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May 24, 1938 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1938-05-24

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- .- I

,3 1

Ar , ,L;-
Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of-the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
Uni'versity year and Summer Session
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news -dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
rights of -republication of all other matters herein, also
'Entered-at "the Post Offide at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier,
$4.00; by mail, :$4.50.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1937-38
National AdvertisngService,inc.
Colke'ePuhlishers RSAr Wtativ*
Board of Editors
Managing Editor . . . .Robert D. Mitchell

Editorial Director
City Editor... . .
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor.
Associate Editor
Associate Editor..
Associate Editor
Book Editor . . . .
Women's Editor. .
Sports Editor .,.

. . Albert P. Mayio
Horace W. Gilmore
. Robert I. Fitzhenry
. Saul R. Kleiman
Robert Pernman
.'. William Elvin
Joseph Freedman
. . . . Earl Gilman
> Joseph Gies
. . Dorothea Staebler
. . . Baud Benjamin

Business Department
Business Manager . . . Philip W. Buchen
Credit Manager . . . Leonard P. Siegelman
Advertising s Manager . William L. Nenan
" Women's Business Manager .. Helen Jean D7ean
Women's Service Manager . Marian A. Baxter
The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of the Daily'
staff and represent the views of the writers
It is important for society to avoid the
neglect of adults, but positively dangerous
for it to thwart the ambition of youth to
reform the world. Only the schools which
act on this belief are educational institu-
tions in the best meaning of the term.
-Alexander G. Ruthven.
On Tear Gas Bombs
And Things..
AE K AGO SUNDAY, some prac-
' at joker with a penchant for me- i
chanical things and evidently a slight leaning
backwards, politically speaking, left a present
for one of our liberal organizations in the shape
of a cute little gas bomb in the Unitarian Church.
It wasn't a dangerous thing, for the gas fumes
just made your eyes smart for a couple of
days or so, but the type of philosophy which
prompted the joker to play this kind of a game
isn't exactly of the tit-tat-too kind.
It isn't such a far step from playing with
tear gas bombs to playing with real explosives,
and the mentality of those who do the one is
'flexible enough to do the other. For in both
instances the essential stimulus would seem to
come from an inability to cope with ideas which
differ from one's own. Like the bully who an-
swers jibes with blows, because he is not capable
of retaliating in kind, the joker in this instance
took the most direct, cowardly and weakest action
he was capable of performing.
It must have been a disappointment to the
joker to know that the Progressive Club had
scheduled its picnic for the following Sunday,
and that consequently only two or three people
not connected with the Club suffered smarting
Albert Mayio.
Funds For The
La Follette Committee . .
movement in the headlines, it is easy
to forget another matter with which Senator La-
Follette is connected and which is of far more
vital immediate importance to the nation than
the new political bloc. The La Follette CivilLib-
erties Committee of the Senate, which ha ac-
complished so much in the way of exposing anti-
democratic tendencies and practices-in the plants
of our great industries in the past year, will be
unable to continue its work unless it is gixen an
appropriation of $60,000 before the end of the
present Congressional session.
The La Follette Committee's two most notable
pieces of work are probably its revelations con-
cerning the coal operators of Harlan County, Ky.,
and their fight against labor organization, and
its investigation into the Meorial Day massacre
at the Republic Steel plant in South Chicago last
year. Republic Steel has since been enjoined by
the Labor Relations Board to reinstate, with back
pay, workers blacklisted after last summer's strike
and to desist from its anti-union policies, while
the Harlan mine owners are at present under

