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May 25, 1937 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1937-05-25

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The Trimrose Tath

.. ..


The proverbial affinity of keys and lightning was conclusively and
-unanimously decided to be the real McCoy last Friday night . . . add a
dash of oil from the mighty oil can and an overtone of 'party,' close your
eyes, and you have the Key Dance ... from the first flashes of lightning
that Heaven in one of its more cooperative moods sent to remind Miss
Primrose that 'twas time to brace herself up for a busy evening, until the
last of the mob exited from the Union, it was a grand affair ...
The climax came in the impressive ceremony that would have made
the coronation look like an undignified skirmish . . . when, with Marshall
Shulman officiating, the famous oil can, borne on a black-draped tray
with more tender care than the Archbishop could possibly have given the
crown, Prof. Preston Slosson was named head "oil man" . . as though
that weren't enough to impress the populace at one time, the unveiling
of the honored professor's caricature was effected . . . the ceremony was
so impressive that Mis's Primrose almost lost her balance in her Tarzan-like
position on the chandelier, where she retreated in a vain effort to see all.
hear all and eventually tell all . .. if Miss Primrose may be permitted an
observation, it seemed to hei' as she hung by her toes that Marshall Shulman
might well be entitled "loquacious iubricator" . .. maybe he and Professoj
Slosson could start a lubricatorium ...


A Slappi.g Good Time.
The bass viol player in the band very nearly stole the show, and from
Miss Primrose' position she found it hard to tell which was the man and
which the bass viol, or who was slapping which . . . B.M. and B.W.O.C.'s
galore all crowded around the ticket fence that kept the swing band from
the swingsters, and everyone swung to (surprise!) real swing music .
Bud Lundahl and Dorothy Shipman were enjoying it all, and Betty Lindegren
and Bob Montgomery just hung around and seeped up the "Gonna Goo"
. and everyone wondered how the poor haggard 'Ensian staff could have
such a good time with their brain child still a myth . . . but they were well
represented by Lloyd Strickland and Marion Donaldson, Frank Dannemiller
and Betty Gatward, Mary Johnson and Johnny Badger . .. and John Mann
with Mary Lou Willoughby ... and John McFate with Mario Reynolds .. .
Everybody and his roommate were there . . . and Miss Primrose discerned
Jewel Wuerfel and Roy Patterson apparently getting a kick out of the
whole affair . . . as were Betty Strickroot and Clayton Hepler . .. Frances
Sutherland was doing some fancy dipping with John Treadway and when
they took the picture Mrs. Slosson looked proud as Professor Slosson beam-
ingly posed with his newly-acquired trophy . . Wally Hook and Barbara,
Heath were right in there ...
But regretfully, Miss Primrose had to desert her post and start on her
regular week-end cross-country dash ... this week-end hit a new high in
the spots she tried to touch upon ... from the Union a mad dash ended
In the spots she tried to touch upon . .from the Union a mad dash ended in
a momen's stop at the Theta Xi house . . . there it didn't take her long;
to see that the fish pond which was cuddled under the orchestra's very
nose was a work of art that was being fully appreciated ... Marge Tilling-
hast with Jim Loughman and Florence Rogers With Alex Neill were claimingj
that the fish "swung it" on the fast numbers ... they did look rather agi-
tated at times .. as Maxine Baribeau and Phil Simpson could vouch ...
and as Miss Primrose gathered up her skirts for another dash she noticed
Betty Spangler and Neil Levenson viewing the imitation moon ...
Social Pro? Never Heard Of It.
Arriving at the Phi Kap house at intermission Miss Primrose saw1
everyone celebrating "off-social-probation" day . .. Jim Hollowell, "one of
the boys" last year, is here in the Dramatic Season on his first "pro"
contract, and came in with Peggy French after the show . .. Beulah Atler
was there with Johnny Gee ...
By this time Miss Primrose was devoid of her strength and indeedr
faintness was rapidly icoming over her . .. and besides she had lost her man
somewhere in the mad dash . . . discouragement overcame her and she
stumbled along home all alone to crawl into her much publicized trundlea
bed to sleep, and who knows? perchance to dream of of next week-end's
swing (as aren't they all?) events ...t

