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Swimmers Begin Defense OfNational Title At Butgers'T
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Crisler Wants ,Dead Earnest'
Candidates A t First Spring Drill
Coach Fritz Crisler served advance
notice to all spring football candi-
dates yesterday that a singleness of
purpose-namely the urge to win a
regular playing berth-will be a prime
requisite during the impending train-
ing season.
"Approximately 115 men indicated
a football interest through our ques-
tionaires," he stated, "but only 80
or so will beon hand for the opening
practice Monday due to spring sports.
"Please make one point clear," he
emphasized, "We prefer that no one
turn out who isn't in dead earnest
about making the team. If they
simply want to get their name in
the paper, they needn't bother.
Candidates Report Monday
All candidates-were urged to report
for drill at 3 p.m. Monday. Equip-
ment will be issued at the Field House
today, tomorrow, and Monday.
"We're going to stress fundamen-
tals next week," Crisler stated. "That
means special attention to' blocking,
the most important offensive weapon,
and tackling, the essence of defense."
"Specialities-punting, passing and
place kicking-will also receive em-
phasis," Crisler continued. "The en-
tire coaching staff will be here, and
we're going to get down to work at
In answer to a query as to what he
hoped to attain this spring, Crisler
"The stress will not be entirely on
fundamentals. Our whole basis of
play-both our offensive and defen-
sive plan-will be taught. We're go-
ing to get a good start in prepara-
tion for the fall."
A Season Prevue
What Crisler meant by "football
interest" was aptly exemplified yes-
terday. Six of the candidates couldn't
hold off until Monday and joined
Coaches Earl Martineau and Camp-
bell Dickson in a spirited game of
touch-ball at Ferry Field.
Working out in shorts and sweat-
shirts, Hercules Renda, Dave Strong,
Ed Phillips, and Jack Meyer, all back-
field candidates, warmed-up with
linemen Jack Brennan and Louie
Phillips, a blocking specialist, was
out last year due to ineligibility, while
Strong, Meyer, and Flora were on the
freshman team.
Martineau and Dickson chose up1
sides and the players split up for the
game. They all got plenty of leg
work, including the two new men-1
tors, who showed plenty of zip in
their roamings on the practice field.1
Martineau also watched Strong,t
the ex-Illinois quarterback who
transferred here last year, practice
punting. Renda was on the receiv-
ing end, and several of the boots of
the 60 yard variety had Here backing
up in a hurry.
Both Renda and Strong were ad-
vised as to their punting and receiv-
ing technique but on the whole active
coaching was postponed until next
As one wag put it: "If the early
birds always get that worm, these
guys ought to be in good shape this
fall." Perhaps Mr. Crisler's emphasis
on "interest" has something to do
with it.
Tolmich Hopes
To Make Ntext
Olympic Tea'm
Slim, dark haired Allan Tolmich
went through his paces over some
high hurdles set up on Ferry Field
Tuesday afternoon and admitted that
his greatest ambition was to break
the world's record doing just that.
Listed as an All-American hurdler,
Tolmich will graduate from Wayne
University in June. While there hel
went out for one season of tennis and
he finished three years of Varsity#
competition on the cinders for Waynei
last year.
He considers Spec Towns the great-
est competitor that he ever hurdledf
against and his greatest thrill camer
when he finished ahead of the Geor-
gia flash to win the' high hurdles
event at the National A.A.U. meetC
last summer in Milwaukee, Wis. 1
One out the most outstanding trackl
stars ever produced 'by Detroit, he C
hopes towgo out for the Olympics in
1940 if his present plans work out.
And when asked if he thought he
might break any records this year,
he replied that he ran to win-rec-e
ords were incidental but he softeneda
this statement by stating that het
would probably run a lot of goodE
races this spring. He will never raceC
Towns again in amateur competi-
tion, however, as Towns has accepted
a coaching job in Georgia.
Powerful Foes
Threaten Team
Champ ionship
Ohio State And Harvard
Favored To End Reign
Of Wolverine Squad
(Continued on Page 6)
night. Capt. Ed Kirar, "Long Walt"
Tomski, and "Battlin' Bill" Farns-
worth, the latter a surprise point-
winner in the Conference fiesta, are
slated for action.
Harry Rieke, slowed up this sea-
son after a two year lay-off, will
carry the Michigan colors into the
back-stroke race, but he is conceded
slight chance of being a point-win-
The 220-yard free-style event will
probably sport the classiest field that
could be assembled. Haynie of Mich-
igan, Kendall of Harvard, Wolve of
USC, and Macionis of Yale, a quar-
tet of splashers who all have bordered
the sensational in this race will clash.
Haynie left Ann Arbor Wednesday
with a voice that sounded like a firstr-
place winner in a hog-calling con-
;est, but the "tireless" one cannot be
counted out.
Michigan will have four entrants
in the low board dive. They are Hal
Benham, Hanley Staley, Adolph Fer-
stenfeld, and Jack Wolin. Two of
these will probably place, which two,
is problematical but Fernstenfeld and
Wolin have the edge.
The final event on tonight's card
finds Michigan with a new anchor
man on its medley relay trio. Almost
every free-styler on Coach Mann's
squad has had the tail position at
one time or another, and tonight Ed
Hutchens, a sophomore who may sur-
prise a lot of fans, will have the hon-
or. Princeton, Harvard and Ohio
State teams are expected to keep the
Michigan points in this race to a min-
Tomorrow night, the remaining five!
events of the meet will be run off,'
and at present all indications point
to the last race, the '400-yard relay
event as the argument that may de-
cide the new American champion.
