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May 25, 1937 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1937-05-25

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Edited and managed by students of the Vniversity of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of
Studnt Publications.
PblishedL every. morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of 1ll news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited inthis newspaper.. All
rights of republicatio)n of all other matter herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as
second class mall matter.
Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier,
$4.00; by mail, $4.50.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1936-37
Nationa Advertising.ServiceInc..
College Publishers Representative
Board of Editors
Wiliam Spaller Robert Weeks Irvin Lisagor
Helen Douglas
NIGHT EDITORS: Harold Garn, Joseph Gies, Earl R.
Gilman, Horace Gilmore, Saul Kleiman, Edward Mag-
dol, Albert May1o, Robert Mitchell, Robert Perlman
and Roy Sizemore.
SPORTS DEPARTMENT: Irvin Lisagor, carman; Betsey
Anderson, Art Baldauf, Bud Benjamin, Stewart Fitch,
Roy Heath and Ben Moorstein.
WOMEN'S DEPARTMENT: Helen Douglas, chairman;
Betty Bonisteel, Ellen Cuthbert, Ruth Frank, Jane B.
Holden, Betty Lauer, Mary Alice MacKenzie, Phyllis
Helen Miner, Barbara Paterson, Jenny Petersen, Har-
rlet Pomeroy, Marian Smith, Dorothea Staebler and
Virginia Voorhees.
Business Department
Departmental Managers
Ed, Macal, Accounts Manager; Leonard P. Siegelman, Na-
tional Advertising and Circulation Manager; Philip
Buchen, Contracts Manager; Robert Lodge, Local
Advertising Manager; William Newnan, Service Man-
ager; Marshall Sampson, Publications and Classified
Advertising Manager.

The Church
And State

Pond Agan
To the Editor:
One does not have to be impressed by the f or-
midable statistics displayed by Dr. Heller, in his
communication of May 21st to The Daily, be-
cause we have seen much more terrifying news
of this kind before. It suffices to recall that
when, upon the Polish Government's request, the
American Government delegated Ex-Ambassador
Morgenthau to verify such rumors, and when
this envoy reported them as being gross exag-
gerations or misrepresentations, he promptly
became the subject of violent criticism by Amer-
ican Jewry for not confirming their "conten-
Of course, everybody knows that the Jews have
grievances against Poland, real or imaginary; so
have others; and so have the Poles-against
Jews and others; and for that matter, who has
not any grievances? But, what of it? Anyhow,
they are not so vociferous about it. Even if The
Daily had enough patience to print more of my
refutations, I would not bother with it; I have
neither the time nor means to do it, and Poland
does not need my defending. Contrary to what
Dr. Heller thinks I was actuated not by love for
my native country, which I am not in the least
ashamed or afraid to admit, but just simply by
the sense of proportion or propriety.
The point is, that there is not much sense
in dragging matters, which at best can be only
controversial, before the Forum of an innocent
Campus community. I am sorry that I picked
up the challenge of the self-defeating exaggera-
tion of May 15th, and I hope that Dr. Heller
feels the same, so as to enale us to continue ,4
friendly relations.
-F. W. Pawlowski.
P.S.: Being the guilty party, I wish to answer
another objection. Mr. Anderson Ashburn is
quite correct: Helium being nearly twice as
heavy as hydrogen, has even 92.6 per cent of
the lifting ability of hydrogen (in air, near sea
level, at standard atmospheric conditions. Illum-
inating gas, although six times as heavy as hy-
drogen, is nevertheless used very much in bal-
looning and it gives us 62 per cent of the lift
of hydrogen. But when, on account of the
enormous structural weight of airships of the
Zeppelin type, the margin for the payload of
42,000 pounds is only 8.9 per cent of the gross
weight, then the replacement of hydrogen by
helium would reduce this allowance for the pay-
load to only 5,000 pounds. It would not be un-
fair, therefore, to say even that the replacement
of hydrogen by helium in the airship Hindenburg
would reduce the payload 88 per cent.
I will be glad to show Mr. Ashburn more de-
tailed computations, if he cares to drop in at my
office. -F.WP.
Pepys In Ann Arbor
To the Editor:
Awoke betimes, and yearned to stay me on
my lumpy cot . . . admired anew "the smaller
student room" . . . perceived seventh large wall
stain and third hole in rug, by dawn light pour-
ing through age-perforated blinds . . . Drain
fouled fourth day in fortnight, shaved at tub,
invigorated by hot water (45 degrees Fahrenheit)
softened by loving care of city fathers.
To porch for Michigan Daily. . . Vice-president
afresh foreswears housing alumni "in smaller
student rooms," distrusting lest comfort knot
their purse-strings and work dormitory campaigi
much ill . . . Paid rooming-mistress, reflecting
that female dean of men pressed the augmen-
tation of a half of the the fee over the year
since .
Broke fast, cold toast, tepid coffee murky as
night, fermented grapefruit . . . Melancholy that
my sainted mother woefully reared her last
born not to "dunk," preventing ye "taking ad-
vantage of all ye benefits of ye University . .
To study-hall, near filled by toiling scholars, as
speech .is in sooth forbidden, and there be no
lack of silence . . . Alas, eighty form-mates pre-
cede me in ye quest of but two copies of work
assigned ...
Sought erudition in two open pages of book
display . . . wroth with cynical unacholarly churl
mooting ye barter of brace of costly tomes for a
thousand current books. Yon knave disputed
worth of rare codexes read scarce once a decade,
holding a thousand pounds meanly spent on

