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May 20, 1938 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1938-05-20

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7- i


Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
.Published every morning (xcept Monday during the
University year and Summer Session y
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
rights.of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mail matter.
/Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier,
$4.00; by mail, $4.50.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1937-38
NatinalAdvertisingService inc.
Coee Publshrs Rep esentative
Board of Editors
Managing Editor . . . . Robert D. Mitchell
Editorial Director..........Albert P. Mayio
City Editor. . . . . Horace W. Gilmore
Assocate Editor, . 'Robert I. Fitzhenry
Associate Editor . . . . ..Su1 R. Kleiman
Associate Editor . ...Robert Perlman
Associate Editor....... William Elvin
Associate Editor . . . . Joseph Freedman
Associate Editor..... .Earl Gilman
Book Editor . . . Joseph Gies
Women's Editor.. .... Dorothea Staebler
Sports Editor . . . . Bud Benjamin
Business Department'
Business Manager . . . . Philip W. Buchen
Credit Manager . . . Leonard P. Siegelman
Advertising Manager . . William L. Newnan
Women's Business Manager . . Helen Jean Dean
* Women's Service Manager . Marian. A. Baxter
The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of the Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
It is important for society to avoid the
neglect of adults, but positively dangerous
for it to thwart the ambition of youth to
reform the world. Only the schools which
act on this belief are educational institu-
tions in the best meaning of the term.
-Alexander G. Ruthven.
The New
B ENITO MUSSOLINI'S definition of
fascism as a concept of the state in
which collectivism replaces individualism, war is
exalted and democracy rejected was reaffirmed
Wednesday in a new Fascist Party Constitution
published in the official gazette at Rome over the
signature of Il Duce and King Vittorio Emanuele.
"Above all, fascism, as regards the future in
general and the development of humanity and
apart from every consideration of practical pol-
tics, does not believe in the possibility nor utility
of perpetual peace," Mussolini's declaration said.
"Only war brings all human energies to the
imaximum tension and places the seal of nobility
onithe peoples who have the virtue to face it."
That the methods of the Italian state are fully
consonant with this concept has been made ob-
vious too often. When Mussolini extends to the
world "an olive branch bristling with bayonets,"
when he boasts that he can place 9,000,000 men
in the field, fully armed, when he booms that the
totalitarian states present a united international
front in the event of world crisis, he does so with
the confidence gained in diplomatic triumphs of
the past. Italy invaded Ethiopia; Mussolini en-
couraged the army revolt that precipitated the
current war in Spain; hordes of Italian "volun-
teers" and their generals bulwark the Rebel
forces; and Italian submarine successfully preyed
as "pirates" on Mediterranean trade.
Here, then, is the new Caesarism predicted by
Oswald Spengler in his "Decline of the West."
This glorification of war as a purifying flame
from which everything burns forth clean and
virile, this belief in the inevitability of armed con-
flict, this repudiation of humanism and of hu-
manitarianism is more than mere theory now.

The concept of "might is right" has returned
from the mud in which it was trammeled by the
advance of civilization from Barbarism.
Saul Kleiman.
Memo: T The
Fraternities. .
THE DAILY has learned on good au-
thority that one fraternity house at
least has decided to abolish the exchange system
of hiring its kitchen helpers.
Under this plan, if a member of fraternity A
needs or is willing to work, and if a member-
of fraternity B needs or is willing to work, the
two are exchanged, fraternity member A working
at fraternity B and vice-versa.
Some non-exchange workers have commented
that the practice has led to exchange workers'
taking advantage of a superior position to shirk
their work, to arrive late and to slow the work
of others. It has also been said that the set-up

