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February 22, 1938 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1938-02-22

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. 22, 1938





Ball Is To

Be Given March

Union Ballroom

Knight 7 ate
Spring showers to winter snow flurries . . umbrellas to ski boots and
cut;ars ... classes to frolics.. . Friday to Monday . . . dancing at the League
anc. Union . . . the Law Club formal . . . lots of fun . .. and here we are
wit.: another holiday before us . . . But take heed with all your hatchets
. .. and we'll be seeing and hearing from you at T. Dorsey's swing concert
. . . come 8:30 this evening.
The League was the first stop for Friday night's "round the campus
tour" . . . and there was much doing for the benefit of the W.A.A. and
their swimming pool campaign . . . Mary Johnson, president of W.A.A.
ant Frank Coolidge were there to contribute their support. .. and watch the
tiles increase one by one . . . as the crowds kept coming . . . Annabel Van
Winkle and Jack Gelder came into the lobby as we lingered at the desk to
waf rh the people come by . . Mary Carey and Bob Mueller were the next
arr vals. . . and we soon spied Rachel Johnson and J. Anderson, who were
going up the sitairs to the ballroom.
They Were In 'A DancingMood'.. .
Ruth Allen and Rob Barnes were asking the doorman for their reserved
table . . Jane Nussbaum and Bill Griffiths requested some of the later
mei'dies from Charlie Zwick . . . and soon Cletus Hall and Larry Reinke
we t dancing to the latest of Charlie's swing.
The Union was also the spot for celebrating the end of one week's classes
in this new semester . . . and Bob Steinle's orchestra was playing some good
numbers for just that purpose Saturday night -.
Nancy Dall and Goff Smith, Alys Pierce and Jim
Cole came in with glowing accounts of the basket-
ball game ... .Genevieve Spurgeon and John Olds
were coking below . . . Carley Voigt and Dick Fox,
Roberta Leete, Jack Reed, Millie Sartor ,and Herb
MacDonough were floating hither, thither and yon
Ginny Caldwell, Don Emerson, Ruth Myers,
and Lloyd Greenleaf from Cleveland went past in
a rush to reach the floor while Mary Jane Kehoe
,nd Dick Crawmer tried vainly to catch up with
them ... and so we passed on, not out, downtown
with one accord.
The ATO's as usual occupied the largest table
in be place . . . Bill Slattery and Marge McCrea, Frank Gibbs and Phyllis
Carr, Johnny Stewart and Marg McCall, Steve Madden, Johnny Clark, Mal
Lora, brothers Don and Wally Knapp, Jane Scott and ATO guests Johnny
Go:dschmlidt and Bill Warren were very much in evidence. . .. Harry Clark
ani Ginny Richardson, Ozzie Powers and Marge Stebbins joined them later
after spending the evening at the League . . . Mim Hazeltine and Gene
Na ogler, Bob Shaw and Bob Lynch were others we glimpsed through the
Oi With New Spring Fashins ...
Another spot had a capacity crowd and more with practically every
Kappa on campus there ... plus Haze DeGroot and George Peck, Sis Somer-
ville and Bob Richmond, Ellen Rhea and George Smith, and Lorraine Bird
from Grand Rapids and Bob Isgrigg . . . good night for the taverns what'
witih classes again in session and the worries of other days all over .
The Law Club formal Saturday night was really a good dance . . . they
had none other than the composer of "The Music Goes Round," Eddie
Fa:ley and his orchestra, to play for it . . . And the party was the scene of a
"ncar Fashion revue" . . . as some of the latest in this spring's formal
fashions were glimpsed throughout the evening...
*arroll Adams, who was wearing an attractive black net formal, was with
Eail Townsend .. . . Patty Williams looked muchly swish in one of those en-
viable Vogue creations of black, all froth and velvet and net . .. Frances
Everard and Chuck Nadeaux, Sally Manthei and M. (what-does-it-stand-
for?) Hart, June Longhurst and Ed Knudsen, Bob Bratton and Betty Hurdi
wei e all in the dining room when Barb Lovell and Bob
Cmren attempted to do a Rogers-Astaire . . . Ellie Sik-
ker ga and Henry Pitts drifted in with Whitey Wistert
and Mrs. Whitey from a previous party ... Barb Teall
arrived a bit later with Tom Moxey. . . Dottie Barrett
wha was with Jack McCarthy. . . and soon Mary Fran b
Browne and John Allen came scurrying in from the
blizzard. . . Betty Ward, Jim Tracy, Mary Lavan and
Ed Campbell arrived about 11 .., and sitting out one
of ,he dances were Grete Holst and Lynn Stewart.
The Greeks Had A Word For It. .
We were back at the League Saturday night . . . to see "Peter I" and all
th people attending . . . Betty Strickroot, Marge McIntosh, Elise Reeder
an I Gil Van Vleck. . . were some of those who came put looking much im-
prssed by a fine production . . . After the movie we went up to the
ballrorm ... and the dance was in full swing.. . At the Lambda Chi table
we:e Camilla Ayres, Dick Hassberger, Patty Williams and Rogers Bradley ..
Jack McLoud, who was with Patsy Matthews, was doing his best to con-
struct "a something or other" of straws . . . Marian Guild and Fred Lins-
cheid, who were also at the table, were finding it most amusing . . . Others
that were tripping the fantastic were Jean Smith and Waldo Abbott, Doris
Boiton and Fletcher Platt . . . Barb Backus and Art Hollar were there,..
Caduceus drew more than 440 couples last night in the Union Ballroom
and what we said about the Lawyers' party must be repeated here ....
spi ing styles have burst forth in all splendor ... Betty Lyon, tearing around
with Bob Denham, looked even more than usual like a Greek goddess in a
blue print taffeta. . . and Kathryn Andrus wore aqua chiffon in Greekish
lir . . . she was with Jack Jacoby, music chairman . . . Marjorie Bolger,