The Editor
ets Told
Fafni Gets Told
To the Editor:
Dear "Fafni," you are probably one of the
hopefuls at whom Sidney Howard aimed his
"muddle on as best you can" philosophy in the
much contested play of last week. I call you
hopeful because you can so placidly use the word
Jiberal as though every one knew what you
meant. Your purpose of uniting these liberals
in one active group is admirable, but not within
the realm of human achievement. The term is
too broad to ever include one group. You see
no one is afraid to call himself a liberal-in
fact it has a very nice educated tint.
You say the Progressive Club is misnamed; that
it is too radical. Do you know that at the
beginning of this year the club went so far in its
attempts to include even the meekest liberals
that its membership drives came close to being
ludicrous? And even after this attempt, the rad-
ical students were left to do all the work-to
carry on because the liberal students didn't
Do you know why you and I as liberal students
didn't add our strength to the club? Because
the term liberal includes an almost incomprehen-
'sible range of confused, unsure thinkers who
prefer the easy way of bull-sessions and inter-
esting table talk to any form of unity or action.
At least in one mass group of socially conscious
students the radicals will continue to do the
work; they have the "guts." The group of lib-
erals you propose would bejust as heterogeneous
as the Progressive Club tried to be this year;
therefore, you cannot condemn the existing or-
ganization on that basis. Nor on any lack of
constructive work.
Why don't you, Fafni, join the club and inject
into its already useful work an element of "re-
spectability?" For respectability is the outstand-
ing characteristic of liberals, denied to the rad-
icals. -Ea-.
More On Falni
To the Editor:
Clifford Odets defines a liberal as a "man who
has raised doubt and indecision to the level of
a principle." Apparently the Mr. Fafni who wrote
to the Daily suggesting a new liberal organization
is a textbook example of such a liberal. First he
doubts that the Progressive Club is an accurate
index of liberal student opinion, and second he
is undecided as to whether there are enough
liberals to take up his idea and form an effec-
tive organization. He argues further that the
present liberal organization, the Progressive Club,
has, proposed measures which are too radical,
that they have antagonized the university offi-
cials, and that by their strong inclinations they
have forced some obvious "liberals" to the right.
Let us see what validity these objections to the
present Progressive Club have, first in regard to
the radical measures. A brief sketch of the Pro-
gressive Club activity during the current year
includes (1) sponsoring a talk on Spain by Steve
Daduk to about 750 people urging a support of
the trade union movement and a favorable atti-
tude toward the Spanish loyalists, (2) sponsoring
a dance to gain funds for a Mid-West ambulance
to send to Spain, (3) having an open forum
discussion on the 4uestion of a program for peace
with the views of isolation, neutrality and collec-
tive security represented with the view of collec-
tive security being adopted by a vote of 120 to 62,
(4) combining with other groups on campus to
sponsor a peace strike and have the Onderdonk
films, (5) forming a picket line ;after an in-
vestigation of the Ann Arbor Press strike, which
disclosed several gross infractions of the Wagners
Act, (6) sending delegates to the American Stu-
dent Union Convention at Vassar who urged the

boycott ,of Japanese goods, the continuation of
the allotments to the National Youth Adminis-
tration, etc. (7) sponsoring a forum on race prej-
udice, and (8) working with the Student Senate
and the Student Religious Organization for a stu-
dent book exchange. As I said this is a mere
sketch of the multifarious activities of the four
point platform of peace, security, civil liberty,
and academic freedom. The activity and the plat-
form are not offensively stringent to true lib-
As for the second objection, the antagonism of
university officials, Mr. Fafni's fears may be al-
layed by two facts. Apparently President Ruth-
ven's New York speech of which a paragraph ap-
pears beneath the Daily masthead, has been
adopted as a policy. This was revealed when the
true facts of the Ann Arbor Press strike were
ascertained by the Progressive Club, and it was
found that the Wagner Act had been palpably
flouted, the University threatened to withdraw its
printed matter unless the situation was settled.
The fact that the case has gone to Washing-
ton testifies to the correctness of the University's
action. Secondly, the fact that the University
Board in Control-of Student Activity has sanc-
tioned the Progressive Club's affiliation with the
American Student Union after the club had ful-
filled University requirements illustrates that we
have not antagonized the authorities.
Mr. Fafni's third objection is that the strong
inclinations of the Progressive Club have forced
would-be liberals to the right. I have shown that
the program of the club has been comparatively
mild. Those "liberals" who were scared by such
a program did so because they were not liberals
at all, and in doing so violated what liberals
pride themselves for most-being open minded
and looking for the true facts. The real fault is
the tendency of timid uninformed people to think
in terms of stereotypes which fact caused an un-