preference being given him because he is a fra-
ternity member. But once he is working, he is
subject to being fired, exactly as are the others,
and no positions would be made open for him
during the semester.
The Daily hopes that the Interfraternity
Council will investigate those houses operating
on an exchange basis to determine whether such
a state exists, and if it does, make the alternative
plan common practice.
Joseph N. Freedman.
The Editor
Gets Told .
Letters published in this column should not be
construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The
Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded.
The names of communicants will, however, be regarded
as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked
to be brief, the editors reserving the right to condense
all letters' of more than 300 words and to accept or
reject letters upon the criteria of gene8ral editorial
importance and interest to the camuus.
Education In Spain
To the Editor:
Your readers might,be interested in the follow-
ing figures, gathered from authoritative sources.
When the Republic was proclaimed in Spain on
April 14, 1931, there were 2,801,675 children of
school age in that 'country. The number of cities,
towns, villages in Spain is 46,802,, the number of
teachers was only 36,680. This means 9,402 places
were without any teacher at all. More definitely
to suggest the seriousness of the problem it
might be well to mention what the conditions
were in the two principal cities of the Monarchy,
Madrid and Barcelona. In Madrid there were
146,374 children of school age. Forty thousand
of these went to public schools; 51,000 to religious
schools, and 50,000 did not go to school at all. In
Barcelona there were 120,000 children of school
age; 30,000 of these went, to public schools, 63,-
000 to religious schools, and 27,000 did not go to
school at all.
In seventeen years, from 1914-1931, the Mon-
archy created 9,000 schools, or a yearly average of
500, with a school budget of 14,314,000 pesetas,
and an additional building fund of only 20,000
pesetas. It is not surprising, therefore, that the
Republic inherited from the Monarchy a pop-
ulation of which 45 per cent was illiterate, after
many centuries of monarchial regime. So much
for the Monarchy!
the Republic, with a clear vision of its duties
and responsibilities, at once turned its attention
to the problem of education. The first two year
of its regime it established 7,882 new schools,
voting in September of 1932 a "cultural loan'" of
400,000,000 pesetas for the erection of new build-
ings, to be spent over a period of ten years. As a
result, the Republic has created more than 27,000
schools in the past five years, 10,000 of which
were created in loyal territory in 1937, or a year-
ly average of 3,143, with a budget of 140,000,000
pesetas, to be used in territory controlled by the
People's Front Government. The salaries paid to'
teachers by the Republic in 1936 amounted to
3,724,000 pesetas; those of 1937, 19,832,000 pese-
tas. In the year 1937 the Republic spent 14,000,-
000 pesetas for school material and equipment,
and made (in the same year) an appropriation
of 40,000,000 pesetas for the creation of new
schools. So much for the Republic, for Loyal
The Rebels, "the defenders of religion and civ-
ilization," dissatisfied with the Republic, pro-
voked,,at' first, a civil war, then an invasion.
Claiming that "Spain was happiest before mod-
ern influences from abroad crept into the coun-
try," they promptly began to close Institutes of
higher learning. Already they have suppressed
the fifty-four institutions here listed: that of
Astorga, Lucena, Tudela, Algeciras, Baracaldo,
Cazalla de la Sierra, Fregenal de la Sierra, Inca,
Medina de Rioseco, Penaranda de Bracamont,
Sanlucar de Barrameda, Toro, Villanueva de'
Lugo, Bejar, Nova, Trujillo, Aracena, Burgo de
Osma, Cervera del Rio, Guernica, La Robla, Mi-
randa del Ebro, Portugalete, Santona Utrerar
Malaga, La Estrada, Priego, Arevalo, Bentanzas,

Carmona, Acharria, Eibar, Haro, Medina del
Campo, Nerva, Reinosa, Tafalla, Velez Malaga,
Sevilla Ecija, La Linea, Merida, Santa Cruz de
Tenerife, Rivadeo, Moron, Molina de Aragon,
Monforte de Leums, Talavera de la Reina, Zafra,
Onate, Santander (Menendez Pelayo), Penarro-
ya-Pueblo Nueva, Ronda. In addition numerous
primary sphools have been suppressed. Many
others have been turned over to the Church
and priests and nuns put in charge of them.
Your readers might be interested in another
item, taken from "The Financial News" of Lon-
don, to the effect that up to the first of this
year Franco's debt to Germany was 800,000,000
marks; that to Italy 2,500,000,000 liras.
All of the above figures are too eloquent to
require comment.
-J. M. Albalade jo.
Relativity Of Physics Courses
To the Editor:
A letter in last week's Daily concerning the
"nerve-wracking situation" in the elementary
physics courses made the suggestion "that there
be a beginning course in physics for those who
have never tackled the subject before-with
simpler and amply illustrated texts."
There are listed in the catalog of the lit school,
physics courses 71 and 72, which give "a non-
mathematical presentation of the fields of
physics, illustrated with many experiments." The
books on the reserve shelf for these courses are
not as hard as some college physics texts, and
they are amply illustrated. I believe that the
instructor would be glad to answer elemental
questions about the subject.

