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March 18, 1938 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1938-03-18

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FRIAY, MARUC 18, 1938

Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority or the Board in Control of
ntudep+ Publications.
tPubshed every morning except Mondy during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
rights of republication of all other matter herei also
En.Predat the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier,
4.00; by mail, $4.50.-
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1937-38
national Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Relresentative
Board of Editors
Business Department
;REDIT MANAGER..................DON WILSER
It is important for society to avoid
the neglect of adults, but positively
dangerous for it to thwart the ambition
of youth to reform the world. Only the
schools which act on this belief are ed-
ucational institutions in the best mean-
ing of the term.
Alexander G. Ruthven.
The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of the Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
The Olympic G mes
And Japan.. ..
their way farther into China, the
Japanese Olympic representative fights the
threatened boycott of the Tokyo Olympic games
in 1940.
The International Olympic Committee "sole
judge of where and how the Olympic Games are
staged," began a nine-day conference last Fri-
day and today they cruise the historic Nile dis-
cussing the two major motions on the agenda: (1)
the threatened boycott and (2) elimination of
vomen from future Olympic competition.
Women will not be barred and should not be.
But the boycott question is not such a light one.
We recall too vividly the travesty of the Berlin
Olympics in '36 where sportsmanship and fair
play were hopelessly inundated in the flood of
Nazi propaganda and "Aryanism" which over-
flowed the playing fields. We observed Der
Fuehrer transform the Berlin games into a gi-
gantic Gei'man advertising blurb and too late
regretted the entrance of our athletes, whom
Hitler welcomed with an almost daily round of
sneering insults.
Like Germany, Japan looks for the propaganda
potentialities in the coming games. Like Ger-
mnany, Japan easily may seize the Olympics as a
splendid vehicle for wringing awe and respect
from her 90 million "yes men." But aside from
the similarity to the Germany of '36, Japan is
war-torn, poor and desperate. Surely Japan is
today scarcely a suitable playing field for sports-
Robert I. Fitzhenry.
The Emperor Jistinian
And Der Fuehrer. .
tory of eastern Europe an emperor by
the name of Justinian endeavored to bring about
a reform in his country similar to the change
Adolf Hitler is trying to consummate in present
day Germany.

Justinian tried to recreate the glory that
belonged to the old Roman Empire. The prestige
that was Rome's had come to be a thing of the
past. This emperor tried to reunite and remake
the empire. His zeal in endeavoring to make the
boundaries of the empire the same as they used
to be in days of old, glorious Rome was tremen-
dous. However, to carry on the 'iebuilding plans,
the wars in adjacent countries; the complicated
government and the extensive system of bribery
practiced, an extremely large amount of money
was essential. The net result was a vicious tax-
ation program. Justinian's hopes could not pos-
sibly have been realized, because he was attempt-
ing reforms much too costly for the wealth of
the empire.
Adolf Hitler is trying to carry on precisely the
same type of program. Germany must be ele-
vated to its former state of world prominence,
the advocates of the present regime in Germany