naught save two weeks, while but a paltry frag-
ment of ye sum might yield photostatic or cin-
ema 'reproductions , . . Crushed ye vilain by my
Lord Library Steward's plaints of shelves run-
ning over, for should five thousands pounds
buy eight thousand books, there would be no
place to lay them down, but if it buy but five
books, and the same be read but little, they will
not wear out and much be gained thereby. Even
more, the parliament of Marquis Murphy of
Michigan hath but a few days since sadly re-
fused ye Royal Liquor Commissioners a salary
of a half more than ye Governor himself gaineth,
then how shall there be moneys for a storehouse
of new tomes, that one may journey to Europe
to read?
Hied me to ye Hall of Burgesses, and stood
upon ye steps to say "Quiet, Quiet." Fined but
five guineas . . . it was well I sung not, or a
thousand weary warriors, led by my Lord High
Sheriff of Washtenaw had hied them to the
rescue of the lion-hearted village watch. Much
moved by so touching a testimonial of ye city
for one hundred years of University benefits.
Dined . . . Shadow Soup a la German Prison
Camp, Fillet de Sole a la Eskimo (very rare),
whey and curd sala, pie most soggy and greasy . .
Rejoiced exceedingly that University Health
Service and Ann Arbor health officers permit
worst food at dearest costs in the Sovereign State
of Michigan ... -Grad Pepys.
Mayor Dan Butler of Omaha, Nebraska, dis-
tinguished himself last week with his censoring
of the play "Idiot's Delight." Bishop Oxham of
Omaha, suggested that Mayor Butler, in his
camnaien far r petini mp the tamn cr~