That is how close the battling will be.1
Campus Trackr
Meet Is Called
For March 30
Meets Haynie
My Biggest
Michigan Track Coach
"Speaking of unknowns coming
through always reminds me of Rod
Cox, who threw the hammer for us
in 1933, the last year that event was
held in the Big Ten.
"Cox was a real worker and was
usually good for a second or third
in the dual meets, but he hadn't
done much in the Big Ten meets.
That year we went to the National
Intercollegiates, and although Rod
was along, he wasn't figured to do
very much.
"Well, as often happens, the big
boy came through with the longest
toss of his career to win the national
championship. After the event, I
went over to congratulate him on his
surprising performance. Before I
had a chance to say anything, Rod
"'Gee, I'm sorry, coach,' he
"'Sorry,' I replied, 'what have
you to be sorry about?' f
"'Aw, I can throw that thing
farther than I did. I could have
done a lot better. I'm really sorry
about it, coach.'
"And most surprising of all, he
meant it."
NEW YORK, March 24.-(,P)-The
New York Rangers, holding a 3-0 lead,
at one stage or the game, held off a
desperate drive by the New York
Americans tonight,
See the New STETSON Feature Styles.
State Street at Liberty
John Macionis, mighty Yale dis-
tance star, will again clash with
Michigan's Tom Haynie in the
National Intercollegiate meet which
begins tonight. Haynie nosed out
his rival at their last encounter
in the 220 only to have Macionis
lead his relay team to victory,
Nine Yearhlnl"s
Win Nume-rals
Ilockey Squad s 1Lacking
il Stand-Out I llayers
With the announcement of the
awarding of numerals to nine men,
today Coach Eddie Lowrey officially
rang down the curtain on thy 1937-
38 freshmen hockey season.I
The recipients 'include Lawrence
Calvcrt, Smith Falls, Ont., Erwin
Clahassey, Birmingham, Mich., Fred-
erick Heddle, Ann Arbor, Herbert
Kilner, Detroit, James Lovett, De-
troit, Charles Ross, Ann Arbor, Gil-
bert Samuelson, Willoughby, Ohio,
Bert Stodden, Ann Arbor, and James
Tobin, Highland Park, Mich.
Although the squad lacked out-
standing individual stars, it con-
tained numerous puck chasers that.
Coach Eddie Lowrey expects to de-
velop into future varsit material.
"The boys need more scrimmaging
and plaving experience." accrdingto
It takes months of
hard wear for you
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really good Smith
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They are produced
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Here's the tapered crown ... the brim that curves
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CHICAGO, March 24.-VP) -Chica-
go's scrappy Blackhawks, with big
Earl Seibert getting two sensational
"billiard shot" goals, shut out the
Montreal Canadiens, 4 to 0, tonight
to stick in the Stanley Cup playoffs.
they do.
The annual independent all-cam- aiuNa 1,ciIaa~ic a,,tullL
Coach Lowrey. The forwards are, as
pus track meet, sponsored this year a whole, fairly strong offensively but'
bysCongress, IndependentdMen's Or-Iare noticeably weak as back-check-
ganization, will be run off Wednesdayj ers.
March 30, at 7:30 p.m. in Yost Field Jim Anderson, who did not receive
House. his numerals due to ineligibility, is
The meet is being run off on a zone probably the fastest skater on the
basis this year with each member of squad and this, combined with his
the winning zone receiving an award. clever stick handling, should prove
With only Varsity and freshman track to be of considerable aid to the Wol-
' team members barred from comn- verine cause next year if he hurdles
peting it is expected that entries will the cast obtayes.
reach a new high this year. the utsansans
The ten events on the card are the Playmaking is the outstanding
60 yard dash, high hurdles, 440 yard forte of Tobip, another forward. Cal-
run, 880 yard run, low hurdles, mile vert, Hleddle and Kilner are other
run, high jump, shot put, pole vault front line men who have shown abil-
and the broad jump. ity and with more play and compe-
Entries, which are being takenr j tition are counted on by Coach Low-
Entreswhih ae beng ake inrey to bolster his varsity squads of
the lobby of the Intramural Building future years.
and from 3:30 to 5:30 daily at the Heading the group of yearling de-
office of Congress in the Union, will fes e h aeteueval
close March 29 at 5:30 p.m. ensemen who have the unenviable
cobs of filling the shoes of Capt. Bob
PATTY BERG WINS TOURNEY Simpson and Burt Simpson is Ross,
SOUTHERN PINES, N.C., March who also won his numerals in foot-
24.--(tP-Patty Berg, queen of the ball packs an unusually hard shot as
winter golfing circuit, finished with well as size and stamina.
a sub-par 73 today in winning the Bert Stodden may be used at either
Women's Mid-South Tournament a wing or defense position, probably
at the former post because of his
natural balance and speed on the ice,
and his skillful handling of the black
I ~ ~disk.
Groceries - Beer - Wind Clahassey, an experienced goalie,
Tvsguarded the nets last year for the
Ty's Service Market hockey team that represented the
420 Miller Ave. University of Alaska and which
___ __ toured the East._ ___
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