The Editor
Gets Told.®
in 4emnodi -i etle nLyncl
To the Editor:
Helen Lynch, fighter for New York's unem-
ployed for the past eight years, is dead. Dead a
thirty-one-of double pneumonia. ("But really of
overwork," say those who knew her.)
Who was Helen Lynch? Of all New Yorkers
who knew about her work among the unemployed,
I believe I am the only one who knew her earlier,
at the University of Michigan, where she was a
student during the middle nineteen-twenties.
I remember Helen Lynch very distinctly as I
first met her-a slender, distinguished-looking,
quiet, rather aloof girl, with a considerable cam-
pus reputation as an aesthete and a poet. She
was always smartly dressed and attractive, but I
remember her chiefly for a certain intensity
which characterized her whole personality. She
was not nervous, or strained, or insistent: just
intense, as though she sought Truth, or Justice
and would be satisfied with nothing less. She
spoke very little when she did, she simply stated
an opinion or a conclusion, briefly and earnestly.
When she talked, she looked directly at one,'with
her large searching grey eyes.
Her poems, the two or three I read in the college,.
literary magazine, had the same quality of in-
tensity-though perhaps more potential than
actual-which was so marked in her personality.
I remember talking to her a few times about her
poems, about form and style and beauty. I sug-
gested to her-more at length than usual, because
I was impressed by her evident honesty and
strength-that good poetry must have a real
message to the reader as well as a compelling
form of expression.
"I think beauty is the essential thing in poetry,"
she insisted.
"Not the only essential," I said. "The poet must
have, along with a sense of beauty, a social con-
science." What I was saying was nothing new. I
merely called her attention to the existence of
widespread poverty, misery, injustice.
"Perhaps," she said, slowly, after a pause .. .
A few years later, when I was assistant profes-
sor of English at Long Island University, I took
part in the gigantic hunger demonstration of
March 6, 1930, which inaugurated the organized
movement of the unemployed. I was nearly run
down by Police Commissioner Grover Whalen's
brutal mounted police as they charged the huge
mass of people, and the next day I read in the old'
New York World realistic descriptions of police
violence at various points of the demonstration.
Not long after this I hunted up a local office of.
the Unemployed Councils (now the Workers'
Alliance), which were formed shortly afterward-
and I found Helen Lynch there! As slim and at-
tractive as ever, and now intensely devoted to a
definite cause.
We greeted each other, spoke of the University
of Michigan and, vaguely, of campus happenings.
Then we spoke of the jobless millions and their
need. I expressed surprise that she, the poet,
should be in the work there. "It's the only thing,"
she said. She was calm and assured, and I ad-
mired her. I envied her, too, for she had at-
tained real functioning in the working class
movement before I had.
The next year (1931) I was a delegate from
the John Reed Club on the historic first National
Hunger March to Washington, and again I saw
Helen Lynch, one of the leaders and organizers
of the march.,
In the years that followed, I could see, in the
pages of the Daily Worker, in the leaflets of the
unemployed, in the newspaper accounts of police
arrests at jobless demonstrations, in the count-
less delegations of wretched and hungry people
at the Home Relief Bureaus, that the name of
Helen Lynch was inseparable from the history
of the poor. Wherever they were, there she was
fighting for them. The officials of City Hall came
to know her well. She was utterly fearless and

tireless, and she could not be balked. Many a;
starving child and mother and family, denied help
by heartless relief officials, owe food and at least
chance of survival to the courage and persistence
of Helen Lynch.
It was only three years ago, I think, that Helen
Lynch was arrested and jailed - for "disorderly
conduct." As was then customary in such arrests
of working class women, the jailer's matrons and
physicians tried to "examine" her for possible
evidence of venereal disease and the like. She
refused to undergo this indignity, which was de-
liberately intended to discourage militant activ-
ities on the part of women radcals. The au-
thorities insisted, and Helen fought back. They
put her in solitary confinement to break her
spirit, but the workers of New York poured into
the streets and demonstrated for her release.
I am proud to say that I marched with the dem-
onstrators on this occasion. As a result of our
protest, she was taken out of solitary, and was
not compelled to submit to the obnoxious
Now she is dead, of double pneumonia and of
unremitting struggle. She fought for the uneni-
ployed against hunger, for democracy and against
fascism. She was a member of the Communist
Party, a proved and beloved leader and com-
rade. Although she came from a well-to-do
family,-she was never tempted into the byways
and swamps of petty radicalism usually so be-
guiling to the middle class intellectual. She
went with sure instinct straight to the proletariat,
ml.Arr7'nsrto ~tho intrritofiin, cf t,p .,in-