AND SO we saw the Bonth pass by. We saw
him on Sunday swinging out, leaning as al-
ways as if he were headed into a sixty-mile gale.
Having seen the Bonth in condition after condi-
tion, sometimes one and then sometimes another,
for these three years, it was a shock to see him
with a long black gown twisting around his legs
and the wind catching the tassle of his scholar's
cap, blowing it into his eyes. The Diz tries never
to be sentimental, yet it didn't seem right that
the Bonth should be in such sober dress and
sombre mien. But it really was the Bonth stalk-
ing like a senior and each block that we followed
the parade seemed to put another tradition fur-
ther into the past. For the Bonth, to the Diz
anyway, has come to be a tradition.
There are some over here at the Publication of-
fices who moan about the economic system,
there are some who moan about the state of
the crease in their pants, others groan because
they feel that their journalistic exuberance is
being squelched by an overly paternalistic uni-
versity, some sneer, most are bewildered, some
laugh inevitably and ad infinitum, many haven't
got a sense of humor. But all have stood back
in a kind of awe of the Bonth. Sometimes we
think the Bonth was a little awed at himself.
Some of his own pranks must have surprised
him. Like, we'll say, the most beautiful man con-
test which was not so much just a hearty dig
at the whole idea of contests of that sort, but
which was a grand satire on the whole spirit
of this sartorial and sophisticated elegance that
is creeping over the campus. We speak with full
respect for all persons involved.
The best part about the Bonth was always his
air of the bad little boy and enjoying it because
he knew that what he was doing or writing was a
big joke on everyone. The title Beneath It All
had something of a half leer about it. Yet we
feel that everything Bonth wrote was genuinely
sincere. We know that and respect Bonth all.
the more for it. He was laughing at us all the
time and laughing at the same time at himself,
and that is a healthy spirit.
But the Bonth had that other side, the one
that was a bit of life in bold and striking
lights, strong blacks and glaring whites. That
column on the flood in the South, to the mind
of the Diz, caught in a single chord as much and
more of the horror and desolation, the great
rumbling tones of tragedy, as all the detailed
news accounts could have. There was more than
the spirit of adventure in that column's writing
and in a man who can laugh as heartily as the
Bonth, we appreciate it all the more.
When word leaked out that we were sort of
lacing on Bonth's boots for the next year, we
were beseiged with queries about what did Dis-
raeli think he could write about. The truth is,
Disraeli doesn't quite know himself. He thinks
it will be a column and everyone knows that
columns are just like Topsy who just growed.
The thing is, Diz has been around here three
years and every once in a while during that time
old tradition steps up with a looping right hand
that starts down in the Arboretum's bowl and
climbs a hill as high as the carillon tower and
-smacko, he's hit. Maybe one moment he'll en-
counter the Old Man of Ferry Field chewing on
that incessant cigar, hoping as ever for the re-
sumption of the Big Peerade. Maybe he'll find
himself intrigued with those two castles of pulch-
ritude on Observatory Street, or the chatter of
the Parrot, or that inevitable signal down at the
Pretzel Bell. Who knows, perhaps he'll choose to
meander along the leafy tunnel of Washtenaw
broom in hand, alert for the dirt.
You know, once in a while Disraeli reads a
book or does something else maybe he shouldn't,
but whenever he does you'll hear about it, because
there are few things, the Diz feels, around school

besidd tradition. He means that he's going to
worry a little about the social and economic
systems, maybe. It may be that he finds that
because of the profit system the bock beer down-
town is just plain not fit for drink. It may
touch off fireworks in that direction. And if he
doesn't like a play or even if he likes it, some-
thing is going to happen. And the Diz is kind
of sore about the Big Ten dropping the training
table and refusing to let Michigan State join up.
Disraeli believes quite strongly that no man
is stronger than his sense of indignation pro-
vided the man knows what to be indignant about.
It may be that Disraeli will come in some night
feeling very knowing and wise. Little gems of
philosophy will come to you in the morning, little
bubbles perhaps of yeast foam. Perhaps he'll
want to convey to you the clicking of heels on
the campus walks at midnight while in another
part of town six Republicans sit around a table
plotting the overthrow of the government. There
is the chatter at the Parrot, the mingled clink
of glasses and burble of voices at the Bell, and
the dim streaks of yellow light from a shaded
room where someone sweats for a Saturday
morning blue book. There are our inevitably
funny professors, our inevitably lazy students,
our troubled thinkers and our happy non-think-
You see, it is hard to say what a column will
be like. Life is very rich in Ann Arbor, speaking
both of fun and of learning, and to catch a rich
thing with all its vitality, with a feeling for its
growth is a hard thing to do. If you can see a
great sky-scraping apartment house with its wall
torn off by a tornado so that all the floors are