Iifeemr lo Me
Heywood Broun
Success is such a heady wine to Republicans
that the cup which cheers may also bring black
remorse upon the morrow. One of the most
interesting things which came to light in the re-
cent inferno in the Keystone State is the indica-
tion that Pennsylvania again has a lot of Re-
publicans-and reactionary ones at that.
For a time the species seemed to be extinct or,
at any rate, under cover. Every now and then
some woodsman would report
that he saw a pair coming
down to the waterhole just
" before dawn. But such re-
ports were often brushed
aside as visionary. But now
the bison of privilege have
replenished themselves and
the herd is on the rampage.
As far as surface figures go,
Pennsylvania is again rock-
ribbed and Republican.
Nor is there any comfort for the small progres-
sive group in the primary figures. The old bosses
of the machine are so confident just now that
they may go back and pick that Chinaman of
Mencken's. You may remember that the Balti-
more strong boy was certain such a candidate
would be elected in 1936. And perhaps he can in
1940. Provided, of course, that he is a conserva-
tive Chinaman.
* * * *
Success Goes To The Herd
On the other hand, there is the bare possibility
that success will go to the head of the Old Guard,
which has been on the rations of abstinence so.
long. The bosses of Pennsylvania and other lead-
ers of the ancient order may overplay their hand.
A swing from the theories of the New Deal may
not carry all the way back to the political habits
of a' Harding. The Republicans in their 1940
convention might pick a man who would'be too
tough even for those voters who may be in revolt
against the Roosevelt theories.
That is the bright side of the picture. The
gloomy side is that any split among the liberals
will make it comparatively easy for the reaction-
aries to walk in. Some have argued that it is
unfair to say that a third party would split the
forces of progressivism, since they are already
far from being united. That is in a measure
true, but there can be no question of the solidarity
of the conservative groups at the moment.
I have said before that Fiorello La Guardia is
by all odds the most able candidate of those who
have any claim at all to the Republican label. But
some time ago I expressed grave doubts as to any
dim possibility of his obtaining a Republican
nomination for the Presidency. If the Pennsyl-
vania results are any criterion he simply isn't
in the picture.
* * * *
A Prophet Begins To Hedge
Of late I have begun to weaken in my belief
that Franklin D. Roosevelt will be a candidate
to succeed himself. All the available evidence
seems to point to the fact that he does not want
to run again. Certainly he does not seem to be
striving for the nomination. And this, I think,
shortens the odds against Harry Hopkins in the
winter books. In my opinion, Mr. Hopkins would
make an excellent President. I am not so sure that
he would make a strong candidate.
But, at any rate, I hold strongly to the belief
that moves for a third party at this time do
threaten the success of present progressive lead-
ership and serve to encourage the gathering and
emboldening of reactionary forces.
Incidentally, Ernest L. Meyer, in taking me to
task for criticizing Phil La Follette, spoke of the
efficient manner in which the Governor had
succeeded in putting trough a reorganization
bill in the state of Wi consin. He contrasted
Phil's success and Roosevelt's failure.
If Mr. Meyer had familiarized himself with tl
vote in the House of Representatives he might be
aware of the fact that La Follette's progressives
joined hands with the forces of the right, the

followers of Gannett and the legislators all bound
up with telegraph wires. They voted against the
federal reorganization bill. That was Phil's con-
tribution to the maintenance of liberal leadership
in Washington.
just stigma of red to be affixed to the Progressive
There are no entrance requirements in the
Progressive Club. The club is now both a carh-
pus group and a segment of a greater liberal stu-
dent movement. If Mr. Fafni or any other ear-
nest liberal desired to enter the club and, fur-
ther, tried to shape its policy, numbers and
good argument are all that are needed. The
club Chas a broad program. All are cordially in-
---Harold Ossepow.
Complaining About Heywood
EDITOR'S NOTE': Because of an unfor-
tunate accident Heywood Broun's column
for Sunday was destroyed and could not be
replaced in time for publication.
To the Editor:
Missed my Sunday tonic, Broun today. This
can't go on! Must preserve student normalcy
with Broun. -A.C.
To the Editor:
Missed Broun's column in the Daily today.
Please don't let such errors happen again. I be-
lieve that this column is one of the outstanding
features of the Daily, and it is one of the reasons
for my subscription. Looking forward to the col-
,>mnfrn nn , n

