
and Mrs. A. H. Killinger, will be head
of the Homemaking group.
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You'll be Fleet-footed as aC Deer
. W __-
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