Closing of Chicago relief' stations cut off cash assistance to some 34,000' families, but the 91,000 persons: in those families got food.
In the display above is the food allotment for a family ouf four: 2 pounds dried beans, 30 pounds oranges,' 2 pounds rice, 8 stalks
celery, 4 pounds butter, 4 pounds prunes; the 12 pounds of cabbage are not shown. Medical aid was available through regular chan-
nels, and milk was distributed by Chicago relief agencies. The federal government handled the food distribution.
To defend .theIr land; Poland, too;, is- strengthening military defenses," stagig warlike drills to
teach Poles defense in. vase. of, war. This infanitry attactk, moving under cover of a heavy smoke
scren, was -held. on a field outside Warsaw. Because of Polanid's nearness to Czechoslovakia and
Russia, she follows a policy of watc~hful . repax duess.
Grey-haired relief client pausing torearrange her celery and
oranges on a sidcwalk in 'Cleveland -- scene of recent clamor for
food and a sit-down strike by rcliefers who took over a city hal
chamber for their protest.
Victory smile gleams on the
face of GOP Senator James J.
Davis, renominated in Penn-
sylvania, primary. He will op-
pose Governor George Earle,
New Dealer.
The woman who talked Pre-
mier Neville Chamnberlain of
England into politics is his wife
(above), Pictured in London
waiting to glimpse the queen.
Rains drained down slope near Hastings, Minn., washing out
th1e roadbed fromt under these railroad tracks.
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