Quid Pro Quo
Diplomacy .04
As shrewd diplomacy will be re-
quired to bring the Anglo-Italian
agreement into operation as was need-
ed to get it drafted. This is the
portent of events the last few days.
Whatever gratitude I Duce may feel
toward Britain and France for their
efforts on behalf of recognition for
his African empire, is obviously of
less importance than his determina-
tion to have his own way also in
Out of British anxiety to conclude
an agreement with Italy, Premier
Mussolini has been able to extract
British support for two ventures con-'
demned by world opinion, and not
condoned by the British government
itself. The Chamberlain policy has
been based on the assumption that
Anglo-Italian relations could develop
along lines of mutual trust. But it
also.has given serious attention to the
Italian statement that no pact whichc
did not become a part of a wide
agreement could endure. Hence thel
British pressure on France to reach1
terms with Italy, as the second step
in a program which eventually shouldc
arrive at four-power appeasement,c
with Germany's signature also on the
dotted line.
Perhaps it was not foreseen that Ilt
Duce could use this plan for his ownt
ends more readily than Britain could
use it to cement peace in Europe.a
Or perhaps what was not foreseen wasf
the tenacity of much French opinion t
which is attached to the cause of thet
Spanish Government because manyc
Frenchmen see that cause as de-a
mocracy's also. Hardly was it expect-t
ed that Il Duce would state the case
so bluntly as he did at Genoa whene
he implied that a French-Italian un-
derstanding could be purchased from
Italy only at the price of French resig-
nation to a fascistic gvernment right
on France's Pyrenean border.n
But it is the unforeseeable witht
which any long-range program ofi
peace by quid pro quo must be chieflyo
concerned. I Duce appears to have1
avoided giving any real guarantees
that he will do other than pursue hiso
own interests regardless of the dif-o
ficulties he may make for those who
are trying to work with him. Will he
be a more comfortable partner of
Britain in the Mediterranean wpen
-and if-an Insurgent victory in
Spain gives him new strategic ad-
vantages on this British Empire "life-
Christian Science Monitor.n
In referring to the battle for Su-
chow as "the Tannenberg of the FarF
East," the Japanese infer that theE
hoped-for capture of this strategicC
railway junction, since January the
military capital of the defenders ofC
East China, will be a decisive victory.
Current news indicates that it may
still be a long-delayed victory and
that the expectant conquerors have
again bogged down before Chinese
resistance, with their main forcesE
still many miles from the railway
center. From this distance it looks as1
if Japan has already paid an exorbi-
tant price for an advance that leaves3
her very little nearer the goal she
aimed at when her armies started
out jauntily last summer on a sortie
of conquest. Suchow is not worth
the four months' siege, the vast ex-
penditure of lives, money and ma-
terial it has already cost.
Above all, it is not worth the pres-
tige lost in the long-drawn-out battle.
Something has happened to Japan
during the fighting in South Shan-r

tung. It is in this area that the
Chinese first demonstrated a capacity
for resistance that has caused mili-
tary observers to reverse their earlier
judgment as to the outcome of the1
war. When the struggle for Suchowx
began, it was generally conceded that
Japan would win. Now, as the result
of the Chinese performance on this2
front, few doubt that ultimate vic-
tory will be China's. It will take many
successes to restore the reputation of
the "invincible army." It will take
more than Suchow to restore the su-
preme confidence of the Japanese
military machine in itself.
But the worst thing that has hap-
pened to Japan as the conflict has
lengthened beyond her calculations'
is that it has given time and oppor-
tunity to other interested Powers to
assess the strength of the combatants
and to weigh their own interests in
the results. If Japan had been able
to wage a quick war, if she could have
presented the world with a sudden fait
accompli, the nations with a stake in
the Far East would probably have
accepted it as they have swallowed
other bitter pills. Instead, they have
had nearly a year to reflect and look
ahead, with results that are plainly
visible in the diplomatic moves in
Europe. The British policy of appease-
ment aims primarily to bring about
a breathing spell on the European
continent that will free England to
look after her imperial interests.
These interests center in the Orient,
and they are directly affected by the
threat of Japanese hegemony in Asia.
It may turn out that Japan has' won
a battle to lose a war.
___ t o nerV_ T m

