< ot "16
I'TEDT'E5DAY, PER, 16, 1
o B
hours later he was recalled and asked, in a resolu
tion adopted by the Regents, to resign. He then
asked that the Board's charges be put in writing
and that he be given an opportunity to reply
to them.
"His answer Is m. -is answer is in," Butler
shouted. The case was closed, and attempts to
reopen it on the part of the victim's friends were
halted by the Regents. Regent Snyder, the only
member of the 1917 Board still a Regent, who
cast the only dissenting vote on the exoneration
resolution, declared he would resign rather than
review the case.
Professor Schaper's friends have always blanied
his liberal political views rather than his pacifism
for his treatment, asserting that the Regents, al-
lies of the reactionary section of Minnesota poli-
tics, merely used his opposition to the war as a
means of ralroading him. _
In any case, the incident can be taken as dem-
onstrative of what becomes of academic freedom
in war-time, when men of the Pierce Butler
stripe are endowed with the immense power of
an aroused chauvinistic public opinion, and when
democratic civil rights are suspended in favor
of patriotic war-fever.
Joseph Gies.
H-eywood Broun
MIAMI, Feb. 15.-Sonja Henie is here with her
own ice and her manager Mike Jacobs. Of course,
it is Miss Henie who does the skating, but in this
case the manager is important. At any rate, Mr.
Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of
Stude* Publications.
Pubashed every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use .for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. Al
ights of republication of all other matter herein also
.:.n'red atthe Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as
second Mlass mail matter.
Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier,
84.00; by mail, $4.50.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1937-38
Nationa AdvertisingServiceInc.
College Pulisers Representative
Board of Editors
SPORTS EDITOR ......................IRVIN LISAGOR
Business Department
CREDIT MANAGER ....................DON WILSHER
The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of the Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
The Commerce
Committee's Investigation
head of the Senate Commerce Com-
mittee, has recently been conducting an investi-
gation into union activities in the maritime in-
dustry. Last Wednesday one Joseph P. Ryan,
head of the International Longshoremen's Union
appeared before the committee. Ryan's union
is affilated with the AFL, and is, through its
leadership, avowedly anti-CIO. Ryan, who has
attacked the CIO and its leadership numerous
times before, continued along his usual bent
before the committee..
The resourceful Ryan began by giving his tes-
timony for the deportation of Harry Bridges, a..
power in the western branch of the National
Maritime Union (CIO sponsored), then broad-
ened and increased his denunciation to include
Joseph Curran, head of the CIO union, also men-
tioning John L. Lewis in the same manner. As a
fitting climax he attacked the National Labor
Relations Act, which guarantees labor the right
to bargain collectively, and advocated in its
stead the Copeland sponsored bill (said to be
approved by the shipowners), which infringes
upon this right in the maritime industry.
Despite the fact that Ryan had hurled grave
accusations at Bridges and Curran, Senator Cope-
land permitted neither of these men to appear
before the committee to answer the charges. Also,
the committee has approved Copeland's request
for $50,000 to investigate union activities further.
Thus Copeland places himself in the position of
a tool of the shipowners to revoke the collective
bargaining, and also uses a noted labor turncoat
to give his hearings an air of impartiality. He
uses the "investigation" as a witch hunt to screen
the actual purpose of the bill.
The Commerce committee should be called
on to give Curran and Bridges a hearing.
Dennis Flanagan.
Professor Schaper
Is Exonerated...
NOTHER of the notorious academic
incidents of the 1917-18 period which
come to light from time to time was expunged
last week at the University of Minnesota. Prof.
William A. Schaper, formerly of the Minnesota
political science faculty, was exonerated by the
Board of Regents from the charges which brought
his dismissal in 1917, awarded the title of pro-
fessor-emeritus and $5,000 in reparation for sal-
ary lost in the year following his discharge.
One of the most illuminating and alarming
aspects of the case from a national point of
view is the part played in the dismissal by Pierce
Butler, then a Minnesota Regent, now a member
of the United States Supreme Court. In Septem-
ber of 1917 Professor Schaper was called before
the Regents to answer charges of being "a rabid
pro-German." The chief basis of the accusation
was a telegram which Professor Schaper, along
with several other citizens of Minneapolis, had
sent to President Wilson in March, a few weeks
before war was declared, urging the President and
Congress to keep America out of war. Regent
Butler took the lead in a bullying inquisition of
the mild-mannered professor, according to an
account in the Minnesota Leader, who said that
he could not "boost for the war" because he had
relatives in both the German and American
armies. He added that he believed all war-time
laws should be strictly obeyed.