H-eywood Broun
Scientists who go down to the earth w'ith spades
seem to me to pursue one of the most fascinating
of all vocations. Some one of them comes up
with the jewelry of a dead queen, while another is
delighted if he can lug away with him part of
the backbone of a prehistoric monster.
And so it grieves me to read that local pride
and petty jealousy has raised its ugly head among
the excavators. And Utah, of all places, is the
spotwhich would put parish
prejudice ahead of the in-
terest of world science. Dr.
Frederick J. Pack, of the
State University, has just
announced that he and an
- unidentified friend have un-
. 4" earthed an eleven-foot hind
leg of a brontosaur.
"Just two of us know where
th rest of that old gentle-
man lies," says the geologist. "We dug that out
before our funds were depleted. You may rest
assured the remainder of the complete skeleton
will remain secretly buried until we get money
to complete the work." That is the psychology
not of science but of the Great Divide.
And, just to rub it in, Dr. Pack has invented
the slogan, "Utah dinosaurs for Utah museums."
I don't know whether he intends to make a polit-
ical issue. It seems that Carnegie Institute has
taken twelve skeletons from the ancient beds and
that the Smithsonian Institute and the American
Museum of Natural History have one apiece.
Still, Utah has four dinosaurs for its very own,
and that is enough for two senators, with a couple
left over to serve as representatives in the
To me it seems as if Dr. Pack were pursuing a
brontosaur in the manger policy. If his owr
university lacks funds to rouse up the old gentle-
man from the limestone where he lies then an in-
vitation should be extended to some more pros-
perous institution to come around and do the
Too Precious A Secret
If Dr. Pack and his accomplice-Heaven for-
bid!-were to be called suddenly there would be
none to show a waiting world the X which marks
the spot where the brontosaur is buried. Cen-
turies might elapse before any other excavator
stumbled upon the find. Utah's pretty big, and
it is to much to expect' even the most ardent
of antediluvian investigators to dig up its whole
extent. Think of all the beer bottles and tomato
cans and old magazines which would be churned
up. And somebody might strike rich veins of
gold or copper and start another panic.
But the present situation is hardly fair to the
brontosaur himself. Consider his estate. Eleven
feet of his left hind leg are in a museum, but
the rest of him lies on the lone prairie. And
since a good deal of preliminary scratching has
already been done, there is just a possibility that
a cat might get him.
After all, a geologit should be as polite as a
modern feminine hostess. I understand that it is.
the custom in a well-run establishment for the
lady of the house to rise eventually and check
the anecdotes by saying, "hall ie join the
gentlemen?" As much shoul " be done for the
brontosaur. A monster divided against himself
cannot stand.
New York Isn't So Bad
And what if he is shipped across the state line
more accessible to the general populace than any
in Utah: In the days of the dinosaur there was
no talk of centralization and the rights of local
government. All of us lived in the dismal swamp,
and ooze was our common lot. They tell me that
in the period before recorded history the Great
Salt Lake was considered 'way uptown. Indeed,

it was known then as Sweeat Water Pond. The
giant lizards with their tiny brains swam about
and fought and gave hostages to fortune quite
unaware that out of the same section King
would go one day to the Senate and Harold Ross
emigrate to edit the New Yorker.
So what if the brontosaur is finally glued
together into something like that semblance
which he wore in life and put under glass in New
York or in Boston? Utah will not be bereft of
relics. It can afford to let the brontosaur go East.
It still has Reed Smoot.
Bils To Pay
Mr. Hitler's seizure of Austria, without a shod
being fired except by Austrians who committed
suicide rather than live under a Nazi regime, was
a brilliant coup. It was executed while France,
which had previously opposed the anschluss,
was temporarily without a government and while
Great Britain was so sorely harassed on a num-
ber of fronts that opposition from her was not to
be expected.
In taking over Austria, however, the Fuehrer
assumed its liabilities as well as its assets, and,
as everyone knows, Austria had plenty of the
former. There is, for example, a debt to Great
Britain of about $40,000,000 and another to the
United States of $64,000,000. These two items
alone total more than $100,000,000, which is a
lot of money anywhere, and, one would guess, a
terrific amount for the German treasury to bear
at a time like this.
Of course, if the Fuehrer decides not to pay, he
has plenty of precedent, since the day has seem-
ingly passed when international obligations are a
load on anyone's conscience, always excepting