The Merchant Of Venice
A Review
The 1937 Ann Arbor Dramatic Season,
Robert Henderson, director, presents
Estelle Winwood in William Shake-
speare's The Merchant Of Venice with
Gareth Hughes and Rex Ingram. Con-
ceived and directed by RobertmHender-
son. The scenery is painted by Herman
SOMEWHERE back of the produc-
tion now playing at the Mendels-
sohn is Shakespeare's immortal tragi-
comedy. But it is hard to imagine
how the text of the play could be put
to a use farther from the original in-
tention. No recognition is made of
the fact that one of the great merits
of the play is the value of the con-
trast between the comedy scenes and
the deeply emotional ones. Instead
in this production there was a weari-
some succession of scenes of physical
merriment, noise, and the indiscrim-
inate use of color. A use of the com-
edy spirit of the Venetian carnival
might be an advantage as a back-
ground in certain scenes. Butahere it
swallows up the whole production.
There were, for example, "Four
Clowns of the Commedia Del'Arte"
who intrude themselves on much of
the action. If they were really amus-
ing there might at least be that com-
pensation for the audience. But they
have neither interesting dance move-
ment or imaginative comedy business.
They only distract. The gaiety on
the stage was the sort that is made
up of a lot of forced laughter with
none to complement it from the au-
dience' side of the footlights.
Such goings-on continue through
the scenes, even, of Shylock's discov-
ery of Jessica's flight and when they
are not violently objectionable result
in being just dull.
On the credit side put Gareth
Hughes' interpretation of Shylock
and his execution of the part except
for his ranting, roaring and lack of
motivation in the impertant climaxes.
Also, John W. Austin's Antonio had a
dignity and simplicity that was ad-
mirable. Albert Carroll is quietly ef-
fective as the Prince of Aragon; a
dancer's performance in which move-
ment. is integrated with the words.
In the trial scene Miss Winwood
has not the vocal powerto sustain its
dramatic power. She uses the same
understatement she often uses so ef-
fectively in modern high comedy. In
Shakespeare this understatement
makes the scene fade away. She
tittered through other scenes in a
way that was sly and arch with no
trankness, charm, or fresh air. Where
was the poetry of this part? Or in
the whole play for that matter?
Should not the fact that the play is
written in blank verse, has the sym-
phonic quality characteristic of
Shakespeare, and a superb imagery in
the language be somehow evident in
a production of this play?
Audiences can be carried away by
the dramatic force and suspense of
the trial scene-theatrically one of
the best planned and written scenes
in literature for the stage.tThe pro-
duction took no advantage of this,
because of weak performances and
because Shylock was forced to play1
with his back to the audience and to
a Portia several feet above him.
No consideration is taken of the
dramatic conflict within the char-
acter of Shylock. The relation of theJ
good and'evil in his personality, the
balance of justification of and con-
demnation for him is one of the
important conflicts in the play.
Philip Dakin's Bassanio is leaden
and stolid when it is not negative.
Demetrios Vilan with some coaching
and slower tempo might possibly
have a chance to make his Lorenzo

into a good performance. Instead of'
giving value to the lines, making a
transition from one thought to the
next, he is made to rush over the
lines apparently to get them out of
the way as quickly as possible.
At the matinee on Saturday, the
Prince of Morocco scenes gave an im-
pression of horror but the same eve-
ning the audience took them as com-
edy and roared throughout. It is less
the actor's fault than the misjudg-
ment that cast him in the part.
Peggy French as Jessica is an ef-
fective decoration-until she begins
to speak or attempt what in an un-
critical mood might be called acting.
Maury Tuckerman, who got comedy
out of the difficult part of Launcelot
Gabbo when he played it with George
Arliss, had no chance here against
the general hubbub and clowning.
There was no edge on his perform-
ance; the words, no more. Richard
Glyer's Gratiano and the various Sal-
erno's and Salerino's were either dis-
gusting, exaggerated for negative.
No credit is given on the program
for the design of the scenery. The
first scene at Portia's house looked
like an Italian cigar box cover. Other-
wise it was undistinguished.
There was no evidence of an un-
derstanding of what Shakespeare
might have been trying.to do when he
wrote The Merchant of Venice.
Bill Would Forbid Utility
Strike Without Notice
LANSING, May 24.-UP)-Senator
Miles M. Callaghan, Republican, Reed
City, introduced a bill today which

VOL. XLVH No. 170
TUESDAY, MAY 25, 1937
To The Members of The Guard
of Honor: A meeting for the purpose
of instruction and drill of the Guard
of Honor for the Commencement Day
Exercises will be held at Waterman
Gymnasium, Tuesday, May 25, at 4
p.m., under the direction of Dr.
George A. May.
L. M. Gram,
Chief Marshal.
The University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Information
has received notice of the examina-
tion for eligibility listing for the po-
sition as Special Assistant in the Divi-
sion of Educational Research and Re-
sults in the Schdol District of Phil-
adelphia, Pa.
Application must be made in per-
son or by mail to the Division of Ex-
aminations, Administration Building,
Philadelphia, Pa., not later than 4
p.m., D.S.T., June 21, 1937, on the
special form issued by the Division of
Examinations. Teacher's Certificate
for state of Pennsylvania must be pre-
sented along with documentary proof
of an approved graduate degree or 40

