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March 10, 1938 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1938-03-10

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The Weather
Cloudy and colder tonight.
Warmer tomorrow


Sir igau


Cast Your Vote
Tomorrow .
In Politics .,

VOL. XLVII. No. 114
TVA Branded
'Dictatorshi p
By Senators
In Word Duel
Bridges Hurls Epithets
Of 'Der Fueirer' At
Supervisor Lilienthal
Roosevelt Sumnmons
Board For Hearing,
Senator Bridges (Rep., N.H.) appeal-
ing for a congressional investigation
of TVA, asserted today that an "au-
thoritarian state' had come into be-
ing in Tennessee with David Lilien-
thal, director of TVA, as its "Der
Fred Moses, TVA field manager, he
denounced as a "Brown-Shirt Moses"
and a "Hitler in Short Pants." He
should be called to account before a
Senate committee for utterances at-
tributed to him, the Senator said.
In a spirited exchange with Demo-
cratic members, he shouted that Dr.
A. E. Morgan, chairman of TVA, now
engaged in a dispute with Lilienthal
and Harcourt Morgan, the vice chair-
man, was "being liquidated."
Meanwhile ,the three principals in
the dispute which has disrupted
the internal functioning of the au-
thority, and produced a volume of
charges of bad faith and conspiracy,
prepared to lay their cases before
President Roosevelt.
The president announced yester-
day that he had summoned them to a
conference at which he expected them
to justify their accusations, if they
could, with the emphasis upon facts
and not opinions.
Bridges' lengthy address, constant-
ly interrupted by Democratic objec-
tions, was aimed primarily at obtain-
ingsa congressional investigation
rather than an inquiry by the Federal
Trade Commission, as proposed by
Senator Norris (Ve., Neb.)
But its principal result was to dem-
onstrate conclusively that the Norris
method of investigating the agency
has powerful support.
Factions Wage}
Hot Campaigns
In Senate Race
P.R. Election System Is
Used For First Time h in
Campus Vote TomorrowI
Pre-election campaigning for the'
32 seats in the Student Senate
reached its peak on campus yester-
day, as placards, handbills and post-
ers were distributed by many of the
parties and candidates. The campus-
wide P.R. election will be held all day
For the first time in many years,
students will be able to vote for a
representative general body, and for
the first time in the history of the
University will proportional represen-
tation be used for such a purpose.
For the platformts of 47 of the
64 candidates, see page 6, for an
editorial on the Student Senate,
see page 4. other candidates na
submit their platforms until
12:30 pm, today.
Since the body will consist of rep-

resentatives of student opinion in. the
same proportion as that opinion is
current on canmpus, the Senate is ex-
pected to closely approximate the
trend in student thought on national
and international affairs.
Already, three parties, sponsoring
altogether more, than half the can-i{
diadtes, have been formed. The Young
Communist League is backing onej
student, one is running for the Inter-
national Typographical Union, one as
a "Pre-Medic," many as some form
of liberal and others as conservatives.#
Joseph S. Mattes, '38, announced1
his intention late yesterday of with-
drawing from the election. Althoughj
Mattes' name will officially appear,
Robert L. Gill, Grad., running as an
independent, has been endorsed by
the United Liberal Coalition as an al-
ternative candidate.
Inter-Faith Symposiuns
To Be Initiated Sunday
"'Revelation and Its Scientific Crit-
icism" will be discussed by four pro-
fessors in the first of a series of Inter-
Fait.h vmnnoiums to be held at 3



