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May 20, 1938 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1938-05-20

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Hayseed Hop, Strawberry

Social, To


Tonight At

New Parkway
WillB Scene
Of Class Social
Six Numbers To Be Part
Of Freshmen Program;
List Committee Guests
"The Hayseed Hop" and "Straw-
berry Social," will be given by the
freshman women from 8 p.m. to 1
a.m. today at the League.
The "Strawberry Social" will be
held on the new League parkway
and will begin at 8 p.m. Sundaes will
be served by girls in peasant costumes
and will be priced at 10 cents and 15
cents. An accordion player will fur-
nish the entertainment as he wanders
among the crowd. In case of rain
the social will be held in the dining
room of the League.
"The Hayseed Hop," will begin at
9 p.m. in the League Ballroom and
Charlie Zwick's twelve-piece band
will furnish the music. The ballroom
will be decorated in rustic style with
picket fences, haystacks, and horse
stalls. Costumes are not necessary as
the dance is informal and sweaters
and skirts or silk dresses will be
appropriate, announced Helen Bar-]
nett, general chairman.
To Feature Square Dance-
The floor show will begin at 10
p.m. and will have six numbers in
all. A square dance will come first,
followed by the "Milk Maid Dance."
After that there will be "Country Bal-
lad" numbers. "A Country Girl in a
Gingham Dress" will be the next
number and will be sung by Annabel
Van Winkle and Helen Ryde. Follow-
ing the duet there will be a "Ten
Pretty Girls" dance by the choru .
The floor show will end with a square
dance that will include the audience.
To Present Melodrama '
"Little Blossom," an old fashioned
melodrama, will be given at 9:30 p.m.
after the floor' show in the Grand
Rapids Room as part of the project.
The skit was written by Russell Mc-
Cracken and John Silverman, both
former University students. The play
will run for not more than twenty
minutes, it was announced by Sally
Pierce, the director
The cast was announced yesterday
by Miss Pierce. Little Blossom is Bettye
Spooner; Wolf is Frederic James;
Gold Nugget Jim, Little Blossom's
long lost husband, is played by Casey
Carter; Little Blossom's mother is
Miriam Braus; Tebbie, Little Blos-
som's poor, unfortunate, consumptive
brother, is played by Joseph Graham,
and Gold Dust, Little Blossom's baby
will be a doll.
Student Manages Company,
Bernard Benoway, '39E, is manag-

Will Play Tonight

Jimmy Raschel and his orchestra
will play for the Delta Upsilon-
1Delta Tau Delta spring formal at
the Washtenaw Country Club to-
night. Featured with the organiza-
tion will be "Lazy Bones" Bacon,
vocalist and star of the speciality
Election Of Officers
Is Held By Wyvern,
Alberta Wood, '40, was elected pres-
ident of Wyvern, junior women's hon-
ovary society, at a meeting yesterday
in the Undergraduate Office of the
Other new officers are Anne Haw-
ley, '40, secretary and Suzanne Pot-
ter, '40, treasurer. The election was
held following the initiation of 10
women who were tapped by the so-
ciety Monday. A tea, honoring the,
new initiates, was given after the1
business meeting.
ing the company and Richard Mc-"
Kelvey, Grad., and Nan Dieble are
supplying the sound effects. ThoseI
who attend the "Hoyseed Hop" or
the "Strawberry Social" will be ad-'
mitted to the skit.
The central committee and their
guests are as follows: Helen Barnett,
general chairman, and Arnold White,
'40, Marjorie Forrestel, assistant
chairman, and Jim Loar, '38E; Janet
Homer, program chairman, and Clark
McGaughey, '40L; Emily Sanderson,
chairman of publicity, and Bill Briggs,
'41, Margaret Whittemore, costumes
chairman, and Phil Clark, '40; Jeanne
Kaufman, music chairman, and Bob
Bogle, '41; and Jane Krause, chair-
man of finance and Bob Hall, '41E.

