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April 29, 1937 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1937-04-29

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TmJR.SDIAY, APIIIL 29, 19 '7


Les Arquette's
Ba d Will Play
For Architects
Les Arquette and his orchestra will
play for the annual Architect's Ball
to be held from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Fri-
day, May 7, in the Architectural
Building. Arquette's orchestra is now
playing arengagement at Webster
Elanl in Detroit.
Those outside the architectural
ichool who wish tickets must pur-
chase them through students in the
school, according to Richard Dennis,
'37A. Tickets, which are priced at $3
are on sale now.
The theme of the ball will be a I
Roman Holiday, a burlesque of Ro-
man life, and decorations and cos-
tumes will carry out the theme. This
is the first time that the ball has
Watch Repairing:
H A L L E R'S r j
State and Liberty
... -


Luncheon To Be Held French Drama Honorary Society kSer g anft-MajorS' Riding Club Tryouts ..acur Gymnasium. Miss Hilda uMr,
By A.A.U.W. Saturday'- ._acuty advisor for the club, Miss
Te A rcn soain f Tet Pe'dTo Initiate Today With 'T rusty Rifles Set For Tomorrow White and Jean Harly, '39, vice-pres-
The American Association of;ntotrePeacedGu tdent, will judge the tryouts.
University Women will hold their an- 81 Eight men will be initiated into Tryouts for Crop and Saddle, wo- The club goes on a supper ride at
ua h lu n ng 1 pm Sale-oday Phi Delta Kappa, honorary educa- en's riding club, will be held tomor- 5 p.m. each ±'riday. The main event
urday at the Barton Hills Country tional fraternity, at 4:30 p.m. today A regiment of wooden sergeant- row, Dorothy White, '39, president, of the spring season is a horse show
tCub. rgsin the Union.h h f majors, bedecked in red coats and recently announced, which will be held soon. President
State board members will be guests Frenk- F aculty M e es, Dean E. 0. Melby of the School of geld braid, will greet the Military All those wishing to try out are Ruthven was one of the judges of
of honor, and women who have spok- 'dcto fNrhetr nvr
en throughout the year will also Cercle Francais To Give Education of Northwestern Univer- Ball guests as they ascend the stairs asked to meet at 5 p.m. today in Bar- 'the show last year.
be seated at the speakers' table. Fol- One Act Comedies the banquet fl the iirtat F'iday at the Union, it was an-
lowing the luncheon, elections for William Oliver, '37, will give the re- nounced by Phillip Haughey, '37A,
the coning year will take place. Tickets for "La Farce du Cuvier," sponse. Superintendant F. W. Fros- chairman of decorations.
Eugene Brieux's "L'Ecole des Belles-! ti is to be toastmaster and other Others with "trusty" rifles will
been held in the Architectural Build- Meres," and Georges Courteline's "Un speeches will be given by President E. stand on guard in the ballroom, car-
ing. The first floor drafting room Client Serieux," which will e given 0. Walter, of Ann Arbor High School,rying out te ew note of gayety f
will be open for dancing and the. at 8:30 p.m. tomorrow in the Lydia and Prof. H. C. Koch.rn u e w o f
committee also plans to open the gar- Mendelssohn Theatre by members of The pledges to be initiated are which will be featured in the scheme/
den, which will be decorated wiith the Cercle Francais and the French Charles Van Houten, Grad, Robert of decorations, Haughey stated. Flags ,}
lanterns for the occasion. faculty, are on sale today and tomor- Williams, '37, Charles McGaw, Grad, of different nations displayed about Ot, J 5 Udy
Costumes are compuls ry this year, row at the Lydia Mendelssohn box Dr. William Broad, Grad, W. Cad- the ballroom will add color and hilar-
and prizes will be awarded. The office. man Prout, Grad. Henry Bruinsma, ity to the occasion, he added.
faculty will judge the best dressed The price has been set at 25 cents '37, Charles Parkinson, Grad, and The nature of the surprise stunt
student couple, for holders of Cercle Francais mem- Oliver. which has been featured at every
whichasbeenfeatredatvery_ 11Sendl°her teifCt tht.Shed
The committee under Dennis is bership cards and 50 cents for all - --ilitary Ball since the function wae
composed of Stella Dawson, '38A, pub- others. first initiated 19 years ago, will notrm
licity; Florence McConkey, '38A, fa- I Professors of the French faculty Wa Ie S, be divulged, according to John R. Wil t'rsure os, the
vors; Phillip Haugey, 37A, music; will take the roles in Courteline's -'ustafson, '38, general chairman of
Robert May, '37A, tickets; Otto comedy. Barbomolle, the lawyer, will W ed djp o Pla the ball.')t1t y you Can gve . .
