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February 16, 1938 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1938-02-16

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, , , ,

_____________________ ___________________ . -. -~ -


Caniter Loses
Job As Janitor
Pardon Denies Accusation
Of Dismissal
Will Canter, known for founding
the. University janitor's union and
for his letters to the Daily, was ready
Wednesday to come back to his job as
custodian of East Hall after three
months' absence due to a nervous
breakdown, but found that the po-
sition had been filled.
"I had just become a nuisance to
the management," Canter said.
Edward Parson, superintendent of
building and grounds, claimed Can-
ter had not been denied a job. He
said, "Canter camc back for work I
am told. He could not have his old
position because it had been given
to another man. The new man,
Dave Pollock, had done the work in
East Hall so much better than Can-
ter, that the people there asked that
he be kept on. Pollock kept the
building looking twice as well. Canter
was offered a job at another place
but refused."
He could not take a job" elsewhere,
Canter said, because his doctor had
warned that working in unfamiliar
surroundings might cause a relapse.
No action on the matter is bang
considered by the Custodian's Union.
Canter was recently featured in a
Panorama "psychograph."
(Continued fromi Page 4)
at 4:30, Room 1139. N.S. Bldg. Paper
by M. Miyake "The genetics of the
morning glary."
Cerele Francais: There will be a
meeting of the Cercle F rancais to-
night at 8 o'clock at the League.
-Members are reminded tha t
three comecutive absences automa-
tically causes their name to be 'drop-
ped from the membership -list.
Seminar in Physical Chemistry will
meet in Room 122. Chemistry Build-
ing today at 4:15 p.m.
Or. Lewis S. Ramsdell will
sn eak. on "Derivation of trlz "14 space
lattic-es." r

+D. 0. McIntyre Passes


Camera Club Holds 150 Graduates Feted
PrizePhotoShowBy Educationi School
.About 50 graduate students who
An exhibition of 49 prize winging have passed their preliminary exams-;
prints from the 16th annual competi- inations for the doctorate in educa-
tion of the American Photographic( tion and faculty- members of the
Socety sonsre by the Ann Arbor{ School of Education attended the
Socity,5P~fS~lO~Lluncheon in the Michigan Union Sat-
Camen~a Club and Calkins Fletcher urzday. Dz. Clifford Woody presided.
Drug Store, is on view at their store Dean James B. Edinonsonz of the
at 324 S. State St. until Monday.. School of Education opened the must1-
The prints are original works by ing, speaking on "The Problonis of
international photographers and. have Completing Degree Work." There was
been on tour of the country after a responsive roll call in which catch
leaving New York City. Other ex- student told the titlec and they progress
hibits which are planned for Ann. Ar-3 of his work on his dissertation.
bor include that of the ZcissCo __________________
Among the exhibitors in the current
show is Dr. Max Thorek, noted pho-
tographic theorist. T P W IE S
4003 Angell Hall Thursday, Feb. 17,j-
at 4 p.m.
This is a- preliminary meeting for Enin2eeing~ and
the purpose of announcing the ques- SainrFuti
tion and outlining the general pro- SainrFuti
cedure for participation. Typewriting an

Plannied By Crane
Prof. Verner W. Crane of the his-
tory department with Mrs. Crane and
their son, Ted, will leave Ann Arbor
late this month to spend a short time
in Washington, D. 'C., and Phila-
delphia before sailing for England on
Mivarch 1, ab
jPro (:izor Crane, who is on his ab
b aieul leave, will spend the spring
larnd sinmmer in London where he will
Sbe doing research work in the Na-
sjtional Archives in the British Museum
and the Foreign Office.

Book Finished
By EconIomics

ilIihis introduction to the new Vol-
' n. rof esr)n" Sh arfman says: "This
hed onv ucli ng volume deals. with the

Commission's organization and pro-
Prof. 1. L. Sharfman, head of the , cedure mrore systematically and more
economies department, recently corm- fully than was either necessary or
pleted the fourth volume of the series,! easible in the earlier volumes on the
"TheIntestat Comerc Comis-legislative basis of the Commission's
"TheSxte tat Comerc Comis , uthority,. the scope of its juxrisdic-
sion," completing his study of the tien, and the character of its activ-
commission. 1ities.

"" ,
: ,.