Raschels Band
Two Fraternity Formals
Will Be HeldTogether
Jimmy Raschel and his orchestra
will play for the Delta Upsilon-Delta
Tau Delta spring formal at the Wash-
tenaw Country Club from 9 p.m. to 11
a.m. today. Raschel and his band
have appeared at several campus
dances during the past three years,
the last of which was Mortar Board's.
"Payoff" dance.
Benjamin Jones, '40 and Arthur E.
Warner, '39E are the general chair-
men in charge of the affair. Patrons
and patronesses will be Mr. and Mrs.
Richard R. Myers, Mr. and Mrs. Les-
ter V. Colwell, Mr. and Mrs. William
W. Gilbert, all of Ann Arbor, Mr.
and 'Mrs. Kyle Worley, Mr. and Mrs.
Robert W. Sinclair and Mr. and Mrs.'
Franklin Hepburn. all of Detroit.
Dormitories Hold
Dinners To Honor
Mosher and Jordan Halls held their
annual honors dinners recently and
elected officers for the coming year.
Mary Frances Browne, '39, was
elected president of Mosher, and Bet-
tie Howard, '39, will be the new presi-
dent for Jordan Hall.
Scholarships were awarded by Dean
Alice C. Lloyd at Mosher to Grace
Williams, '39, Rosemarie Raymond,
'40, Eva Etkin, '41, and Edith Howell,
'41. Dean Jeanette Perry presented
Johanna Meijer, '39, Mary Shepherd,
'41, and Dorothy Shepherd, '39, with
scholarships 'at Jordan.
Scholarship cups, awarded to the
women who have lived in the dormi-
tory for four years, and who have
maintained above a 2.5 average, were
presented to Margaret Webber, '38Ed,
of Jordan, and to Elinor Bale, '38, of
Margaret Myers, '38, Miss Bale,
Berta Knudson, '38, Nancy Kover, '38,
and Ruth Carr, '38, received silver
pins at Mosher in recognition of mem-
bership in honor societies.
Alpha Phi sorority announces their
recent election of officers. The new
president is Betty Lyon, '40; vice-
president, Betty Meier, '40; secretary,
Jane Brede, '39; corresponding secre-
tary, Jeanne Kaufmann, '41; treasur-
er, Sally Orr, '40Ed; house manager,
Margaret Carrigan, '39.

--.and. -
engagements f
Shirley Verner, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. P. P. Verner of Detroit, is
to be married to Malcolm Denise, son
of Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Denise, of
Lansing, at 4:30 p.m. tomorrow in the
North Woodward Congregational
Church in Ann Arbor.'
Miss Verner, '35, is a member of
Alpha Chi Omega. Mr. Denise, who
graduated from the University Law
School last year, is a member of Al-
pha Kappa Lambda.
Lois Verner, '40, a member of
Alpha Chi Omega, will be a maid-of-
honor. Richard Brandt, a graduate
of the University, will be best man.
The reception will be held at the
bride's home after the ceremony.
Mrs. E. E. Dawes of Ann Arbor an-
nounced the engagement of her
daughter, Dorothy Dawes, to Stewart
Armitage, son of Mr. and Mrs. G. W.
Armitage of Oxford, N.Y., at a lun-
cheon Saturday, May 14, in the Michi-
gan League.
Miss Dawes is now on the faculty
of the University. Mr. Armitage, at-
tended Union College at Schenectady,
N.Y. He joined Chi Psi fraternity
Alpha Lambda Delta, women's
freshman honorary society will hold
initiations tomorrow afternoon at
Dean Lloyd's home. Old members
have been asked to come at 4,30 p.m.{
while the neophytes are expected at
5 p.m.

Tonight sees the height of the
spring formal dance season with four-
teen formal ndances scheduled and
only three informals and one semi-
Alpha Chi Omega is giving a dinner
dance at Barton Hills Country Club
which wil lbe chaperoned by Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Wilson, Dr. J. Steere, and
Mrs. W. E. Goodale. Join McDon-
ald's orchestra will provide the music.
Dr. and Mrs. Clarence A. Siebert
and Dr. and Mrs. Roy A. Patelski will
Chaperon Alpha Chi Omega's semi-
formal. Al Strosen's orchestra will
Bill Sawyer's orchestra will pro-
vide the music for Alpha Kappa
Lambda's dinner dance. Dr. and Mrs.
C. W. Reinhart, Dr. and Mrs. E. W.
Blakeman, and Mr. and Mrs. E. T.
Burroughs will act as chaperons.
To Hold Formal Dance
Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Armstrong and
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Spooner will
chaperon Beta ThetaPi's formal. The
music will be furnished by Larry.
Morse and his orchestra.
Couzens Hall's closed spring formal
will be chaperoned by Miss Marian
Durell, Miss Neta Lemke, Miss Olive
Torrance, Miss Marie Wanzeck, Dr.
and Mrs. Edward Kline, and Dr. and
Mrs. Myer Tierlebaum. Jimmy Fis-
cher's orchelstra will play.
An informal radio dance is being
given by Kappa Delta, chaperoned
by Mi. and Mrs. Paul Gieger and Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Heller.
Mr. and Mrs. John Miller from De-
troit and Mr. and Mrs. Tage Jacob-
son will chaperon Kappa Sigma's

