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February 22, 1938 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1938-02-22

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TUEISDAY, FEB. 22, 1938

Renaissance Of Power Politics
Drags Europe Into War Peril

y IM
Edited and managed by students of the University of
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CREDIT MANAGER ....................DON WILSHER
- G
The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of the Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
Anthony Eden's
Resignation. .
has been cast on the smoulderng
European fire since the occupation of the Rhine-
land than the blustering declamation by Adolf
Hitler Sunday as a definition of Germany's for-.
eign policy, and certainly no more pointed refer-
ence to Great Britain has heretofore been made
by Berlin. The immediate repercussion in Lon-
don, the resignation of Anthony Eden as British
foreign secretary, is alariing in the extreme. Mr.
Eden resigned because of the decision of the
cabinet to reply to the Austrian crisis by further
conciliation of the fascist governments.
Mr. Eden was the last pillar of anti-fascist
strength at Downing Street, and the anticipatedI
appointment of Lord Halifax, a recognized fascist
sympathizer, to fill his place can only be in-
terpreted as a surrender to the Rome-Berlin
axis. The French government has indicated to
London that it holds this view of the event; in-
deed the resignation is little short of a national
catastrophe for France, and can be interpreted
in almost as strong terms in regard to the other
democracies of Europe. For by it Great Britain
is thrown directly into the fascist camp.
Mr. Eden's career in the cabinet has been
marked by ceaseless efforts at conciliation be-
tween the aggressor nations and the League de-
mocracies. Again and again he has played the
mediator in successful crises and has invariably
found himself forced to capitulate to the power
diplomacy of Hitler and Mussolini. A strong
supporter of the League, he saw it repeatedly
defied by Germany, Italy and Japan in China,
Africa and Spain. In the face of the most dis-
couraging events, he never ceased to work for
maintenance of European peace by conciliation
and sacrifice of national interests.
Neville Chamberlin, who inherited Eden as
foreign secretary from Stanley Baldwin, also a
conservative anti-fascist, has been in apparent
agreement with the former on the necessity of
avoiding a general war as the cardinal point of
British policy. But it has become increasingly
clear, especially since the visit of Lord Halifax
to Berlin a short time ago, that Mr. Chamber-
lain's policy was based on the preference of Ger-
man and Italian friendship to that of France
and the League. Captain Liddell Hart has re-
peatedly pointed out the strategic danger to the
Empire of the British policy in Spain, where Gib-
raltar and the Imperial life-line to India are
threatened by the possibility of a fascist victory.
As Captain Hart has urged, and as Captain
Eden has come to recognize, the British upper

class, which Mr. Chamberlain represents, is
blinded to the national threat of fascism by the
class fear of communism. The fact is not the
slightest danger of communism exists in England,
but a very real danger of fascism does. Sir
Oswald Mosley's blackshirts have enjoyed the pro-
tection and encouragement of the government
in their campaign of violence in the working
class and Jewish districts of London, much as
Mussolini's ruffians were smiled on by the Ital-
ian upper class in the days of the march on
Mr. Chamberlain's decision to capitulate once
more to a fascist diplomatic coup in the matter of
Austria was the straw that broke the camel's
back of Mr. Eden's patience. In the face of the
perfectly manifest pro-fascist politics of his su-
perior, Mr. Eden had no recourse but resignation
as a means of saving his principles as a believer
in democracy.
It is possible, though scarcely likely, that the
Chamberlain government will be defeated in the
House of Commons by a vote of censure which the
Labor Party is said to be preparing, thereby giv-

