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March 18, 1938 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1938-03-18

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, FRIDAY; UARCH 18. 1938

1.1 t C A N A tt, If

FRIDY, 1IARC 18.1..8. n i ntIAI 1 A r A _













. '

Leads Relay


To Go Or Not To Go...
the 1940 Olympics may find their
ambitions somewhat thwarted by the
latest decision of the International
Olympic Committee. Without solici-
tude for the American team, which
consists largely of undergraduates,
the nabobs moved the date of the
Tokyo athletic carnival forward al-
most a. month-a move that conflicts
with the Fall semester. Now, a col-
lege man must forego that period of
his schooling if he wishes to compete
in the games.

Of course, the American may
decide to hasten his return to
these shores, enroll in his favorite
university and struggle to make
up accumulated assignments. But
n view of the fact that the games
and Oct. 6, and it must take fully
a month, if not considerably
longer, to travel the ordinary
i outes between the United States
and Japan, the undergraduate,
it seems to us, must elect either
to, participate in the Olympics
and remain out of school the Fall
semester, or to cling to his aca-
demic pursuits and vicariously
enjoy in his classroom siestas the
jolly soirees of Nippon.
A trip to Japan will probably offer
much in an educational way-maybe
a lesson or two in the fine edges of
a militarist's craft. The office cynic
suggests that maybe by 1940 Japan
will be floating somewhere about in
the Pacific, disgorged ty a belching
ocean. That isn't a happy thought,
and with Spring and itsiattendant
optimism close upon us, it's one we
can't harbor right now. For imme-

Varsity Seeks
To Take Fifth
Stra iit Title
lL~a Ailnieiii (2oiiines
Allen To Bed As Mates
Are FLvored To Win
Michigan's undefeated track team
will be without the services of ace
high jumper, Wes Allen, when they go
after their fifth consecutive Butler
Relays title at Indianapolis Satur-
day, it was disclosed yesterday.
A slight sore throat, contracted at
the Big Ten indoor meet at Chicago,
where he placed second behind Dave '
Albritton of O.S.U.. had developed in-
to strepticocci infection after keep-
ing him in bed since Monday.
Out For Another Week
Doctors in charge of Allen's case
said his condition, while not serious,
would necessitate hospitalization for
at least another week.
The Negro sophomore star h/ed
twice tied his veteran colored rival
and fellow townsman from Cleveland
previous to their third meeting at
the Conference indoor meet.
Allen slipped to second only when
Albritton, co-holder of the world's
record at 6 feet 10 3 /4, came through
with a leap of 6 feet 6 1/4 inches to
set a new Big Ten indoor record.
Wolverines Are Favorites
Despite the loss of their best high
1 umper the Wolverines are still odds
on choices to make it five straight
at the rich Butler Relays.
Aside from Allen the Hoytmen will
flash the same balanced strength that
annexed their fifth straight Big Ten
indoor crown and swept the deck at
the Illinois Relays.
Charlie Hoyt was again grooming
his crack distance medley foursome of,
Davidson, Schwarzkopf, Faulkner and
Jester for another shot at Indiana,
who nosed them out at Illinois two
weeks ago when a bad baton pass,

Two Dozen Former Fisher men
Have Phwce It. Organized Ball
Ray Fisher, former major league Phillies, and Whitey Wistert, recent-
player and for 17 season's Michigan's ly with Cincinnati.
Varsity baseball coach, has not only Four Made Bids Recently
turned out hustling teams during that In the last three years Fisher has
span but has given some 24 athletes i seen four of his pupils make their
to the various leagues of organized starts in minor league ball. Three
baseball. years ago it was Art Patchin, star
With the majority of these men be- right-hander who is now in the
ing pitchers, Fisher opines that Pete American Association. Then in 1936
Jablonowski, who is now with Wash- Berger Larson, the year's hurling
ington, titled Appleton, was the best ace, signed with the Chicago White
mound performer he ever turned out. Sox and was sent to the Western As-
Pete was the most consistently good sociation where he is now toiling.
hurler although several others rank Last spring John Gee, six feet,
equally as high as far as specific game nine inches worth of southpaw, signed
performances are concerned, with the Syracuse Chiefs and made
McAfee Among, Leaders an impressive start in the Interna-
Among this latter group Ray in- tional League by letting the Cincin-
eludes Bill McAfee, big right-hander inati Reds down with six hits, fanning
who saw service after his graduation eight and winning the exhibition con-
in 1930 with the Chicago Cubs, Wash- test 4 to 2.
ington, St. Louis Browns and Boston John Jablonski, the receiving end
Braves. of 1937's star Wolverine battery,
McAfee, it seems, was a whiz-bang signed a Cincinnati contract and be-
until he lost his temper and then he gan his career with Fremont in the
blew sky high. It finally got so Fish- newly organized Ohio, State league.
er couldn't risk pitching him against After batting at a .365 clip for a
Ohio State because the Buckeyes month or so, the Red officials moved
never failed to "ride" him until he John up to the class C Western As-
got so mad he couldn't even see the sociation.
plate. I A 1934 graduate to organized ball
It was fortunate that the Japanese was outfielder and former star grid-
couldn't understand English when iron athlete, Ted Petoskey. Ted is
Fisher's nine made a tour of the now patroling center field for the
island kingdom in 1929. Even though Toronto Maple Leafs in the Inter-
he got angry regularly during the national League and has been tabbed
campaign, Bill won all except one of as armajor league prospect by many
his games against the Japanese. observers.
Other former Wolverine hurlers --___