"Don't you believe the Kaiser, the.frown Prince
and the other Hohenzollerns should be wiped out
root and branch and the government of Germany
I _t. :- - . i.a .,.,- A - 11 ^ - + Q y-
Y '
Jacobs did have the acumen
to recognize Miss Henie's
value as an entertainer long
before she went to Holly-
This I know, because four
years ago I was trying to pro-
mote a benefit at Madison
Square Garden with the help
of Jacobs and Bill Farns-
This Week. The Cass Theatre in Detroit relights
with Room Service, the hilarious show that found
its way once before to the Cass last August. It's
about a collection of actors, actresses, and di-
rectors stranded in a hotel where their behavior
is more agreeable to the audience than to the
management. This is the show that George Ab-
bot, its producer, had clocked for laughs-to the
tune of 463. As a matter of fact, the Marx Broth-
ers have thought it so funny that they are going
to use it in their next starring vehicle on the
screen. As is their custom, the Marxes will take
their version of Room Service on the road, in
tabloid form, to get audience reaction before they
Feb. 18 and 19: The Art Cinema League brings
to the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre the Grand
Prix Paris Award, Peter I. The N.Y. World-Tel-
egram says of it that its magnificent acting is so
superior to anything from Hollywood that the
comparison isn't even funny. This view is upheld
by William Dieterle, the director of "Zola" who
claims it is one of the finest films ever made.
Feb. 27: The 1937 Pulitzer Prize Play comes to
the Cass for a full week. It is, of course, "You
Gan't Take It With You, by Moss Hart and
George S. Kaufman and is under the aegis of
Sam H. Harris. The acting company hails from
March 1. Arms And The Man, George Ber-
nard Shaw's comedy, will be the next attraction
by the dramatic unit of the Detroit Federal
Theatre, at the Cinema Theatre. The Shaw
production is under the direction of Verner Hal-
dene and has Alma Brock, Ray Rawlins, and Ruth
Whitworth playing the leads. Sets and costumes
will be by James Doll.
March 4 and 5: Again the Art Cinema League
brings a great foreign film to Ann Arbor. This
time it is the French feature, The Golem, sta
ring Harry Baur. The Golem is based on the
-istoric legend that originated in medieval Prague
concerning the creation of a figure endowed with
the breath of life which served as the protector
of the ghetto of Prague.
March 17 and 18: The Hillel Players are bring-
ing to the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre Edith
Whitesell's drama, Roots, which won the major
Hopwood award in playwriting last year. The
Hillel Players are attempting a major feat in this
production inasmuch as it is entirely of student
composition. Its director will be Harold Gast,
'39, its general production manager, Louise Sa-
mek, '38, and scenic designer, David Goldring
'40. Included in the cast are Murray Davis, '38,
Doris Wechsler, '41, Jane Sanger, '40, Madeline1
Betty Myers, '38, and Miriam Szold, '40.
March 23-26. The annual Junior Girls' Play
this year is The Mulberry Bush, "a mythical com-
edy" by Jean Keller and Russel McCracken, and
is directed by Sally Pierce. Jean Keller was a
Hopwood winner in 1934 and that same year she
also wrote "The Gang's All Here" for JGP. Mc-
Cracken directed JGP for three years as well as
the Children's Theatre and Mimes' Opera, and
is now an assistant in the Speech Department.
If not the greatest it will be one of the greatest
trombone artists, Tommy Dorsey, who will lead
a brilliant swing combination the night of Feb.
22, at the Yost Field House in a concert which
promises to be one of the musical highlights of
the current year.
Ranked by many as being a more polished
trombonist than either Jack Teagarden or Miff
Mole, Tommy Dorsey is certainly a name in mod-
ern dance music that will go down in musical
Our first recollection of the present Tommy
Dorsey band was his rehabilitation of one of
the Joe Haymes groups whose first engagement
of any importance was with the old .French
Casino in New York. Emerging from this first
combination has come the Clambake Seven, Jack
Leonard, Edythe Wright, and the present Tommy
Dorsey band, which has just completed its sec-
ohd yearat the Hotel Commodore. Hitting the
swing trail, Tommy will make brief stops at Syra-
cuse University, Lehigh, Ohio State, the Univer-
sity of Cincinnati and Miami University before
the all-important appearance at the Field House.