No guarantee of the independence and integrity
of Austria and Czechoslovakia, but the threat of
"a rearmament program such as the world has
never seen before" and a demand for the return
of colonies characterized Der Fuehrer's three-
hour address Sunday morning. And Europe
teeters on a precipice.
But unlike 1934, that precipice is not the Bren-
ner Pass. The impossible has happened. Ger-
many has again intervened in Austria, but Mus-
solini sits back: no surprise, no apprehension,
just calm assurance. In 1934 it was not so. The
assassination of Austrian Chancellor Dollfuss by
Nazi extremists brought 200,000 Italian troops
swarming into the Alps, filling the strategic
Brenner Pass, asking but a signal from Rome
to sweep into Austria to maintain the status quo.
And Hitler held his hand.
A quarter of a million Germans in the Tyrol
were cut out of the map of Europe in 1919 and
pasted in the Italian scrap-book. Thus was
Italy's northern border extended to the strangest
natural barrier in that section of the Alps-the
Brenner Pass. There were other defensible fron-
tiers to the south, but Wilson felt he-could not
afford to battle over a few Germans living in de-
feated Austria if he expected to win the argument
over Fiume.
With a weak and broken Austria separating
her from Germany, Italy had achieved security
strategically. Today it would seem, at first
glance, that Mussolini's refusal to support Aus-
trian Chancellor Schuschnigg in an effort to pre-
vent the Nazi "putsch" of last Wednesday, and
his placid acceptance of what has been termed
the "cold anschluss" have endangered that se-
curity. For the expansive power of the German
people and the pan-German fanaticism of the
Austrian-born Hitler are well known. If, in the
near future, Austria is actually absorbed by Ger-
many, a restive and reckless people, reinforced by
tremendous power will be massed upon the Italian
frontier with only the Brenner Pass separating
"common blood" from "a common Reich."
Austrians Ready To Combine
Nevertheless, Mussolini recognized that the at-
tempt of the Allies to completely separate Ger-
many from Austria had to fail. The pro-German
orientation of Austrian opinion has led foreign
observers to estimate that 60 to 70 per cent of
the Austrian population is ready for complete
union with Germany. And Mussolini, in his de-
sire for German friendship as a bargaining point
with Great Britain, and for German support of
his Ethiopian invasion and later for aid in the
Spanish venture, accepted the inevitability of.
closer ties between Austria and Germany .
Thus it was that Il Duce on June 5, 1936 wrung
from Schuschnigg the agreement to sign the ac-
cord of July 11 with the Reich. Here Germany
recognized the sovereignty of Austria and agreed
to exercise no influence, either directly or indi-
rectly, upon its internal affairs. The Austrian
government, on the other hand, promised to
maintain its policy in harmony with the basic
conception that Austria recognized itself as a
German state. But a secret 'section of an addi-
tional protocol, Paragraph 9B, announced much
later by Schuschnigg himself, provided that the
Austrian Chancellor undertakes, when the right
moment arrives, to avail himself of the collabora-
tion of elevents of the Austrian Nazis, choosing
one or more of their number who enjoy his per-
sonal confidence, to enter the cabinet.
In return Il Duce received the consummation
of the Rome-Berlin axis. Germany eventually
recognized the Ethiopian conquest. German
money, materials and technical skill supporting
Italian "volunteers" have undoubtedly been
among the main factors behind the long resistence
of General Franco's forces. And in relations with
Great Britain, despite much roaring on both sides,
Italy has drawn closer and closer to achieving aj
conciliatory agreement and recognition of the new
"Empire." The resignation Sunday of Anthony
Eden, if Prime Minister Chamberlain remains in
power, removes the last barrier to an ItaIo-
British pact, which may strengthen the Italian
hand to the point that she may be able to drive
a harder Austrian bargain with her German
What Hitler Could Gain
What had Germany to gain from an entente
with Italy? In the midst of the Italian invasion
of Ethiopia, Hitler, in one of his famous sur-

prises, remilitarized the Rhineland and erected a
deterring barrier to formidably hold in check,
without too much exertion, French opposition to
his aggressive expansion to the East. He cut off
the Little Entente, Czechoslovakia, Rumania and
Jugoslavia, from its "big brother" of the West. But
the fiasco of 1934 convinced him that Italy's
benevolent neutrality was an absolute prere-
quisite to the fullfilment of his foreign policy.
And the growing cooperation of Soviet Russia and
France emphasized the necessity of an Italian
supporter on France's Southern frontier.
We have heard much in the years since the
World War of -the "old" diplomacy and the
"new" ... the pre-War secret, power politics as
opposed to the post-War "open" conduct of in-
ternational affairs and "collective security." It is
certain that if that distinction ever really existed,
it no longer holds true. Secret diplomacy and
the balance of power are once more the deter-
minant features of the European situation. Bluff,
blatant stick-waving and rearmament at a ter-
rific pace are all an integral part of the picture.
Austria No Longer Independent
What does the future hold? In regard to Aus-
tria, it is certain that the independence so care-
fully safeguarded by the Allies during the pro-
posed customs-union affair in 1931 and later by
Italy is passe, at least in the spiritual, cultural
and economic spheres. The willingness of Il Duce
in checking Germany by whispering to London is
undoubtedly the sole assurance of politicaI integ -
i ty for 1he new siek m:m of lrop' "

