Lead Michigan In Big Ten
4 ,__..
I i
In Retrospect ...
POTSHOTS on a superb track ma
chine which started to roll las
Friday afternoon and never did stop
Need we say more about Bill Wat
son? In case you've forgotten, here'
all l'il William did. (1) Put the sho
52 feet 11/ inches for a new Con
ference record; (2) Tossed the discu
154 feet 84 inches, less than a foo
short of Arlie Mucks' 155 feet
inches set way back in 1916 (3
Broad jumped 24 feet 11 minches
not too far behind Jesse Owens' 2
feet 8% inches-a reputedly unap
proachable mark-set in 1935. (4
High jumped 6 feet 5, two inches bet
ter than he ever before leaped t
gainer a third behind record breake
Dave Albritton and Michigan's an
gular Wes Allen. That's 18 points
ldies and gentlemen, a donferenc
record, three titles retained, ande
totally unexpected effort in one o
Bill's sideline events. It seems to u
that any eulogizing would be super
POLOGIES: To Ross Faulkner
and Tommuie Jester. We inad-
vertently placed you in that un-
savory category of "never will
taste the gravy" entries. There
was a little matter about class
opposition, past records, and
similar "dope" which seemed to
preclude any possibility of your
placing. But one often forgets
about that intangible something
in every line of athletic endeavor
known as spirit. One, overlooks
that equally intangible something
labelled determination - an in-
centive nurtured by month after
month of arduous practice and
training. It paid dividends this
Ross' event was firt. He had caused
a minor upset Friday when he quali-
fied behind George Halcrow, Chi-
cago's defending champion, in a slow
48:7 second quarter. As they stood a
their posts ready for the gun, we hap-
pened to glace at Ross. He was stand-
ing perfectly erect, looking down the
track with a funny expression on
his face. That look should have given
us a tip-it was one of supreme reso-
lution-but before we had a chance
to think about it they were off. There
was the usual .jam at the first turn
and we waited for one of the favorites
to pop out of the mod and take the
lead. There was Carl Teufel, the in-
door champ, Halcrow, last year's win-
ner, Harley Howells, the great Ohio
State entry, Malcolm Hicks, a dark-
horse from Indiana, and Sam Miller
of Indiana, all figured to wind up in
the :money. Al of a -sudden it hap-
pened. Out of that mob came Fauk-
ner, striding beautifully and drawing
one, two, three yards ahead. He
held It-all the way to the end of the
backstretch-and then Howells came
roaring up. He passed Ross at the
edge of the turn, and we waited for
the rest of the field to follow suit. It
never happened. That same even
stride kept him in second around the
turn, that same effortless motion
kept him up there in the stretch, and
he blazed home for a second in the
biggest upset of the day.
It couldn't happen twice was
the thought when the half mile
- came up. Michigan's entry was
Tommie Jester, a game little
sophomore, but- he was pitted
against such notables as Chuck
Fenske of Wisconsin, Mel Trutt
and Miller of Indiana, A.C. Bo-
deau of Purdue and Johnny Web-
ster of Chicago. Of course Fenske
took it-he is the greatest col-
legiate distance man in the coun-
try today. Bodeau was second,
and then came Tommie-sprint-
ing around that last turn and
adding three more points to the
already extravagant total.
It's a pleasure to backtrack fel-
could make matters short
by extending our felicitations to
the entire crew. Special com-
mendation goes t o R a I p h
Schwartzkopf, the slight two mil-
er. Never before below 9:18 in
this event, Ralph strung along
with favorites Walter Mehl of
Wisconsin and Tommie Deckard
of Indana to push the husky
Badger to a new Big Ten record
of 9:10.4. Ralph's time of 9:11
was not only his best but over
eight seconds faster than Don
Lash's Western Conference mark
of 9:19.8 set in 1936.
We could add here Jimmie Kings-
ley and his great vault of 13 feet 8
inches to gain him a tie for first in
the pole vault, and Wes Allen's 6 feet
6 inches in the high jump--a new
Michigan record, and Elmer Gedeon's
great race in the high hurdles, and
Oh. hell fellows-it'd take a book.