; ':"

A rch itects' Materials
Pees, Loose Leaf Books
Ad Pound Papers
ints and jewelry

Oscar Odd McIntyre (above),
newspaper columnist to whom mil-
lions of Americans looked for their
impression of New York, died sud-
denly in his .Park Avenue apart-
ment. He was approaching his
54th birthday and his 30th wedding

Peter I and The River: Box Office
will be open Thursday 10:00 a.m.-
6:00 p.m., Friday and Saturday 10:00t
a.m.- 8:30 p.m. All seats are reserved.
Tickets 35 cents.

CoAllegc enntia

Leather Goods

1958 'ONA

________________________ Graduate Students: There will be
a party for graduate students Satur-
neers: All those interested in trying day evening, 8 to 12, at Lane Hall.
out for the Michigan Technic are re- ( Fun for all. Refreshments.
quested to meet in Room 3046 East I
Engineering Building at five o'clock The Hillel Independents will holdI
on Friday, Feb. 18. their hayride party on Sunday night,
Feb. 20. All planning to attend should
Women's Debate: There will be a make reservations by Saturday noon
meeting of aL women interested in at the Hillel Office (3779). The
participating in the Women's Wes- party will leave from the Founda-
tern Conference Debate in Room tion at 5:30.
tE, d

Student SppyStore

C. L. Pettibone

Phone 8688

Portrad s by Filtered Light H

"Next to books a lype writer"
is your most important tool."


Are more Natural .
full of charm and dis-
tinction . .. exclusive-
332 South State Street

3 14 South State Street
Dealer: New L. C. Smith and Corona, Royal, Underwood, Rein-
ington portabhc typewriters in all models. NEW and USED
type.writers of all makes bought, sold, renited, exchanged,
.'_lI:e'd, rrepaircd. One of the largest stocks of'office machines
otnd 'supplies in the state. (Conveient Terms) Rent may
apply. in, the event of purchase.

Hamilton Businelss College,
23rd Year Phone 7831- Williajm' at State


.Dial 5031.

[-Since 103 If You Write, We Have It

Ph. 6615

IC .________I

;: . . a

Phi. igm1a Meetinag toightl at 8:00!
p, in Room 2126 N S, Bui~dinn
D1a. W. J. N'un ester, iissoc] t(-
nfr -rof i ztP'.V.pY \?V ,1
on "r- p-crimnent al Ppieumoria",
A.,S IY, Mprber': There will h
a r'egular - meeting of the stu dent
branch of the American Society o' l
Megchanical Engineers, tonight at;
7:30 --p-an. in -the Natural Scienct
Professor J. Ormondroyd will give
an illustrated talk on the design of
t-he maounting for the new 200 inch
telescope which is now being con-
Sphinlx will meet at noo0n today in
the Union. Very important business
w.*4l be discussed aild all arc u r( ,
to attend.
M ichigan Dames: Drama group A, ill'I
mne t tonight at 8:00 in the Michi-
g~an League. A one-act play will be,
presented. All Dames and guests in-
Asvriaticn Fireside: Dr. Teresinas+
Rlowell. former Professor of Bible
and Comparative Religion at Carla-#
ton Coll-ege, just returned from a year
in Buddhist Monasteries in Japan.
will speak on "Buddhism and Marx-
ism," Wednesday~ evening, eight-
o'clock, Lane Halil.
Athena : The meeting for tonight
is postponed. It will be held next
Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. in the Portia
Room. Angell Hall.
Omega Upsilon: Meeting tonight,
7:30, at Morris Hall. All members
please be present.-
Polonia Literary Circle: Organiza-
tion meet ing for this semester at t-he
League, Wednesday at 7:30 p.m.
Girls Glee Club: There will be try-
outs today from 4:00 to 6:00 at the
League. Second semester Freshmen
are eligible, as well as all members
of other classes with a B aveiry .
There will be a regular meeting of
the G gee Club tonight at 7:15. All
members are urged to be present. Be
prompt! L
Ann Arbor JIndpendents will have
a very important fneeting at 4:30
p.m. today ini the- Grand. Rapids
Room of the League. Miss MacCor-
mick will, talk to the group, and lead
them in folk dance§. All members
are urged to attend, as a rcbhearal
for the Faculty Tea next week will
be held.
Coming 'vents
A.I.EX.;: Meeting tomorrow night
at the Union at 7:15 p.m. Mr. Mirkl
B. Covell, from the Detroit Edison

/ , f=

I a

Every smoke

r. remembers

With pleasure the day he found
out about Chesterfields.
Chesterfields give you a differ-
ent kind of smoking pleasure...

MIJild rag e tobaccos and oure ciga-
rette pafier, these Chlesterfeld Mn
gredients are the best a cigarette
can have. CJhesterfields SAtTISFY


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