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March 18, 1938 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1938-03-18

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Fiesta W ill



Ma rch

26 In

League Ballroo

Will Aid Drive
For Purchase
Of Ambulance
To Sell Tickets At League
And Union; Will. Show
Spanish War Posters
A Spanish Fiesta including a floor
show, Spanish exhibition and re-
freshments will be given Saturday,
March 26 in the League Ballroom.
The Fiesta is being sponsored by
various clubs to raise money for the
purchase of a midwestern ambulance
to send to Loyalist Spain, William T.
Scott, Grad., general chairman; an-
nounced. The ambulance is to be
bought jointly by 16 midwestern
universities and colleges.
Tickets are available at the League
and Union desks and at Wahr's
Book Store. They are priced at $1.25
a couple and $1.00 stag.
Plan Spanish Exhibition
A Spanish exhibition will be shown
from 2 to 5 p.m. in the Grand Rapids
Room of the League in conjunction
with the Fiesta. Spanish war pos-
ters and water color pictures of mod-
ern Spain will be on display. No
charge will be made to those who at-
tend the Fiesta. Others will be
charged 10 cents.
Scott announced other members of
the central commfttee for the Fiesta
as follows: Lillian Politzer, '38, decor-
ations; Ruth Horland, '39, enter-
tainment; Robert Kahn, '38, tickets;
Louise Schaul, '38, publicity; and
Ruth Wellington, '40, patrons.
Chaperons for the affair will be
Prof. and Mrs. Shirley W. Allen and
Prof. and Mrs. Jose M. Albaladejo.
To Give One-Act Play
"Hello Franco," a one-act play,
will be presented by seven University
students as part of the floor show. It
will also include two professional'
Spanish dancers, Senor and Senora
Manuel Rosa from Detroit and Span-
ish music by George Finch, '38SM,
violinist, accompanied by Pauline
Slaven, '39SM. Kiman Friar, Grad.,
will give a reading of several Spanish
Bill Sawyer and his orchestra will
play for the Fiesta, and Spanish
murals, painted by art students, will
be used as decorations.
Sponsors for the Fiesta are the
Progressive Club, the Ann Arbor
Committee to Aid China, the Ameri-
can League for Peace and Democracy,
the Liberal Students Union, the Unity
Hall Board and Rochdale, Socialist
and Girl's cooperative houses.
Schedule Eight
Dances Tonight;
Fiv eInformals
Tonight's list of eight dances in-
cludes two formal initiation dances
and one formal dinner.
Alpha Chi Sigma's informal radio
dance will be chaperoned by Dr. and
Mrs. L. C. Anderson and Dr. and Mrs.
R. K. McAlpine.
Russ Rollins orchestra will provide
the music for the Beta Theta Pi in-
itiation formal. The dance will be
chaperoned by Mr. and Mrs. Willett
Spooner and Mr. and Mr .A Athu
Van Duren.
Prof. and Mrs. Roy Swinton and
Dr. and Mrs. William Steers will
chaperon the informal radio dance
which is planned by Lambda Chi
The second of the two initiation
formals will be given by Phi Delta
Theta. Mrs. Helen Mott and Dr. Wil-
liam Brace and guest will act as chap-
erons, and the orchestra will be Bill

Sawyer's. Decorations will be in fra-
ternity colors.-
An informal radio dance is planned
by the Rochdale House. Dr. and Mrs.
Howard Chapman and Mr. and Mrs.
George Alder will chaperon.
Jimmy Fisher's orchestra will play
for Theta Delta Chi's informal dance.
The chaperons will be Prof. and Mrs.
Elliott Scherzer, Lieut.-Col. and Mrs.
Basil Edwards, and Prof. and Mrs.
Ernest Parker.
A formal dinner for 32 will be given
at Xi Psi Phi before Odonto Ball. Dr.
and Mrs. Homer Faust and Dr. and
Mis. Ralph Moyer will attend as
Zeta Beta Tau has invited Dr. and
Mrs. S. M. Goldheimer and Mr. and
Mrs. Louis Spar to chaperon its in-
formal radio dance.

Fashion Show
Will Interpret Roles In Hillel Pl

To Be Held- Today At ea9ue


I ,Y Spring Clothes
To Be Modeled
By1 Suidents
Profits From Style Show
To Be Given To Leagoie
Undergraduate Fund
Spring clothes will be modeled by
twelve students in the fourth League-
sponsored Fashion Show, to be held
from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. today in the
League Ballroom. Betty Gatward, '38,1
head of the social committee is inI
A Detroit shop is furnishing the
clothes for the show, and will also
provide some professional models. The
owner of the shop will give the League
ten cents for every person present.
This money will go into the Under-
pear in graduate Fund which gives three
h Gross- scholarships a year to outstanding
Players women.
in the Tables will be set up in the ball-
room, Grand Rapids Room, Concourse
and Ethel Fountain Hussey Room.
Reservations of tables for sororities
can still be made by calling Miss Gat-
ward or the Business Office of the
0 0 S Student models are Marcia Con-
nell, '39; Barbara Teall, '39; Mary
I Randolph, '38; Marietta Killian, '39;
She has Betty Schaffer, '39; Marian Baxter,
duction of Carroll Adams, '39; Shirl Crosman,
f Chicago '38; Betty Crandall, '38; Jean Ber-
here, and tram, '39; Sally Kenny, '38 and Mar-
a director garet Ford, '40. The clothes to be
shown include suits, topcoats, after-
esell bad a noon dresses, evening gowns, loung-
a Mimesing pajamas ,housecoats and negli-
'rof. Karl I gees.
articipated Charlie Zwick's band will play.
There is no admission charge