Varsity Holds
Third Position
At Minneapolis
t Evans Of Northwestern
Leads With 153 Score;
,s Barclay Posts 157
When the final card was turned in
- yesterday at the Big Ten Golf cham-
s pionships at Minneapolis, the Univer-
t sity of Michigan squad was in third
2 place, four strokes behind the leaders
and defending champions, Northwes-
tern, and one shot behind Minnesota.
Charles Evans, Ohio State sopho-
more turned in the low card of the
- day, 74-79 for a 153 total. Trailing
) Evans was Sid Richardson, a mem-
ber of the Wildcat team and defend-
o ing individual champion, who put to-
r ;ether rounds of 80 and 74-154.
Bill Barclay, number one man on
,he Wolverine outfit was in fourth
e place four shots higher than Evans.
a Bill proved to be the master of the
f first nine on the wooded course hav-
s ing a 38 over it in the morning and a
- 36 in the afternoon round. But as
good as he was going out, he reversed
his tendency on' the back nine holes
taking a glaring 44 the first time and
39 the second time he toured the lay-
out. ,
Palmer In Fifth Place
'Bob Palmer was second low man
among, the Wolverines, carding 80-
78-158. This placed him in a tie with
Minnesota's Billy Cooper for the fifth
Lynn Riess chopped four strokes oi
his morning's round of 82, the second
time out giving him a total of 160
for the first day's play. Capt. Al
Karpinski and Tom Tussing found
the going extremely tough, both need-
ing 164 for the days play. Karpinski
had 78 in the morning but faltered
badly in the afternoon taking 43 on
each nine. Tussing, on the other
hand reversed the procedure with a
3 85 in his first round and improving
six shots in his second 18 holes.
The competitors were hampered to
no end by the heavy jackets and
t sweaters that they were forced to
wear due to the cold stinging wind
that blew over the Gopher University
course. The par 71 layout placed a
premium on accuracy because of its
many wooded holes.
Members of the leading Northwes-
tern outfit besides Richardson are,
Chester Bland, 159; Bill O'Neall, 159;
Harry Lazier, 163 and Frank Perpick,
The Gopher squad consists of Neil
Croonquist, 156; Ernotte Hiller, 161;
Billy Cooper, 158; Mel Larson, 164
and Merle Getten, 163.
Four Teams Are Strong
Four teams are considered well in
the running for the team title. Be-
sides those named, Ohio State has a
total of 643 which is but eight shots
behind the leaders. Other team scores
are Illinois, 642; Wisconsin, 656; Iowa,
665; Purdue, 681; Indiana, 683 and
Chicago 691.
The meet will be concluded today
Fwith each player going another 36
t holes The team totals inthis story
and in the final tabulation'are based
on the four lowest scores taken from
five man tems. If weather condi-
tions improve, much lower scores are
expected today as the golfers become
better acquainted with the course.
Field In I-M High
Point Comnpetition
Narrows To Four
With but two weeks of competition
remaining, four fraternity men, Tom
Harmon of Phi Delta Theta, Paul
Keller and Charles Evans 'of Psi Upsi-
lon and Neil McKay of Chi Psi, have
piled up impressive leads and defi-
nitely appear to be the men to beat in
the fight for the Daily Cup given to
the individual high point scorer in'
. I-M competition.
Keller, although only a sophomore
now, won the award last year when
he amassed a total of 889 points.
The trophy was originated by the
sports department of the Daily last
year when they felt that some recog-
nition should be given to the most
outstanding non-Varsity athlete on
the Michigan campus.
Ross Ready To Defend
Tilie Against Armstrong
23.-(Al)-Barney Ross, fit and ready
for his welterweight title defense
against Henry Armstrong next Thurs-
day night, broke camp today and
headed for a final tuneup in Still-
man's gymnasium, New York.
Figuring he was getting too fine an
edge, Barney decided upon a non-box-
ing drill in his farewell appearance
here. He went through seven rounds
of rope skipping and calisthenics,
weighed out at a fraction over 141
and then motored to New York. Since
lip rmp har Anril '1- he hniare a
Coach Hoyt's...
