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May 25, 1937 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1937-05-25

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Forestry Club
Annual Makes
Its Appearance
Articles Vary In Content
From Description Of
Camp To Waterfowls
Articles varying in content from
appraisal of the waterfowl restoration
problem to a description of life at
Camp Filibert Roth are features of
the Michigan Forester, semi-technical
annual of the forestry club, which has
just been published.
The yearbook, which is under the
direction of Norman F. Smith,
'37F&C, editor, and Joseph Schavilje,
'37F&C, business manager, is dedi-
cated to Prof. Robert Craig, Jr., di-
rector of the forestry summer camp.
The Forester is included in the mem-
bership dues of the forestry club and
in addition is distributed to alumni
and friends of the forestry school.
"When hot sparks are a-driftin'
down yer collar ther' aint much time
fer cool deliberation." This sentence
spoken by the "Old Timer" furnishes
the keynote in "A Forester Talks.
about Social Security," by Daniel J.
Cashin, Jr., '37F&C, Pack Prize win-
ner -for 1937, which is a featured es-
say of this issue of the forestry an-
The value of forest recreation is
discussed in an article under that
title by Ray E. Bassett, '13, who warns
against too much regimentation in
this type of planning. A complete
mastery of the fundamentals of for-
estry is the advice given to students
in that field by Bruce Buell, '19, au-
thor of "The Practical Side," which
appears in this issue of the Forester.
More than 50 years of progress in
forestry training is reviewed in "The
Development of Forest Education at
the University of Michigan," by Alex
P. Steigerwald, '38F&C. Other ar-
ticles in the publication include:'
"News from the Field," a compilation
of letters from graduates of the for-
estry school; "Forest and Range
Management on. Indian Lands," a
technical approach to the question,
and an editorial on the Thomas
Clancey Memorial. An alumni di-
rectory and notes on this year's
graduates are also included in this
issue of the annual.
The Foreser contains numerous
illustrations of persons prominently
connected with the forestry school
and several picture of wildfire scenes.
Benson Doubts
State Regional
Plan's Success
(Continued from Page 1)
Federal administration, would not in-
fringe on the powers of the states.
The districts might expedite inter-
state cooperation, he continued.
Though the states would continue as
such, they might, through the re-
gional agencies, consult with each
other on matters of legislative and
administrative policies.
However, these regional districts
would have to be more flexible than
the ones for federal administration,
Professor Benson said, for many
states would be in the position where
there interests might lie with dif-
ferent regions at the same time. He
cited the case of Kentucky with its
social legislation philosophy that of
the South, its motor traffic problem
essentially that of the North.
"My own philosophy in this matter
(of regional government) is that the
American people seem bound to func-

tion through as small a unit of gov-
crnment as possible, and hence would
oppose any plan to replace the states
by regions.
"I have no doubt that minimum
wage legislation and child labor legis-
lation will eventually have to be dealt
with by Federal means. Individual
states which pass high standard so-
cial legislation put their industries at
a disadvantage in relation to the in-
dustries of other states which do not
have similar laws."
Regional governments as such
would not remove this difficulty, he
said, for though there might be few-
er regions to ,coordinate than would
be the case with the states, the same
forces working against social legis-
lation would still be able to exert
tremendous influence in the low stan-
dard regions.
Recital To Feature
Works Qf Students
A recital of compositions written by
members of the ltudent body of the
School of Music will be given at 8:15
p.m. Friday in the music school audi-
torium on Maynard Street.
The work has been done by 11
members of the School of Music, and
includes vocal compositions and
pieces for the piano and stringed in-
strument groups. The recital will be
presented by students of the school.
with 15 taking part.
The general public is invited to at-

Death Takes John D. Rockefeller

SCA Pamphlet
Traces Social
Work Of Group,

Head Of Detroit Public Works
To Speak Before Sigma Rho Tau

Lawrence G. Lenhardt, '15E, Com-
missioner of Public Works for the

city of Detroit, will be the guest
Book Discusses Visitation speaker at the eighth annual Honors
Service History, Tells Banquet of the Stump Speakers' So-
ciety of Sigma Rho Tau, engineers'
Of Fresh Air Camps speakers group, at 6:15 p.m. Wednes-
day in the Union.
More than 200 student Y.M.C.A. Mr. Lenhardt, after being graduat-
members, interested faculty men, and ed from the College of Engineering,
the Regents will receive copies of a was a draftsman with the Interna-
booklet "The S.C.A. Steps Into So- tional Joint Commission on pollution
cial Work," Richard S. Clark, '37, of boundary waters, and designer with
president of the organization, an- the City Engineer's office in Detroit.
neunced yesterday. He later served as master engineer
Tracing the history of the Health with the United States Army during
Service and Hospital visitation serv- the World War and the period of Oc-
ice, which was started by Ralph Seig- cupation.
alman, '37, in 1934, the booklet goes He was City Engineer of Pontiac
on to describe the work of the student from 1920 to 1925, was engineer in
visitors. charge of certain phases of design
Th annmmUliUh mnt £f the P and construction on the Springwells