--- --

Seniot Cap, Gown
Pvj ees Annonced
The prices for caps, gowns and col-
lars which senior women must wear
at Senior Supper, to be held at 6:15
p.m. Wednesday in the League Ball-
room, were announced yesterday by
Margaret Ann Ayers,;'38, in charge of
caps and gowns.
Caps will be $2, gowns $4.50 and
tassels for the caps will be 25 cents.
Collars which can be rented from
Senior Society will also be 25 cents.
These items will be available from 1
to 5 p.m. Monday in the League Ball-
Tickets for Senior Supper, priced
at 70 cents, can be obtained at the
same time.
Freshmtian lerviewing
For Vroj4et Ends Todly
Today is the last day freshman
women can be interviewed for com-
mittee chairmanships for freshman
Project, according to Angelene Malis-
zewski, '38, head of Judiciary Council.
Hours are 3 to 5:30 p.m., and in-
terviewing will take place in the Un-
dergraduate offices of the League.
Women must bring eligibility slips for
work on the Project to Judiciary
Council at the time of their interview.

Tickets Remain
For Odonto Ball
May Be Obtained At Union
Desk And Dental School
Tickets for the fourth annual
Odonto Ball to be held from 9 p.m.
to 1 a.m. today in the Union ballroom,
are still available, stated Mark Cog-
gan, '39D, who is in charge of the
ticket committee.
The tickets may be purchased at
the Union desk, or at the Dental
School, Coggan announced, adding
that they are moving rapidly, and a
large turnout is expected.
Guests at the dance, which is pre-
sented by the junior members of the
Dental School, will find the patron's
booth and the orchestra paltform
decorated with cut flowers, palms
and ferns, said Samuel S. Willis,
'39D, chairman of decorations.
Rita Rio and Her Rhythm Girls,
who have just completed an engage-
ment in Washington, D.C., have been
contracted to play for the ball. Miss
Rio, who sings, dances, and acts in
addition to her activities as an or-
chestra leader, was seen recently in
Eddie Cantor's "Strike Me Pink."

Madeline Betty Meyers, '39, and Sam Grant, '40, will ap
"Roots," '37 Hopwood major award winner written by Mrs. Edith
berg Whitesell, Grad. The play will be presented by the Hillel
at 8:30 p.m. today and at 2:30 p.m. and 8:30 p.m. tomorrow
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
It Was BeWtween Do:'t1- -ou~
Edith Whitesell Revised R

A science building in the Universityf
is a far cry from the traditional gar-
ret in which struggling playwrights
are said to create their works. But
it was a science building in which
Edith Grossberg Whitesell ire-wrote
her play "Roots" which is to be 'ore-
seinted tonight and tomorrow by -the
Hillel Players at the Lydia Mendels-
sohn Theatre.
Mrs. Whitesell was substituting for
one of the secretaries whose major
work was largely scientific, and had
plenty of spare time in which to write.
Answers Phone All Day
"I was instructed to answer the
phone which rang once or twice a
day," said Mrs. Whitesell and say "I
don't know' to all questions. It
doesn't take much time to say 'I don't
know.' " It was in between "I don't
knows" that "Roots" was revised into
its present form.
Mrs. Whitesell was born in Chicago
where she received her early educa-
tion. After spending her freshman
year at the University of Michigan,
she transferred to the University of
Chicago where she concentrated in
Museum Cataloguer
When she secured her present po-
sition as cataloguer in the Museum of
Anthropology and as secretary to Dr.
Hinsdale, she took two courses in the
University and reworked "Roots."
Theatre has always been Mrs.
Michigan Women
Lose At Basketball
A woman's basketball team from
Columbia University, New York City,
defeated a team made up of Univer- I
sity women yesterday at Barbour
gymnasium by a score of 33 to 12.
Sally Orr, '40Ed., Sally Connery,
'40Ed., Lois Clingman, Ed., Bessie
Gagalis, '40Ed., Florence Corkum,
'41Ed., Mary Richardson, '40Ed.,
Frances Anderson, '40Ed., and Ger-
aldine Krueger, '41Ed., played on the
University team.
Two-Thread Extra Sheer Hose
First Quality, $1 and $1.15 val.
Clear Sheer Hose with an All-
Silk Foot-has fine seam and
appearance of much higher
priced stocking-special at .
Man-Tailored Pajamas
New Spring Cotton Prints
$ 1.69
Michigan Theatre Bldg.
- - - - - - - - - - -


Whitesell's great interest.
participated in every prod
the Dramatic Association o
while she was at school t
during lier junior year, was
of the Association.
In Ann Arbor, Mrs. Whig(
part in "The Perfect Alibi,'
production directed by P
Litzenberg. She has also pa
in three Nell Gwyn shows.

4 "Musts" for Spng


It's Time To Think of


Do comne in ---
11)(1II shoii to y)ont!
309 South State Street - At the Dillon Shop

Backbone of your ward-
robe! In rugged tweed
with the new, longer
jacket or classic mens-
wear worsteds and pin
stripe flannels! Simply
glorious colors.
$12.95 to $39.75







Is No Novelty to Us
$'~ --
BeIe.-Sharmeer Leg Sizes





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Classic "stud" styles to
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With provocative bows
and frills and swirling,
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$8.95 to $29.75

Our Belle-Sharmeer Stockings are

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as nearly custom-made as stockings leg sizes (exactly proportioned in
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dinary hose! We carry complete time! Here exclusively, of course.
$1.00 to $1.65






--I ,

- I------

11 1



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