Heywood Broun
Some medical man should write a piece on the
relationship between blood pressure and political
opinion. As my arteries harden I find that I grow
conservative in many things. For instance, I
have an old-fashioned notion that the criticism
of men in public life should not extend even to
the members of their imme-
diate families and that their
in-laws ought to be immune,
:.. save as separate individuals.
Indeed, I am so mid-Vic-
torian that I would have-this
rule extended even to per-
. ? sons beyond the pale of po-
litical life. Neither my mo-
ther nor myself is at the mo-
ment an active candidate for
any elective office. I am well aware that she is
allergic to most of the columns I write. On the
other hand, she sends letters to the editor and
takes a stand on labor matters which makes my
hair curl.
As yet I have not tried to impose cloture. Her
attitude toward labor unionism is her own bus-
iness, and writing a column is mine.
But the thing which puzzles me is that the
violence of expression comes almost entirely from
persons who seem to me reactionary. Naturally,
I want my mother to know, if she happens to see
this, that I am not referring to her. In my
opinion she is a reactionary, but I would also like
to certify her excellent manners. Her three chil-
dren have set her a good example in this respect,
which she has followed faithfully.
Probably I should say "two of her children,"
because I have been engaged in many public
brawls, and in verbal controversy I have not been
much motivated by the rules of cricket or ama-
teur tennis. At times when I thought I saw an
opportunity to give an opponent an elbow I did so.
But, then, I was the only radical in the family.
*'*' *
One Timid Step
Even that may be an excessive boast, because
the limit to which I went was to become a mem-
ber of the Socialist party. And that didn't last
' long. It is my contention that I left because
Norman Thomas was too much of a Groton boy.
Still, in my later years as an unattached orator
I have heard many speeches in Union Square
and elsewhere, sometimes on assignment and
sometimes just because I wanted to go. Radicals,
of every shade, are better speakers than reac-!
tionaries. They have more sense and they get
more practice. Vladeck, Waldman, Morris Hill-
quit and Norman Thomas all seemed to me superb
upon a platform or a street corner. The Com-
munists have also developed some excellent
speakers, although it seems to be a party principle
to avoid the lush style of William Jennings
Naturally, I have heard radicals take Coolidge
and Hoover apart after the manner of a skilled
worker breaking down a watch. I have heard
bitter attacks on Roosevelt-two of them were
mine. And, even so, I must publicly confess the
antediluvian opinion that there is such a thing
as the dignity of the office and that there ar
certain things which no man ought to say aboutt
any President of the United States.
Get (Ip Or Shut Up
If any man thinks he has evidence of the
personal dishonesty of any Chief Executive of the
United States let him get up on his hind legs and
yell for impeachment proceedings. Otherwise let
him hold his piece.
Much is said these days about subversive utter-
ances. Quite seriously I say that the place to find
them is not among the radicals but among the
reactionaries. The spokesman of the right wing
are the ones who tend to bring our system of gov-
ernment into contempt and, either consciously or
unconsciously, promote the very real peril of a
Fascist America.
I do not like to kick at a man who is down, but
I am told that Richard Whitney was passionate
in what he said about Franklin Roosevelt in semi-

private conversations.

The Players-
This evening the Hillel Players ring
up the curtain at the Lydia Mendel-
ssohn Theatre with their presentation
of Edith Whitesell's Roots. During the
past 10 years, the Hillel Players have
established themselves as one of the
foremost theatrical groups of the
University. For the past three years,
they have successfully produced Hop-
wood Award winners. The choice of
Roots is a continuation of this policy.
This year, the Players have gone
one step further insomuch as Roots is
an all-student production, marking
a great step forward in their plans.
It is, also, a natural culmination and
climax of their previous Hopwood
productions. It has always been the
policy of the Players to actively en-
courage student participation in all
phases of the drama. For the first
time in its history, they will show
what completely native talent in pro-
duction can do.
The idea of all-student produc-
tions should certainly be carried over
by the University's Speech Depart-.
ment. Learning about the theatre
in a classroom is about as futile as
trying to write a play at a desk. Both
the actor, the director, and the play-
wright must see their play on the
boards, must actively feel and work
with it. Such experience can not be
gleaned from a classroom. And un-
til we have a Workshop Theatre, with
its experimental set-up, we canont
make any further advancement.
The opportunity . the Hillel Play-
ers offers to the student interested in
I the drama should be an example for
the Speech Department to follow.
Certainly Play Production has put
out some excellent presentations; but
rarely does it offer the student in-
terested in directing the opportunity
to direct, the scene designer the op-
portunity to create sets, theactors do
experimental work in technique and
make-up, the costume designer his
chance for originality. All of which
is not Play Production's fault. Its
present quarters prohibit such ac-
tivity on its regular curriculum. {
Therefore, it is with a great deal
of admiration and respect when we
see a student campus organization
carry out what should be the prime
purpose of a university theatre. It is
certainly an ambitious program, but
with the experience and background
of the Players, the result can be only
a happy and fortunate one; happy for
the participants of the production,
derived from the experience gained,
fortunate for those of us who will
witness the production tonight and
The university honorary degree has
lately suffered a loss in prestige all
over the country and particularly in