Kerschbaum, '37A, floor; Richard be played by Prof. Marc Denkinger; - bly A dinner faraembers of the Cm-v
Polland, '38A, entertainment, and Lagupille, his lamplighter client, will mittee, the Scabbard and Blade in-
Walter Anicka, '37A and Alfred Roth, be portrayed by Mr. Charles Koella; Are A n ounced itiates and their guests wai e giveni YOUR PHOTOGRAPH !
pec., decorations. Prof. Edward Adams will take the at 7:30 p.m. at the Union. Late per-
~~~ part of le President; M. Alfred will mission has been granted for the af-
-- , ,- - be played by Mr. Francis Gravit. The engagements of Mary P fair which will be held from 10 p.m. Pl P nc 4434 619 East Liberty
Faculty To Take Part Spooner, Isabelle Kanter and Jeanne to 2 a.m.
Professor-emeritus Arthur Can- S. MacGinnis were announced re- ---- - --
field, former head of the Romance cently by their parents. Soejeties Get
Languages Department, will play Their wedding p'ans were also
E'Dl'Huissier; Prof. Charles Knudson --. - --_--
will portray le Substitut; Mr. iarry made known at this time. Two will ,' -_-=-- -
Skornia is to take the part of Ma- be married in the fall and th. mar-
The" to ssu wib prriage of Miss Kanter to Robert Sum-I
Tner will be this Saturday. 1;'Key D a' te



,...,,. .,..4... .n.;
..e § ;t

l."* l}"
M 1
.'n, i,.

For Street - Afternoon - Evening !


Wear them now - wear them for cool summer
days - wear them for early fall.

trayed by Professors William Mc-j Announcement of the engagement
Laughlin and Philip Bursley, and of Mary E. Spooner and John T. Hays,
Prof. Herbert Kenyon is to play le '39L, was made at a tea given by
Greffier. Miss Spooner's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Students To Participate Charles W. Spooner, in Glencoe, Ill.
Students will take the roles of the Mr. Hays, a student in the Law
other two plays. The first, a medieval School, is a son of Hinkle Cain Hays,
comedy, "La Farce du Cuvier," will of Sullivan, Ind. He attended Wa-
have Rowena E. LaCoste, '39, as la hash College and Harvard before
Femme; Douglas N. Morgan, '40E, coming to the University. Miss
will play l'Homme; and Alice E. Spooner attended Connecticut Col-
Woodruff, '38, will take the part of lege and now is a student dietitian
la belle-mere. I here. The wedding will take place
Six students will take part in in the fall.
"L'Ecole des Belles-Meres." Marcia! Mrs. Frank Kanter of Detroit an-
Connell, '39, is to play Fifine; Mar-I nounces the approaching marriage of
tha E. Dynes, '39, who took part in! her daughter, Isabelle Kanter, '35, to!
last year's presentation of Roger-Fer- Robert Sumner, '32, son of Mr. and
dinand's "Choted & Cie," will play Mrs. R. W. Sumner of Detroit. The
Mme. Graindor; Harriet; Shackleton, ceremony will take place at 8:30 p.m.
'38, will play Mme. Meillet. Saturday, May 1, at the home of
Leontine will be played by Eliza- Edward Laurie. Rev. Joseph A. Vance
both S. Parrish, '37; M. Graindor is of the First Presbyterian church will
to be portrayed by Misha M. Chima- officiate.
coff, '38. Miss Kanter is affiliated with Kap-
pa Kappa Gamma.
AA T Mr. and Mrs. William MacGinnis
'S A tl l IS of Detroit announced the engage-
ment of their daughter, Miss Jeanne
I S. MacGinnis, to Mr. Royer S.
NP s Schlingman, '35E, at a tea Sunday.
Miss MacGinnis is a graduate of
Of Faculty Cluh Oberlin College in Ohio and is known
on the Michigan campus. Mr.