of Social Democracy, Schuschnigg now finds
substituted the pressure of the Nazi Weltan-
shauung breaking the Austrian spine.
The Spanish situation undoubtedly was one of
the mot influential factors in the precipitation
of the Austrian "coup" at the present time. The
failure of Franco to produce a victory, and par-
ticularly the complete humiliation of the rebels at
Teruel, forced Italy to make Austrian concessions
in return for further aid for the Spanish venture.
Hitler's daring desires along these lines, running
counter to those of the more conservative army
command, forced the Nazification of the Reichs-
wehr in preparation for the rapid turn of events
in the last week.
France, unable to countenance an Italy-con-
trolled Spain in the South and on her Mediter-
ranean lifeline, still has been unable to take any
strong action. Her degradation in the Rhineland
remilitarization and the failure of sanctions in the
Ethiopian crisis washed away the possibility of
the maintenance of her hegemony over Europe.
Internal disagreement prevented the opening, of
the Spanish border when that action might have
brought about ,the defeat of Franco's forces be-
fore Italy had become deeply entangled. Since
then the internal weakness has been emphasized
with the partial failure of the Popular Front
and the exclusion of the Communists from the
support of the government. Purges in the Soviet
Union ended French confidence in that ally, and
forced the complete dependence of French for-
eign policy upon Great Britain.
Thus Great Britain-the same unscrupulous
Tory Britain whose muddling in the years pre-
ceding the Great War did much to preserve the
precarious position of European peace and finally
bring war-again holds the balance of power in
her hands. But Britain, too, is split, internally,
and the resignation of Eden crystallizes the two
philosophies in British foreign policy since the
War. Yet the split is not as fundamental as some
(Continued on Page 6)
[ffeeinr toVe
Heywood Broun
MIAMI, Fla., Feb. 21.-"Yes," said the husky
young man who was lacerating my left kidney
with his manipulations, "I guess I've rubbed them
all. I think I can boast that there are men in
public life right now who wouldn't be where they
are but for my massages."
He took a roll of fat as a sandy puller yanks
at taffy and grew a little
reminiscent. "I've done a
swell job for fat men many
times," he continued, "and
yet I suppose you might al-
most say that the best treat-
ment I ever gave a patient
turned out in the end to be
kind of tragic." Taking my
right arm at the elbow, he
began, absentmindedly to
twist it around until I felt constrained to remind
him that it had been my intention to take it back
with me to New York.
Met Him Through A Lady
"The fat man I was telling you about," he con-
tinued, "was a Cuban. His name doesn't matter,
and, anyway, I can't pronounce it. I met him
first through a young lady. She came to my
health studio, and said in Spanish, 'My gentle-
man friend thinks I am too fat.' She looked all
right to me, but in this business the customer is
always right. I sent her to the chief lady in
charge of the ladies' department and they put
her in an electric-light cabinet and threw the
key away. After that I guess they worked on her
with salt. At the end of the week she came in
to say that papa was very much pleased and
that she was now just plump enough and wouldn't
need any more treatments."
The Doe gave me back my arm and started to
play a polka on my spine. "Well, two weeks later
who should show up" he said, "but papa him-
self? It seemed he was a general. I could speak
a little Spanish, but I never did get very familiar

with politics down there or any place else. I
guess he used to be a general and wasn't any
more. That was the thing that was worrying him.
"This was a Monday, one of our quiet days, and
the general-he says that he wants to have the
whole establishment to himself for the entire af-
ternoon. He laid the money on the line, and so
we barred all the rest of the customers and con-
centrated on him. 'It is very important," he said,
'for me to ride a horse tomorrow. I must ride a
horse tomorrow, and my back - it hurts.'
He Was Pale But Satisfied
"We gave him the works. I don't think I ever
saw a patient who could take so much punish-
ment. He dropped nine pounds in the hot room,
and after that we just sort-of batted him around.
Along about 5 o'clock he had enough. He was
sort of pale around the gills, but we'd hammered
the kink out of his back.. He said he thought
he could ride a horse tomorrow. In fact ,he did.
He led a revolution.
"That was on a Tuesday. They captured him
on Wednesday and shot him on Thursday morn-
ing. And I've always been a little puzzled to fig-
ure out whether I did a good job for him or not.
I've seen the girl once or twice since at the
Casino and at night clubs. She doesn't come
around to the Health Institute any more. She
ought to, but she's got a new papa who doesn't
("are how fat they get."
The professor ugave mc < atiwl1ack between 1he