Jacobs Places Limit OWENS ISN'T OWENS
Jesse Owens name isn't really Jesse
On Armstrong's Bout but James Cleveland. His present
NEW YORK, March 17.--/{ - name was given him by an instructor.
Promoter Mike Jacobs today laid
down the law to Eddie Mead, manager
of Henry Armstrong, forbidding ST ROH'S CARL NGS
"Hurricane Henry" to engage in any FRIAR'S ALE
fights between his meeting with Lew __ At All Dealers
Feldman March 30 and his clash with I J.J.O'KAIE, Dist. Dial 3500
Barney Ross May 26. J J.___ KA_ E,_Dist._ Dia______


Harold Davidson, Coach Char-
lie Hoyt's ace miler from Grand
Rapids, will run as anchor man
on the Wolverine medley relay
team, which will be out for a win
over the strong aggregation of the
Hoosiers from Indiana.
N et Stars? No,
Fighters. Yes,

who have seen major league action
are Don Miller and Fred Asbeck, with
the Yankees, Harold Elliott with the
Coach (:'isler RelaIxes
Before Startin g uties
Herbert O. (Fritz) Crisler, sneaked
into towni unobtrusively last Wed-
nesday, to grab a few days rest be-
fore assuming his new gridiron duties.
The new Wolverine mentor has
successfully hidden himself from the!
omnipresent newshawki since his ar-
rival, taking it easy before embarkingI
on a 'roast beef' tour which precedes
his squad's spring grid session.

Olympic Date
Chjangoe Hi~ts
College Stars
(Coutinuec I rum Page 1)
track men and swimmers are college
students. It is absolutely wrong that
they should have to lose a vital six
months of their lives to represent the
jUnited States."
I Must Make Choice
Track mentor Charley Hoyt stated
that the college athlete would simp-