Mr. Doodle Again
It was with great interest and re-
spect that we read Professor Slos-
son's letter in yesterday's Daily rela-
tive to the current production of "The
Ghost of Yankee Doodle." Our feel-
ings about his severe criticism were1
salved when we came to the last para-
graph which gave us renewed strength
and confidence.1
Professor Slosson takes as his point
of departure thgt I would have Mr.
Howard mean something else than
he did mean. "Every work of art,"
writes Professor Slosson, "must be
criticized from the angle of its own
intentions." My agreement is whole-
hearted. But does Mr. Howard in his
play present his issues clearly? Mr.
Howard sees himself as a bemused
liberal living in a work that is too
chaotic for him to help it at all. It
is an absorbing theme, presenting
the well-meaning progressive in a1
degenerating universe, and certainly
no playwright can be dismissed with
a casual word. The fault lies in the1
fact that the playwright himself is
so confused that he uses his play not
to give voice to any worthwhile com-
ments of the middle-path liberal, but1
merely as a catharsis for his own be-
wildered musings.
Howard Has No Point
Professor Slosson points out that
my review was based on certain mis-
conceptions, saying that "Mr. Howard1
means that life today is often chaotic
and futile and that the best any of
us can do today is to fumble." That
is exactly what I object to. Mr. How-
ard does not present a conscientious +
point of view; he has no point of+
view; he has nothing positive to say.
He is complete ineffectual: that is
why I wrote that he "takes a dive in-
to the limbo of futility," and char-
acterized the playwright as "the ter-
nal fumbling liberal." And I do not
contend that Mr. Howard should have
made his play a stomping ground for
rife political and social views or a
"simple forthright anti-capitalistic
tract"; it is his prerogative to bandy
and equivocate to his heart's con-
tent. My point is that he leaves his
play impotent and dull.
What appears to Professor Slosson
as the "strangest remark" in the re-
view (that American life is present-
ed in the play in terms of the upper
income bracket), seems to me as only
natural and logical. The four people
pointed out in yesterday's letter cer-
tainly come within this class. Sara
Garrison makes annual trips to Eu-
rope and she envisages these trips
getting longer and longer as she gets
older and older. Her daughter has
made an extensive trip to North Afri-
ca for the purpose of study. One
son attends Harvard. Another one, by
adoption, has gone through a univer-
sity to the extent of securing his
PhD degree. The income from the tool
and die factory, now facing bank-
ruptcy, has for more than 20 years
supported not only two families to
the extent mentioned above, but aso
a money-losing newspaper that would
cost, conservatively, $40,000 a year
to run. If this family is not of the
"upper income bracket," then the
U.S. statistics bureau is in error when
it says that two per cent of the Ameri-
can population owns 60 per cent of
the wealth.