John D. Rockefeller, Sr., builder of one of history's greatest personal
empires, who often expressed confidence that he would live to be 100,
died suddenly at Ormond Beach, Fla., at the age of 97. He is shown here
at his Lakewood, N. J., home after celebrating his 96th birthday. Death
was attributed to a hardening of heart muscles.
Plan Summer Carillon Concerts

ne accompiisnmenus of ne er-
zonal Service Bureau which attempts
to acclimate students with social
problems are described and the book-
let goes on to tell of the Sunday af-j
ternoon groups which meet in faculty'
homes as another part of the S.C.A.
social program.
Retreats at the Fresh Air Camp
at Patterson Lake, which the S.C.A.
sponsors, are held week-ends, the
booklet says, pointing out that the
small groups make for congenial andj
educational groups.
More than 1,000 errands and serv-1
ices were rendered to 423 patients
during the 1936-37 school year'.
Possibilities for next year include
an enlarged staff, closer cooperation
with church guilds and the assistance
of Dr. Arthur Van Duren,
Stores To Have Special
Display For Centennial
In honor of the centennial celebra-1
Lion to be held June 14-19, approxi-
mately 125 local ;tores will have
special window displays, the com-
mittee on decorations announced
Many of the stores are planning
displays especially significant to the
occasion, with many clothing stores
planning historical exhibits of chang-.
ing styles through the years, the com-
mttee said.

project from 1925 to 1932, when he
became Commissioner of Public
Works for Detroit.
Mr. Lenhardt's long experience in
engineering and in publichrelations
qualify him as an expert in his chosen
topic, "Human Relations in Engineer-
French Doctor Is
Laboratory Visitor,
Dr. E. Debains. head of the sero-
logical service of France and a mem-
ber of the National Department of
,Health at Versailles, has arrived onl
campus to start work with Dr. R. L.I
Kahn, director of the clinical labora- 1
tories at the University Hospital and
dscoverer of the Kahn test for syphil-
Dr. Debains, whose laboratories'
supply antigen for all government,
laboratories in France, is in Ann Ar-
bor to learn the latest methods of
standardizing antigen for the Kahnl
test, used" widely in France.I
Scout Commissioner Fielcng H.
Yost reported on plans for the na-
tional Boy Scout jamboree in Wash-
.ington next month at the executive
board meeting of the Ann Arbor-
Livingston Boy Scout council

Psychiatrist Will Be
Tomorrow' s Lecturer
Dr. William S. Sadler of Chicago
will speak on "Religion and Mental
Hygiene" at 5:15 p.m. tomorrow in
the Natural Science Auditorium.
Dr. Sadler, a practicing physician,
is being invited to talk on a religious
subject, according to Dr. Edward W.
Blakeman, University counselor on
religion, as part of a program to
enlist all the professions into re-
thinking religion in American life.
At noon Dr. Sadler will be the
Speaker at a luncheon for all mem-
bers of the faculty who are interested
given in his honor at the Union. Res-
ervations to the luncheon should be
made by telephoning University ex-
change 303 before tomorrow, Dr.
Blakeman said.
Seniors .. .
100 Engraved Cards $ .65
Including Plate. . . $1U.65
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Lost Michigan Tech
Student Is Found
HANCOCK, May 24.-(/P)-Barney
Wilcox, 19-year-old student at Mich-
igan College of Mines and Technology
lost for four days on Isle Royale, was
found safe today at Eagle Point.
Word of the finding of Wilcox by
members of the Civilian Conserva-
tion Corps was relayed here by radio
to Capt. Fred C. Soliman of the Por-
tage Coast Guard station.
Wilcox is a resident of Wyandotte.
He became separated from a party
of Michigan Tech students which
went to Isle Royale for the week-end
in the launch Eagle owned by Arthur
I'rmala. When the group returned
from a shore trip Friday to the launch
Wilcox was missing.
The Portage Coast Guard station
dispatched a crew to search for the
jromptly and neatly done by expos.
.nced operators at moderate pg,,
314 South State abre.,
a \
Dairy Milk is identical in high
quality, delicous flavor, and
healthful, nutritious qualities.
DIAL 23141

Charles A. Sink, President of the
School of Music, has announced that
during the summer of 1937, Wilmot F.
Pratt, University carillonneur, will
give recitals on the Carillon from 8:30
p.m. to 9:30 p.m. every Sunday from
June 6 to August 15; and from 7:30
p.m. to. 8:00. p.m. every Thursday
from June 3 to August 12.
During the summer the School of
Music will also provide concerts at
8:30 p.m., July 6, 13, 20, 27, August
3, and 10 in Hill Auditorium. These
concerts, given by members of the
faculty, will consist of vocal, piano,

violin, violincello and general en-
semble numbers, as well as programs
on the Frieze Memorial Organ.
There will be no admission charge,
but the public is requested to be seat-
ed on time, as the doors will be closed
during numbers.
I SAN PEDRO, Calif., May 24.--(')-
Fire on board the American Fisher,
oil tanker and fish reduction boat,
caused the death of a crew member
and an undetermined amount of
damage off Point Vicente today.

Copyright 1937
LICGST & MYras ToBAcco Co.
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