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March 25, 1938 - Image 8

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1938-03-25

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Physiciaiis Face
Many Questions
In Pneumonia
Dr. Nungester Confe-'e
importance Of Factor
Baffles Medical World

I - I

HJigh. 1)iver 1Re ovi ers IFrom I njuries

New Serumii


The problems to be solved in ex-
periment al pneumonia research are
hany and they seem varied, but ac-
tually there is a fundamental ques-
tion underlying them all-the ques-
tion of whether or not factors pre-
disposing to pneumonia are more im-
portant than the pneumococcus it-
self, according to Dr. W. J. Nungester
of the Medical School.
These predisposing factors include
fatigue, the common cold, exposure to
cold, and the general factor of low-
ered resistance. Dr. Nungester em-
phasized that medical science does
not know why these factors contri-
bute to pneumonia, or even what lowe
ered resistance actually is.
Serum Used Extensively
The organism itself, the pneumo-
coccus, which may be any one of some
32. different varieties, presents an-
other problem. Each form of the or-
ganism varies in the kind of chemical
substance that makes up its outer
coat or capsule. The type of or-
ganism is determined by the reaction
of specific serums with this capsular
material, or specific polysaccharide,
as it is called. The chemistry of this
material has been extensively studied,
particularly by Dr. Michael Heidel-
berger of Columbia University, who
spoke here recently.
The treatmenttnow in general use.
for pneumonia consists of injection1
with a serum which is prepared from
the blood of horses which have been
injected with dead pneumococci. This
serum is only effective when given
early in the illness and in large
amounts, and as yet serum is not
available for all 32 types of pneu-
mococci. An eastern company is now'
attempting to develop a serum that
will overcome these difficulties, us-
ing 18,000 rabbits for this purpose.
Research Here
The group working here has alsor
been investigating the problems off
why the serums do not work afterA
the third or fourth day of the dis-t
ease. They believe it is possible thatc
the serum does not get into the pneu-p
monic lung, but as yet much remains
to be done in this direction.-
Why is pneumonia a fatal disease:'?
Dr. Nungester believes that there are
probably several causes. It may be I
that there are weak toxins from the C
pneumococcus that accumulate and i
have some effect on the vital func-t
tions of the body. Another cause g
may be cyanosis, or suffocation due
to insufficient aeration of the blood, a
which is in part at least because of p
mechanical interference, but there c
are possibly other factors involved.-i

Bates, Aigler
Plan Lawyers'i
Alumni Group
Organ-ization To Promote
Interest Of Gradnates.
ScholarshIi Ftunds
Plans to launch an organization for
alumni of the Law School will be pre-
sented by Dean Henry M. Bates and
Prof. Ralph W. Aigler of the Law
{ School at a meeting of alumni April
' l, in New York City.
The organization, which will be
known as the University of Michigan
Law Society, will serve to establish#
a closer relationship between alumni
and faculty with a view to arousing
graduate interest. Through the me-.
dium of the Society, the alumni will
be able to work in close cooperation
with the a mission officials of the
Law School in influencing desirable
students to choose it for their law
It will also be the aim of the so-
ciety to enlist the help of Law School
alumni in placement of Law School
graduates, and in establishing scho-
larship funds.
Dean Bates and Proiessor Aigler,
will leave April 7 on a month's tour
to the West Coast.
Drank Last Li'l Bottle';
.Boat Sails On Diagonal
"A sailboat on the diagonal and
you . ..
The campus yesterday was treated
to a mid-week hangover thrill in the
form of a sailboat floating down the
diagonal. Thinking perhaps it had
taken several days for a previouslI
soiree to "take," your reporter looked
around for the accompanying pink
elephants and green monkeys. They
were nowhere in sight.I
But there was the boat, with full
sail, with sailors, with rigging and
with everything that goes with a
sailboat. Someone finally relieved us
with, the information that it was a
C mock boat (on wheels) used by the
Quarterdeck Society, naval engineer-
ing mens' honorary group, in its
annual initiation.
at Harris Hall. This will take the
place of the regular Sunday night
supper at the Michigan Union. The
group will meet promptly at 6:30 at
International Headquarters and go to
the supper together.