on May 28, in Natural Science Audi-
torium, at 11 a.m. This will be the
only opportunity to take any or all of
these exams.
Geology 12: Make-u'p exams (Blue-
books No. 1, 2 and 3) will be given
on May 28, in Natural Science Audi-
torium, at 9 a.m. This will be the
only opportunity to take any or all
of these exams.
Concentration in History: Summer
classification programs for students
concentrating in history will be signed
by Proft L. G. VanderVelde. Until the
final examination period begins, he
will be in his office, 314 Haven, Tues-
day at 11 a.m. and Wednesday at
10:30 a.m. This notice concerns only
students concentrating in history
who are planning to attend the 1937
Summer Session.
Physics Colloquium will be held in
Room 1041 E. Physics Building,
Tuesday afternoon, May 25 at 4:15
p.m. Professor Firestone will talk
on "The Theory of Vibrating Sys-
tems and Sound in One Lesson."

Chemistry Colloquium

will meet

semester hoursc
courses with 30

of approved graduate'
hours of graduate or
work taken in at

T the Sun. The closing of eleven
Catholic presses indicate that once again, to uses
the military terminology which dictators affect,
Hitler attacks the only force which has openly
defled Nazi power since the beginning of the
Third Reich-organized religion. He attacks it
in the old way, the way that proved so successful
before he came to power, by cloaking action with
assurances to all parties that such action is not
being considered. Official Nazi newspapers an-
nounce that there'is no attempt to attack organ-
ized religion but only a campaign against the
"unGerman morals of men who unfortunately
are officially connected with the church." The
government seems to find an unlimited number
of these cases,' however, and the full. force of
the regimented press is turned toward emphasiz-
ing their connection with the church.
Foreign observers agree that the Nazi govern-
ihept is attempting to discredit the churchmen
in whom German people have long had trust.
The cases being brought before the courts are
precisely the kind which Hitler agreed not to
publicize in the Concordat which was signed
with the Pope in 1933. Hitler, however, is mak-
ing every effort through the department of prop-
aganda to convince the people that the treaty
was broken first by the Pope. All this pre-
liminary sugar coating is designed to facilitate
the putting into practice of the Nazi plan of a
"neutral school" where all religions would be
taught by the state for a specified number of
hours each week.
While we sympathize with any legitimate at-
tempt to separate church from state, we do
niot feel that this is the case in Germany today
despite the statements made by those who have
defended Hitler's actions on the grounds that
Germany is being freed of the grip of the Cath-
olic Church. If the shoe is too small for the
left foot, it can rarely be worn with comfort
on the right.
The proposed plan has been the subject of
vehement attacks not only of the foreign press
but also of the German clergy. Everywhere it is
felt that the purpose behind the recent Catholic
persecution has been revealed. Hitler is deter-.
miined that the coming generations shall be
steeped in the Nazi pagan religion and that if he
cannot eliminate the traditional faith from the
parents it shall not be transmitted to the chil-
Indirectly, it is a sort of compliment to the
courage of the German clergy. Hitler has found
little need to conciliate since 1933. But he faces
now not a divided church but a solid wall of
both Catholics and protestants who have shown
that here is one question on which a threat of
force may bring even more determined resistance.
Therefore there is need to conciliate. And of
even more concern to the party leaders must,
be the fact that the old methods are not going

least 4 of the following:
(1) Educational Research
(2) Statistical Methods
(3) Educational Psychology
(4) Curriculum Construction
(5) Educational Guidance
(6) School organization and Ad-
Documentary proof of 5 years of
approved experience in educational
work including two years of approved
teaching experience must also be pre-
Salary $3400-$4000.
For complete details, call at the
Bureau of Appointments and Occu-
pational Information, 201 Mason
The University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Information
has received notice of a position for a
man or woman to fill a teaching va-
The candidate must have a major
in social science with a minor in
Englsh. A Bachelor of Art's degree
and two years of teaching experience
in the above mentioned subjects are
required although candidates with
their Master of Art's degrees are pre-
ferred. The beginning salary-is $1,500
with six raises in consecutive years to
a maximufn of $1900.
The position is in Wyoming and is
to be filled by June 3. For further
information, please call at 201 Mason
First Mortgage Lo a n s: The
University has a limited amount of
funds to loan on modern well-located
Ann Arbor property. Interest at
current rates. Apply Investment Of-
fice, Room 100, South Wing, Univer-
sity Hall.
Leaders for Lantern Night: Prac-
tice for the Leaders of the Lantern
Night line of march will be held
Tuesday at 4 p.m., at Palmer Field.
In case of rain go to W.A.A. Building.
Attendance is compulsory.
Girl's Cooperative House: All those
interested in living in the house next
year must hand in application blanks
to the Dean's office by tomorrow.
There will be a meeting Wednesday
night at 8 p.m. in the League.
Examination File: All the College
of Engineering examinations that
can be collected will be filed in the
West Engineering Library. All ex-
aminations of the other colleges will
be filed at the reference desk of the
main library. Additions to the files
are needed and would be greatly ap-
preciated. Please turn over to the
librarian all you or any organization
can collect. The present incomplete
files are available for use.
Academic Notices
Geology 11: Make-up exams (Blue--
books No. 1, 2 and 3) will be given
-mand Talks
On Islamic Art
Before Seminar
Preceding his lecture yesterday af-
ternoon in Natural Science Audi-
torium, Dr. Maurice S. Dimand
praised the University's Seminar in
Islamic Art for contributing to our
knowledge of Near Eastern art and
culture. Dr. Dimand spoke, under
the auspices of the Seminar, on "The
Continuity of Style in Near Eastern
Art." He is a curator of Near East-
ern Art at the Metropolitan Museum
in New York.
"There are certain basic principals
of style which continue in all periods
of the art of the near east. The forms
change but the basic idea, based on