List Of Patrons
For'40 Project
Is Announced
Lantern Night, Pageant
Will Be Held Thursday;
Ruthvens To Attend
President and Mrs. Ruthven will
head the list of patrons and patron-
esses for Lantern Night and Fresh-
man Project which will be held at
5:30 p.m. Thursday on Palmer Field,
Faith Watkins, chairman of the pa-
trons committee, announced yester-
Others included in the list of pa-
trons and patronesses are Vice-Presi-
dent and Mrs. Shirley W. Smith, Dean
and Mrs. Wilbur R. Humphreys, Dean
Alice Lloyd and Dean and Mrs. Wal-
ter B. Rea.
Patrons To Attend
Prof. and Mrs. Ralph W. Aigler,
Prof. Henry C. Anderson, Dr. Mar-
garet Bell, Prof. and Mrs. Phillip E.
Bursley, Prof. and Mrs. Frederick
Peterson, Prof. and Mrs. Jesse S.
Reeves, Prof. and Mrs. Preston W.
Slosson, and Prof. and Mrs. Fielding
H. Yost will also attend the affair as
patrons and patronesses.
Others will be Dr. and Mrs. James
Bruce,rDr. George A. May, Dr. and
Mrs. Earl V. Moore, Dr. and Mrs.
William G. Smeaton, and Dr. and
Mrs. George M. Stanley.
Dance Follows Pageani
Mrs. Byrl Bacher, Mrs. Elizabeth
Bell, Miss Dorothy Biese, Miss Ruth
Bloomer, Miss Hilda Burr, Miss Lau-
rie Campbell, Mr. and Mrs. Leroy
Cram, Mrs. Warren E. Forsythe, Mrs.
Violet Hanley, Miss Marie Hartwig,
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer D. Mitchell, Miss
Ethel A. McCormick, Miss Virginia
Jeaseley, Miss Jeanette sPerry, Mr.
and Mrs. T. Hawley Tapping, Mr. and
Mrs. Stanley G. Waltz, and Mr. Val-
entineWindt will act as patrons and
The Lantern Night parade will be-
gin at 5:30 p.m., followed by supper
on Palmer Field at 6:15 p.m., and
immediately after the pageant, danc-
ing will be held on the tennis courts.
Chaperons for the dance will be
Mr. and Mrs. Robert French and
Mr. and Mrs. Francis W. Gravit. In
case of rain, all festivities will be
held at Barbour Gymnasium.
There will be rehearsal for all the
leaders of the Lantern Night line of
march at 4 p.m. today at Palmer
field, Maryanna Chockley, '37,
chairman of the procession an-
nounced. Attendance is compulsory
and in case of rain the women are
asked to report to the Women's Ath-
letic Building.

For Swimming, Tennis
This gay, flowered robe, with
tperky puffed sleeve"s,'will lend color
to any bathing beach and also
jprotect the wearer from the burn-
ing sun.
Lanteni Ni'ht 's
Freshman List;
To Be Chiawaed.
The freshmen leaders for the Lan-
tern Night parade which will be held

Slacks, Bright Shirts And
'Double Duty' Outfits
Are Shown In Gay Colors
Set up the tee, rolthe net tight,
nock the arrow, oil the bicycle pedals
or polish the rust off those roller
skates! The season of many sports is
on campus to stay, and it's not hard
to meet it more than half way when
you're equipped with a what-to-wear
for every where-to-go.
It's much easier to make a low
score on tree golf course if you start
out wearing a high-scoring outfit.
A clever combination that is being
seen on the links consists of shirt and
shorts in one piece, over which is
worn a skirt that buttons down the
side. The teddy feature of this suit
eliminates any danger of the shirt
coming out at the waistline, no mat-
ter how violently you swing your
Comes In Paisley Print
It comes in an ac.etate paisley
print, than which there is nothing
smarter this year. Without the skirt,
this suit would be the thing for ten-
nis, and with or without, should help
you hit a bull's eye on the archery
Whatever type of skirt you wear for
golf, it should be full enough so that
you can cover the miles in a hurry,
and yet not so full that it will blow
in the wind. A variety of sweaters is
at hand to go with your skirt, and the
popular rayon silk jersey shirt con-
tinues to be shown, very tailored, with
a zipper closing at the throat.
Slacks Still Popular
Slacks seem to hold their own, sea-

courts. White is the favorite color,
the style is invariably sun-back, and
the skirt is pleated or gored to give
room for action.
A double-duty affair is made of
printed chintz. It is actuaily Itswim
suit because it is completely lined
with jersey.
It is abouteas sun-back as possible
and there are white bone buttons at
the back of the waist-line where the
straps meet. It can be worn for
tennis equally as well as for swim-
ming and the gay print would add
a colorful note to the court. This
suit is beautifully made .and unbe-
lievably inexpensive.
Pictured is a halter neck suit of
pique lined with jersey which also
may servedits wearer on the tennis
courts as well as in the water. After
the swim, a flowered cotton robe may
be donned along with a tricky ban-
danna for the head, and one is set
for protection against the sun.
A sort of compromise seems to have
been effected between shorts and
culottes. Many "long-shorts" models
are seen, where the shorts fall almost
to the knee. A one-piece outfit in
this style is of white silk linen, a
tailored shirt top, and a red and blue
felt of shirred grosgrain.
Coronation Exerts Influence
The coronation influence has found
its way into a white jersey shirt which
has one small pocket trimmed with a
crown design in colors. Another pos-
sibility to wear with slacks is the silk
jersey halter. Both the halter and
the silk jersey shirt are shown in
green, rust, yellow, blue and other
high shades.%
One of the newest outfits for sports
is a Roman-striped seersucker in viv-
id shades. The color combination is
carried out in the shirt, shorts and
skirt of the playsuit.
Dan .. Clu -b ei tal
Tfo Be Given Today,
Those who will participate in the.
Modern Dance club demonstration to
be given at 4:15 p.m. today in Sarah.
Caswell Hall at Barbour Gymnasium,
are: Mary Jane Mueller, '38, Sally
Kenny, '38Ed, Sarah Graf, Grad.,
Beatrice Lovejoy, '38A, Winifred
Law, '39, Barbara Guest, '40, Jean
Groh, '37Ed., Barbara P. Horton,
'36Ed., Bud Wolfson; '39, Marion
Cranmore, '38Ed., Doris Scott, '40,
Mary Redden '38Ed., and Elaine
Hamilton, '39.