Becaus the Tommy Dorsev groi can nlav
The notion in my mind was, naturally enough,
that Mike and Bill could dig up a couple of
second rate fighters who could be thrown into
the ring to help a first rate cause. But Jacobs
"You shouldn't get yourself mixed up with the
fighting racket even if it is for a charity," said
the austere president of the Twentieth Century
Sporting Club. "I'll give you something high
class and dignified."
I stole a line once uttered by Bernard Shaw
and replied, "Mr. Jacobs, you seem, to be inter-
ested only in art, while I, by a strong coincidence,
am interested only in money. What have you
got which is high class and dignified and also ex-
citing enough to fill the Garden?"
But Mike Didn't Get Her
"I've got a skater," said Jacobs. "Or at least I
think I can get her." The suggestion left me very
cold. "I don't see how you're going to get many
people to turn out to see a girl skate," I said.
Unless you mean to get a herd of elephants and
a symphony orchestra to go with her."
"This girl doesn't need any elephants," Mike
replied. "I'm talking about Sonja Henie. She can
pack the Garden all by herself. She's in Norway
now, but she's got a date to appear here in about
a month in an amateur skating ballet.
"That's the only hitch. Colonel Kilpatrick
may not want her to appear in a show of her own
before the ballet. That's your job. Go and try
to get his permission."
I went and failed completely.
The Colonel said, logically enough, that it would
take the edge off the ballet if Sonja made a
previous appearance.
Mike Jacobs was disappointed when I brought
him the bad news. "It looks as if we were licked,
Haywood," he said.
"But there is one chance. I'll cable to Miss
Henie,, and ask her if she wants to turn profes-
sional. That would bar her automatically from
the Ice Ballet. But I'm afraid there isn't much
chance. I don't think Sonja Henie is rich enough
to be able to afford giving up her amateur status."
Mike was right, and we didn't have the show.
Later California induced the Norwegian girl
to make figure skating a professional career.
And How She Packs 'Em In
Her pictures have been extremely successful,
but even so, her box office draw, when she ap-
pears in person, has been greater than anyone but
Jacobs could possibly have anticipated.
Of course, she carried a rather elaborate show
along with her, but the patrons come wholly be-
cause they want to see Miss Henie. She could do
the performance as a solo in a pinch.
I think it is accurate to say that right now
Sonja Henie is the greatest single box office draw
in America. Fighters have filled the Garden, but
it takes two of them to make a performance.
And sometimes you don't get an exciting evening
even with a dozen pugilists.
Nobody would pack an arena to see Joe Louis
get up in a ring and shadow-box all by himself.
Moreover, unlike the fighters, nobody can come
forward with the suggestion that a gorilla could
better the performance of Miss Henie.
It isn't just the fact that she is a magnificent
skater. Some of the male pros can execute more
difficult stunts. But Sonja has a great theafrical
sense. She knows how to put her stuff over.
And, like many of the stars, some curious mir-
acle occurs whenever she steps out before an au-
dience. Something of additional radiance is add-
Uncle Heywood Hunts Autographs
Mike Jacobs gave a cocktail pyty for Miss
Henie when she arrived in Miami. Of course,
she didn't have her skates on, which might have
been a handicap.
But I doubt if anybody would have picked her
out of the room full of people as the most glamor-
ous of all the girls. She was just a somewhat
shy and chunky little blonde. To be sure, my
opinion may have been influenced by the fact
that she gave me the sharp edge of a somewhat
frigid manner.
My assignment was unfortunate. I had to come
up and say, "Miss Henie would you mind giving
me your autograph?"
She wrote her name out, but in the languid
manner which must become inevitable in the case
of those stars who are harried by the hounds.
I didn't want it for myself. It was a request
from a little girl in school.
Heavens knows I have plenty of ways of mak-
ing myself a pest without taking up the collection
of autographs.
Delegates to the annual congress of the Na-
tional Student Federation of America met recent-
ly on the campus of the University of New Mex-
inn + m in,. e...nlrnh1P inz a c.t+en .anl a of
Common Sense
Organized labor has made two ine
appelrces in the week's news.
