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March 10, 1938 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1938-03-10

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P those who aim at high salaries, case
o t'ros p c s work is the best field, Miss Canfield
said. Most of the paying jobs are to
1rIdt be found in this branch of social work.
r- aFor those who prefer research, the
field of community organization offers
athe best opportunity, but since it is a
coordination of the first two fields
Miss Cranfield advised aspairants toI

3c per Day 10c Minimum
322 South State Street
Read and Use The Michigan Daily Cla sified Ads.

Child Guidance Institutel (Contcnud from Page I entert
Begins State-Wide Test the fascination and difficulties in-
Of 1il1 Deli'itnene volved in the business of changing the E
mass mind of the nation.
Active case service was begun early He pointed out that opportunities Taud
this month by the Michigan Child are open for men of various capabil- was 60
Guidance Institute of the University ities from the brilliant creative mind
to supplement its activities in the necessary for the successful copy- -
field of research, information and writer to the executive capacities in-
community organization in the field volved in wisely disposing of the enor-
of child delinquency, it was an- mous appropriations industry pours
nounced by Prof. Lowell J. Carr, di- into advertising. Whatever the capa-
rector of the Institute. bilities John urged men interested in
Under the regulations adopted by the field as a career to get into some
the Board of Trustees, three grades of branch as early as possiblewand learn
case service are available through the. ropes. "It offers the best prelude
the Institute, which is located in the possible to the high paying positions."
Trick Building. These are: 1. advis- Opportunities in the field of social
ory, 2. direct referral service and 3. service work are plentiful, especially
frull case service. The advisory service for .women, it was pointed out by
will be available in exceptional cases Eleanor Cranfield of the University
where there is need for a member of Graduate_ center in Detroit wholec-
the staff to be called into consultation tured on that field. Salaries in the
by a judge of probate in any county in social service are the highest paid
the State. This service will be offered to women in any profession, she said,
without charge to the consulting since the demand for trained workers
county, far exceeds the supply.
The direct referral service will con- Social service work divides itself
:ist of psychological examinations in into three separate fields, each with a
Ann Arbor of any child up to 21 years different set of opportunities and
of age, accompanied by a responsible working conditions. The first of these
person with a court order or written is that of group work which is still
consent of the parents. Full case serv- relatively undeveloped, particularly
ice will be available in a limited num- in suburban and rural areas. For
ber of cases. It will consist of a pre- -- - -_-- --
liminary examination by a field unit,
the reference of serious cases to Ann
Arbor for more intensive study, and
supervision in the subsequent treat-
inent of such cases.

through one of these avenues.
ROIT, March 9.- (UP) --Mrs.
Joh nson, a half-sister of
as Edison, died here today, She









0 f *

service to farms
began more than
thirty years ago,
when lines were
being built from
Detroit to serve
people in outlying towns who
wanted our service. Farmers living
along these lines were our first rural
customers. By 1927, there were 1,338
miles of rural lines carrying service
to upwards of 5,000 farm families.
To speed rural electrification, The
Detroit Edison Company undertook
in 1928 an intensive program to

as to city residences. Men from our
Farm Service Division, with the co-
operation of County Agricultural
Agents and Michigan State College,
went out among farm families, dem-
onstrated the uses of electric power
on the farm and in the home, and
helped farmers plan for the service.
Beginning in 1928 no charge was
made for line extensions where
there were 10 or more farms per
mile. In 1933 this was reduced-to
7% farms per mile. And since 1935
service has been extended with-
out any contribution where farms
average five to the mile.

serving 7,707 farm- customers. In
the next nine years, the Company
built 4,359 miles of line and con-
nected 17,788 farms.
At the close of 1937, 87.8 per cent
of all farms in the old Detroit Edison
territorywere receiving electric serv-
ice from our lines. This percentage
is among the highest in the U.S.A.
Macomb County; where more than
97 per cent of all farms have electric
service available, isclose to our ideal.
In the new area in the Thumb of
Michigan which we began to serve
in November, 1935, progress in the
building of farm lines has been
froi the start even more rapid.


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