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February 16, 1938 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1938-02-16

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___ 3

Fi fth Annual Caduceus Ball To Be Given Monday Union B




VT/A -A -PnIl't-v

Will Be Today eddngs
II:-)use Athletic ManagersI
Will Be Special Guests ngagements
-he party to be given by the W.A.A.
bo trd for the house athletic manag- Mr. and Mrs. William Landon Van
er, will be held at 4:30 p.m. today, Wormer of Binghamton, N.Y. an-
Ru 'h Hartman, '39, chairman, an- nounce the marriage of their daugh-
no nced, instead of Monday as pre- ter, Genevieve Josephine, '38, to Wil-
vic isly planned. It will be held at liam Henry Buettner, Jr., son of
th( W.A.A. Building. Mr. and Mrs. William Henry Buet-

Anson Weeks'
Orchestra Will
Play At Dance
Ticket Sale To Be Limited
To Students And Fe.iilty
Of The Medical School

Spring Colors Are Vivid

R't yy;tlw
r vr1-L's + '
Q'n yv ^ w+

Third League
Supper To Be
Sunday Night
Group Singing And Ganes
To Be Entertainment;
'EAll St,,dents Invite d






I n open board meeting will be the t in ofAnn Arbor,8 aturuay, r .
main feature of the afternoon, at 5, in Ann Arbor.
wh ch time the house managers may The Rev. C. A. Brauer performed
sit in on the meeting. This is the the ceremony. Mr. Buettner is em-
fir . time this year that the board ployed by Van Boven, Inc.
ha met with the managers, Miss Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Klein of Grosse
Iha tmann said. The managers will Pointe announce the engagement of
als be given specific information their daughter, Louise, Grad., to Dr.
about the new W.A.A. season which is Luther C. Carpenter, Jr., son of Mr.
sta ting this week. aInd Mrs. L. C. Carpenter .)f Bay City.
'l he entertainment will be in the Miss Klein is affiliated with Col-
fo: . of a progressive party and mem- legiate Sorosis. Dr. Carpenter is a
ber of the W.A.A. board will be at member of Sigma Phi and Nu Sigma
th stations for the carnival games. Nu, medical fraternity. He is on the
T+ will also be served. The purpose staff of the University Health Service.
of the meeting is to acquaint the The engagement of Priscilla Smith,
me nbers of the board and the house '38, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
athletic managers. M. Smith of Detroit, and Edward
Wells of Grand Rapids; was an-
PHI KAPPA SIGMA nounced by the bride-elect's parents
Phi K appa Sigma wishes to an- at a luncheon Wednesday, Feb. 9.
nounce the pledging of Fred and Carl Miss Smith is president of Pi Beta
Cuver, '49, of Detroit. Phi.


The fifth annual Caduceus Ball
will be held from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. The third Sunday Night Supper,
Monday, Feb. 21, in the Union Ball- sonraed by the League House of
room, Irvin Howe, '38M,. general Representatives, will be held at 6 p.m.
chairman, announced yesterday. 2unday, in the League Ballroom. All
Anson Weeks and his orchestra members of the faculty and all stu-
will play for the Ball. Howe said that dents on campus are invited to attend,
the attendance is to be restricted to 4 according to Virginia Hoelzle, '39, in
students and faculty members of the charge of publicity.
Medical School. Group singing will be the special
John Day, '38M, is chairman of the entertainment feature of this week's
decorations committee. Assisting him supper, and games designed to ac-
are Daniel Foster, '38M, Robert quaint students with each other will
Carney, '39M and Orville Chicker- j also bo played. Students attending
ing, '39M. the affair may come stag or may
Name Music Committee bring dates, Miss Hoelzle said.
The music committee is headed Supper will be served from 6 to 8:30
by Jack M. Jacoby, '38M and Myron j~p.m., and guests will be seated in
A. Shilling, '38M, is in charge of groups of three women and three men
publicity. at each table. The price of tickets
John P. Eichorn, '38M, is tickets will be 35 cents. They can be re-
chairman. Richard Benedict, '38M, ser ved this week at the League desk.
Philip Berger,. '39M, Richard Brown, X Those in charge of the various com-
'39M, Arthur Gulick, '38M and John mittees for the affair, under Elizabeth
C. Wolgamot, '39M are committee Myers. '39, general chairman, are:
members who are assisting in the dis- Dorothy Bogart, '40, and Anne Stan-
tribution of tickets to the senior, nard, '40, in charge of ticket sales;
junior, sophomore and freshman Lottie Marie Babinski, '41, and Anne
medical classes. Wehner, '41, in charge of seating ar-
List Committee Heads rangements; Virginia Finkelston, '40,
The co-chairmen of the finance A re*atuired and Helen' Barnett, '41, in charge of
committee are William Howell, '38M entertainment; and Miss Hoelzle. Ed-
and Robert Trimby; '38M. Robert H. ' AL. ward Egle, '39E, is representing Con-
Denham, '38M is in charge of the pa- In Ne ,, Coats gress.
trons committee. The series of Sunday Night Suppers
Caduceus Ball is to be sponsored by Off with the old and on with the will continue each week throughout
Galens, junior and senior honoraryj OffwThth ande wththe the semester. They were originated to
Medical society. Last year's ball had new. That is what the order of the give students a better opportunity to
as its theme, "L'Hopital de Joie." Les;day will be soon now, what with the meet each other, Miss Hoelzle said.
Brown and his Duke University new semester beginning and warmer -
Brown Devils provided the music and weather coming in spite of present Hour Set For Use
weresdressedinsurgeons'caindications. Bulky fur coats will soon
general chairman of the affair. 'just impossible. O eagueRecords
P ashing Is The Word,
j C J r -A There- is plenty of wintry weather ! tarting today, a change will be