Steam Shovel Is Constructed
For Production Of 'High Tor'
By MARIAN SMITH a copy of the original design by Jo-
The Laboratory Theatre at present sepl Melsner, which was used in the
houses the essential elements that New York Production.
will go into the making of a steam Scenery for the play will consist
of three sets, built upon a basic form
ov ucket fr use inthehicomin which will give three different views3
production of "HighTor,"whiof the mountain peak of High Tor.
be presented March 30, 31, April 1 The setting is located on a mountain
and 2. peak overlooking the Hudson River,
Oren Parker, who P, designing the near Bear Mountain and almost di-j
sets for the play, is constructing a rectly across the river from Sing Sing,
shovel to accommodate two human Lighting will present one of the
beings who will be hoisted to the top major problems of the show, Parker,
of the theatre and suspended in mid- stated. Eerie effects will be 'needed
air while a thunder storm ensues. for the scenes in which the ghosts
"Necessity has prompted the con- appear and at the same time the hu-
struction" he stated, "because an man characters must be given flesh'
iron shovel would be too heavy for colors. A storm scene will also re-
man power manipulation and steam quire wierd effects, with a constant
power is unavailable." The shovel is change of lighting. -

When You Need
Money It's a
Personal Finance Co. keeps
the Personal touch in all its
dealings. That's why thou-
sands of our customers send
their friends to us.
LOANS up to $300 - All Plans
flexible repayments - to
fit your Personal budget.
p. . Privately arranged so that
your Personal affairs are kept
. . quickly handled to meet
your Personal needs.
" Personal financing is our
entire business-not a sideline.
We do no other kind of bank-
ing. Find out how simply you
can get cash to pay up old
bills; make mortgage or bank
note payments; refinance old
debts; or for other purposes.
Loans available to all university
people except students.
Come in--Get full Informa-
tion. Open 8:30 - 5 p.m. Sat-
urdays until 1 p.m.
Up to $300
Personol Finance Co.
376 Offices
10th Year in Ann Arbor
Ground Floor Wolverine Bldg.
201-203 S. FOURTH AVE.
Phone 4000 R.W. Horn, Mgr.

When Ray Woods, professional high diver, broke his back in a 185-
foot dive from the San Francisco Bay bridge, physicians gave him just
three hours to live. But he'y shown here helping his wife in their
St. Louis home just a year after the dive.
University. Copy receivetat k e of the Assistant to the Predcent
untl 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on saturday

Read Daily Classified Ads

I,(Coflt.nuef'cromn Page 4)

Ballroom.:-9-12 ,D.m. Wicket.; arP a.va.il- I

Lane Hall, Library Saturday from able at the League, Union and
7:15 to 8 pmyWahrs.
An exhibition of Spanish War pos-
The Graduate Students' Council ters and water colors of modern Spain
will meet Tuesday. March 29, at 8 will be displayed in the Grand Rap-
.m., in the Union. ids Room of the League Saturday,
March 26, from 2-5 p.m. and from
The American Federation of Teach- 9-12 p.m. F in connection .with the
:rs will hold its regular March meet- Spanish Fiesta.
ng Saturday, March. 26 at 12:15 p.m.1 er
n the Michigan Union. Panel Dis Group will hold its regular meeting
-ussion: "How Can Educational Plan- at 5 p.m. Sunday in the Henderson
ring Be Made Truly Democratic?" [Room of the Michigan League. All,
Representatives from the Donovan, Christian students are cordially in-
Mack, Clauson, Ann Arbor High, and vited to attend.
University High Schools and the!
School of Education constitute the' International Council Group: For-
panel. eign students are reminded that they
will be the guests this coming Sun-
S.A.E. Inspection Trip: The. society day evening of the Episcopal Guild'
of Automotive EngineerW is planning-
an inspection trip to the General
Motors Research laboratories, the
Chrysler Motors Research laborator-
es, the Chrysler Engineering labora-
tories, and the Packard provin
grounds on Wednesday, March 30.
The bus will leave the Arch at 8
a.m. and return to Ann Arbor at ap
proximately 7 p.m. 'Transportation
charges will not exceed $1.30. All
nterested in such a trip please sipn
up on one of the bulletin boards in
he west engineering building.