Hama Don't 'Low Hot Austria Goes Progressives
Music Here, Says WJR i Y
DETROIT, March 9.-(A)-A De- To ep On Picket Firm
troit radio station executive took a
firm stand today on things sweet and a
sentimental and brought down on his N zi efiance dr
head the wrath of all the swing fans
in town.
The controversy started at 12:30 Austrian Chancellor Calls Meeting Of Progressives
a~.Wednesday. The station pr Wra JR) b
was broadcasting a program by For National Plebiscite Leads To Demonstration
Tommy Dorsey's orchestra. To Tet Party Strength After Talk ly Strikers
The Dorsey band swung . into a
swing version of an old Scotch bal- r ,del
lad. Suddenly the music stopped. 10 C b1ke 1Ve PeiCCe United Liberal Slate
The announcer said "something more,.{
refined" would be substituted. lact With -litler lE-d rsed At Meet g
Leo J. Fitzpatrick, manager of thel
station, said the "swung" ballad was INNSBRUCK, Austria, March 9. Forty students sang "Solidarityt
"Loch Lomond." An aide at the sta- -_(P)-Chancellor Kurt Schuschnigg Forever" on a picket line in front of
tion insisted it was "Coming Through carried his fight for Austrian lnde- the Ann Arbor Press last night after
the Rye." They were agreed, how- pendence to the people tonight by they and 30 others at a Progressive
ever, that it was old, a ballad, and calling a national plebiscite for Sun- Club meeting in the Union had heard
being played swing-style to the limit, day to test his government's strength. three striking printers condemn the
Leaders of the Fatherland Front- labor policies of the printing shop.I
Job PrOSts"I the only legal political organization Joseph Gies, '39, Daily night editor,
in Austria-gave Schuschnigg what was elected president of the Progres-I
probably was the greatest ovation of sive Club for this semester at the
FOr Graduiates his political career after he declared meeting last night. Ruth Horland,1
in an address: '39, was chosen vice-president and
Called Pleiitiful "We shall observe the agreements Miriam Sper, '38, secretary-treasurer.t
0.r 1 reached at Berchtesgaden, but we The club endorsed the platform
shall make not the slightest addi- and slate of the. United Liberal Coal-(
tional concession." ition in the Senate elections tomor-J
Vocational Parley Reveals Rears Barrier . row.
Opportunilies in Three Thus, the Chancellor reared a defi- It voted to invite delegates from
nite barrier in front of National So- University publications printed at theI
Widely Divergent Fields cialist (Nazi) ambitions loosed by his Ann Arbor Press, the League for
conversations with Chancellor Adolf Peace and Democracy, the SRA, the
Opportunities for college graduates Hitler of Germany at Berchtcsgaden Student Senate and church guilds to
to secure jobs in three widely diver- last month. form a Student Committee on the1
gent fields were discussed yesterday Pointedly striking at Nazi agita- Strike, which will:i
in the second day's session of the tion for more power, Schuschnigg de- 1. Strive for the withdrawal oft
Guidance and Occupational Informa- cdared "There must be a clear demar- University printing from the Ann
tion Conference meeting in the Union. cation, once and for all, between the Arbor Press during the strike. (The
Meetings will continue through Sat- legal and the illegal." 'Ensian, Gargoyle, Technic and otherr
urday. "We shall not tolerate Nationalist publications and bulletins are print-I
Openings for college graduates in threats," he warned. "I cannot ask ed there.)
the Federal Bureau of Investigation my supporters to remain quiet if the 2. Influence public opinion byt
are many, J. C. Newman, special agent other side does not do so." wearing strike tags, writing lettersr
In the plebiscite Austrians will be to the Daily and participating inf
Speaking at the conference on asked to vote on whether they are picketing.
Guidance and Occupational In- satisfied with the government's pro- 3. Support the strike benefit dance
formation today will be C. E. Weiss, gram. this Saturday at the Masonic Temple.
industrial relations manager of the Makes Bid For Support Louis Falstreaux, representing the
Packard Motor Car Co., J. T. Shae- Schuschnigg bid for support by de- I strikers, described the working con-
for, assistant to the president of claring "1938 is labor's year." He said ditions before the strike, traced the
the Michigan Bell Telephone Co., Austria's work program will be con- formation of the Independent As-
and Chester F. Miller, superinten- ducted on a large scale and the labor sociation of Ann Arbor Press Em-
dent of schools at Saginaw. Mr. service will be reconstructed further. ployees, which he branded as a
Weiss will speak at 4:15 p.m. on Schuschnigg defended himself "company union," and told the group
"The Field of Personnel and In- against Nazi charges that by seeking that the shop had been able to under-i
dustrial Relations." The other two the cooperation of labor organizations bid Lansing and Detroit firms by
speakers will conduct a demonstra- C he was helping to establish a people's one-third because of the low wage
tion of applicant interview proce- front. He declared that under no rates and long hours.
dure at 7:30. circumstances would there be a re- A. M. Filhinger another striker,
turn to political party government, told the group that the 99 per cent
connected with the Detroit office of "The Fatherland Front will con- agreement to the "company union"
the Bureau, told an audience of 200 scientiously live up to the new Ger- contract was too unanimous a sup-
at 7:30 p.m. in the Union Ballroom. man peace (the friendship agree- port of the management to representc
Law Degree Advised I ment with Hitler) and will not feel free choice on the employee's part ine
Primary requirements for posts itself responsible if this effort fails." signing. ,
with the F.B.I. are either a Law de- Answering a letter that appearedp
gree, an accounting degree or many in the Ann Arbor Daily News, Kerbyo
years service in branches of police Thax'1 af f jt."d Jennings, Grad., the third striker toy
work, Of the 680 men now connected ,T J speak, declared that striking mem-
with the Bureau, 67 per cent have Law Vocatioinal Le it re hers of the typographical union re-L
degrees and J16 per cent are expert_ ceive $16 a week for 54 weeks, if d
accountants, he said. Applicants, necessary, and that not one strikingI
after passing a comprehensive in- Prof. Howard B. Lewis, of the printer's family, out of 300 in 1932r
telligence examination, and having a oo armacy, will continue the in Detroit, was on state or federala
tellgenc exainatonpre-professional seres begun lastreif
satisfactory report of their previous besoa eisle relief.
connections filed with the Bureau, are w bD Ba o. -a