First, the action of the Executive
Committee of the American Federa-
tion of Labor in urging Congress to
repeal or modify the undivided pro-
fits tax and the capital gains tax.
Second, the agreement entered into
between the Unted States Steel Cor- a
poration and the Committee for In- t
dustrial Organization in the amic- o
able atmosphere of around-the-table'P
discussion. a
It is no exaggeration to rank the t
statement of the A.F. of L.'s com- w
mittee to Congress as an important
"state paper." The necessity for the
recommended tax revision was pre-t
sented in lucid argument. Busine, '
big and little, had filed objections to P
the taxes in question, pointing par- C
ticularly to the actual financial dif- R
ficulties imposed by the undistributed o
profits tax and its adverse psycholo- e
gical influence. Topping the arraign- a
merit was industry's sudden and swift a
decline, with the rising tide of un-
employment-3,000,000 persons, as S
Mr: Roosevelt estimated in his mes-
sage Thursday, thrown out of work S
in the last three months. b
That is the condition gloomily for-~o
tifying the demand for tax revision. e
In adding its voice to the chorus, the a
A.F. of L. has made the demand prac- d
tically unanimous..
Labor's statement goes beyond the s
immediate facts and thir distress-i
ing consequences. As the spokesman
for relief for business, labor truly
says: t
The real remedy for unemploy- t
ment is the creation and mainten-
ance of work opportunities for work- V
ing men and women in private in-
That is, of course, fundamentally A
sound doctrine. It is so accepted by
everybody who believes in the Ameri-
can form of government and in the c
American form of economy. They
are both fruits of the same constitu- 0
tional tree of representative democ-
racy. They survive or perish togeth- 0
It is a heartening pronouncement ir
that labor has made, one that shouldM
drive home to Congress the vital
truth that our Government and our f
industry are not, and cannot be, ene-
mies; that, on the contrary, they are
bound together by a community ofU
interest. Not in a competitive, butD
in a cooperative, spirit,bthey must
meet and solve their problems. Gov-
ermental policies that cripple indus-
try must necessarily cripple labor.
That is labor's announced position. y
It is the gospel of common sense.
And the gospel of common sense c
has been given a practical demon-
stration by United States Steel and
the CIO in negotiating the new con-
tract to replace the agreement which
will expire on Feb. 25. The present
wage scale will continue in effect,
with provisions foi' readjustment or e
reconsideration should conditions re-
quire. What a happy and auspiciousa
contrast is this procedure to the re- a
sort to force!
For two generations or more, Big u
Steel resisted the unionization of its v
plants. A new management *took c
charge, with a new policy which re-
sults are vindicating. Industry anda
labor, in this instance, seem to h/;e s
come of age.
The shining virtue of common
sense! It is not a panacea. It paints 1
no Utopian mirage on the horizon.C
But it is an indispensable attributed
in all leadership-governmental, in-o
dustrial, labor. .E
St. Louis Post-Dispatch. C
bSnow White' K
"Snow White and the SevenC
Dwarfs," which is Walt Disney's firstc
completed full-length picture, has
already broken a record and un-
doubtedly will break many more be-
fore it has run its course. It is in its
fifth week at the Radio City MusicC
Hall in New York and has been seen
by more than 800,000 persons. Mr.
Disney, it seems, is now in the bigk
money-and for the first time. Mr.
Disney has also made himself eligiblef
I for another sheaf of laurels.
More important than either 'gie
cash or the kudos that "Snow
White" will earn for its inimitable,
creatcr is the effect it will have on
future motion picture entertain-
One of the complaints made
against the moving picture by the
more sensitive practitioners in the
Hollywood studios is that the me-
dium itself is made up of so many
rigid elements that it cannot be
artistically unified. The true-to-na-
ture settings, the necessity for rap-
idly changing camera angles, the
registered personality of so many of
the actors, all tend to create a for-
muia that can be disregarded only
at the risk of producing something
that the public will not pay to see.
Whether this is a valid complaint
or not, it is nothing that need dis-
turb Mr. Disney. He creates his own
world with its own weather and pop-
ulates it with whatever creatures suit
his fancy. There can be no problem
of inflexibility where one mind cre-,
ates, as well as controls, all the ele-
ments with which it is concerned.