FRIDAY, MAY 20, 1938
VOL. XLVIII. No. 165
Seniors: The firm which furnishes
diplomas for the University has sent,
the following caution: Please warn
graduates not to store diplomas in
cedar chests. There is enough of
the moth-killing aromatic oil in the
average cedar chest to soften inks of1
any kind that might be stored in-
side them, resulting in seriously dam-
aging the diplomas. Shirley W. Smith.
Undergraduate Women. The closing
hour for women will be 11:30 p.m.+
on Sunday, May 29 and Monday, May+
Freshmen in the College of Litera-
ture, Science and the Arts: Fresh-
men are invited to discuss their aca-
demic programs for next year with
their counselors before June 1.
German Department Library: All
books, unless due at an earlier date,
must be returned on or before May 23.
Cleveland Residents. The Volun-
teer Department of the Welfare Fed-;
eration of Cleveland is seeking stu-
dent workers for the summer. Detailed
information and application blanks
may be obtained in the Office of the
Dean of Students by those interested.
Modification sof Rules Governing
Participation in Public Activities. Ef-
fective September, 1938.
Participation in Public Activities:
Participation in a public activity is
defined as service of any kind on a
committee or a publication, in a public
performance or a rehearsal, or in
holding office or being a candidate
for office in a class or other student
organization. This list is not intended
to be exhaustive, but merely is indica-
tive of the character and scope of the
activities included.
Certificate of Eligibility. At the be-
ginning of each semester and summer
session every student shall be con-
clusively presumed to be ineligible for
any public activity until his eligibility
is affirmatively established (a) by
obtaining from the Chairman of the
Committee on Student Affairs, in the
Office of the Dean of Students, a writ-
ten Certificate of Eligibility. Partici-
pation before the opening of the first
semester must be approved as at any
other time.
Before permitting any students to
participate in a public activity (see
definition of Participation above),
the chairman or manager of such
activity shall (a) require each appli-
cant to present a certificate of eligibil-
ity, (b) sign his initials on the back
of such certificate and (c) file with
the Chairman of the Committee on
Student Affairs the names of all those
who have presented certificates of
eligibility and a signed statement to
exclude all others from participation.
Certificates of Eligibility for the
first semester shall be effective until
March 1.
Probation and Warning. Students
on probation or the warned list are
forbidden to participate in any public
Eligibility, First Year. No freshman
in his first semester of residence may
be granted a Certificate of Eligibility.
A freshman, during his second se-
mester of residence, may be granted a
Certificate of Eligibility provided he
has complete 15 hours or more of work
with (1) at least one mark of A or B
and with no mark of less than C, or
(2) at least 21/2 times as many honor
points as hours and with no mark of
E.(A-4 points, $-3, C-2, D-1,
Any student in his first semester
of residence holding rank above that
of freshman may be granted a Certifi-
cate of Eligibility if he was admitted
to the University in good standing.
Eligibility, General. In order to re-
ceive a Certificate of Eligibility a stu-

dent must have earned at least 12
hours of academic credit in the pre-
ceding semester, or six hours of aca-
demic credit in the preceding summer
f session, with an average of at least
C, and have at least a C average for
e his entire academic career.
Unreported grades and grades of
a X and I are to be interpreted as E un-
d til removed in accordance with
, University regulations.
- Students otherwise eligible, who in
s the preceding semester or summe
- session received less than a C aver-
age, but with no grade of E, or grad
- interpreted as E in the preceding
f paragraph, may appeal to the Com-
e mittee on Student Affairs for specia
y permission.
r VI.
e Special Students. Special student
g are prohibited from participating in
s any public activity except by specia
permission of the Committee on Stu
dent Affairs.
Extramural Activities. Students wh
are ineligible to participate in publi
activities within the University ar
5t prohibited from taking part in othe
m activities of a similar nature, excep
h by special permission of the Commit
o tee on Student Affairs.
ry VIII.

Pubication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of th
University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President
until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.