Schlingman is affilated with Sigma
Mrs. Ralph Aigler was elected pres- Phi Epsilon fraternity.
ident of the Faculty Women's Club The couple are to be married Sept.
at its annual meeting and luncheon 18, in Detroit.

j 3

Gneral Ticket Sale Starts
In Two Weeks; Sell-Out
Is ExpectedEarly
Tickets for Key Dance, to be held
May 21 in the Union Ballroom, will go
on sale to the public in the Union in
two weeks, Lloyd Strickland, '37E,
chairman of the ticket committee,
announced yesterday.
In. the meantime they will be di;-
tributed through the six men's hon-
orary societies sponsoring the dance,
Michigamua, Vulcans, Druids, Tri-
angle, Sphinx and Sigma Delta Chi,
according to Strickland. ie also
stated that their tickets are selling
fast and that the committee expects
a sell-out. More than 300 tickets are
Mal lailett To Play
Mal Hallett's orchestra will furnish
the music. This band has played for
many college dances in the East and
has recently concluded an engage-
ment at the Hotel Commodore in New
York City. It is noted for the many
recordings it has made, and for its
distinctive style of music.
Key Dance was given last year frc
the first time by these honor societies.
Previously, each organization held its
own dance, among which was the
Gridiron Dance of Sigma Delta Chi.
The B.V.D. Dance was another pred-
Committeemen A;e Listed
Gus Collatz, '37E, is the general
chairman for the affair. Robert Bueh-
ler, '37E, has charge of the decora-
tions and will be assisted by Douglas
Farmer, '38, and Fred Boynton, '38E.
The publicity chairman is Marshall
Shulman, '37, whose assistant is Rob-
ert Weeks, '38. Other members of the
central committee are John Coch-
rane, '37, Earl Luby, '38, John Duf-
fendack, '37, John Otte, '37, and Earl
Clement, '38E. Each organization is
represented by two members on the
central committee.
Decoration plans will be announced
later, according to Buehler.

Three Splenzdid Groups




Sizest 12 to 46- 162 to 26'2

held at 1 p.m. yesterday in the League
The other officers for the comingj
year are Mrs. Carl Weller, vice-pres-f
ident, Mrs. Palmer Christian, secre-
tary and Mrs. A. E. White, treasurer. i
The chairman of the standing com-

Tryouts To Be Held
For Onmega Upsilon


the 6lizabeth 'Dillon

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mittees are Mrs. Edgar Gault, hospi- Omega Upsilon, national profes-
tality, Mrs. Alfred Lee, refreshment, sional radio and speech sorority, will
Mrs. H. J. Heneman, house, and Mrs. give women interested in becoming
Wells . .Bennett, program. d members an opportunity to tryout at
At the meeting, the chairmen of 7:30 p.m. today at Morris Hall, it was
the various sections of the club gave announced by Jeanne Pray, '37, sec-
reports of the activities of their retary-treasurer.
groups throughout the year. Prospective members are requested
Those seated at the officers' table to bring their own reading material
vere Mrs. Leroy V. Cram, Mrs. War- or to interpret a selected reading,
ren Good, Mrs. Walter Hunt, Mrs. i Miss Pray said.
Herbert Emerson, Mrs. Frederick P. _- -_.
Jordan, Mrs. Ralph Aigler, Mrs. Louis
Bredvold, Mrs. William Revelli, Mrs.
Edward L. Adams, Mrs. Carl Weller,
Mrs. Palmer Christian, Mrs. Herbert I
F. Taggart, Mrs. E. S. Wolaver, Mrs.
L. C. Stuart and Mrs. Carlton Pierce. W e're A I ays
The entertainment was provided by
Mary Morrison, '38SM, Betty Stadel-
man, '40, Eileen Lay, '37, Louis Mac-
Lean, '39SM, Elizabeth Harwood, '48- I
SM, and Betty Rouse, '40, all of the
University Girls' Glee Club who sang.
Their program was made up of "Fin-
landia," "Laudes Atque Carmina,"
Lullaby. from Midsummer Night's
Dream" and "Now Is .the Time for
The University Girls Glee Club is
holding a bridge party at 7:30 p.m.
today in the League. The Glee Club
will sing, and door prizes as well as
prizes for high scores will be given.
Tickets are 25 cents a person and may
be purchased at the door.
an $

o t of!,



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1 Ill


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