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March 25, 1938 - Image 7

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The Michigan Daily, 1938-03-25

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We Dope's Dop
ar Pete:
ERE I am, the dope, I mean, with
the dope. You see what comes
.r a guy who tries to calculate
nething incalculable.
Coach Matt Mann and his boys
irt the defense of their National
im crown tonight, and it seems
ay may have as little success as
huschnigg had against Herr Hitler.;

about New Zealand's and Har-
vard's Willy Kendall, but we have
yrefound respect for the man
from the Golden West, that is
Wolfe, slightly less for Macionis,
and still less, for Johnson. How-
ever, it's Kendall in my book.
The 440-will find the same men on
the starting line with the exception
of Johnson. But Haynie will stroke
away with this one. Maybe the word
doesn't sound so appetizing, but

But people have been saying that Haynie's got "guts,' and when he
certain powers had come to the runs out of air, he'll just keep plug-
I of the "Osterreich," the man ging along on them. Put Kendall in
huschnigg might still be in the second, and leave the third for Ma-
ver's seat. cionis.

And our Michigan swimmers Dear old Pr
re in the same spot. They've got and friend, w
lenty on the ball, but need a few with Al Vande
llies. Harvard, the school which hough who wil
anks in the East as Michigan in the back- as
oes out here, and Ohio State races respectiv
zre allying against us. Princeton Harvard will fi
ill be en Michigan's side, how- in the dorsalr
ver, and there seems little pos- sued by eitherl
ibility that the Tiger can pad- Neunzig of 0
le through to the title. breast-stroke ra
yard route will
he outcome of some of the races ing the palm, G
't be doped. Take the short sprints the runner-up
instance. The 50 isn't so hard be- gins of OhioS
se our calculations have the al- have high rega
ghty Hutter of Harvard not en- but the dope sa
ed. We figure he'll anchor the this one.
imson's medley team, its free-style
ay team, and then swim the 100- We like Ohio
re on his own. Michigan's great the Buckeyes will
ptain, Ed Kirar will work the wa- tent of 20 tallies
s of the Plutgers hank into a tub; Patnik and Patte
suds and win this short race. Six two off both the l
ints for Michigan. And that's iot Give Michigana
. Walt Tomski and Bill Farns- for the efforts c
rth will get us some more. Any- Ferstenfeld, and
ing can happen, but give Walt a and Yale will a
pond and "Battlin' Bill" a fourth. tallies here, and I
delectable tallies in toto. also rate well.

inceton, our ally
ill come through
Veghe and Dick
1 be all-dominant
and breast-stroke
vely. Cummin of
fnish number two
race, closely pur-
Burns of Yale or
hio State. The
ace over the 200-
find Hough tak-
Greene of Navy in
slot, and Hig-
State third. We
ard for the Hig,
ays he won't win
State's divers, and
. benefit to the ex-
s, as their pair of
ison will place one-
ow and high boards
a total of five points
of Benham, Wolin,
Staley. Harvard
also garner a few
owa's Christene will

Siegel Matched
With Michaels
In Main Bout
Four Other Fights Carded
For Fresh Air Boxing
'Show On April 5
Don Siegel, Varsity tackle and
state amateur heavyweight cham-
pion, will clash with Buddy Mich-
aels, two time heavyweight winner
of the Free Press Golden Gloves
tournament, in the feature bout of
the Fresh Air Boxing Show to be
sponsored by the Junior Chamber of
Commerce Tuesday, April 5, at Yost
Field House, it was announced yes-
Siegel, who won the state Golden
Gloves title in 1937 and has strewn
the fistic path with knockouts in his
battles this year, is expected to find
Michaels no soft touch. The Detroit
lad was once runnerup for national
honors in the heavyweight division.
Underhill Vs. Spector
Four other promising bouts have
been arranged for the show so far.
A welterweight battle which cannot
fail to provide action aplenty will pit
Leonard Spector against Miles Un-
derhill. Spector won a Golden Gloves
title in 1937 and was awarded the
Ann Arbor News Trophy as the out-
standing fighter of the tourney. Un-
derhill performed the same feat in
Virgil Young, flashy colored light-
weight who dropped a fluke knockout
loss at, the Armory, will meet Her-
man DeMarco, Ann Arbor favorite,
who made a good showing among the
local Golden Glovers. r
Beyer Is Entered
In the featherweight division; Bruce
Beyer, also a University Golden
Gloves entry, is scheduled to trade
blows with Freddy Levene.
The committee has announced that
silk bathrobes will be awarded to all
entries, both winners and losers.
The show was originally set for
April 6 but it was decided to move
it up one day. Proceeds will go to
the University Fresh Air Camp or
underprivileged children.
I1 Hlockey Players
To Receive Letters
Varsity awards were given to 11
regular hockey players it was an-
nounced yesterday by Coach Eddie
Lowrey. The list includes six grad-
].ating sepiors all of whom are re-
ceiving either their second or third
Included among the winners are
Capt. Bob Simpson, Edwin Allen, Al
Chadwick, Ed Chase, Bill Chase,
George Cooke, Johnny Fabello, Les
Hillberg, Eldon James, Gib James
and Burt Smith.
Announcement of the election of a
captain for the 1938-39 season will
be made shortly following the team's
annual banquet.