Faculty, College of Engineering:
There will be a meeting of the Facultyt
of this College on Thursday, May 26,
at 4:15 P.M., in Room 348 West En-
gineering Biulding. The program in-
cludes: election of University Coun-f
cil member; nomination of panel for
ExecutivenCommittee; discussion ofk
grades and scholarship, and regularE
Smoking in University Buildings:
Attention is called to the general rule
that smoking is prohibited in Uni-
versity buildings except in private of-
fices and assigned smoking rooms4
where precautions can be taken and
control exercised. This is neither ae
mere arbitrary regulation nor an at-c
tempt to meddle with anyone's per-I
sonal habits. It is established andI
enforced solely with the purpose of
preventing fires. In the last five years,
15 of the total of 50 fires reported, or
30 per cent, were caused by cigarettest
or lighted matches. To be effective,v
the rule must necessarily apply to
bringing lighted tobacco into or
through University buildings and to
the lighting of cigars, cigarettes, andp
pipes within buildings-including
such lighting just previous to going
outdoors. Within the last few years
a serious fire was started at the exit
from the Pharmacology building by
the throwing of a still lighted match
into refuse waiting removal at thec
doorway. If the rule is to be enforcedp
at all its enforcement must begin att
the building entrance. Further, it s
is impossible that the rule should ber
enforced with one class of persons ifc
another class of persons disregards it.
It is a disagreeable and thankless
task to "enforce" almost any rule.
This rule against the Use of tobacco
within buildings is perhaps the mostS
thankless and difficult of all, unlesst
it has the winning support of every-h
one concerned. An appeal is made to
a11 persons using the University build- 1
ings-staff members, students andA
others-to contribute individual co-
operation to this effort to protect9
University buildings against fires. 7
This statement is inserted at the
request of the Conference of Deans.
Shirley W. Smith.
Freshmen in the College of Lita-7
ture, Science and the Arts: Fresh-
men are invited to discuss their aca-s
demic programs for next year with i
their counselors before June 1.
To The Members of the Guard of
Honor: A meeting for the purpose of
instruction and drill of the Guard ofn
Honor for the Commencement Day
Exercises will be held at WatermanI
Gymnasium Thursday, May 26, at 4
p.m., under the direction of Dr. .
George A. May.
L. M. Gram,t
Chief Marshal.
The Bureau has received notice of
the following Cleveland Civil Service
Play Director, Male and Female; I
19 years minimum age.
Play Leader, Male and Female; 18
years minimum age. '
Applications must be on file by t
Wednesday, June 15. For further
information call at the Bureau of
Bureau of Appointments and
Occupational Information
201 Mason Hall
Office Hours: 9-12 and 2-4
Summer Work: Dietitian-housea
manager needed for camp runningt
from June 20 through September 1.
Duties: planning for 60 people, buy-
ing day to day supplies, supervisings
of dining room, kitchen, garden ands
laundry. Salary: $5.00 a month and
maintenance (board and room while
at camp, transportation between Chi-
cago and camp.)
For further information call at 201t
Mason Hall.
Bureau of Appointments and
Occupational Information
201 Mason Hall

Office Hours 9-12 and 2-4
Rochdale CooperativeHouse: Appli-
cations for admission to the Rochdale
Cooperative House for the coming
year, 1938-39, are now being accepted.
A new prerequisite to consideration,
which requires each applicant to
write a 100-200 word essay on the
Cooperative Movement, is now in ef-
fect. Application blanks are avail-
able in Dean Olmstead's Office, Room
2, University Hall, and at the Roch-
dale House, 640 Oxford Road. All ap-
plications must be in by Wednesday,
May g5.
Life Saving: Students who were
members of the life saving class dur-
ing the winter season may obtain
their emblems at Office 15, Barbour
Michigan Wolverine Student Co-
operative, ;inc.: The date for payment
of members' notes has been set ahead
to May 28, 1938, and members may
obtain payment on that date or dur-
ing the following two weeks.
Since a deposit of $3 will hold a
membership for next year, and since