Wednesday, May 26, at 4 p.m. in
Room 303 Chemistry Building. Dr.
R. H. Gillette, Agricultural College,
University of California, will be the
Graduation Recital: Gwendolyn
Fossurm, of Harve, Mont., will give a
piano Graduation Recital, in the
School of Music Auditorium, Wed-
nesday, May 26, at 8:15 p.m., to
which the general public, is invited.
William S. Sadler, M.D., Chief Psy-
chiatrist and Director of the Chicago
Institute of Research and Diagnosis,
and author of "The Mind at Mis-
chief"; "The Physiology of Faith and
Fear," and "Theory and Pratice of
Psychiatry," will lecture in Natural
Science Auditorium at 4:15 p.m. on
Wednesday, May 26, upon: "Religion
and Mental Health."
University Lecture ;Mr. Charles R.
Sanderson, Chief Librarian of the
Toronto Public Library, will speak to
the students and alumni of the De-
partment of Library Science and oth-
ers interested at 10 a.m. Wednesday,
May 26, in Room 110 of the General
Library. He will speak on the func-
tion of libraries in the world today.
University Lecture: Dr. Karl Men-
ger of the University of Vienna will
lecture on Metric Geometry on Tues-
day, May 25, at 3:15 p.m. in Room
3011 Angell Hall.
Events Today
Sphinx: There will be a luncheon
meeting at 12:15 p.m. Tuesday in-
stead of Wednesday.
Staff Meeting, Michigan Technic:
There will be an important meeting
of all the staff members of the Mich-
igan Technic Tuesday night, May 25,
at 7:30 p.m. This is the last meeting
of the current year and it is impera-
tive that everyone be there. Please
sign up in the office.
Michigan Dames: The Music Group
of the Michigan Dames will meet
Tuesday night, May 25, at 8 p.m., in
the east wing rear of Hill'Auditorium.
Professor McGeoch of the University
Music School will speak on Richard
Wagner. Anyone interested is cor-
dially invited to attend.
Druids: Imoprtant meeting of Dru-
ids will be held this evening at 10:30
in the Forest Room of the Tower.
All members are requested to be
Lutheran Student Club: Bible hour
will be held at 7:15 p.m. this evening.
Everybody is urged to attend.
Christian S c i e n c e Organization
meets tonight at the chapel of the
Michigan League at 8:15 p.m. Stu-
dents and faculty members are in-
vited to attend.
Contemporary: There will be a
meeting of the editorial board on
Tuesday, May 25, at 4:15 p.m. at the
Student Publications Building. All
board members will please be there.
Coming Events
Psychology Journal Club will meet
on Wednesday, May 26, at 7:45 p.m.
in Room 3126 N.S. Mrs. Mary C.
Van Tuyl will speak on "The Life
History Method."
Michigan Dames: The book group
will hold its last meeting Wednesday,
May 26 at 8 p.m. in the Michigan
League. All members who have
borrowed books please return them
at this meeting.
Phi Tau Alpha: The annual 'ban-

quet of Phi Tau Alpha, honorary
classical society, will be held in the

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of thi
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t E33W 11:40 a.M. o Saturday.


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