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May 20, 1938 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1938-05-20

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Judge Examines Labor Case Records

MeCarren, Detroit Assessor
Advises Revising Tax System
By MORTON JAMPEL quantities amounting to only a few
Describing the Michigan tax sys- cents at a time, are he said, paying
tem as archaic and completely out- six per cent instead of the three per
moded, Kenneth McCarren, Detroit cent the tax is designed to raise.
city assessor, recommended that- the The second factor is; the existing
people take action to get Michigan tax laws built up by. the Supreme
a sane tax system in an interview Court, that has ruled that the in-
with the Daily yesterday. tangible property of corporations or-
Mr. McCarren is a member of the ganized in another state can not be
special comimssion recently appoint- taxed by Michigan; despite the fact
ed by the Governor to study the Mich- that the corporation musually main-
igan tax structure. tains only a desk in some state like
Quoting from a report of the Tax Delaware where corporation laws are
Policy League of November, 1935, he lax. In this manner some 3,000 com-
stated that Michigan ranks among panies escape paying taxes.
the four worst states in tax legisla- The gross inconsistencies, andt a
tion in the country. completely disorganized state tax
Three major factors stand in the structure is the third and most im-
way of a decent tax system, according portant problem, Mr. McCarren said.
to Mr. McCarren: The first is the There are 1,741 different tax districts
Constitution which prohibits an in- in the state, and in one district prop-
come tax. This makes necessary such erty will be assessed at 30 per cent
measures as the sales tax, and, ac- of its cash value while in another dis-
cording to the Brookings Institute, a trict the same piece of property will
sales tax is indicative of a low men- be assessed at 110 per cent.
tality of the people in a state where Inconsistencies of this sort exist
this tax exists for a sales levy puts even within the same districts. The
the burden on those least able to legislature must be made to take ac-
pay. People on WPA roles who buy tion and establish a system that will

Federal Jidge H. Church Ford, who is hearing the government's con-
spiracy charges at London, Ky., against 66 Harlan county individuals and
corporations in connection with labor disputes, is shown examining
case records in the court.
Exhibit Shows nALOFFICIAL

(Continued from Page 4)i
Roast at the Island. Call before noon
for reservations, phone 6881.
Comning Events
Alpha Kappa Delta annual picnic
for members and their families Sat-
urday, May 21, at Dexter-Huron
Park. Meet at campus entrance to
Haven Hall at 2 p.m. Bring automo-
bile if possible. For reservations,
phone Ruth Kraft, 2-3225.
The Christian Student Prayer Group
will hold its regular meeting at 5 p.m.,
Sunday, May 22, in the Michigan
League. The room will be announced
on the bulletin board.
A picnic at the Island with baseball
and a weenie roast will be the pro-
gram forthe Student Fellowship this
coming Sunday afternoon at 4:30.
Please call 21679 before Saturday
'oon to make reservations for the 25
cent picnic.
The Canadian-American Affiliates
of the Foreign Policy Association an-
ndal luncheon, Saturday, May 21, at
the Michigan League, 1 p.m.
The speaker will be Mrs. Louise
Leonard Wright of Chicago, National
Chairman of Government and For-
eing Policy Department of the Na-
tional League of Women Voters, form-
er members of the faculty of the
University of Minnesota. She will
speak on "Legislating for Peace."'
Open meeting. Make reservations
directly at the Michigan League.
Roger Williams Guild: Bring bath-
ing suits and 15 cents to the Intra-
mural Building for the Guild Splash
Party to be held there at 7:30 p.m.
The Outdoor Club and the Graduat-
ate Outing Club are having an
outing at Patterson Lake this
Saturday and Sunday. We will leave
Lane Hall at 3 o'clock Saturday after-
noon and return about 4:30 Sun-
day. Transportation will be provid-
ed. The total cost will not exceed
$1.75. Reservations may be made by
calling Henry, 5572. All members and
their friends are cordially invited to
Read Daily Classified Ads

6:00-Stevenson Sports.
6:15-Popeye the sailor
6:30-James Melton.
6:45-The Inside of Sports.
7:00-Vocal Varieties
7:15-Melody and Rhythm.
7:30-Paul Whiteman's Orch.
8 :00-Hollywood Hotel.
9:00-The Songshop.
10:0-Just Entertainment.
10:15-Let's Celebrate.
10:30-Baseball Scores.
10 :35-hythm Highlights.
11:00-News-ack King.
11:15-Leighton Noble's Orch.
11:30-Ozze Nelson's Orch.
6:00--Tyson's Sort Review.
6:15-Little Orphan Annie.
6 :45-Sport Review.
7:00-Cities Service Hour.
8:00-Waltz Time.
8:30-Alexander's True Story.
9:00-First Nighter.
9:30-Jimmy Fidler.
9:45-People in the News.
10:00-Amos 'n' Andy.
10 :15-Merrlmaids.
10:30-Detroit News Radio Extra.
11:10-Webster Hall Orch.
11:30-NBC Dance Orchestra.
12:00-Northwood Inn Orch.
6:00-Wheel of Chance.
6:30-Exciting Moments.
6:35-Vincent York's Orch.
6:45-Ennio Bolognini's Orch
7:30-Detroit Board of Education.
7I:45--The Fusby.
f :00 - -obCrosby's Orch.
8:15-Evening Serenade.
:30-Musical Steeplechase.
9:00-Juvenile All-Stars.
10:00-Larry Bradford's Orch.
10:15-Invitation to Waltz.
10:30-Theatre Digest.
Seersuckers and Batistes
will be your coolest
All-Summer Dresses
The above, of woven, dotted
Swiss fabric with all-over print
design is a Sofie Wagner ex-
clusive - as washable as a
hankie! English hand smock-
ing across the back, in front
yoke and sleeves, make it young
enough and expensive enough
looking for sheer flattery.
Black, Brown, Wine, Copen







:: ~ .. Heavy Chocolate Malteds 12c

Fruit Sodas .
Fresh Orange Drink
Frozen Fudge Sundaes
Banana Splits


TOAST, and and





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