Chautemps Cabinet

Open Hearts
To Reporters
More than 25 "stage struck" girls
gave way to their ambitions last night
in the opening performance of "Stage
Door," Play Production's latest ve-
hicle, which played to a first night
audience of 500.
Short interviews with numerous
women in the cast revealed that some-
where in their hearts, whether openly
acknowledged or secretly withheld
lay a desire to imitate the lives of
the characters of Jean Maitland, Ter-
ry Randall and others who appear*
in the play.
Miriam Brous, '38, stated that she
was willing "to take a chance" on
Broadway and intends to do so when
she leaves the University. Since her
home is in New York City she said
she would live there while working
but that she would be willing to re-
side in a "Footlights Club," if she were
from out of town.
Evelyn Smith, '38, who is playing
the tragic role of Kaye Hamilton
stated that her preference lies in
comedy roles, but that she has en-
joyed playing this role of a "lovable"
character. To her, a future on the
stage offers too little security and
believes that she will do her future
work with children of primary school
Betty Howard, '40, who appears as
Bernice, has no particular preference
in the type of roles she plays, but
usually appears in"straight" parts,
she stated. Her hopes are directed
along the line of the Little Theatre
movement and she stated that radio
has a definite fascination for her.
Nancy Shaefer, '39, has been en-
thusiastically working towards a ca-
reer on the stage since graduation
from high school. She played with a
(Continued o= Page 6)
Unity Seen As
Original Object
Of Mercanitilist {
lecksher Views Ancient1
Policy As Bulwark O
Old MedievalSociety
"The aims of the early mercantil-
ists were to establish political, so-
cial and economic unity in a me-
dieval society which was disintegrat-
ing," declared Prof. Eli F. Heckscher,
president of the Economic Institute
of Sweden, in a University lecture
yesterday in Haven Hall auditorium.
Professor Heckscher will deliver
his second talk on mercantilism to-
day at 4:15 p.m. in Room C, Haven
Hall. He will attempt to show the
relationship between mercantilism
and present-day economic policies.
"These were aims, the greater part
of which were not attained by the
mercantilists themselves, but by their
'laissez-faire' successors," the noted
economist said.
The most important change from
medieval society to a mercantilist
society was the change from a natural
to a money economy, Heckscher stat-
Since the mnrcantilist state be-
lieved that the fund of the world's
natural resources was limited, and
"static," the only way for it to en-
large its resources was to take some
from other nations, it was said,