And now that it has been dem-
onstrated that Mr. Disney's animated
fantasies are just as acceptable in
full length as in abbreviated form,
it mav he ascuend that "Snno
Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
University. Copy received at the ofice of the Assistant to the President
until 3.30; 1 ;00 a. on Saturday.
WEDNESDAY, FEB. 16, 1938 c
VOL. XLVII. No. 96 e
Apparatus Exchange: The Regents d
t their meeting in Marcn, 1927, au-
horized an arrangement for the sale1
f scientific appratus by one de- fc
artment to another, the proceeds of U
ccount of the department from o
he sale to he credited to the budget L
hich the apparatus is transferred. t
Departments having apparatus'
hich is not in active use are advised F
o send description thereof to the o:
niversity Chemistry Store, of which
rof. R. J. Carney is director. The
hemistry store headquarters are in P
oom 223 Chemistry Building. An f
ffort will be made to sell the ap-
aratus to other departments which c
re likely to be able to use it. In b
ome instances the apparatus may be a
ent to the University Chemistry d
tore on consignment and if it is not v
old within a reasonable time, it will i
e returned to the department from
hich it was received. The object
f this arrangement is to promote t
conomy by reducing the amount of t
nused apparatus. It is hoped that s
epartments having such apparatus
'ill realize the advantage to them-
elves and to the University in avail-
g themselves of this opportunity.
The Bureau has received notice of i
he following United States Civil t
ervice Examinations: F
Agronomist (Soil Conservation), 1
3,800 a year; Associate Agronomist
Soil Conservation), $3,200 a year;
ssistant Agronomist (Soil Conser- 1
ation), $2,600 a year; Soil Conser-
ation Service, Department of Agri-
ulture. P
Junior Scientific Aid (Parasitol- V
gy), $1,440 a year; Bureau of An- 1
nal Industry, Department of Agri-
Senior Scientific Aid (Preparator s
n Pathology), $2,000 a year; Army g
fedical Museum, War Department.
Printer-Proofreader, $1.32 an hour
40 hour week); Government Print-
ng Office. 5
Physiotherapy Aide, $1,800 a year; A
. S. Public Health Service (Treasury p
)epartment), and Veterans' Admin- 11
Junior Engineer, $2,000 a year;
enior students may apply. L
Customs Examiner's Aid, $2,300 a h
ear; U.S. Customs Service, Treasury p
For futher information, please
all at the office, 201 Mason. Hall. w
University Bureau of Appoint- t
ments and Occupational Infor-
Extra-Curricular Activities: TheI
ttention of all- students interested in R
xtra-curricular activities is called to r
he change in procedure recently
Ldopted by the Committee on Stu-
ent Affairs with reference to the t
nethod to be followed by the idi- i
idual desiring to take part in extra- i
urricular activities and by the chair- F
nan and managers of these activities. 'F
At the beginning of each semester
;nd summer session every students
hall be conclusively presumed to be t
neligible for any public activity until o
hs eligibility is affirmatively estab- V
ished (a) by obtaining from' the s
chairman of the Committee on Stu- I
lent Affairs, in the Office of the Dean
of Students, a written Certificate of
Eligibility and (b) by presenting the F
Certificate of Eligibility to the chair- i
man of manager of the student activ- t
ty in which he wishes to participate.
The Chairman or Manager of any
student activity shall file with thet
Chairman of the Committee on Stu-r
dent Affairs, before permitting the
student or students involved to par-
ticipate, the names of all those who1
have presented Certificates of Eligi-
bility, and a signed agreement to ex-
elude all others from participation.i
The issuing of Certiicates of Eli-
gibility for the second semester will
be greatly facilitated if each applicant
brings' with him or her a record of
first semester grades.
Second semester Certificates of El-
igibility will be required after Mar. 1.
Textbook Lending Library: Stu-
dents who would like to borrow books
from the Textbook Lending Library,
at the Angell Hall Study Hall must 1
be recommended for the privilege by
Professor Arthur D. Moore, Dean
Joseph A. Bursley, Dean Alice C.
Lloyd, or by any one of the academic
counselors of the College of Litera-
ture, Science, and the Arts.
Students may leave requests for
books not now in the Textbook Lend-
ing Library with Mr. Van Kersen,
Assistant in Charge of the Angell
Hall Study Hall. Such requests will
be printed in The Michigan Daily so
that donors of books may have the
opportunity of satisfying specific
The Bureau has received notice of
the following Michigan Civil Service
Social Work Classes, $100 to $250
a month; for all classes.