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to ail members of the
University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the Presidenu
until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.


FRIDAY, MARCH 18, 1938 urday, March 19, 9 a.m. to 12 a.m.
VOL. XLVIII. No. 121 !The public is cordially invited.
Faculty of the College of Literature,]Lectures
Science, and the Arts: The five-
week freshman reports will be due University Lecture: Dr. Michael
March 19, Room 4, University Hall. Heidelberger, Associate Professor of
Biological Chemistry, Columbia Uni-
To the householders: If you need versity College of Physiciais and Sur-
student help for your spring house- geons, will lecture on "Recent Chemi-
cleaning, yard or garden work, call cal Theories of Immune Reactions
Miss Elizabeth A. Smith, Ext. 2121, and Some Practical Applications," on
Student Employment Bureau. The Friday, March 18, in Room 1528 East
student rate of pay is 40 cents an Medical Building at 8 p.m., under'the
hour. auspices of the University and the


Wanted: Experienced Camp Coun-
sellors for Summer Camp. Apply at
Employment Bureau, Room 2, Univer-
sity Hall for further information
.l. A. Bursley, Dean of Students.
First Mortagage Loans: The Univer-
sity has a limited amount of funds
to loan on modern well-located Ann
Arbor residential property. Interest
at current rates. Apply Investmentl
Office, Room 100, South Wing,
University Hall.
The Bureau has received notice of
the following Civil Service Examina-
Inspector of Clothing, $2,000;
Quartermaster Depot, Philadelphia,
Pa.; Quartermaster Corps, War De-
Tabulating Clerk B, $100 a month;
Michigan Civil Service Examination.
Occupational Therapy Classes,'
(saary rates not yet established) ;
Michigan Civil Service Examination.
For further information, please
call at the office, 201 Mason Hall.
Bureau of Appointments and
Occupational Information.
Academic Notices
English 140 (Playwrighting). The
writing assignments to be handed in
next Monday will be a paper on Mrs.
Whitesell's play "Roots," from the
production by Hillel Players.
Kenneth Rowe.
History 134 will meet in Room 25
A.H. tqday, Friday.
Mathematics 350, Advanced Short
Course, second section. The first
meeting will be held in 3201 A.H. on
Monday, March 21, at 3 " p.m. This
section will be on "Product Integrals"
by Professor Rainich.
Skating Class: As the skating rink
closes March 20th students in the
skating class must change to another
activity next week. Any student who
has failed to sign up should get in
touch with Miss Burr at Barbour
Gymnasium, or the Michigan League
as soon as possible.
Zoology 208 (Quantitative Meth-
ods): The class will not meet Fri-
day, March 18, owing to the Michigan
Academy program.

Michigan Department of Health. The
public is cordially invited.
Public Lecture: "Graeco-Buddhist
Sculpture: Its Place in Far Eastern
Art," by James M. Plumer. Il-
lustrated with slides. Sponsored by
the Research Seminary in Islamic
Art. Monday, March 21, 4:15 in
Room D, Alumni Memorial Hall. Ad-
mission free.