TUESDAY, MAY 24, 1938
VOL. XLVIH. No. 168

finding the membership closed wen
they have returned to school, note
holders who will return in Septem-
ber aredurged to apply their notes
to this deposit.
The Wolverine will close on June
10, then open again June 24 and close
on Aug. 19. Present memberships are
applicable for use during the sum-
mer period, and special summer mem-
berships are available at $1 for any-
one attending the University.
Memberships for the school year
1938-1939 are now available.
Academic Notices
Engish Concentration Examination.
A qualifying examination for students
who plan to elect English as their field
of concentration will be given Tues-
day evening, May 24, in Room 2225
Angell Hall. Foreign language, 7-8;
English 8-10.
Metal Processing 4. Will those stu-
dents in Mr. Colwell's section bring
their textbooks for the Bluebook,
which is to be given Tuesday morn-
ing, May 24.
Candidates for Master's Degree in
Psychology: The comprehensive ex-
amination will be given Saturday,
May 28, 2-5, in 3126 Natural Science.
Exhibition, College of Architecture:
Student work from member shools
of the Association of Collegiate
Schools Hof Architecture is' being
shown in the third floor exhibition
room. Open daily, 9 to 5, except
Sunday, until May 31. The public
is cordially invited.
Exhibition, College of Architecture.
Drawings, photographs and maps of
Soviet architecture and city construc-
tion, also illustrations showing the
historical development of Soviet ar-
chitecture from 1918 to the present,
loaned through the courtesy of the
American Russian Institute. Third
loor exhibition room. Open daily,
9 to 5, except Sunday, until May 24.
The public is cordially invited.
Events Today
Botanical Journal Club, today at
:30 p.m. Room N.S. 1139.
Reports by Dorothy Novy. The
species concept in Corticium, coron-
ll e. Rosemary Biggs. Mye. 29:686.
1937. .
Ralph Bennett. Papers concerning
fungous growth substances.
Josephine .Burkette. Some Hypho-
mycetes that prey on free-living ter-
ricolous nematodes. Chas. Drechsler.
Myc. ,29:447. 1937.
Behavior of Myxomycete-plasmo-
D.B.O. Savile. Recent researches in
the life history of Allomyces.
Chairmen: Professor L. E. Weh-
meyer. Professor F. K. Sparrow.
Michigan Dames: General meeting,
Tuesday, 8:15 p.m. in the Grand tRap-
ids Room of the League.
Assembly Executive Council meet-
ing in the council room in the League;
today at 4 p.m.
Attention International .Coiicil:
The International Council meeting
will be h1eld today at 5 o'clock in
Room 9, University Hall.
Christian Science Organization:
8:15 p.m. League Chapel Students
alumni and faculty are invited to at-
tend the services.
For All Engineers: The AI.E.E. is
sponsoring a Job Conference Tuesday
at 7:30 p.m., to be held in Room 348
West Engineering Bldg. Prof. A. D.
Moore will discuss the present em-
ployment situation and the young
engineer's job. The ivitation is vx-
tended to any and all who might be

Archery Club will meet at the
Women's Athletic Bldg. today at 4:30.
There will be an indoor novelty shoot
in case of rain.
1938 Dramatic Season opening to-
night at 8:30. Tonio Selwart in
"Liliom." A few tickets still avail-
able at the box office, 'Mendelssohn
Theatre, phone 6300. Matinee to-
morrow and Saturday at 3:15.
Seminar in Physical Chemistry will
meet in Room. 122 Chemistry Build-
ing on Wednesday, May 25 at 4:15
p.m. Mr. Wm. H. Sullivan will speak
on "Chain Reactions in the Oxida-
tion of Hydrocarbons."
Psychological Journal Club will
meet Thursday, May 26, at 7:30 p.m.
in Room 3126 N.S. Prof. John F.
Shepard will discuss his recent ex-
perimental work in comparative psy-
chology. All those interested are
cordially invited to attend.
Inter-7Guild Worship Service will be
held at the League Chapel Wednesday
morning at 7:30.

.1utflcation in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President
until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.

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