spring formal. Ira Johnson's orches- ner dance will be chaperoned by Mr.
tra will play. and Mrs. Walter Gibson and Mr.
Lambda Chi Alpha will hold their David Reed. Russ Lyon's orchestra
formal dance t the Huron Hills
Country Club. The chaperons will will play.
be Mr. and Mrs. Russell Pryce and Bill McKay'sorchestra will provide
Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Ormondroyd. the music for Theta Xi's formal. Mr.
To Go Nautical and Mrs. James Freeman, Mrs. Bea-
Martha Cook will go nautical at
their formal dinner dance which will tric Jensen and Mrs. H. W. Green-
be chaperoned by Miss Sarah Rowe, way will act as chaperons.
Miss Mary Gleason, and Mrs. James Trigon will hold its formal under
Bruce. George Petroleus' orchestra the chaperonage of Mr. and Mrs.
will play. Price Innes and Mr. and Mrs. De-
Dr. and Mrs. Jerome Conn of Pe- forest Eveland. George Clements and
troit and Mr. and Mrs. Shirell Kosle his orchestra from Detroit will play.
of Toledo will chaperon Phi Epsilon To Hold Closed Dance
Pi's formal. A closed radio dance will be given
Red Goodman's orchestra from by Tau Kappa Epsilon, Mr. and Mrs.
Ypsilanti will provide the music for G. K. Fullerland Prof. and Mrs. Rus-
Phi Sigma Delta's formal. Dr. J. sell A. Dodge will be chaperons.
Jerome Hauser, Dr. Bernard Heller, Zeta Tau Alpha has planned for
and Mr. and Mrs. Sonnel Bothman -Harvey Judson's orchestra to play
will be chaperons. for their formal. Professor and Mrs.
Prof. and Mrs. Walter E. Lay and H. H. Willard, Mr. and Mrs. H. C.
Mr. and Mrs. Alan D. Meacham will Carey, Mrs. Belle Knight, and Mrs.
chaperone Phi Sigma Kappa's for- Lettie Davies will act as chaperons.
mal dance.
For Pi Lambda Phi's informal radio ALPHA DELTA PI
dance Dr. Phillip Jay, Dr. Edward Due to the carelessness of the In-
Bigg and Mrs. B. Lobb will act as terfraternity Council, Alpha Delta Pi,
chaperons. with 100 per cent attendance at the
Russ Lyon To Play Fraternity Sing last night was not
Sigma Alpha Epsilon's formal din- announced as an attendance winner.

Fourteen Formals, Three Informals,
One Semi-Formal To Be Held Tonight


Greet that
Summer Sun
in Felt
or Smooth Straws.

$.95 up)


Dorthea Hale
Offers Three Suggestions
to keedpyou
cool and'
this summer
1 .
A perfectly darling little peasant frock of wine or navy
sprigged dimity. It has a basque waist with a square
neckline, puffed sleeves edged in white Irish lace, and a
graceful flared skirt . . 7.95
2 ".!.
A clever printed crepe bolero frock, in black or navy,
with a charming floral design in contrasting colors.
Both dress and bolero are short sleeved, with demure
high neckline, and grand for your white accessories . 10.95
Brown and white or navy and white cross-barred dimity
tailored frock under a pert little spun rayon and flax
bolero in either brown or navy . . . 10.95

The Budget Shop is bursting with
Lively New Play Togs

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II .

just for fun!

PLAY SUITS, two- and
gala prints! Washable
tungs, ginghams, linens,

three-piece, in
rayons, shan-
pique. 12-20.

F /

1.95 to 5.95
SLACKS of cool sharkskin and cotton
gabardine. Dark and light colors. 12
to 20. 1.95 and 2.95
SLACK SETS with shirts, in hopsacking,
"Tru-Kool" fabric and spun rayon. 12
to 20. 3.95 to 6.95
SHORTS of cotton gabardine and shark-
skin. White, dark and pastel shades.
121-20. 1.95
SHIRTS in gay novelty rayons and cqt-
tons, all washable, many colors. 12-40.
1.95 and 2.95
BATHING SUITS - cotton dressmakers,
krinkle cotton and krinkle satin lastex,
plain satin jersey and all wool. 32 - 42.
2.95 to 6.95

In this shirt waist style sports dress of new novelty
spun rayon check. Tailored shirt, collar, flap pockets
and bodice details - action back - four novelty
pleats in skirt. Tiny pearl buttons close bodice.
Novelty belt of straw in two-color combination.
Comes in red with red and white belt, green with
green and white belt, and skipper blue with navy
and white belt. Sizes 12 to 20, at


II ! 1

Ann foster Dresses
6xclusive at.

DRESSES in action back
ery gay summer cotton !

styles and ey-

1.95 to 12.95


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