Lecture and Gallery Talk: Mr.
Plumer will talk on rubbings of Han
Reliefs now on exhibition. West Gal-
lery, Alumni Memorial Hall, Tuesday,
March 22, at 9 a.m. Required for
Fine Arts 192; other students and
the public are cordially invited.
Events Today
Michigan Dames: Bowling for mem-
bers and their husbands Friday, 8:30
p.m. Women's Athletic Building.
Friday, 3-3:30 p.m. The World To-
day Series. Topic: Civil Service. in
the State and Nation. James K.
Pollock, Professor of Political Sci-
ence. (WJR).
Roots: The Hillel Players' presen-
tation of Roots will be given at Lydia
Mendelssohn March 18 and 19. Mat-
inee March 19. Box office open 10
a.m. to 9 p.m.
First Presbyterian Church, 1432
Washtenaw Ave.
4:30 p.m, Dr. Lemon is offering a
special course for students during the
Lenten season every Friday on "How
to Know the Bible." Today his topic
will be "The Bible and Other Bibles."
Students are invited to add the un-
derstanding of the Bible to a liberal
R.O.T.C. advance students and Re-
serve officers desiring tickets for the
Military Ball, will please call at
R.O.T.C. headquarters before March
There will be a reception and so-
cial at the Hillel Foundation follow-
ing each performance of "Roots."
All are cordially invited.
Hillel services will be held tonight
at 7:30 p.m. instead of 8 p.m.
Coming Events
Faculty Women's Club: Tea at the
home of Mrs. Alexander G. Ruthven,
Wednesday, March 23, from 3:30 to
5:30 p.m.
Baptist Guild: Don't forget the 32nd
annual banquet of the Roger Wil-
liams Guild tomorrow (tonight) in
the League. There will be no open
house this week, but everybody plan
for a scavenger hunt at 8 p.m. March
Stalker Hall. The Annual Methodist
Banquet will be held Saturday, March
19 at 6:15 o'clock at the Michigan
Union. For reservations call 6881 be-
fore. Friday evening. All Methodist
students and their friends are cor-
dially invited to attend. Party at
Stalker Hall following the banquet.
Lutheran Student Club will meet in
Zion Parish Hall at 5:30 p.m. Harold
Gray will be the speaker and will
speak on "One Mans Answer to War."
Supper is served at 6 p.m, The Stu-
r dent Choir will hold rehearsal at 4