dteurosthen, let's say that lieCtr s p rm avso uocwrzp ii
k . - Fe V w . 1- 111A._ {from Davidson to Schwarzkop- lost i
diate puposes,e1thenties aytna10 yards for the Michigan team. Even
Japanese authorities are killing a hardshp with the handicap the Wolverine run-
good show by working a hardship Playing a random game of ask-me- ners finished only inches back.
upon the American team. These col- another with affable Leroy Weir, The 21-man squad will leave at 1
lege lads are not only good athletes, Michigan's new tennis coach and p.m. today by automobile. The follow-
but convival companions in thebar- squash impressario: ing men will make the trip: Elmer
gain noted for their nocturnal cam- Q. Mr. Weir, how long have you Gedeon, Stan Kelley, Sherman Olm-
araderie. lbeen playing tennis? sted, Bill Watson, Norm Purucker,
A. "I started in high school, con- Carl Culver, Jim Kingsley, Dave
But No Dark 1l?.ses.. tined at Wooster College near Cleve- Cushing, Sandy Farrell, John Town-
land, really reached my peak when send, Tom Jester, Dye Hogan, Bill
FJ'RITZ CRISLEIR pulled a kind we moved to Chicago a few years Buchanan, Harold Davidson, Ross
of Greta Garbo on the local later. The college conpetiton was ! Faulkner. Ralph Schwarzkopf, BradI
newspapermen when he reached pretty insignificant in my day though. Heyl, Walt Stone, Waldo Abbot, Har-
town unobserved Wednesday, People around here, Coach, claim vey Clarke and Doug Hayes.
successfully secluded himself that we'll never have a tennis team
from the public. After the can- because the material passes us up. Nine Puckmn Keep
taus welcoming rally Monday How about it?t
night, Crisler begins lining up "Well, that's more or less true. *,l4i, Jrin'Final
the alumni throughout the state. Yet there's the old story about the [ E' '
Gnawing on roast beef twine and tail wagging the dog. I believe that Ife Battle (Maybe)
contacting all sorts of alumni and when we get one or two winning'
their proteges is exhausting work, teams, the material will follow right
and the new Michigan football along. And we'll get those teams. It One more game, and that but tenta-
coach will need the little rest he's can be done, tive and somewhat doubtful, is all
able to get before that gruelling What would you suggest to the that's keeping nine Michigan hockey
schedule. If the weather permits, budding young tennis player other players from hanging up their pads
spring practice should start than to play a. lot? for the season.
March 28--and then he will be "I wouldn't tell him to play a lot. About a month ago the Varsity re-
right down to cases. I'd tell him to practice a lot. There's jceived an offer to display their frigid
a big difference you know. Let the wares in Cleveland. The game would
beginner use a practice board and be played against an all-star aggrega-
DOTS AND DASHES--Jack Tor- let the opponent stage wait. It makes tion picked from the Cleveland area
rance, 275-pound giant who estab- for champions. colleges following the close of Michi-
lished quite a reputation as a shot- We hear a lot about fighting teams. gan's regular schedule.
putter, tried to capitalize on it in That's pretty incongruous for tennis, No definite date was set lbut after
the prize ring until an untutored isn't it? several long-distance phone calls,
ham left him prone, is now a traffic "Yes, in a way it is. Tennis is ain telegrams, personal visits, this eve-
cop fin Louisiana . . . Although foot- individual game. What we need are j ning was set as the chosen one. But
ball cops the public's interest in most fighting players. We'll have them too. now comes the news that even t1
American colleges, it plays second We may lack stars, but we'll have date must face postponeiimul..
,fiddlc at Boston U . . .T'he Boston- somi scrappers. By that I don't mean Coach Eddie Lowrey now tlhinl=: ;
ians would much rather watch a good smashing every shot either. 'Probably and hopes, that the game will be
baseball game than a grid clash . . . I that's why some nay criticize us as a played the latter part of next week.
"The Clown of the baseball dia- pat ball team. Until then or until the Coliseum ice
mond," Al Schacht, figures to be the What's that? becomes too slushy, or until the game
hir.;hest paid performer in the game "They say I won't let tbem drive a is finally cancelled, nine Michigan
this year. with booking in major and . hard shot. That's not true, but I'll hockey players will continue their
minor league parks that should gross take the consistent player rather than short daily drills.
him 50 grand . . . .the man who drives one beautiful
shot and then n'i ses the next four.
What kd QI'ftelws wil the i IM CALENDAR
LAMB-KNIT SWEATERS play? Volleyball: 4:15-H-listory LDe-
Sleeveless .........$1 to $1.95 "They'll play smart tennis. They'll partient vs. Math Department.
With Sleeves ...$2.95 to $5.50 play forcing tennis, which means tak- fli dnintoii --4 :15: All-Campus.
I ing the net at the right time. 'That's 7:00-10:30, Red Cross Life Sav-
SPORT' TROUSERS important, Remember, no w an ever ing.
$3.50 to $5.50 won from anyone in his own class
from the baseline. ENTER THE 'CRIP SHOT'
SPRING HATS And the material? The shot under the basket, in bas-
$2.95 to $3.85 "Evenly matched, with Levciisou, ketball, has been termed everything
Percival, and Cohen the best bets from a "dog shot" to "sucker shot."
Walk a Few Steps right now. We have 25 men out for the Down in Texas they have dug up an-
And Save pollars (quu.ad and there's probably ten good other version to be added to a sports-
ones in school who haven't come oidl writers slang vernacular, by calling
OAF5yet and probably won't. this shot a "crip shot."
What are you going to do about
Young Mcn, Shopthem?
'05 i . Liberty St Phone 8020 "Not much -at least I won't begE
Special Raspberry Week

Campbell Dickson, new end coach, ly have to "take his choice."
accompanied Crisler to Ann Arbor. "If he wants to go to the games,
His other two assistants, Earl T. he'll have to sacrifice a semester of
Martincau, backfield coach, and Clar- school," he said.
ence Munn, line coach, will arrive this That undergraduates constitute the
week-end i iet aepr n Ta negautscnttt h
th weein time to take part inl biggest half of the rosters of Ameri-
the dy nel hi ght ,}rall0y ;,-IooI I' can Olympic team is proved ty the
following list of swimmers and track-
men, each of whom was a member of
the 1936 outfit, and each of whom
Aurie Will Refire( Fr"()oi had not as yet completed his college
Active I lokey P1 ly career. They are, mentioning only a
few: swimmers, Al Vande Weghe of
DETROIT, March 17.-«AP)-Larry Princeton, Adolph Kiefer and Ralph
Aurie, tiny Detroit Red Wing veteran, Flanagan of Texas, John Higgins of
will end his career as a player when Ohio State, Jack Kasley of Michigan.
Detroit closes its National Hockey Mostly Undergrads
League season against the New York The majority of track winners were
Rangers here Sunday night. undergraduates: Jesse Owens, Dave
The announcement came today Albritton of OSU, Sam Stoller of
from Manager Jack Adams who said Michigan, Marty Glickman of Syra-
that owner James Norris had "other cuse, Forest "Spec" Towns of Georgia,
plans for Larry." He declined to am- Bill Sefton, Earl Meadows, Jimmy Lu
plify the statement but from sources Valle, Archie Williams of USC, John
close to the dethroned Stanley Cup Woodruff of Pitt, Ben Johnson of
Champions, it was learned that Nor- Columbia, and Cornelius of Comp-
ris plans to make Aurie head of the ton Junior College. That list is a par-
Red Wing farm system or chief scout. tial number.



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cl esscc-.
c r cmlpIrte CONT'EMiPO
;oc'k i n c 1 u d c, s numerous
;tr( uLis especially ensembled
fa' VIIriQuIs suits. ome *in'!
See what a. tremendously
successful idea close ha -
mo y in dress this is.


U. Em II








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