and young women's fancies

turn to thoughts of GA I ETY and DANCING!
take her to

Farm Made

featuring BILL SAWYER

.. .._.-------- i

- .. : . . . ..... . . .. . i


Here Is The Dope
On Money It Takes
For Your Marriage
(Continued from Page 1)
the dangers threatening practically
any marriage. Financial friction, is
considered by these women to be the
chief cause of disrupted homes. Ex-
penditures ifor the wife's wardrobe,
lead the specific items believed re-
sponsible for this discord with a na-
tional average of 36 per cent. Food
and household expenses take second
place, the survey indicates, with the
costs of entertainment and liquor
falling in. third and fourth places,
Installment buying, blamed byi
many economists as the cause of the
depression, has the approval of 54
per cent of the women contacted. Of
these, 59 per cent have not felt in-
stallment buying a burden, and it has
given to 88 per cent articles which
would otherwise have been out of
their reach.
Concerning control of money is
the question: "Do you think the wife
should have a regular housekeeping
allowance?" "Yes," said 88 per cent
of all groups, while 93 per cent of the
younger women gave affirmative an-
swers. It is interesting to note that
with age, the insistence upon this
phase lessens, for only 83 per cent
of the women over 45 said "yes." It
might be further pointed out that
the survey found only 48 per cent in
possession of the allowance 88 per
cent of them desire.
Bredvold, Koch To Teach
At N.U. Summer Session
Prof. Louis L. Bredvold, chairman
of the English department, and H.
C. Koch, of the School of Education,
will serve as guest irnstructors in the
1938 summer session of Northwestern
University, it was announced yester-
Professor Bredvold will offer a
course in "Early Augustan Litera-
ture," and a seminar on "Eighteenth
Century English Literature." Mr.
Koch will teach "Secondary School

A.S.M.E. All Mechanical Engineer-
ing students who are planning to pre-
sent papers at the meeting on next
Wednesday. March 30. should call
Bob Young at 4403 between 6 and 71
p.m. as soon as possible.
The papers will be read in compe-
tition for the purpose of selecting a
delegate to the Milwaukee student
Conference which is to be held on
April 18 and 19,

Chocolate alted Milk
Made with MILLER'S High Test ICE CREAM
Only 10c


Is Yours Among Them?


Inter-Faith Symposiuin: "Religio):
Common-Ground or Battle-Ground"
will be informally discussed by Pro-..-
fessor Ralphael Isaacs, Professor Ed- SPE
gar N. Durfee, and Professor Dewitt Pi
H. Parker at Lane Hall Library, Sun-
day, March 27, 3 p.m.j
The Spani sh Fiesta, with d aicing
floor show, exhibition and refresh 5 So
ments, will take place Saturday
March 26, at the Michigan League -

)oily Varden Sundae
13c- 2 for25c
Three Stores
uth Main 1219 South University 620 East Liberty


Alpha Chi Omega
Alpha Delta Pi
Alpha Epsilon Phi
Alpha Gamma Delta
Alpha Omicron Pi
Alpha Phi
Alpha Xi Delta
Chi Omega
Collegiate Sorosis
Delta Delta Delta
Delta Gamma
Gamma Phi Beta
Kappa Alpha Theta
Kappa Delta
Kappa Kappa Gamma
Phi Sigma Sigma
Pi Beta Phi
Zeta Tau Alpha
Sigma Alpha Iota



Phi Beta Pi
Phi Epsilon Pi
Phi Gamma Delta
Phi Kappa Sigma:
Phi Kappa Psi
Phi Kappa Tau
Phi Sigma Delta
Phi Sigma Kappa
Pi Lambda Phi
Psi Upsilon
Sigma Alpha Epsilt
Sigma Alpha Mu
Sigma Chi
Sigma Nu
Sigma Phi
Tau Kappa Epsilon
Theta Chi
Theta Delta Chi
Theta Xi
Zeta Beta Tau
Alpha Chi Sigma
/Alpha Kappa Psi
Alpha Omega
Alpha Rho Chi
Delta Sigma Delta
Delta Sigma Pi
Nu Sigma Nu
Phi Chi
Phi Delta Upsilon
Phi Rho Sigma
Theta Kappa Psi'
Xi Psi Phi


American Institute of
Chemical Engineers
American Society of
Civil Engineers
American Society of
Mechanical Engineers
Architectural Society
Congress - IMO
Michigan Daily
Engineering Honor Comm.
Freshman Medical Class
Junior Engineering Class
Junior Medical Class
La Sociedad Hispanica
Men's Council
Michigan Union
Panhellenic Association
Phi Alpha Kappa
Phi Eta Sigma
Quarterdeck Society
Senior Education Class
Senior Engineering Class
Scabbard and Blade
School of Music, Senior
Soph. Engineering Class
Soph. Class - L.S. & A.

L ud Wig






Ch mpio of Individualism
Author of "UPSTREAM"

Alpha Delta Phi
Alpha Kappa Lambda
Alpha Kappa Kappa
Alpha Sigma Phi
Alpha Tau Omega
Beta Theta Pi
Chi Psi
Chi Phi
,Delta Tau Delta
Delta Upsilon

Student Religious Assn.
Tau Beta Pi
Theta Sigma Phi
University Band
Univ. Girls' Glee Club

Ll L Ao%, r7




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