it's Right Smart to wear the RIGHT LENGTH!
OJUD Clari-phan
0 Hose that fit perfectly, n
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Navy Is So Rio ~rfgh
for Sring
NOTHING can surpass the perennial smartness of navy
in the Spring. Whether it is touched with white lace,
rusching, or braiding, or made lively with brilliant gypsy
striped blouses or girdles, it is the thing to wear right
through the summer.
Make a goodlooking navy sheer your uniform for all
non-sweater-and-skirt affairs. Sizes 12 to 20.
1 95to1 95


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wear longer too. So it's smart
to choose your stockings by
leg length as well as foot
size and know the joy of hose
that REALLY fit. Our Mojuds
come in 3 leg lengths .. .
short, medium, long'. ., and
they're fashioned to fit at top,
knee, calf and ankle.

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Liberty at Maynard
Superlative Values
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Special Sale Pens
with precious platinum - smooth
writing iridium tip - no tear"
\ sturdy clip - graceful, beautiful,1
styling - large writing fluid ca-
pacity - positive lever self filler--
Truly the greatest pen value we
have ever offered. Do not con-=
fuse with tbargain" pens having
brass, gold-plated points. These
pens have SOLID GOLD points.


e. I . I ryoRis
Continue TodayI
And Tomorrow,
Eligibility Slips, Health
Recheck Are Necessary;'
Men To Try Out Tonight
Women with names J through P
should tryout for the 1938 Junior Girls
Play, "The Mulberry Bush," a myth-
ical comedy, from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m.
today in the Lydia Mendelssohn The-
ater, Roberta Chissus, general chair-
man, announced.
Tryouts for men will be held from
7:30 to 9:30 p.m. today at the The-
ater. Women with names Q through
Z should tryout from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m.
tomorrow. If it is impossible to come
at the scheduled time women should
contact members of the central com-
Every woman who tries out for the
production will get a part, but it is
absolutely necessary for everyone who
expects to take part to tryout, Miss
Chissus stated. People who tryout
shouli be prepared to recite 15 lines
of a modern comedy, Sarah Pierce,
who will direct the production, an-
Every woman who wishes to par-
ticipate in the play must get an elig-
ibility slip for last semester from the
Dean's office. There will be a box
placed in the Undergraduate office for
these slips or they may be given to
members of the central committee.
Women should bring their receipts
for the $1 class project fee because
no one will be allowed to tryout unless
they have paid, it was announced yes-
terday by Martha Tillman, chairman
of finance. Health rechecks should
be in immediately, according to Jean
Holland, assistant chairman. Partici-
pation in the production will not be
permitted without a health recheck.
Because of the tryouts, the program
rommittee will not meet tomorrow as
previously announced, according to
Jane Holden, chairman of the pro-
,ram committee.
Dance Recital
Will Be Given
165 Dancers, Musicians
To Perform Monday
More than 125 students of the
Sylvia Studio of Dance and 40 mem-
bers of the Ann Arbor Civic Orchestra
will give a joint concert at 8:15 p.m.
Monday at the Slauson Junior High
This is one of the series of six con-
certs a year which are open to the
public, No admission will be charged,
Mrs. E. G. Hamer, in charge of pub-
licity, announced.
The show -will open with the Winter

pleated front and a plain back, A
mink collar and matching fur pock-

left to chill one's bones, however, and made in the hours during which the
also plenty of spring weather. Ideal electric phonograph in the League
can be played, it was announced by
for this between-season wear is a Miss Ruth Goodlander, busines man-
black, nubby woolen coat with a ager of the League.

ets add a luxurious air.
Dashing is the worc for a warm
Young New Yorker reefer that gives
widTh to the shoulders and slender-'
ness to the hips. It comes in grey,
nubby wool lighted with brick flecks
and is warmly interlined. Equally
indispensible for campus wear are
the short box coats.
Creed, features stripes for spring.
He shows them in a biege-and-brown
wool coat that has the lines of a
hemise. Its open neck provides the
opportunity for ascots to add a dis-
tinctive contrasting touch.
Slot-Seam Panels Shown
An outstanding number in Sd' I z-
parelli's spring collection is a topperl
with slot-seam panels to give it sleek-

The new hours are from 1:30 to 6
p.m. every afternoon, and from 7:30
to 10 p.m. every evening. An e
oe-ator will be in constant attendance
at the instrument, and.students can-
not play records by themselves. The
card catalogue of records and mu-
sicians wil be moved from the bus-
iness office to the operator's desk in
the League Concourse. Students will
check out records with the operator.
The two operators are Dorothy
Woodruff, Grad., and Alice Hoffman,
Sigma Alpha Iota Society
To Hold Musicale Today
Sigma Alpha Iota, national honor-
ary musical sorority, will hold a mu-
sicale at 8 p.m. today at the home


-. ..- p
°mi "

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ness. It comes in lovely new colors of Mrs. Samuel T. Dana. Mrs. Dana
-mezzo-tones, which are two blend- will be assisted by Mrs. Martha Colby
ed half tones of one color: violet and and Mrs. Chester Barnes.
lilac. Spanish wine and grape, cadet Several members of the sorority
blue and navy. will render musical selections:



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