the west. Exhibition, College of Architecture:
The reason for this loss in prestige Examples of engraving, typography,
is the fact that those responsible for printing in black-and-white and
the gift of degrees have allowed the color, details in the manufact'ring
Standards of selection to drop. The of a book, and details in the design
doctorate by an ancient tradition is and make-up of a magazine. Shown
academic in character. The contri- through the courtesy of The Lakeside
bution which is honored by the de- Press, R. R. Donnelley & Sons Com-
gree should be a contribution to pany, Chicago. Ground floor cases,
knowledge. Architectural Building. Open daily
knr owee, i asbenterc 9 to 5, through April 7. The public
For some time it has been the prac- ordially invited.
tice of universities to recognize dis- i-a-t
tinguished public service as well. This
I is acceptable if the measurements of Exhibition of Ink Aubbings of Han
the public service in question are ex- Dynasty Tomb Reliefs from Wui-
acting. Unfortunately theyhave not ! Liang-Tsu. Monday, March 14 to
been so exacting in recent years. Saturday, March 26, week-days, 2 to
5 p.m., West Gallery, Alumni Me-
In a sense, Gonzaga university morial Hall.
when it made Alumnus Bing Crosby ._____ Hll
a doctor of laws and literature did a
gracious thing. But while the distinc-- The Ann Arbor Art Association pre-
tion of Crosby's particular talent can- sents two print exhibitions, work by
not be questioned, his university's ac- the Chicago Society' of Etchers and
tion on this matter only contributed by the American Artists Group of
to the discredit of the honorary doc- New York, March 15 through 27, in
toate. the North and South 'Galleries of Al-
Because academics are not Mr. umni Memorial Hall. ;Open daily, in-
Crosby's distinction, the degree added eluding Sundays, 2 to 5 p.m., free to
nothing to his reputation. Because students an( to members.
public amusement is not the concern
of a university, Gonzaga university's Exhibit of Photographs of Botanical
gesture appeared out of place and ri- Subjects: The Botanical Section of
diculous. It was, of course, a good the Michigan Academy will have an
publicity stunt; it put Bing Crosby's exhibit of photographs in Room 3004
name on the front pages of the news- Natural Science Building Friday,
papers and incerased his fame-that March 18, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Sat-
is if his fame could be increased. But urday, March 19, 9 a.m. to 12 a.m
the publicity it brought to Gonzaga The public is cordially invited.
university was the worst possible kind
for an academic institution. The Exhibit of Photographs of Botanical
university was given the appearance Subjects: The Botanical Section o1
of a kind of Gilbert and Sullivan the Michigan Academy will have an
comic opera institution. An academic exhibit of photographs in Room 3004
institution of dignity will regret this, Natural Science Building Friday,
and doubtless when all was said and March 19, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Sat-
done Gonzaga regretted it.
The sparing and rigidly careful use
of the honorary doctorate in the fu- Inoerson To Open
ture is the only policy which will save .
the degree from falling into a state of Geology Meetings
1general disrepute.
Southern Calif. Trojan. Thr_ Farl Tnvcprnv, vfrw+.oA r
Dr Erl n ern td li.


Nip In The Bud...
It was the purpose of Congress, when the Fed-
eral Maritime Commission was formed, to give the'
old plan of doling out Government subsidies
to shipping lines a permanent burial, but now a
group .of Senators led by Mr. McAdoo of Cali-
fornia is trying to bring the system back to life.
These Senators are urging a handsome subsidy
for three ships of the International Mercantile
Marine Co., engaged in the intercoastal trade be-
tween New York and California, although no
intercoastal system has ever been subsidized be-
Senator McAdoo's plaintive statement that he
doubts if he can be re-elected unless the subsidy
goes through seems, to carry an admission that
he is confusing principle with political expedi-
ency. The subsidy proposal should be firmly
rejected. If the shippers are allowed to get their
foot in the door of the Federal Treasury, we are
likely to have a full revival of the malodorous
system which the Maritime Commission set-up
was designed to end.
-St. Louis Post-Dispatch.
straight to the Communist vanguard, with no wa-
vering or shadow of turning.
Ivemrng ya rpr irnatarai a e

f .
1 ,

The Christian Student Prayer
Group will meet at 5 p.m. Sunday,
March 20, in the Michigan League.
Room will be announced on bulle-
tin board there. It is especially im-
portant that all students interested
in the group be present at this meet-


"Outgrowing Religion" is the dis-
cussion tubject for "the Freshman
Round Table Saturday, 7:15 till 8:00
in Lane Hall Library. Freshmen are


invited to participate.
Interfraternity Council Tryouts: All
eligible second semester sophomores
interested in trying out for the C~un-
cil are toreport Monday, March 21,
in Room 306, Michigan Union, at 5
Scalp and Blade: The Michigan
chapter of the Buffalo fraternity will
hold its annual pledge banquet and
ceremony Sunday, March 20 at 6:00
o'clock in the Union.
All members are urged to be pres-
ent. Men who intend to pledge are
requested to bring a large white,
Ann Arbor Independents: There will

:t I

Robert Hartwell Elected
ead Of District Council
Robert Hartwell, '39E, was elected

.. g s 11g1tl,n 1Uea geolog sL
of Carnegie Institute, will open a
series of lectures and conferences on
petrofabrics, at 3 p.m. on Monday.
Geologists from many universities
are expected to attend the meetings
wbirh uwill ,,rnn tiilyr nm 9 I-,fn 1 5 ' n ,,m

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