Conservation Classes, $100 to $140
a month; Forest Fire and Conserva-
tion officers.
Automotive Operation Classes, 55c
and 60c per hour; Truck Driver,
Highway Equipment Operator, etc.
Foods and Standards Inspector,
4110 .n n19R anth
hanged at the J-Hop of last Friday
vening should be reported to Mrs.
riffin, Office of the Dean of Stu-
ents, Room 2, University Hall.
Books on the required reading list
or Political Science 52 and English
02 are available to all students with-
ut charge at the Hillel Foundation
ibrary and may be withdrawn on
he same terms as books from the
eneral University Library. The
oundation is located on the corner
f East University and Oakland.
All Independent women who have
etitioned for a committee position
or Assembly Ball must go to Room 2
rniversity Hall and get an elegibility
ard from Miss Scanlan and then
ring it to the Undergraduate office
t the League next Monday or Tues-
ay between 3:00 and 5:30. This is
ery important and should be done
J-Hop: J-Hop tickets are available
o those students who wish to secure
hem by calling at Room 2, Univer-
ity Hall.
Academic Notices
Notice to Seniors: The examination
n foreign languages (French, Span-
;h, German) for the New York State
eacher's license will be held Friday,
eb. 18, at 1:15 o'clock, in Room 100
Anthropology 32 will meet in Room
025 Angell Hall instead of Room 231.
Anthropology 152, The Mind of
rimitive Man, will meet in Room
035, Angell Hall, instead of Room
Bus. Ad. 104: Tabulating Practice
tudents will meet in Room 225 An-
ell Hall Wednesday, Feb. 16 at 2 p.m.
A. D. Meacham.
English 190: The class will meet at
p.m., Thursday, Feb. 17, 2215 A.H.
ny student unable to keep this ap-
ointment will kindly report to the
English 232 (Studies in Elizabethan
Literature) will meet to arrange
ours on Wednesday, Feb. 16, at 4
.m. in 2213 A.H.
English 300E, Seminar in Criticism,
ill meet Thursday, 3 p.m., hours for
he semester to be arranged then.
Students who elect French 202,
Jethods and Tools, will meet on
Thursday, Feb. 17, at 4 o'clock in
Zoom 110 Romance Languages to ar-
ange for hours.
Mathematics 248, Thory of las-
icity. For those who are interested
n this course, there will be a meet-
ng to arrange hours on Wednesday
4eb. 16, at 3 o'clock in Room 20 Eas~t
M.E. 33 and 38: Students electing
hese courses will meet at 4:30 p.m.
n Wednesday, Feb. 16, in Room 209
Nest Engineering Annex. Laboratory
schedules and all semester arrange-
ments will be made at this time.
Naval Architecture 2. Will meet in
Room 336, West Engineering Build-
ng instead of Room 222 as given in
he announcement.
Psychology 34L, 36, 38: All labora-
tory sections of these courses will
meet this -week at 1 p.m. in Room
3126 N;S. on their respective days.
Students Who have not yet arranged
laboratory sections and students in
34L who have not arranged their dis-
cussion section should do so at once
in Room 2122 N.S. The regular place
of meeting for 34L is Room 1139
N.S. on Wednesday at 1 and Satur-
day at 11.
Choral Union Concert: The Roth
String Quartet of Budapest, Feri
Roth, First Violin; Jenor Antal, Sec-
ond Violin; Ferenc Molnar, viola;
and Janos Scholz, violoncellist; will
give the ninth program in the Choral
Union Concert Series, Thursday,
Feb. 17, at 8:30 o'clock in Hill Audi-
An exhibition of paintings, draw-
ings and drypoints by Umberto Ro-
mano is offered by the Ann Arbor
Art Association in the South gallery
of Alumni Memorial Hall, and an
exhibition of etchings by John Tay-
lor Arms in the North Gallery, Feb.
14 through March 2. Open '2 to 5 p.m.
daily including Sundays, admission
free to members and to students.
Events Today
Research Club: tonight at 8 p.m.,
in Room 2528 East Medical Bldg.
Speakers: (1) Prof. I. L. Sharf-
man, "Some basic issues in the
movement for public control of pri-
vate enterprise." (2) Prof. M. H.
Soule, "Leprosy."
The Council will meet at 7:30 p.m.