Smart But Practical' Is Order
Of Day In Summer Sport Togs

Two Weddings,
Future Nuptials
Are Announeed
Margaret Heald Married
T1 i rs! ay7; Gloriana Seije
Weck George Junge
A number of weddings have taken
place within the last week, and plans
for forthcoming marriages have been
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick A. Selie of
Detroit announce the recent marriage
in Los Angeles of their daughter,
Gloriana, who resigned from the clasa
of '39, to George L. Junge, Jr., son of
Mr. and Mrs. George L. Junge, of
Los Angeles. Mrs. Junge attended the
University last year and was a mem-
ber of Gamma Phi Beta sorority.
Heald-Payne Nuptials
Margaret Heald, '32, daughter of
Mrs. Albertina Heald of Ann Arbor
became the bride of Dr. Edward
Payne of Lowell, Mass., at 9 a.m.
The bride was attended by her
sister, Ruth Heald. Attending Dr.
Payne as best man was Dr. Louis
Simard of Haverhill, Mass. Dr. and
Mrs. Payne will live in Lowell. The
former is a graduate of Tufts Medical
college in Boston.
The marriage of Bettina Rightmire,
'36, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry
A. Rightmire of Detroit to Evans S.
Schmeling, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ferd-
inand Schmeling of Chicago will take
place at 4 p.m., June 19, in Detroit
at the Northwood Congregational
Church, Dr. Charles Ilairn Myers will
read the service.
Madelyn, Coe To Assist
Madelyn Coe, '35, will be the maid
of honor, and Dorice Suffrin, '38,
Helen McDonald and Mary Porter
will be the bridesmaids. Prof. Ralph
P. Belknap of the geology depart-
ment is to assist Mr. Schmeling as
best man. Ushers will include Prof.
R. C. Hussey andRobert Breed,:Grad.
Alice Brigham, Spec., gave a tea
Friday afternoon at her home in
honor of Ruth McConkey, '37A. Miss
McConkey, daughter of Prof. and Mrs.
George McConkey of Ann Arbor will
marry Rodney W. DeVore, '35E, son
of .Mr. and Mrs. Walter E. DeVore,
of Meadville, Pa.
Student Supplies
. S Morrill


at 5:30
the cast

p.m. Thursday have
because of conflict
of Freshman Project,

been son after season.
with portant feature
ac- and their press.1

This time the im-
is their tailoring-
Above all, they must

cording to Alberta Wood, general
chairman of the Project.
Since those women in the cast of
the pageant will not be able to march,
substitutes have been chosen to take
their places. Glade Allen, Anne Haw-
ley, Barbara Telling, and Helen Wolfe
will be the leaders of the freshman
class. Following them will come Ruth
Coler, Katherine MacIvor, Ruth Cal-
kins, Betty Schuele, Janet Ladd, Car-
rie Wallach, Annabelle Dredge, and
Alberta Royce.
These 12 freshmen will wear the
class jackets of traditional green1
color. Every woman in the class of
'40 is urged to take part in the pa-
rade. 'To distinguish them from the1
representatives of the other classes,
all freshmen in the march must wear
green hair ribbons.
Those representatives first chosen
who will not be able to participate in
the parade due to parts in the proj-
ect are Mary Gage, Alberta Wood,
Jane Nussbaum, Ann Vicary and
Mary Richardson.

be well creased, whether on the tennis
court or the bicycle trail. For the
most part, slacks stick to blue and
gray. They appear in flannel and
twill cotton. A beautifully tailored
model is made of herringbone stripe
and is trimmed with buttons on the
front or side. The zipper closing is
The' tennis dress is still giving
shorts plenty of competition on the
Baseball Tournament
Finals Will Be Today
Jordan Hall and Alpha Chi Omega
teams will play the final round of
the baseball tournament at 4:30 p.m.
today at Palmer Field. The winner
will be awarded the Interhouse Base-,
ball Tournament cup for one year.
Jordan Hall in the A class reached
the final round by defeating Martha
Cook by a score 43-2 in a game played
yesterday. In the B tournament Al-
pha Chi Omega defeated Alpha Del-
ta Pi, 13-7.


I{ a ___________________________________ __________________ __________________________ I







Michiganens ian
Distribution at Student


i fascinating
Beach Appa
IT'S TRUE that swimming
seem to cover more territory
dermis") this season, but for
reason or other, they're more
tering than ever before. Pe
it's the lovely new fabrics ...
caded satin lastex, crinkled
lastex, printed silk jersey
pique, and a host of new w
weaves - or it might be the
that seem to mold all figur
perfection. We show here tv
the many new swim suits, a
smart beach robe,
$3.95 to $7.95

r i
.es to
nd a
A ... printed pique over white
Jersey . . . 6.95

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