To Appear In Main Go

'iamond Squad
S -M *7 71 71*"Y

I ~' Z~chledi Daily
Ot Base Paths'
When the players of the Wolverine
baseball team get on the base paths
this season they are going to be a
hard outfit to keep nailed down as
it is certain that they will employ
every method known to get around
$ third and set sail for home.
Coach Ray Fisher spends a great
deal of time schooling his charges in
the intricacies of proper bunting, slid-
ing and base stealing.
There are two ways of tallying
those elusive runs. They can be
batted in by plastering the ball all
over the outfield walls or they can be
pushed around by cleverly combin-
ing walks, bunts, stolen bases, and
drawing wild throws from the oppos-
- ing fielders.
They Get Around
IIt is doubtful if Michigan will be
Don Siegel, star Wolverine tackle classifieddasa team of power hitters
aind boxer extraordinary, will ap- this year but when one of its 4mem-
pear in the latter capacity when he hers does get on base he will know
meets Detroit heavyweight Buddy how to get around without being
IrMicha s in the feature bout of the stopped enroute by an opposing in-
Fresh Air Boxing Show to be held fielder if the amount of work put on
at Yost Field House Tuesday, April baserunning in practice is any cri-
Since practice firstbegan for play-
Savilla Tries His Hand ers other than pitchers nearly threeI
weeks ago, sliding has been featured
AtAnoherN Sport.as one of the daily drills. Assistantj
Coach Bennie Oosterbaan's sliding
When it comes to versatility on the school, as it is called by the frequen-!
athletic field, everybody may be ters of the Field House, is never with-'
out an ample supply of students on
forced to take a back seat. to big Joehand to participate in the general
Savilla. Ildigging up of the turf surrounding
No sooner had Joe hung tip his the base set up in an obscure corner.
wrestling togs after elimaxing a suc- Even Nose Dives
cessful season by taking, the state Not content with the conventional
A.A.U. title in the heavyweight di- or feet-first style of slide many of the
vision, than he decided to lend his pupils have spent much time develop-
ing various dives, twists and rolls all
talents to the track squad this spring of which are planned t to put the
and attempt to win an award in his runner safely on base. Many times
fifth sport since coming here. Bennie has to tell a player "the the-
As a freshman Joe won his nu- ory is fine, but the execution is not so
merals as a tackle in football, center hot" when he comes twisting into the
in basketball, and pitcher or first bag. So he goes back and repeats his
baseman on the diamond squad. This effort until better results are ob-
season however, after winning his tained.
first 'l1Y' in football, Joe decided to Bunting has been a regular part of
try something new, so he reported the batting drills since the cages were
for wrestling, a sport which he never first erected. Fisher is particular
tried before and last week was award- about the way his men bunt and
ed his second Varsity letter. He will keeps after them until they do it
try to make the grade as a weight right.
man in track. The Wolverines may not have any
While in high school in Gallagher, "murderers row" but they will be
West Va., Savilla played only basket- j dangerous men once they get on the
ball and football. basepaths.

ronto's Maple Leafs drew first blood
in their best-of-five playoff series for
the National Hockey League chain-r
pionship tonight by defeating the
Boston Bruins I to 0.

DETROIT, March 24.-(P(-Mich-
ael Strauss Jacobs, New York boxing
promoter, inspected Detroit as a pos-
sible site for the Joe Louis- Max
Schmeling heavyweight title 'bout to-

Pure - Clear - Thirst Quenching
Conveniently Sized Bottles
Phone 8270


Hinds Honey and Almond Cream
Bayer Aspirn........... .
Ca lox Tooth Powder ........
Phillips Milk of Magnesia. ...
Fitch's Shampoo. ...
Mum ......................

. 39c

Fresh Orangeade Bnana Split
Fresh Lemonade 10c Sundae . .