Withdraws Support

Murphy Acts To Save
Fugitive From Justice
LANSING, March 9.-()-Gover-
nor Murphy today heeded the pleas
of Buchanan residents that he assist
in preventing the return to North
Carolina of Koler Holsclaw, who was
arrested recently on a drunk driving
charge and discovered to have been a1
fugitive from justice for the 12 years
he lived in this state.
Murphy told Holsclaw's attorneys,
B, R. Deseberg and Philip Landsman,
that he would write to Governor
Frank R. Hoey, of North Carolina,
and inform him that Holslaw, alias1
Frank Bentley, had been an "exem-
plary" citizen since coming to Mich-
Holsclaw was discovered through
fingerprints sent in routine fashion
to the Federal Bureau of Identifica-
tion to have escaped from a prison
camp 12 years ago where he was serv-
ing a 30-year term for murder.
House Revolt
Kills Disputed
Tax Provision
Elimination Of Surtax On
Family Corporations
Places'Budget In Red
+ WASHINGTON, March 9.-(M-A
iHouse revolt against the Administra-
tion slashed from the tax bill today
its most widely criticized provision-)
a surtax on family-owned and close-
ly-held corporations.
These were the immediate results:
The House sidetracked the revenue
bill at least until tomorrow and per-
haps for several days.
Chairman Doughton (Dem., N.C.)
of the Ways and Means Committee,
rushed away to notify President
Roosevelt of the 180 to 124 vote by1
which the House knocked out the sur-
tax and to discuss its implications.
Democratic committee members
met in an emergency session to try
to figure out some way of making up
the estimated $30,000,000 to $45,000,-
000 in revenue which the so-called
"IB" tax on closelyh-eld firms would
have yielded.
. Republicans suggested the bill had
been laid aside sto give Administra-
tion forces an opoprtunty to whip
balky Democrats into line and try
to reinstate the "1B" levy on a roll
call vote.
But Doughton said that while he,
probably would have to demand such
a vote, he had little hope that the tax
would be restored.
France Meets
Italian Demand
Acknowledges Concessions
RegardingSpain Policy
LONDON, March 9.-(')-Great
Britain's efforts toward Euopeai
appeasement were bolstered today by
a concession from France to meet
Italian demands on non-interven-
tion in Spain.
The government informed Italy
amdiGermany of the concession and
awaited their replies in the hope
the nonintervention deadlock might
be broken, removing this obstacle
from the path of Anglo-German and
Anglo-Italian agreements.
This development came as Prime
Minister Neville Chamberlain in-
vited German Foreign Minister
(Joachim Von Ribbenstrop to talk

with him across a luncheon table
Von Ribbentrop, former ambassa-
dor to Great Britain, arrived here
this afternoon ostensibly to take leave
of that post. He already had ar-
ranged to talk with Ciscount Halifax,
Foreign Secretary, tomorrow.
Chamberlain told the cabinet he
and Lord Halifax would try to deter-
mine in the conversations with Von
Ribbentrop whether now is the best
time for negotiations with Germany.

Opposition To Emergency
Finance Power Brings
Downfall Of Coalition
Blum May Form
New G overnment
PARIS, March 9.-(/P)-The "mid-
dle-ground" government of Premier
Camille Chautemps tonightdecided to
resign Thursday because of left-wing
opposition to granting the Premier
decree powers over troubled French
The Radical-Socialist premier said
he would address the nation tomorrow
morning from the Chamber of Dep-
uties rostrum and then tender his
resignation to President Albert Le-
Political observers expected the
President to offer the premiership im-
mediately to Leon Blum, head of the
first People's Front Government,
whose Socialist Party holds the larg-
est single bloc of chamber seats.
The resignation decision came dur-
ing a three-and-a-half hour cabinet
session after socialist and communist
members of the premier's chamber
majority created a tense situation by
refusing to grant him wide powers
he requested to deal with acute fi-
nancial and economic problems.
France's rapidly increasing arm-
ament needs were blamed for the
financial crisis.
Socialists and communists said they
were unable to back Chautemps' re-
quest because his plans called for
postponement of costly social reforms
to which they are pleIged.
The cabinet, composed largely of
Chautemps' own Radical Socialist
Party members, was constituted Jan.
18 succeeding the second People's
Front Government which Chautemps
also headed. It will have lasted 51
days, the 103rd government since for-
mation of the Third Republic.
Its fall came over the same issue,
financial decree powers, which forced
out Blum, in June 1937.
The immediate problem which
brought the situation to a head was
the proected floating of a 10,000,000,-
000 franc ($320,000,000) defense loan
next Monday.
Duce To Revamp
Italian Chamber
Economic Representation
Seems Imminent
ROME, March 9.-P)--The pre-
fascist Chamber of Deputies, twice
ordered abloished in the last four
years but still kept in existence, ap-
pears to be on the verge of being
Premier Benito Mussolini has sum-
Inoned the Fascist Grind Council to
the Palazzo Venezia for 10 p.m. (4
p.m. EST) tomorrow to hear a spe-
cial comimssion's report on substitut-
ing for it a chamber of guilds and
"fascios," units of the Fascist party.
The new governing body would give
Italy a legislature in which the people
would be represented through their
ecoonmic categories. Committeemen
have been working for years on the
exact form but the results will not
be published before tomorrow.
Italians generally beleve Il Duce
really intends this time to pronounce
the death sentence on a parliament
whose end was ordered four years
Its ultimate end, however, has been
taken for granted ever since Mus-
solini established his regime. He has
never liked the chamber althoughit
has been a mere rubber stamp to ap-
prove his decrees in recent years.
Author To Describe