dancing along the sidelines with Dave Foster, was wearing black net and
lacE over pink satin. . . lush-looking ... all the Greek atmosphere is slightly
reminiscent of the era long past . . . and to top things off the orchestra
platform on which Anson Weeks was playing his so-ao-sweet music
was decorated to resemble a Greek temple with pillars!
"Mary Ellen
Spring Femininity
SA d how very feminine this
dainty shoe Is! Your feet slim-
mingly swathed in blue gabar-
dine and kid will be all ready
to go places with your pretty
spring "dress" frocks . . . the
heel is narrow and high . .. the
instep open to show off bright
new hose!
$ 50 IAIR

Junior Dentists New Dance Club aM
M ass e(-tin 1
SponsorIThird Opens At League
pomosrow ir O.tIs Tomnorrow
Annual Dance Tomorrow Night
The first meeting of the Ballroom Meeting Explains League
Rocco Valluzzo Appointed Dance Club will be held from 7:30 Activities To Freshmen
to 9 p.m. tomorrow in the League
General Chairman; Four Ballroom, Jean McConkey, '38, an- League activities open to second-
Other Heads Named Informa dancing as well as in- semester freshman women will be ex-
The third annual Odonto Ball, pre- struction in and demonstration of plained at a freshman mass meeting,
sented by the junior class of the den- one new dance step each week by to be held at 4 p.m. tomorrow in the
tal school, will be held from 9 a.m. to Douglas Gregory, '40 and Marie League. Margaret Ferries, '38, chair-
1 p.m .Friday, March 18, in the Sawyer, '38, will be featured. The man of the League orientation com-
Union ballroom, announced Rocco fox-trot, tango, rhumba, waltz and mittee, is in charge of arrangements.
Valluzzo, '39D, who has been made shag are the steps which are to be Presiding over the meeting will be
general chairman of the affair. taught.
Samuel Willis, '39D, has been ap- Music for the dancing will be pro- Hope Hartwig, '39, president of the
pointed decoration chairman. The vided by recordings over the League League. The first speaker on the
chairman of the ticket committee is public-address system and the light- program will be Miss Ferries, who will
Mark Coggan, '39D, and Robert Sibil- ing will be the same as that used for make a survey of all the activities of
sky, '39D, is the head of the patrons the regular week-end dances. the League. Margaret Ann Ayers,
'38, treasurer of the League, will then
committee. Myron VanLeeuwen, '39D, explain how the League uses the
is Tn chestrapublicit announce B.B. FINALS TOMORROW money it'earns, and she will also tell
soon, Valluzzo stated: Clyde McCoy's The women's intramural basket- about the scholarships offered by the
band played for last year's Ondonto ball finals will be played at 5 p.m. to- League.
Ball, of which Allen Ruttle, '38D, was morrow at Barbour Gymnasium when The next speaker will be Alberta
general chairman. Helen Newberry Residence, winners Wood, '40, chairman of last year's
The decorations last year consisted of the Class A division of the tourna- Freshman Project, who will tell how