To Start Final
Big Ten Drive
Starts Thursday Seeking
Wins Over Minnesota
And Wisconsin Nines
Mired deep down in the second di-
vision, but half a game removed from
the Big Ten cellar, Michigan's base-
ball team leaves on its last road trip
of the season tomorrow. Three Con-
ference games are on tap, one with
Wisconsin on Thursday, and a series
with the Gophers from Minnesota
scheduled for Friday and Saturday.
A clean sweep of the three games
The baseball game between
Michigan and Toledo scheduled for
last night at Toledo was cancelled
because of wet grounds. The game
may be played at a later date but
no definite time has been set.
would enable the Wolverines to end
the season with an even .500 record.
Considering the showing made in the
last two weeks, a three game win
streak is definitely within the range
of possibility.
Michigan looked like anything but
a last place outfit in their split with
Notre Dame last week-end. The Irish
came to Ann Arbor last Friday with
an imposing record having waded
through all their Big Ten opposition
from the second place Purdue team
on down the list.
But the Irish ran into a different
story when they encountered Mich-
igan and Herman Fishman Friday.
Fishman really had it Friday. He
allowed nine hits but he scattered
them so that the Irish didn't even
threaten. And for the first time, the
Michigan offense and defense clicked
with flawless precision. While Danny
Smick and Leo Beebe led an attack
on two Notre Dame pitchers, the Wol-
verines played errorless ball, the in-
field coming through with several
plays, the like of which had Xhot been
seen on Ferry Field in some time.
Saturday at South Bend, the Wol-
verines lost a 3-2 10 inning battle
to they Irish. They got excellent
pitching from Burt Smith, their hit-
ting attack clicked, but lapses on the
base paths caused their defeat.
Outlook Appears Much Brighter
For Next Year's Tennis Team
With the ringing down of the Big
Ten tennis curtain at the Conference
I tourney last week-end in Chicago and,
in spite of Michigan's finishing a woe-
ful eighth with a total aggregate of
two points, a few high spots bright-
ened an otherwise disastrous con-
The squad's season dual meet record
was neither here nor there with its 10
wins slightly overbalancing their 8
losses. But a cursory glance does not
satisfy the question.
It all began back on April 8 when
a Michigan tennis team took their
first spring trip in the school's his-
tory.. As a result, when the squad
came back from the southern swing, it
was in fine physical shape and then
proved it by winning eight straight.
Injuries Hurt Team
Then the breaks began. Capt. Neil
L"vensoncame down, figuratively and
literally, with an infected toe. Each
man was forced to move up a notch,
play against men who were a step
ahead of them. Victories were scarce.
Matches that might have been won,
had , Levenson been playing, went
diown in the right hand side of the
won and lost column.
Then came the Big Ten tourney 1
last week-end and with it, the crown-
ing blow. Coach Leroy Weir led his
squad to the Windy City gunning for
and expecting a third place. But here
the luck of the draw put the finishing
touches on Wolverine hopes. Chicago,
overwhelming favorite to retain the
crown, was the Wolverine opponent in
4 first and one second round matches;
The fact that the Maroons went on
to win not only the team title but
every individual crown tells the tale
of Michigan casualties here.rHank
Cohen, playing in the number five
spot and the third doubles combina-
tion of Tom Slattery and Steve Wool-
sey both reached the semi-finals to
swell the Michigan total to two points.
1h. .dI
The thought of next year's pros-f
pects, however, brings a smile to
Coach Weir's heretofore furrowed
brow. Only Captain Levenson and
Hank Cohen will be gone from this
year's team. And a prize crop of
freshmen, of whom Sam Durst, How-
ard Bacon and Jim Tobin are the
most promising, will be up to aug-
ment the team's prospects.
Maroons Sure To Repeat
Next year, however, liKe the one
just past, will see the Wolverines
fighting for third place. Chicago loses
only Johnny Shostrum, their number
one man and will probably never
know he is gone. This year's runner-
up, Northwestern, loses only their
number five man. This takes care of,
positions one and two.
The real fight will again be for
third place and here -Wolverine hopes
will be brighter. Minnesota, Wiscon-
sin, Iowa and Illinois all lose heavily
while, of the teams that beat Michi-
gan last week-end, only Ohio State
will be stronger.
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