bidden to take part in any public
activity, except by special permission
of the Committee on Student Affairs.
In order to obtain such permission, a
student may in any case be required
to present a written recommendation
from the University Health Service,
General. Whenever in the opinion of
the Committee on Student Affairs, or
in the opinion of the Dean of the
school or college in which the student
is enrolled, participation in a public
activity may be detrimental to his
college work, the committee may de-
cline to grant a student the privilege
of participation in such activity.
Special Permission. The special per-
mission to participate in public activi-
ties in exception of Rules V, VI, VII
VIII will be granted by the Commit-
tee on Student Affairs only upon the
positive recommendation of the Dean
of the School or College to whch the
student belongs.
The Bureau has received notice of
the following Civil Service Examina-
tions: Student Personnel Assistant A,
$100 per month; Michigan Civil Serv-
ice Exam. Medical Technician (Field
Roentgenology), $1,800 a year; U.S.
Public Health Service, Treasury De-
partment; U. S., Civil Service Exam.
For further information, please
call at the office, 201 Mason Hall.
Office hours, 9-12 and 2-4.
Bureau of Appointments and
Occupational Information.
Rochdale Cooperative House: Appli-
cations for admission to the Rochdal
Cooperative House for the coming
year, 1938-39, are now being accepted.
A new prerequisite to consideration,
which requires each applicant, to
write a 100-200 word essay on the
Cooperative Movement, is now in ef-
fect. Application blanks are avail-
able in Dean Olmstead's Office, Room
2, University Hall, and at the Roch-
dale House, 640 Oxford Road. All ap-
plieations must be in by Wednesday,
May 25.
To All Faculty Members and Wom-
en Students who have received the
questionnaire sent out by the Daily
Business Staff are urgently requested
to return them immediately' to the
Daily. Your cooperation in return-
ing these promptly will be greatly ap-
preciated inasmuch as it is essential
to the success of the survey.
Financial Committee of Frosh Proj-
ect: Please be sure that all coupon
books and lists are turned into Miss
McCormick's office in the League by
Monday morning at the very latest.
Senior Engineers: Attention. Final
dispensation of all caps and gowns
will be made from the League, Satur-
day, May 21 from 9-12 a.m. and 1-5
p.m. Consult League bulletin board
for room number. A deposit of $4
will be required, $2.50 of which will
be refunded when cap and gown are
returned after graduation. Issuances
cannot be made unless class dues are
fully paid up.
All students who will be on campus
for the next three years may enter
the competition to be conducted at
the Michigan Wolverine for the posi-
tions of personnel manager, purchas-
ing agent and treasurer. One need not
be a member of the present working
force to apply. Applications will be
accepted at the Wolverine office, 209
S. State St., from May 20 to 30, during
meal hours.
Academic Notices
Abnormal Psychology 42 Clinic at
Ypsilanti Hospital will be held Friday
afternoon, May 20. Busses will leave
from the Mall near Natural §cience
Building at 1 o'clock. Obtain tickets
at Secretary's office, -Psychology

English 32, Section 6 (Mr. Hawkin's
section): Assignment for Tuesday,
r May 24, "Twelfth Night."
English 150 (Playwriting) and Mr.
Rowe's English 298. There will be im-
portant final announcements at the
meeting Monday night, May 23. Ken-
neth Rowe.
- Exhibition, College of Architecture.
e Drawings, photographs and maps of
9 Soviet architecture and city construc-
tion, also illustrations showing the
I historical development of Soviet ar-
chitecture from 1918 to the present,
loaned through the courtesy of the
s American Russian Institute. Third
n floor exhibition room. Open daily,
l 9 to 5, except Sunday, until May 24.
- The public is cordially invited.
Exhibition, College of Architectuie:
o An exhibition of articles in silver, gold,
c enamel and semi-precious stones, for
e ecclesiastical and general use, de-
r signed and executed by Arthur Ne-
t vill Kirk, is shown in the pier cases
- at either side of the Library entrance,
second floor corridor. Open daily,
9:00 to 5:00, except Sunday, until

Miss MacMahon' s


As for my other "minor misconcep-
tions" in relation to the acting. Pro-
fessor Slosson has caught the charac-
ter of the Hearstian newspaper pub-
lisher Clevinger much more so than
the actor who portrayed him. That
it would be "as impossible to overact
him as to overact Hitler," was actually
proved by the performance. Shouting
and roaring all over the tiny confines
of the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre
would have been done with a much
greater finesse and touch of theatrical
chemistry by Mr. Hitler.
Professor Slosson admits that
"some few of the lines" given to Miss
MacMahon in her role of Sara Garri-
son "are mere gags or wisecracks ar-
tificially tacked on to her." If the
script is examined carefully, four.
fifths of Miss MacMahon's lines are
gag-lines pyramided one 'on top of
the other. And Miss MacMahon
played them for such, not being able
to do anything else with the role-
a wise move on her part, for she is a
first-rate comedienne. In the ma
rush to make the 12 o'clock deadline
perhaps Miss MacMahon was treat
ed too severely, but the blame wa
put on Mr. Howard and not the ac-
Once again, let me state that I ap
preciate Professor Slosson's point of
view and that all these remarks ar
purely personal opinion. I sincerely
feel grateful to Professor Slosson foi
his compliments to the Daily and hop
that his trust in us in "examinin
and discussing the ideological aspect
of the drama" will continue.
War Games
The United States is taking its firs
"black-out" with more than a glean
of light. The war maneuver whic
throws one Connecticut town int
darkness while "enemy" bombers tr

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