. 15c

Kirar will win again Saturday
night in the 100-yard free-style
race. The "Moose" has been
swimming under pressure all
year. This Billy Quayle boy from
Ohio has been hot on his heels
all the time, beat him once. Hut-
Ster, the Harvarder, has been in a
class by himself in the East, but
hasn't been bothered by the pres-
sure. And all the boys agree that I
working with the heat on doesn't I
aid the performance.
Tomski will again be a threat in
is race. And Coach Mann may de-!
de to use the rejuvenated Ed Hut-
ens. But there is Hutter and
Uayle to worry about. So give us
total of eight.
"Tireless Tom" Haynie will find
imself surrounded in the two I
fiddle-distance races. There'll be
endall from Harvard, Macionis of
~ale, Wolfe from USC, and John-
n of OSU. We'll submit and sur-
rnder, but figure Haynie for four,
oints which is equivalent to a sec-
Everybody has been talking

And last of all, we have the re-
lays. And as long as we're in a
liking mood, let's make a play on
Michigan in the 400 yard strug-
gle. We've got reasons. Hutch-
ens, for one, a -long rest for
Haynie another.
The medley may find our Wolver-
ines in a not too satisfactory plight.
Princeton, good ole Princeton, will
shatter all records while taking first,
Harvard with Hutter is set for sec-
ond, and Ohio State will take third.
Minnesota and Iowa will both enter
strong teams; Yale will be there, but
we'll be optimistic and place Michi-
gan fourth.
Now we'll add our figures again:

340 South State Delivery Service Phone 3534










_., __a

Michigan. ....
Ohio State .........
Harvard ........:..
Princeton ..........
Yale ...............
Iowa ..............
Navy ..............
Columbia ..........
Springfield ....,... .




David Zeitlin.


In The baseball Training Camps LAKELAND, Fla. March 4 P)-
The Detroit Tigers today faced the
ashington, A 500 000 102-8 13 2 I New Orleans, SA 002 200 000-4 7 1 possibility of playing their opening
inneapolis AA 000 000 001-1 6 0 New York, N 000 200 003-5 7 1 game against the Chicago White Sox
Batre-IIget Cae an April 19 without Billy Rogell, their
Batteries-Hogsett, Chase and Petit, Dobson and George; veteran shorstop.
arly; Fletcher, Baker, Brabowski Schroeder, Yarewick, Brennan and
nd Danning. Mancuso, Sheehan.
4ewark, I.L. 000 001 001-2 7 1 Pitt. NL 020 142 030-12 12 1 STROH'S CAR L I NG'S
4ew York, A 100 201 32x-9 10 1 San Francisco, PCL
Gay, Stringevich and McCullough; 203 000 002- 9 9 21 FRIAR'S ALE'
Nhandler, Beggs and Glenn. Brown, Brandt, Clemensen and At All Dealers
hiladelphia, A 000 040 010-5 5 1! Todd, Berres; Wilkie, Powell, Fra- J. O'KANE, Dist Dial 3500
3leveland A.L. 400 300 20x-9 10 0 zier and Woodall. J____O_______Dist._Dial_3500
Caster, Potter and Brucker, Wag- - _ ___
er; Feller, Allen, Heving and Hems-
ey, Pytlak.
'hiladelphia, NL 002 100 100-4 6 0 U. S. Pat. No. 2,082,106
emphis, Sa. 000 000 32x-05 7 3
Sivess, Reis, Burkhart, Allen and ~
Wilson, Stephenson, Besse, Zajac, '
lawkins, Hoffman, Letanosky, Spen-
er and Monzo, Bottarini. $125 New way of burning
ae n ozBtaii tobacco - better, cooler,
'incinnati, N 002 000 200-4 8 0 b
'asa Ciy AA 110 10'l- cleaner. Carburetor-Action cools
Kansas City, AA 110 101 01x-5 8 1 smoke. Keeps bottom of bowl absolutely
Raper, Gehrman, Cascarella and dry Treated with honey. Get the genuine.
7.; Davis; Bruer, Crutchfield, Nor-
nan and Holm.
3t. Louis, N 400 000 000--4 11 1
3oston, 'A 021 020 02x-7 12 0 " -
McGee, Lanier and Padgett, Brem- ~ -
lr; Wilson, McKain and Desautels. S

Men Are Weighing
the Value of

Evrery Dollar
TODAY this store can point
with pride to the fact that
your dollars never bought such
real clothing values as they
do this Spring.
IF YOU doubt this statement
-just come in, look them
over, decide for yourself..A
large, well-chosen stock awaits
you. Almost any shade or style
that you may prefer.
HUNDREDS of men and young
men are coming to MILTONS
this year for their new Spring
Suit and Topcoat. Why not

NEW YORK, March 24.-(P)--John
k. Scalzi of Stamford, Conn., former
"eorgetown University football star,
Today was added to Manhattan col-
lege's football coaching staff. He
fill assist head coach, Herb Koff,
Nith the backfield squad.








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