For Joe And Harry
Some persons who saw "Peter I"
(and some who didn't) have criticized
the one-paragraph review of that
film that appeared in the Daily last'
Saturday; some on the grounds that
the review was "flippant" and too de-
rogatory, and some on the' ground
that it was far too complimentary. A
little elaboration on "Peter I" seems
to be necessary if this reviewer is to
continue to enjoy the complete con-
fidence of his reading audience (both
of whom always consult the Daily
screen. column before buying tickets:
if the review recommends the pic-
ture, Joe and Harry stay home and
study; if it slanders the film, they
rush to the box office immediately)..
First more space in the original re-
view was devoted to "The River" than
to "Peter I" not only because the
former was, in the writer's opinior.
the finer picture, but because the
story of flood control had a more vital
message for the crowd at the Lydia
Mendelssohn than did the Russian
The statement that "the dir'ec-
tors (of Peter I have dug up the
past with a vengeance and they paint
the picture in unrealistic blacks and
whites in an effort to praise the good
guys and damn the bad guys" simp-
ly means that every person or group
in the story that stood for progress as
we think of it, was portrayed sympa-
thetically and that every force that
stood for the status quo was pictured
in the last stages of degeneracy. Peter
and Menshikov fall into the first
class; they were lusty. likeable fig-
ures. The Boyer noblemen and the
religious fanatics fall into the second
class and they were either too fat,
too thin, too piggish, too moronic or
too despicable to be human. That is
over-simplification of hstory by
means of exaggeration.
There was some excellent acting.
The epileptic, plotting Czar's son,
Alexei, was played by an actor, iyho
did an equally good job as a fiery old
scientist in "Baltic Deputy." Siminov
played Peter the Great with an en-
joyable gusto, too much at times.
But as a whole the film was poorly
organized in time sequence, in the
tiring length of court scenes and
battle scenes, which were also hope-
lessly confused as to who was on
which side.
It is true that the characterization
of the energetic Peter fighting the
meonomic and religious royalists of
his day makes the past live more than
it did in History II. But the lagging
pace, the over-drawn characteriza-
tions and the strained effect at pretty
still shots prevent this reviewer
from calling "Peter I" a great pic-
ture and force him to say that the
Russian directors have slipped since
they made "Beethoven Concerto" and:
"Baltic Deputy."
Just For Joe
Sometimes Joe glances at what we
have to say about the Film Library
showings, so we shall comment on
the last in the series that appeared
last Sunday, featuring Rudolph Val-
entino in "Monsieur Beaucaire.'"
Women fainted at Valentino's funer-
al, but the Great Lover's constant
bowing and eye-brow-raising defi-
nitely bored some of the co-eds in
the Mendelssohn audience.
One scene, however, was done with
a. technique that unfortunately has
been dropped from the director's
repertoire. Valentino and a court
dancer performing for the King were
photographed from the back of the
stage, silhouetting the figures against
the footlights in a very pleasing black
and white picture.
But the picture dragged on and on
and the story of the prince who ran
away from the French court to be-
come a lackey, only to find out how

much he really loved the Princess
(Bebe Daniels as a half clinging vine,
half siren type) seems to have lost
the charm it might have had.
A dapting
The Constitution
With one constitutional amend-
ment to his cr'edit, Sen. George W.
Norris declares he is going out after
another, and this time to make the
whole United States Constitution
easier to amend.
His proposal, the most discussed of
several before the Senate Judiciary
Committee in recent hearings, is to
provide that when a proposed
amendment is submitted to the states
it shall be placed on the ballot for a
referendum at thenext state elec-
tion and, further, that the require-
ment for ratification be reduced
from three-fourths to two-thirds of
the states.
Opposition witnesses at the hear-
ings argued that if any change- were
made in the method of amending the
Constitution it should be to make the
process more difficult. The sentiment
is quite understandable, yet it raises
a question whether it is more import-
ant and desirable to preserve a cer-
tain document in its historic form 0r
to have that document express the
living body of the basic law that gov-
erns the country. That the founding
fathers expected time and change to
make some alterations necessary is
indicated in the fact that they pro=