fThe dencooslemblema condistedment, meets Alpha Epsilon Phi, win- her committee planned and staged
of the dent school emblem, a caduceus ners of the Class B division. 'the affair. The project is the first
with a large "D" superimposed upon _- -- _ - _______
it, placed over the orchestra and the
fireplace at one end of the room. A
special lighting effect was used be-
hind these emblems. Spring flowers
decorated the alcove.
J.:.P. Eligibility Slips
To Be In By Friday Qir is!: "
Eligibility slips for the 1938 Junior
Gi l t I l1U l V1U1U R ~nIr.......,....>

activity in which freshman women Judiciary Council, will clarify rules of
may participate as a class eligibility for participation in extra-
Angelene Maliszewski, '38, head of curricular .activities to the freshmen,
The beauty and charm
of personal touch may be
retained forever in a
Dey portrait.



ri is tay, ie mulberry Busnh, aI
mythical comedy, must be in by Fri-
day, Feb. 25. it was announcedyes-
terday by Roberta Chissus, general
The last chance for getting health
rechecks is from 2 to 4 p.m. Thurs-
day and Friday, Jean Holland, as-
sistant chairman, announced. All
women who wish to participate but
have not yet had their health re-
checks should have their laboratory
tests and get their appointments to-
Committees for Junior Girls' Play
will meet this week and health re-
checks and eligibility slips should -be
handed in at the meetings, Miss
Chissus stated.
The dance committee under the di-
rection of Charlotte Poock will meet
at 3:30 p.m. tomorrow. This meeting
does not include girls dancing in the

r ik i rrr


with a Gala Array of
Short sleeves - long sleeves
Pastels, white and dark colors
$1.95 upward
with tricky new pleats and
$2.95 upward
..w.well, you just won't know
which to choose!



WTI11(:« I

Frosh Frolic
fir Qsi , T Aa1

I W II u vi alu 1 ay
Tickets for Frosh Frolic, to be held
from 10 p.m. to 2 a.m. Friday, March
4 in the Union Ballroom, will go on
sale today at the Union desk to mem-
bers of the freshman class, it was an-
nounced by Edward Purman, ticket
The sale will -be limited to fresh-
men until Thursday, when it will be
opened to all classes, he stated.
Women who attend the dance have
been granted 2:30 a.m. permission,
it was announced by Don Ryker,
general chairman.


$1. 00 up ward

faniliar sZight
around car1pus)

9The 6Uizabeth Pillor





' ,


1 . .I




Here's an event that no one

FRIDAY, the 2 5 th of this month at 4 o'clock in the afternoon,
THE BUSINESS STAFF of the Michigan Daily will hold its
annual meeting in the Publications Building on Maynard street

who plays the fashion game can
afford to miss. We've "doubled
and re-doubled" your savings
until the dress is yours for
much less than the cost of
manufacture. For we're out to
clean house and we've had to
forget about markdowns! Come
early for the best selections.

Values to $35.00









Sizes 9-17, 12-38

I 11 _. _ _. U . . _ ._


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