State-Religion Fight
Dr. Thomas Harris, who spent last
summer traveling in Russia, will speak
here Sunday, Monday and Tuesday on
his experiences with the Russian peo-
ple and the causes of church and
state conflict in totalitarian countries.
Dr. Harris is the author of "Unholy
Pilgrimage," a book giving his im-
pressions of the way the Russian
people are reacting to the Soviet gov-
ernment. Born and educated in Eng-

enrolled in the Bureau school for 14
weeks at a salary of $3,200 a year.
There are many cases, Mr. Newman
pointed out, of men rising to a posi-
tion as head of a field unit within
a year after their enrollment in the
Mr. Newman emphasimed that the
spectacular type of raids which the
iicwspapcl'5 publicize l~akes uip only
about 5 per cent of the Bureau's work.
and, the greater part is hard, routine
work in which advancement is secured
only through ability, and no other
factors. cith 'rp)1itical or'nepotistic,
enter into determining who should
be advanced in the job scale.
Not Taught In Schaol
Tha.Et advertIsing cannot be learned
in college brit must rather be picked
uLp in the p~ost graduate school offered
by a job in the field was the thesis
advanced by WA.R. John, president
of the John Advertising Agency in the
Ut.Pro lecture

Schpol at 4:15 p.m. today in Room
313 in the West Medical Building. Chinese Photographs
Professor Lewis will speak on "Phar- Are Placed On Display
macy,' with an eye toward acquaint-
ing students planning to enter this An exhibit of Chinese photographs
field with its problems and nature. is being displayed in the North an I
This series of talks will continue South galleries of Alumni Memorial
throughout the semester, each fol- Hall from 2 to 5 daily this week under
lowed by an open forum to answer all 'the auspices of the fine arts depart-
questions. On March 15 Dr. William ment.
W. Bishop will speak on "Libraty Taken by Shi Mi h Cheng, Grad.,I
Science." All students interested in! of Paak Hok Tung, Canton, China,
the fields to be discussed are invited the photographs show views of the
to attend, university at Peiping,
IkcOn Oi spt8 Ils ar E,.rO eain,




U.S. Slump, May Snag World Prosperity

United States Holds Key
" S. * _ -- A r" a+

times of stres if the United States
depres>sion proves to be long and ser-

The only way to learn,
tinued, is to go out and w
one else's money as he p
(Continued on Page
tce Carnivv
On Tonic
Tickets Now On
Union Main Lc
Tickets are now on sale
desk of the Union for t
first Ice Carnival to be
p.m. tomorrow in the Co
The Carnival, which wil
hockey game, figure skatir
skating for spectators, is l
possible through the cool
the Athletie departmen

John conl- I ositmon As C r e d ito r
astesoire Nation, Heckscher Says
2) If the United States is not able
to check the present recession, there
is a chance that a world-wide depres-
sion may develop in the near future,
Prof. Eli F. Heckscher, noted Swedish
Off economist and University lecturer
here, said in an interview yesterday.
The great network of economic and
Sale in trade connections between the United
bby 'States and the countries of Europe is
a natural line for the transmission of
at the mla~ieconomic movements all over the
, world, Professor Heckscher said, and
he Union's the United States, as a creditor na-
held at 8 tion with large exports, is one of the
liseum. most powerful transmitters along
L1 feature a that system. Rises in American prices
ig and free or decreases in business activity and
being made I foreign trade are felt immediately by
peration of foreign importers and others connect=
t of the I ed.

Remer Sees Rearmament
As Large Factor In
Trade Restrictions
War-oriented policies in a time of
peace have the effect on a nation f
building up a pressure for the con-
tinuance of these policies and an at-
titude of mind conducive to war, Prof.
Charles F. Remer of the economics
department said yesterday in an ii-
Recovery from the last depression
was primarily recovery within coun-
tries, as the statistics show, Professor
Remner said, production rising to a
marked degree, with trade remaining
either stationary or rising but little
in proportion to the increase in pro=
This discrepancy between trade and
production was caused by three fac-
tors, Professor Remer said: (1) trade
restrictions aimed directly at imports;

I mI

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