(Continued from Page 2)

igibility will be required after Mar. 1.
Library Hours on Washington's
Birthday: .On Tuesday, Feb. 22, the
Service Department of the General
Library will be open the usual hours,
7:45 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. The Study
Halls outside of the building and the
Departmental Libraries will be
First Mortgage Loans: The Univer-
sity has a limited amount of funds
to loan on modern well-located Ann1
Arbor residential property. Interest
at current rates. Apply Investment
Office, Room - 100, South Wing,
University Hall.
Choral Union Members: There will
be no Choral Union rehearsal on
Tuesday evening, Feb. 22 (Washing-
ton's birthday).
Notice to Graduate Students: Any
organization or group composed
wholly or in part of graduate stu-
dents that would like to appear in
the new graduate section of the 1938
Michiganensian are asked to get in
touch with David G. Laing at once.
Call 4439 or leave word at the publi-
cations building.
Students who handed in manu-
scripts in the Freshman Contest are
asked to call for them in the Hop-
wood Room on Wednesday, Thurs-
day, or Friday afternoon of this week.
R. W. Cowden.
Academic Notices
Economics 175: Be sure to bring
slide rules to class Thursday.
English 190: The class will meet at
the Union.
Bennett Weaver.
English 228 (Psychology and
Analysis of Literature). The schedule
for this course has been set at Tues-
day, 4 to 6.
College of Engineering, English 19,
Sections 1 and 2 will meet Wednes-
day evening, Feb. 23, instead of Tues-
day evening. C. E. Burklund.
History 11, Lecture IV. The lecture
will not meet on Thursday, Feb. 23,I
at 8 a.m., but section 29 will meet as
usual at 11 a.m. Thursday.
History 82: This course will not
meet on Thursday, Feb. 24.
Landscape Design 101. Make-up
final examination at 2 p.m. Wednes-
day, Feb. 23. Room 401 South Wing.
H. 0. Whittemore.
Speech 37 and 38: All students in
these classes are requested to at-
tend the Illinois-Michigan debate in
the North Lounge of the Michigan
Union tomorrow evening at 7:30.
Classes in Speech-Reading for those
who wish to supplement hearing by
developing speech-reading ability are
now open at either 9 a.m. or 3 p.m.;
laboratory practice hours in connec-
tion are 10 a.m. or 4 p.m. An ad-
vanced class in speech-reading is
open at 11 a.m. with laboratory hour
at either 10 a.m. or 4 p.m. daily..
Speech 71: 1 p.m. Mon., Tu., Frid.
Lab 4 daily.
Speech 72: 10 a.m. Tu., Th., 11,
Lab. 4 or 10 daily.
An exhibition of paintings, draw-
ings and drypoints by Umberto Ro-
mano is offered by the Ann Arbor
Art Association in the South gallery
of Alumni Memorial Hall, and an
exhibition of etchings by John Tay-
lor Arms in the North Gallery,- Feb.
14 through March 2. Open 2 to 5 p.m.
daily including Sundays, admission
free to members and to students.

Exhibition, College of Architecture:
A showing of the Margaret Watson
Parker collection of Pewabic pottery,
the work of Mary Chase Stratton, is
now on display in the central cases
on the ground floor of the Architec-
ture Building.
Professor A. R. Morris will give the
' annual mid-year faculty lecture of
the English Journal Club on Feb. 25,
at 4:15 p.m., in the League. The
faculty, members and guests are cor-
dially invited to attend. Professor
Paul Mueschke will make an import-
un-elected Congress. In some other
fields of reform or supposed reform
(action has proved extremely slow
The result has been that the Su-
preme Court has often been asked to
change the course of constitutional
law by interpretation instead of the
people changing it themselves by
CIt is an excellent thing that the
Constitution in the United States
commands a deep and continuing loy-
alty in contrast to those constitution
which in some nations may be hand-
ed out to appease a populace of
scrapped to suit a convenience. Thi4

ant announcement at the business
meeting at4 p.m.; all members are
urged to be present.
Oratorical Association Lecture
Course: Saivador de Madariaga, for-
merly Spain's Ambassador to the
United States and to France and
Delegate .to the League of Nations,
will speak in Hill auditorium on
Thursday, Feb. 24, at 8:15 p.m. His
subject will be "What is Peace?"
Tickets are now available at Wahr's
State Street Bookstore.
Lectures: Professor Conrad H.
Moehlman. Ph.D. of the Colgate-
Rochester Seminary will present two
public lectures in Natural Science
Auditorium: Thursday, Feb. 24, 4:15
p.m. upon "Has State Conquered
Church?" and Friday, Feb. 25, 4:15
p.m. upon "Is the United States
La Sociedad Hispanica announces
the second lecture of its series, Dr.
Charles N. Staubach will talk on
"Ciencia e Invencion Espanolas, ' Feb.
24 at 4:15 p.m. in Room 103 R.L.
Events Today
Botanical Journal Club: Today at
7:30 p.m., 1139 Natural Science. Re-
ports by:
Lois Lillick: Diatoms of the "Dis-
covery II" Antarctic Expedition.
Su Tsen Wu: A cytological study of
Cyanophyceae. J. K. Spearing.
Nancy Kover: Algae of lake shores
and lead-polluted streams o the
English Lake District.
Roy E. Joyce: Algae of English
Chalk Cliffs. P. L. Anand.
Chairman: Prof. W. R. Taylor.
Faculty Women's Club Dance Re-
cital in the Lydia Mendelssohn The-
atre, Feb. 23, 3:15 p.m. Michigan
Dames are to be guests.
Wives of Students and Internes
You are cordially invited to join the
organization of the Michigan Dames.
Call the membership chairman, Mrs.
L. C. Fisher, 6742, or come to the
first meeting of the second semester,
which will be held in the Grand Rap-
ids room of the League, tonight at
8:15 p.m. Prof. Preston Slos-
son will speak on "George Washing-
ton and the Twentieth Century."
The Outdoor Club will go on a sup-
per hike outside the city today.
The group will leave Lane Hall
promptly at 3:00 and return by 10:00.
Any student interested is invited to go
along. Reservations can be made by
calling Henry at 5572.
Christian Science Organization:
8:15 p.m. League Chapel. Students,
alumni and faculty invited to attend
the services.
Bowling: The bowling alleys at the
Women's Athletic Building will be
closed today.
Geological Journal Club. Thursday,
Feb. 24, at 7:15 o'clock in 3065 Nb.S.
Talk on Pleistocene ,Glaciation in
Western Montana and Idaho" by Og-
den L. Tweto. Review of "Applica-
tion of Model Theory to Geology" by
M. King Hubbard, reviewed by Dr.
T. S. Lovering.
Cercle Francais: Fifth lecture on
Cercle Francais program: "L'Anier-
ique vue par quelques ecrivains fran-
cais," by Dr. Abraham Herman, Wed-
nesday. Feb. 23, at 4:15, Room 103,
Romance Lang. Bldg.
Seminar in Physical Chemistry will
meet in Room 122 Chemistry Build-
ing on Wednesday, Feb. 23 at 4:15
p.m. Mr. Adolf Voigt will speak on
"Artificially produced radio-elements
as indicators in chemical investiga-

A.1.Ch.E. The February meeting
will be held Wednesday night, Feb.
23, at 7:30 p.m. in 1042 E. Engineer
'ing. Dr. E. H. Potthoff will speak on
petroleum refining. Refreshments.
Please note the change in time.
Hildner Testimonial Dinner: Any-
one planning to attend the banquet
at 6 p.m. at the Michigan Union;
on Wednesday, Feb. 23, please make
reservations at the German office,
204 U.H. or telephone Extension 788
before Wednesday noon.
Luncheon for Graduate Students
on Wednesday, Feb. 23, at 12 noon in
the Russian Tea Room of the Mich-
igan League. Cafeteria service. Prof.
Bennett Weaver of the English De-
partment will speak informally on
"A Liberal Education in the Uni-
S Prof.Conrad H. Moehlman, Ph.D.
of the Colgate-Rochester Seminary
will speak at a luncheon on Feb. 24,
12:15 p.m., Michigan Union. Any
faculty person interested in attend-
s ing may make a reservation by call-
ing Univ. 303.
Freshman Glee Club rehearsals will
s resume Wednesday at 4:30 p.m. in the
s Glee Clb Room at the UInin. TivI'

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President
until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.

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